Publications of John Goldsmith


  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. A new almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord 1650. Being the second after the bissextile, or leap-year: and since the creation 5599. Wherein is contained manie usefull and pleasant observations, being verie necessarie; and are easie to be understood. Also a geographical description of highwayes from one notable town to another over all England. Likewise the principall fairs of England and Wales. Together with very usefull tables. By John Goldsmith student in astronomie. London: printed by Ja. Flesher, for the Company of Stationers, [1650]. ESTC No. R235334. Grub Street ID 106470.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1660. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1660. Being bissextile, or leap-year, and since the creation, 5669. Wherein is contained, many observations, pleasant, necessary and useful. Amongst the rest you may behold the longitude, latitude and aspects of th planets. As also, a description of the high-ways and fairs. The like not extant by any other. Composed by John Goldsmith. London : printed by R. White for the Company of Stationers, 1660. ESTC No. R236769. Grub Street ID 107436.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1663. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1663. Being the third after bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation, 5612. Wherein is contained, many observations, pleasant, necessary and useful. With a description of the highways and fairs. The like not extant by any other. Composed by John Goldsmith. London : printed by R. White, for the Company of Stationers, 1663. ESTC No. R223484. Grub Street ID 97287.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1664. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1664. Being bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation, 5613. Wherein is contained many observations, pleasant, necessary and useful. With a description of the high-ways and fairs. The like not extant by any other. Composed by John Goldsmith. London : printed by R. White for the Company of Stationers, 1664. ESTC No. R214846. Grub Street ID 90000.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. 1668. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1668. Being bissextile or leap-year: and since the creation, 5617. Wherein is contained, many observations, pleasant, necessary and usefull. With a description of the highways and fairs. The like not extant by any other. Composed by John Goldsmith. London : printed by T. R. for the Company of Stationers, 1668. ESTC No. R236770. Grub Street ID 107438.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. 1671. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1671. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year: and from the creation, 5620. Wherein is contained many observations, pleasant, necessary and useful. With a description of the highways, marts, and fairs. The lik not extant by any other composed by J. Goldsmith. London : printed by T[homas]. Ratcliff for the Company of Stationers, 1671. ESTC No. R172432. Grub Street ID 66308.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith 1674. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1674. Being the second after the leap-year, and from the creation. 5623. Wherein is contained many observations, rules and tables, both necessary and useful. VVith a description of the high-ways and fayers. The like not extant by any other. Composed by John Goldsmith and divers things added, which were not in former years. London : printed by T. Ratcliff, & N. Thompson for the Company of Stationers, 1674. ESTC No. R170196. Grub Street ID 64941.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1675. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1675. Being the third after leap-year. and [sic] from the creation. 5624. Wherein is contained many observations, rules and tables, both necessary and useful. VVith a description of the high-ways, marts and fayers i England and Wales. The like not extant by any other. Composed by John Goldsmith and divers things added, which were not in former years. London : printed by T[homas]. Ratcliff & N[athaniel]. Thompson, for the Company of Stationers, 1675. ESTC No. R172433. Grub Street ID 66309.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1678. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1678. Being the second after leap-year, and from the creation, 5627. Wherein are contained many observations, rules and tables both necessary and useful. With a description of the highways, marts and fairs in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which is added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former years. London : printed by Andrew Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1678. ESTC No. R175442. Grub Street ID 68330.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1679. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1679. Being the third after leap-year, and from the creation, 5628. Wherein are contained many observations, rules and tables both necessary and useful. With a description of the highways, marts and fairs in Englan and Wales, the like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which is added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former years. London : printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1679. ESTC No. R175443. Grub Street ID 68331.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith: an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1680. Being leap-year. And from creation, 5629. Wherein are contained many observations, rules & tables both necessary and useful. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Collected by John Goldsmith. To which is added divers tables, and other useful things, not formerly published. London : printed by Nat. Thompson for the Company of Stationers, [1680]. ESTC No. R172434. Grub Street ID 66310.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1681. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1681. Being first after Leap year. Wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables both necessary and useful. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which is added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former years. London : printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1681. ESTC No. R172435. Grub Street ID 66311.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1683. