Publications of Edward Button


  • Button, Edward. Rudiments of ancient history, sacred and prophane. Containing The most material Transactions which have been recorded for the first Four Thousand Years, from the Creation of the World, to the Birth of Christ. By way of question and answer. Design'd for the use of schools. And, Tho' calculated chiefly for the Instruction of young Gentlemen and Ladies, yet may be very useful for all such Persons as have not Abilities to purchase or consult the Originals. Collected and Digested From the best Authors extant, and reduc'd into a small Compass, in a familiar Style, suitable to the meanest Capacities. By Edward Button, Gent. Of Kilncote, Leicestershire. Neglect nothing, my Son, to make the History of the Ancients familiar to you. Basilius the Emperor, to his Son and Successor, Leo the Philosopher. London : printed for Cæsar Ward and Richard Chandler, at the Ship, without Temple-Bar, and at their shops in York and Scarborough; and George Anderson, at Gay's-Head, between the Two Temple-Gates, Fleet-Street, 1739. ESTC No. T137019. Grub Street ID 185089.
  • Button, Edward. Rudiments of ancient history, sacred and prophane. Containing the most material transactions which have been recorded in sacred and prophane history for the first Four Thousand Years, from the Creation of the World, to the Birth of Christ, by way of question and answer. [Dublin]: London printed: Dublin: re-printed by and for George Faulkner, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T118807. Grub Street ID 170288.
  • Button, Edward. Rudiments of ancient history, sacred and prophane. Containing The most Material Transactions which have been recorded from the Creation of the World, to the Birth of Christ, during the Space of Four Thousand Years. The Whole containing An Easy and Compendious System of Universal History. By way of question and answer. Design'd for the use of schools. And, Tho' calculated chiefly for the Instruction of Young Gentlemen and Ladies, yet may be very useful for all such Persons as have not Abilities to purchase or consult the Originals, which are of large Expence. Collected and Digested From the best Authors extant, and reduc'd into a small Compass, and in a familiar Stile, suitable to the meanest Capacities, By Edward Button, Esq; Of Kilncote, in Leicestershire. London : printed for Cæsar Ward and Richard Chandler, at the Ship, without Temple-Bar, and at their shops in York and Scarborough, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T198435. Grub Street ID 231098.
  • Button, