Publications of Edward Wettenhall


  • Wettenhall, Edward. A sermon against neutrality; whether as to the main substantials of religion or matters of injoyned order. Preached at the visitation of the Reverend, Doctour Cary, Arch-deacon of Exon at St. Marie's Exon, on Friday in Easter Week. 1663. By E.W. A.M. London : Printed by J.M. for J. Martyn & J. Allestry, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bell in St Paul's Church-yard, 1663. ESTC No. R27060. Grub Street ID 110274.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet, or A method and order for private devotion. A treatise endeavouring a plain discovery of the most spiritual and edifying course of reading, meditation, and prayer; and so, of self examination, humiliation, mortification, and such most necessary Christian duties, by which we sue out the pardon of our sins from Heaven, and maintain an holy converse with God. Together with particular perswasives thereunto, and helps therein. London : printed for John Martyn, and are to be sold at Will. Faithornes without Temple-Bar, 1666. ESTC No. R217163. Grub Street ID 91983.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet, or a method and order for private devotion. A treatise endeavouring a plain discovery of the most spiritual and edifying course of reading, meditation, and prayer; and so of self examination, humiliation, mortification, and such most necessary Christian duties, by which we sue out the pardon of our sins from Heaven, and maintain and holy converse with God. Together with particular perswasives thereunto, and helps therein. London : printed for John Martyn, and are to be sold at Will. Faithornes without Temple Bar, 1666. ESTC No. R186405. Grub Street ID 75100.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Miserere cleri. A sermon, presenting the miseries of the clergy, and assigning their true causes in order to redress: preached before the right honourable Sir John Vaughan Knight, Lord Chief Justice of His Majesties Court of common pleas, and Sir John Archer Knight, one of the justices of the same court. In the cathedral of Saint Peter, Exon, at the Assizes, on Sunday, July 26. 1688. By Edw. Wetenhall, one of the prebendaries of that Church. London] : In the Savoy, printed by T. N. for James Collins, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas book-seller in Exon, 1668. ESTC No. R3625. Grub Street ID 118561.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet: or, A method and order for private devotion. Together with particular perswasives thereunto, and helps therein. And (in this second edition) an appendix concerning the frequent and holy use of the Lords Supper. London : printed for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the Bell a little without Temple-Bar, 1668. ESTC No. R217164. Grub Street ID 91984.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet: or, A method and order for private devotion. Together with particular perswasives thereunto, and helps therein. And (in this second edition) an appendix concerning the frequent and holy use of the Lords Supper. London : printed for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the Bell a little without Temple-Bar, 1668. ESTC No. R187731. Grub Street ID 75905.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet: or, A method and order for private devotion. With an appendix concerning the frequent and holy use of the Lord's Supper. Third edition.. London : printed for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the Bell a little without Temple.Bar [sic], 1670. ESTC No. R9632. Grub Street ID 129700.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Two discourses for the furtherance of Christian piety and devotion. The former asserting the necessity and reasonableness of a positive worship, and particularly of the Christian. The later considering the common hinderances of devotion, and the divine worship, with their respective remedies. By the author of The method of private devotion. London : Printed by J.M. for John Martyn, at the Bell in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1671. ESTC No. R38254. Grub Street ID 120378.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet: or, A method and order for private devotion. With an appendix concerning the frequent and holy use of the Lords Supper. Also two discourses for the furtherance of Christian piety and devotion. The fourth edition.. London : printed for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the Bell in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1672. ESTC No. R215008. Grub Street ID 90136.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Collyrium. A sermon of destructive ignorance, and saving knowledge. Preached in Christ-Church, Dublin, August 4. 1672. And published at the importunity of divers, who thought it might tend to disabuse many well-meaning people. By Edw. Wetenhall, B.D. Prebendary of St. Peters Exon. London : printed for Thomas Rooks, and are to be sold by Joseph Wilde, bookseller in Castle-street, Dublin, 1672. ESTC No. R28387. Grub Street ID 111462.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Collyrium. A sermon of destructive ignorance, and saving knowledge. Preached in Christ-Church, Dublin, August 4. 1672. And published at the importunity of divers, who thought it might tend to disabuse many well-meaning people. By Edw. Wetenhall, B.D. Prebendary of St. Peters Exon. London : printed for Thomas Rooks, at the Lamb and Ink-bottle in Ludgate-street, 1672. ESTC No. R187730. Grub Street ID 75904.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet: or, A method and order for private devotion. With an appendix concerning the frequent and holy use of the Lords Supper. The fourth edition.. London : printed for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the Bell in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1672. ESTC No. R232344. Grub Street ID 104162.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet: or, A method and order for private devotion. With an appendix concerning the frequent and holy use of the Lords Supper. The fifth edition.. London : printed for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the Bell in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1676. ESTC No. R23960. Grub Street ID 107801.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Of gifts and offices in the publick worship of God. A treatise in three parts. Endeavoring an impartial account, what was in the inspired age of the church. What succeeded in the more ordinary state. What reasonably may be allowed now, in prayer, singing, preaching. Designed to make people more sober, regular, and serious in publick worship. By Edward Wetenhall. D.D. Chanter of Christ-Church, Dublin. Dublin: printed by Benjamin Tooke, printer to the King[s] most excellent Majesty; and are to be sold by Mary Crook at his Majesties printing-house in Skinner-row, 1678. M.DC.LXXVIII. ESTC No. R23963. Grub Street ID 107804.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. The catechism of the Church of England, with marginal notes; very plainly setting forth its meaning, and proving the same out of the Holy Scriptures. For the use of children. London : printed for Benjamin Tooke, and are to be sold at the Ship, in Saint Paul's Church-Yard, 1678. ESTC No. R14777. Grub Street ID 62764.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Of gifts and offices in the publick worship of God. A treatise in three parts. Endeavouring an impartial account, what was in the inspired age of the Church. What succeeded in the more ordinary state. What reasonably may be allowed now, in prayer. Singing. Preaching. Designed to make people more sober, regular and serious in publick worship. By Edward Wetenhall D.D. chanter of Christ-Church, Dublin. Dublin: printed by Benjamin Tooke, printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, M.DC.LXXIX. [1679]. ESTC No. R221975. Grub Street ID 96042.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. The Protestant peace-maker: or, A seasonable persuasive to all serious Christians, who call themselves Protestants, that laying aside calumnies, and all exasperating disputes, they would pursue charity, peace, and union, as the only means (now left us) of safety and reformation of the publick manners. With a postscript, or notes on Mr. Baxter's, and some others late writings for peace. By Edward Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross, in Ireland. London : printed for Robert Clavell at the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1682. ESTC No. R38252. Grub Street ID 120376.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A judgement of the comet. Which became first generally visible to us in Dublin December XIII. About 15 minutes before 5 in the evening Anno Dom. 1680. By a person of quality. Dublin: printed by Joseph Ray, for Joseph Howes, and are to be sold by Awnsham Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater noster-row in London, MDCLXXXII. [1682]. ESTC No. R12367. Grub Street ID 60559.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A judgement of the comet. Which became first generally visible to us in Dublin December XIII. About 15 minutes before 5 in the evening anno Dom. 1680. By a person of quality. Dublin: printed by Joseph Ray, for William Winter, and are to be sold by John North, Samuel Helsham, Joseph Howes, and William Norman, booksellers in Dublin, 1682. ESTC No. R220932. Grub Street ID 95164.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A practical and plain discourse of the form of godliness, visible in the present age, and of the power of godliness: how and when it obtains; how denied or oppressed; and how to be instated or recovered. With some advices to all that pretend to the power of godliness. By Edward Lord Bishop of Cork and Rosse. Dublin: printed by J. Ray, for J. North, J. Howes, S. Helsham and W. Winter, booksellers, 1683. ESTC No. R222295. Grub Street ID 96315.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet: or, A method and order for private devotion. With an appendix concerning the frequent and holy use of the Lords Supper. The fifth edition revised, and fit additions made by the author.. London : printed for R. Bentley in Russel-street in Covent-Garden, 1684. ESTC No. R231715. Grub Street ID 103698.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet: or, A method and order for private devotion of the Lords Supper. Revised by the author. London : printed for T. Sawbridge in Little Britain, R. Bentley in Covent-Garden, and G. Wells in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1584 [i.e. 1684]. ESTC No. R186407. Grub Street ID 75101.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet, or, A method and order for private devotion. With an appendix concerning the frequent and holy use of the Lords Supper. The fifth edition revised, and fit additions made by the author.. London : printed for T[homas]. Sawbridge at Little Britain, 1684. ESTC No. R187732. Grub Street ID 75906.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Enter into thy closet: or, A method and order for private devotion of the Lords Supper. Revised by the author. London : printed for T. Sawbridge in Little Britain, R. Bentley in Covent-Garden, and G. Wells in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R14914. Grub Street ID 62890.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Scripture authentick, and faith certain. A discourse, which may serve for an answer to divers late aspersions on the integrity of originals, and validity of our modern translations. By Edward Lord Bishop of Cork and Rosse. London : printed for H. Faithorne, and J. Kersey, at the Rose in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1686. ESTC No. R23965. Grub Street ID 107806.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Hexapla Jacobæa. A specimen of loyalty towards His present Majesty James the II. of Great Britain, France and Ireland King, &c. In six pieces. By an Irish Protestant bishop. Dublin: printed by A. Crook and S. Helsham, for William Norman, Samuel Helsham and Eliphal Dobson booksellers, 1686. ESTC No. R38577. Grub Street ID 120652.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Scripture authentick, and faith certain. A discourse, which may serve for an answer to divers late aspersions on the integrity of originals, and validity of our modern translations. By Edward Lord Bishop of Cork and Rosse. London : printed for H[enry]. F[aithorne]. and J[ohn]. K[ersey]. at the Rose, and sold by Edw. Evets, at the Green-Dragon in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1686. ESTC No. R38582. Grub Street ID 120658.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Sermons preached upon several occasions. By Edward Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross. London : printed for T. M. and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1687. ESTC No. R186408. Grub Street ID 75102.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A plain discourse, proving the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures; wherein the late bold attempts and aspersions of the Jesuits and other missionaries of the Church of Rome are confuted; and all their objections against our English Bible are fully and clearly answered. By a reverend prelate of the Church of England. London : printed, and sold by Randall Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1688. ESTC No. R219451. Grub Street ID 93986.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A plain discourse, proving the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures; wherein the late bold attempts and aspersions of the Jesuits and other missionaries of the Church of Rome are confuted; and all their objections against our English Bible are fully and clearly answered. By a reverend prelate of the Church of England. London : printed, and sold by Randall Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1689. ESTC No. R214119. Grub Street ID 89440.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. An earnest and compassionate suit for forbearance: to the learned writers of some controversies at present. By a melancholly stander-by. London : printed for Nath. Ranew at the Kiug's Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCXCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R14825. Grub Street ID 62806.