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1683. Being the third after the leap year. Wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables. With a description of the highways, marts and fairs in England and Wales the like not extant in any other. Collected by John Goldsmith. To which are added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former years. London : printed by Mary Clark for the Company of Stationers, 1683. ESTC No. R175444. Grub Street ID 68332.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1685. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1685. Being first after Leapyear. Wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculate by John Goldsmith. To which is added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former years. London : printed by Mary Clark for the Company of Stationers, 1685. ESTC No. R231098. Grub Street ID 103282.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1686. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1686. Being second after leap-year. Wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables. With a description of the high-ways, fairs and marts in England and Wales the like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which are added divers tables and other useful things, which have not been in former years. London : printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1686. ESTC No. R170197. Grub Street ID 64942.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1687. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1687. Being the third after leap-year, wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs, in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which are added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former years. London : printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1687. ESTC No. R170198. Grub Street ID 64943.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1688. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1688. being leap-year, wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs, in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which are added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former edit. London : printed by Mary Clark for the Company of Stationers, 1688. ESTC No. R172437. Grub Street ID 66312.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1689. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1689. : Being the first after leap-year, wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables. With description of the high-ways, marrs and farrs, in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. / Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which are added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former edit. London: : Printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1689. ESTC No. R175445. Grub Street ID 68333.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1691. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1691. Being the third after leap-ye. Wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs, in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Compiled by John Goldsmith to which are added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former edit. London : printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1691. ESTC No. R213256. Grub Street ID 88747.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1692. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1692. Being bissextile, or leap-ye. Wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs, in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith to which are added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former edit. London : printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1692. ESTC No. R29580. Grub Street ID 112542.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1693. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1693. Being the first after leap-yr. Wherein are contained ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1693. ESTC No. R172438. Grub Street ID 66313.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1693. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1693. Being the first after leap-ye. Wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs, in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which is added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former edit. London : printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1693. ESTC No. R214847. Grub Street ID 90001.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1694 an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1694. Being the second after leap-ye. Wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables, with a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs, in England and Wales, the like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which are added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former edit. London : printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1694. ESTC No. R16955. Grub Street ID 64761.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith 1695 an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1695 ... / calculated by John Goldsmith. London : Printed by Mary Clark for the Company of Stationers, 1695. ESTC No. R28982. Grub Street ID 112002.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1696. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1696. Being bissertile or Leap-year. Wherein are contained many necessary rules and useful tables. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs in England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which is added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former edit. London : printed by Mary Clark, for the Company of Stationers, 1696. ESTC No. R232370. Grub Street ID 104180.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith, 1700. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1700. Being bissextile or leap-year. Wherein is contained necessary rules and useful tables. With a description of the high-ways, marts and fairs, in England and Wales: the like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which are added divers tables and other useful things which have not been in former edit. London : printed by Mary Clarke: for the Company of Stationers, 1700. ESTC No. R216272. Grub Street ID 91196.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God MDCCXXXII. