Publications of Louis Huguenin du Mitand


  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. Plan of a new method for teaching languages: or, a new treatise on the manner in which languages, ... should be taught. By Mr. Huguenin du Mitand, . London : printed and sold at Laidler's office; Richardson and Urquhart; J. Bew; and Mrs Folingsby, 1778. ESTC No. T65208. Grub Street ID 290121.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. A succinct but conspicuous method of acquiring in a very short time, ... such a number of words in the French language as will prove sufficient to enable learners, ... to converse in that tongue, ... By Mr. Du Mitand, . London : printed by W. Richardson; and sold for the author, at his house; at Richardson and Urquhart's; at J.Bew's; and at Mrs Folingsby's, 1780. ESTC No. T65407. Grub Street ID 290320.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. A new treatise on the method of teaching languages: to which is annexed I. A brief sketch of the Latin tongue, ... II. A table ... of verbs ... in the seven most useful living tongues of Europe, ... By Mr. du Mitand, ... Sold for the author. The fourth edition.. London : printed by Laidler, and sold by Richardson and Urquhart; J. Bew; Mrs. Folingsby; and at the author's house, No. 8, Newman-street, Oxford-street, 1780. ESTC No. T196381. Grub Street ID 229772.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. Novum Linguæ Græcæ compendium: in quo nominum et verborum flexiones concinnate et dilucidè, ... Auctore L. Du Mitand, . Londini : excudebat Gul. Richardson; sumptibus auctoris, apud quem prostat; et apud Richardson et Urquhart; J. Bew; et Mrs. Folingsby, 1780. ESTC No. T65386. Grub Street ID 290297.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. A new treatise on the method of teaching languages: to which is annexed a brief sketch of the Latin tongue, ... By Mr. du Mitand, . The fourth edition.. London : printed for, and sold by the author, 1782. ESTC No. T118181. Grub Street ID 169736.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. Novum linguae graecae compendium: in quo nominum et verborum flexiones concinnat`e et dilucid`e, et regulae syntaxeos enucleat`e et adamussim digeruntur et exhibentur. Auctore L. Du Mitand, Graecae, Latinae, Gallicae, Italicae, nec non omnium ferm`e Europaearum linguarum professore. Editio altera.. Londini : Excudebat Gul. Richardson; sumptibus auctoris, apud quem prostat, No. 8, Newman-street, Oxford-street, MDCCLXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. T181184. Grub Street ID 217769.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. A new system of grammar, for the variable parts of speech, particularly adapted to the French tongue, considered as a Basis on which all the European living Tongues will be alternately built. This comprehensive Method of declining and conjugating, as far as it refers to French only, and its comparative regularity collectively considered in the Languages hereafter grafted upon it, will, it is hoped, by setting forth a general plan, effectually annihilate the numberless and dissonant Systems of modern Grammarians. By Mr. du Mitand, Teacher of the Greek, Latin, French, Italian, and of all the capital European Living Tongues; Author of several Publications, School-Books, and Grammars. London : printed by W. Richardson, No 403, Strand, MDCCLXXXIII. [1783]. ESTC No. T65406. Grub Street ID 290319.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. A practical and easy method of learning French in the most pleasing and expenditious way: ... By Mr. Du Mitand, . The tenth edition.. London : printed by W. Richardson; and sold for the author at his house, 1783. ESTC No. T65385. Grub Street ID 290296.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. A new French spelling-book, With the English to every Word; or, a system of reading, On a Plan so entirely New as not to bear the least Resemblance to any Thing of the Kind hitherto attempted: By the Assistance of which Pupils may be Taught to Read in One Tenth Part of the Time usually devoted to that Purpose. The Words are divided into Syllables, not according to the Number of Letters, but according to the Number of distinct Sounds; two Syllables, that require but one Emission of the Voice, being here placed in the same Division, and considered in Effect but as one. Syllables of a particular Termination are classed together, and that useful Arrangement is preserved through the whole Work; which is likewise interspersed with rules and Remarks on the genders of Nouns, and on Prosody, the Accent being marked on every syllable, where the Knowledge of it can be of any Use in helping the Reader to the right Utterance of the Sound. By Mr. Du Mitand, Teacher of Greek and Latin; of French, Italia. London : printed for S. Crowder, No. 12, Pater-Noster Row, 1784. ESTC No. T65379. Grub Street ID 290289.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. A new system of reading; or, the art of reading English, practically exemplified in almost every word in use; and farther illustrated from the beauties of the whole Bible, arranged under different heads, according to the moral Virtues therein recommended, or the Vices reproved; With every Word accented, and Rules for placing the Accent: A systematical Arrangement, on a Plan so entirely new as not to bear the least Resemblance to any Thing of the Kind hitherto attempted by other Grammarians: and, by the Help of which, Pupils, whether English or Foreigners, may be taught to read English in one tenth Part of the Time usually devoted to that Purpose. By Mr. Du Mitand, Author of a similar System for reading French, and other grammatical Works; Teacher of the Greek and Latin, and of the ten principal European living Tongues. London : printed for B. Law, Ave-Maria Lane, M.DCC.LXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T225138. Grub Street ID 247119.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. A new method of learning French, in a practical and easy way: being an illustration of all the French verbs, Systematically arranged, and combined in short Sentences, with the Substantives and other Words to which they are the most likely to be connected: With an English Translation, so very literal, as to answer to the French, Word for Word, without offending the Rules of Construction. By Mr. Du Mitand, Teacher of Greek and Latin, and of the Ten principal European living Tongues, Author of several grammatical Works. London : printed by J. W. Galabin, for the author, at whose House it may be had, No 19, Great Suffolk-Street, Charing-Cross, MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T114012. Grub Street ID 165852.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. A new method of learning French, in a practical and easy way: being an illustration of all the French verbs, systematically arranged, and combined in short Sentences, with the Substantives and other Words to which they are the most likely to be connected: With an English Translation, so very literal as to answer to the French, Word for Word, without offending the Rules of Construction. By Mr. Du Mitand, Teacher of Greek and Latin, and of the Ten principal European living Tongues, Author of several grammatical Works. The second edition, considerably augmented.. London : printed for W. Richardson, Cornhill, M.DCC.XCI. [1791]. ESTC No. T133265. Grub Street ID 182111.
  • Huguenin du Mitand, Louis. The grammatical concord or a table that exhibits, under the same point of view, the reciprocal correspondence of the variable parts of speech in the nine most useful european tongues; ... By Mr. Du Mitand, . London : printed at the Oriental Press, by Wilson and Co. for A. Dulau and Co., [1800?]. ESTC No. T95660. Grub Street ID 315163.