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A letter to a friend, occasion'd by the surrender of Mons, shewing how unreasonable it is, for English Protestants, to wish success to the French arms. Licensed, and entered according to order. London : printed for T. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, at the lower end of Cheap-side, near Mercers-Chappel, 1691. ESTC No. R8171. Grub Street ID 128370.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. The case of the Irish Protestants: in relation to recognising, or swearing allegiance to, and praying for King William and Queen Mary, stated and resolved. London : printed for Robert Clavel, and are to be sold by John North, bookseller in Dublin, M DC XCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R229883. Grub Street ID 102280.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A sermon setting forth the duties of the Irish Protestants, arising from the Irish Rebellion, 1641 and the Irish tyranny, 1688, &c. Preached before His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and the Lords spiritual and temporal, and divers of the Commons: in Christ-Church, Dublin, Octob. 23. 1692. By Edward Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross. Dublin: printed by Joseph Ray on Colledg Green, for William Norman bookseller in Dames Street, 1692. ESTC No. R222585. Grub Street ID 96547.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A sermon preached Octob. 23. 1692. Before His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and the Lords spiritual and temporal, and divers of the commons: in Christ-Church, Dublin. By Edward Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross. Dublin: printed by Joseph Ray on Colledg Green, for William Norman bookseller in Dames Street, 1692. ESTC No. R24614. Grub Street ID 108384.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A sermon setting forth the duties of the Irish Protestants, arising from the Irish Rebellion, 1641. and the Irish tyranny, 1688, &c. Preached before His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, and the Lords spiritual and temporal, and divers of the Commons: in Christ-Church, Dublin, October 23. 1692. By Edward, Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross. London] : Dublin: printed for William Norman. Reprinted at London by R. Roberts, 1692. ESTC No. R22564. Grub Street ID 98787.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Be ye also ready: a method and order of practice, to be always prepared for death and judgment; through the several stages of life. By the author of the Method of private devotion. London : printed for R. Bentley in Russel-street in Covent-Garden, and T. Bennet at the Half Moon in S. Paul's church Yard, 1694. ESTC No. R23957. Grub Street ID 107798.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Six sermons preached in Ireland in difficult times by Edward, Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross. London : Printed for William Whitwood .., 1695. ESTC No. R38253. Grub Street ID 120377.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. The catechism of the Church of England, with shorter marginal notes then those formerly publish'd. By Edward Lord Bishop of Cork and Rosse. The texts of scripture, produced, for explaining and proving the doctrine of the catechism, are in these notes set down in words at length, and some other helps contrived, to make catechising more easy and more edifying. Dublin: printed by Andrew Crook, printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty, on Ormonde-Key, 1696. ESTC No. R222283. Grub Street ID 96304.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A sermon touching the divine right and due observation of the Lords day. Preached before the Lord Deputy, and the Lords Spiritual & Temporal of the kingdom of Ireland; in time of Parliament. At Christ-Chutch Dublin. On Sunday the 6th. of October, 1695. With a preface humbly address'd to the whole body of English Protestants: especially those inhabiting the kingdom of Ireland. By Edward Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross. Dublin: printed by Joseph Ray in Essex-street, and are to be sold by John North bookseller in Skinner-row, 1697. ESTC No. R229732. Grub Street ID 102156.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A tried method of catechising. Being an abstract of the Bishop of Corke's Shorter notes on the church-catechism. With the Scripture-proofs of them as far as necessary. And directions for the use of the abstract to advantage. London : printed for Benj. Tooke, at the Middle-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, 1698. ESTC No. R25824. Grub Street ID 109209.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A brief and modest reply to Mr. Penn's tedious, scurrilous and unchristian defence against the Bishop of Cork. Dublin: printed by Joseph Ray, and are to be sold at his shop in Skinner-Row, over against the Tholsel, 1699. ESTC No. R38532. Grub Street ID 120619.