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed by S. Palmer, for the Company of Stationers,, 1732. ESTC No. N46013. Grub Street ID 30882.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, MDCCXXXV. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed by W. Pearson, for the Company of Stationers, 1735. ESTC No. T35681. Grub Street ID 265756.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, MDCCXLI. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. . London : printed by Charles Ackers, for the Company of Stationers, 1741. ESTC No. T224237. Grub Street ID 246523.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, MDCCXLII. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year. Wherein are contain'd necessary rules and useful tables; with a description of the highways and fairs throughout all England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which are added, divers tables, and other useful things, not in former editions. London : Printed by Charles Ackers, for the Company of Stationers, [1747]. ESTC No. T163133. Grub Street ID 201806.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, MDCCLII. Being Bissextile or Leap-Year. Wherein are contain'd, Necessary Rules and Useful Tables; With a Description of the Highways and Fairs Throughout all England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which are added, Divers Tables, and other useful Things, not in former Editions. London : printed by C. & J. Ackers, for the Company of Stationers, [1752]. ESTC No. T35683. Grub Street ID 265758.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1754. MDCCLIV. Being the second after Bissextile or Leap-Year. Wherein are contain'd, Necessary Rules and Useful Tables; With a Description of the Highways and Fairs Throughout all England and Wales. The like not extant in any other. Calculated by John Goldsmith To which are added, Divers Tables, and other useful Things, not in former Editions. London : printed by C. & J. Ackers, for the Company of Stationers, [1754]. ESTC No. T35682. Grub Street ID 265757.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An Almanack for the year of our Lord God, MDCCLVII. Being the first after Bissextile or Leap-Year, Wherein are contain'd, Necessary Rules and Tables; With a Description of the Highways and Fairs Throughout all England and Wales. The like not extant in any other Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which are added, divers Tables, and other useful Things, not in former Editions. London : printed by C. Ackers, for the Company of Stationers, [1757]. ESTC No. T35684. Grub Street ID 265759.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An Almanack for the year of our Lord God, MDCCLIX. Being the third after Bissextile or Leap-Year, Wherein are contain'd, Necessary Rules and Useful Tables; With a Description of the Highways and Fairs Throughout all England and Wales. The like not extant in any other Calculated by John Goldsmith. To which are added, divers Tables, and other useful Things, not in former Editions. London : printed by C. Ackers, for the Company of Stationers [1759]. ESTC No. T35685. Grub Street ID 265760.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, MDCCLXI. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. . London : printed by R. Hett, junior, for the Company of Stationers, [1761]. ESTC No. T35686. Grub Street ID 265761.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God MDCCLXII. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed by R. Hett, junior, for the Company of Stationers, [1762]. ESTC No. T230445. Grub Street ID 250078.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, MDCCLXIV. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed by R. Hett, junior, for the Company of Stationers, [1764]. ESTC No. T232398. Grub Street ID 257511.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXIX. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed by R. Hett, for the Company of Stationers, [1769]. ESTC No. N30615. Grub Street ID 19540.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXII. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed by R. Hett, for the Company of Stationers, [1771]. ESTC No. N30616. Grub Street ID 19541.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, MDCCLXXIII. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed by R. Hett for the Company of Stationers, [1773]. ESTC No. T35687. Grub Street ID 265762.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXIV. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed by R. Hett, for the Company of Stationers, [1773]. ESTC No. N30617. Grub Street ID 19542.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXV. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed by R. Hett, for the Company of Stationers, [1774]. ESTC No. N30618. Grub Street ID 19543.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXVII, Being the first year, wherein are contain'd necessary rules, and useful tables; with a new chronology of remarkable events; also. The proper days and hours for transfering stocks and receiving dividends; and a list of holidays kept at the public offices. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : Printed for the Company of Stationers, and sold by George Hawkins, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1776]. ESTC No. T35688. Grub Street ID 265763.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXVIII. Being the second after textile or leap-year. Wherein are contain'd necessary rules, and useful tables; [W]ith a new chronology of remarkable events; also. The proper days and hours for transfering stocks and receiving dividends; and a list of holidays kept at the public offices. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : [PR]inted for the Company of Stationers, and sold by George Hawkins, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, 1778]. ESTC No. T35689. Grub Street ID 265764.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXIX. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year. Wherein are contain'd, necessary rules, and useful tables; with a new chronology of remarkable events; also, the proper days and hours for transfering stocks and receiving dividends; and a list of holidays kept at the public offices. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and sold by George Hawkins, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, 1778]. ESTC No. T35690. Grub Street ID 265765.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of Lord God, M.DCC.LXXXII. Being the second after bissextile or leap-year. Wherein are contain'd necessary rules, and useful tables; with a new chronology of remarkable events; also, the proper days and hours for transfering stocks and receiving dividends; and a list of holidays kept at the public offices, &c. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : Printed for the Company of Stationers, and sold by John Wilkie, at their Hall Ludgate-Street, [1781]. ESTC No. T35691. Grub Street ID 265766.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXXIV. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and sold by John Wilkie, at their Hall, [1784]. ESTC No. T35692. Grub Street ID 265767.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXXV. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year. Wherein are contain'd, Necessary Rules, and Useful Tables; With a new Chronology of remarkable Events; also, The proper Days and Hours for transfering Stocks and receiving Dividends; and a List of Holidays kept at the public Offices, &c. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and sold by John Wilkie, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1785]. ESTC No. T35693. Grub Street ID 265768.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXXVI. Being the Second after Bissextile or Leap-Year. Wherein are contain'd, necessary rules and Useful Tables; With a new Chronology of remarkable Events; also, The proper Days and Hours for transfering Stocks and receiving Dividends; and a List of Holidays kept at the public Offices, &c. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1786]. ESTC No. T35694. Grub Street ID 265769.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXXVII. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall, [1787]. ESTC No. T35695. Grub Street ID 265770.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. Being the Bissextile or Leap-Year. Wherein are contain'd, necessary rules and Useful Tables; With a new Chronology of remarkable Events; also, The proper Days and Hours for transfering Stocks and receiving Dividends; and a List of Holidays kept at the public Offices, &c. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1788]. ESTC No. T35696. Grub Street ID 265771.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXXIX. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall, [1789]. ESTC No. T35697. Grub Street ID 265772.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XC. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall, [1790]. ESTC No. T35698. Grub Street ID 265773.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XCI. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall, [1791]. ESTC No. T35699. Grub Street ID 265774.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XCII. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall, [1792]. ESTC No. T35700. Grub Street ID 265776.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith's pocket almanack, for the year of our Lord, MDCCXCII. Being bissextile or leap-year. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. Birmingham: printed by Thomas Pearson, [1792]. ESTC No. N18256. Grub Street ID 7734.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XCIII. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year, Wherein are contained, Necessary Rules, and Useful Tables, With a new Chronology of remarkable Events; also, The proper Days and Hours for transferring Stocks and receiving Dividends; and a List of Holidays kept at the publick Offices, &c. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1793]. ESTC No. T35701. Grub Street ID 265777.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. an Almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XCIV. Being the Second after Bissextile or Leap-Year, Wherein are contained Necessary Rules. And Useful Tables. With a new Chronology of remarkable Events; also, The proper Days and Hours for transferring Stocks and receiving Dividends; and a List of Holidays kept at the publick Offices, &c. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1794]. ESTC No. T35702. Grub Street ID 265778.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XCV. Being the Third after Bissextile or Leap-Year, Wherein are contained Necessary Rules. And Useful Tables. With a new Chronology of remarkable Events; also, The proper Days and Hours for transferring Stocks and receiving Dividends; and a List of Holidays kept at the publick Offices, &c. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1795]. ESTC No. T35703. Grub Street ID 265779.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XCVI. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall, [1796]. ESTC No. T35704. Grub Street ID 265780.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An Almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XCVII. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year, Wherein are contained necessary Rules and Useful Tables, With a new Chronology of remarkable Events; also, The proper Days and Hours for transferring Stocks and Receiving Dividends; and a List of Holidays kept at the publick Offices, &c Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1797]. ESTC No. T35705. Grub Street ID 265781.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XCVIII. ... Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, and George Greenhill, at their Hall, [1798]. ESTC No. T35706. Grub Street ID 265782.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XCIX. Being the Third after Bissextile or Leap-Year, Wherein are contained necessary rules, and useful tables. With a new Chronology of Remarkable Events; also the proper Days and Hours for transferring Stocks and receiving Dividends; and a List of Holidays kept at the Publick Offices, &c. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by George Greenhill, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1799]. ESTC No. T35707. Grub Street ID 265783.
  • Goldsmith, John. Goldsmith. An almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCCC. Being the Fourth after Bissextile or Leap-Year, (according to an Act of Parliament, passed in the Year 1751;) Wherein are contained necessary rules, and useful tables. With a new Chronology of Remarkable Events; also the proper Days and Hours for transferring Stocks and receiving Dividends; and a List of Holidays kept at the Publick Offices, &c. Calculated by John Goldsmith. London : printed for the Company of Stationers by H. Baldwin and Son, New Bridge-Street; and Sold by G. Greenhill, at their Hall, Ludgate-Street, [1800]. ESTC No. T35708. Grub Street ID 265784.