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Two sermons preached to the religious societies in St. Michael's church, Dublin. ... By Edward, Lord Bishop of Killmore & Ardagh. Dublin: printed at the back of Dick's Coffee House in Skinner-Row, 1701. ESTC No. T178211. Grub Street ID 215148.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Of the intermediate state of blessed souls. A sermon preached at the funeral of James Bonnell Esq; in St. John's Church, Dublin, April 29, 1699. By Edward Lord Bishop of Killmore and Ardagh. Dublin: printed by, and for, Jo. Ray, 1703. ESTC No. T196327. Grub Street ID 229720.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Due frequency of the Lord's supper: stated and proved from holy scripture. Agreeably to the rubricks of our church-liturgy. Being an Answer to that Question, How often a Good Christian ought to come to the Holy Commmunion? Together with a method of preparation for weekly communicating. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward Wetenhall, D.D. Lord Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh in the Kingdom of Ireland. London : printed for Benj. Tooke, at the Middle-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, 1703. ESTC No. T103749. Grub Street ID 157357.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Invisibilia. A discourse opening & demonstrating the unseen world. Delivered in a sermon, before the lower house of Convocation, in St. Patrick's Church Dublin: on Sunday, May the 20th. 1705. By ... Edward Lord Bishop of Kilmore & Ardagh. ... Dublin: printed by J. R. [i.e. Joseph Ray?] for William Norman, and Jo: Ray, 1705. ESTC No. T166962. Grub Street ID 205108.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A tried method of catechising. Being an abstract of Bishop Wetenhall's shorter notes on the Church-catechism. With the Scripture-proofs of them as far as necessary. ... Dublin: printed by and for Jo. Ray, 1706. ESTC No. T180805. Grub Street ID 217444.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Due frequency of the Lord's supper, stated and proved from holy scripture; agreeably to the rubricks of our church liturgy. ... Together with a method of preparation for weekly communicating. By ... Edward Wetenhall, ... Edinburgh: printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, anno Dom., 1706. ESTC No. T163346. Grub Street ID 201913.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A sermon preach'd Octob. 23d. 1707. Before His Excellencie the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Lieutenant, and the Lords spiritual and temporal, in Christ-Church, Dublin. By Edward, Lord Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh. ... Dublin: printed by Joseph Ray, and are to be sold at his shop, 1708. ESTC No. T174856. Grub Street ID 211928.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A view of our Lord's passion: with meditations on the most important passages thereof. Dedicated To those Devout Numbers of good Christians, who at Weekly or Monthly Sacraments, stay in the Church before and after Receiving, till the Assembly can be Decently dismiss'd. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward, Lord Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh. London : printed for Timothy Childe, at the White-Hart, at the West-End of St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DCC.X. [1710]. ESTC No. T115184. Grub Street ID 166964.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Græcæ grammaticæ institutio compendiaria. In usum scholarum. Autore Edv. Wettenhal. D. D. Hodiè Episcopo Kilmor. & Ardag. Editio quarta.. Londini : apud John Churchill, ad Insigne Nigri Cygni in Pater-Noster-Row, & Tim. Childe, ad Album Cervum in Coemeterio D. Pauli, MDCCXIII. [1713]. ESTC No. T144785. Grub Street ID 191605.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Græcæ grmmaticæ [sic] institutio compendiaria. In usum scholarum. Autore Edv. Wettenhal. ... Dublinii: typis Andreæ Crooke, 1718. ESTC No. T165952. Grub Street ID 204193.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Græcæ grammaticæ institutio compendiaria. In usum scholarum. Authore Edv. Wettenhall, D.D. Dublinii: typis Edvardo [sic] Waters, 1718. ESTC No. T145457. Grub Street ID 192197.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Graecae grammaticae institutio compendiaria. In usum scholarum. Autore Edv. Wettenhal, D.D. Nuper Episcopo Kilmor & Ardag. Editio quinta.. Londini : Apud A. Bettesworth & C. Hitch, ad Insigne Rubri Leonis in Pater-noster-row; T. Astley, ad Rosam, & S. Austen, ad Angelum & Bibliam, in Coemeterio D. Pauli, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T221917. Grub Street ID 245016.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A short introduction of grammar: being generally the common form. ... By Edw. Whittenall, D.D. Late Bishop of Kilmor. and Ardag. The sixteenth edition, carefully corrected and amended.. London : printed for W. Johnston, 1760. ESTC No. T175380. Grub Street ID 212471.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A short introduction to grammar. For the use of the College and Academy in Philadelphia. Being a new edition of Whittenhall's Latin grammar, with many alterations, additions and amendments from antient and late grammarians. [Two lines of quotations in Latin]. Philadelphia: Printed by Andrew Steuart, for the College and Academy of Philadelphia, and sold at his printing-office at the Bible-in-Heart, in Second-Street; and by the rest of the book-sellers, in Philadelphia, New-York, &c, --MDCCLXII. [1762]. ESTC No. W8691. Grub Street ID 357805.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A short introduction of grammar. Being generally the common form. With such supplements out of the common Latin institutions, as make the English part a sufficient grammar for a good Understanding of the Latin tongue. Belfast: printed by and for H. and R. Joy, in High-Street, M.DCC.LXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. T175382. Grub Street ID 212473.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Græcæ grammaticæ institutio compendiaria. In usum scholarum. Autore Edv. Wettenhal, ... [Dublin]: Londini. Impressa, et Dublinii typis iterum mandata, impensis Thomæ Ewing, 1771. ESTC No. N18060. Grub Street ID 7532.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Graecae grammaticae institutio compendiaria. In usum scholarum. Autore Edv. Wettenhal, D.D. Nuper Episcopo Kilmor & Ardag. Editio octava.. Londini : Impressa, et Dublinii typis iterum mandata, impensis W. Smith, ad Insigne Herculis, in Dame-street, MDCCLXXII. [1772]. ESTC No. N68447. Grub Street ID 49848.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Bishop Wettenhall's Latin grammar construed. Dublin: printed by S. Powell, for Samuel Watson, and Thomas Stewart, 1773. ESTC No. T190254. Grub Street ID 225448.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A short introduction to grammar, for the use of the College and Academy in Philadelphia: being a new edition of Whittenhall's Latin grammar, with many alterations, additions and amendments, from antient and late grammarians. Philadelphia: Printed: by James Humphreys, Junior, for the College and Academy of Philadelphia, and sold by him at his printing-office, at the lower corner of Black-Horse Alley, in Front-Street, MDCCLXXIII. [1773]. ESTC No. W29418. Grub Street ID 339679.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Graecae grammaticae institutio compendiaria. In usum scholarum. Autore Edv. Wettenhal, D.D. Nuper Episcopo Kilmore, & Ardag. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by James Humphreys, Junr, M,DCC,LXXVI. [1776]. ESTC No. W12482. Grub Street ID 321755.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A short introduction to grammar, for the use of the College and Academy in Philadelphia: being a new edition of Whittenhall's Latin grammar, with many alterations, additions and amendments, from the ancient and late grammarians. Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market Street, between Second and Third-Streets, M,DCC,LXXIX. [1779]. ESTC No. W8692. Grub Street ID 357806.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A short introduction to grammar; being a new edition of Whittenhall's Latin grammar, with many alterations, additions, and amendments, from ancient and late grammarians. Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank in Market-Street, between Second and Third-Streets, MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. W39369. Grub Street ID 350084.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Graecae grammaticae institutio compendiaria, in usum scholarum. Autore Edv. Wettenhall, D.D. Nuper Episcopo Kilmor, & Ardag. Philadelphiae: Impensis Gulielmi Spotswood, Thomae Seddon, Henrici Rice & Soc. & Josephi James, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789]. ESTC No. W12483. Grub Street ID 321756.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. Græcæ grammaticæ institutio compendiaria. ... Autore Edv. Wettenhal, ... [Dublin]: Londini impressa, et Dublinii typis iterum mandata, impensis Patricii Wogan, 1796. ESTC No. T118332. Grub Street ID 169881.
  • Wettenhall, Edward. A short introduction of grammar: being generally the common form. With such supplements out of the common Latin institutions, as make the English part a sufficient grammar for a good understanding of the Latin tongue. By Edward Wettenhal. Dublin: printed by P. Wogan, no. 23, Old-Bridge, 1797. ESTC No. N71340. Grub Street ID 51625.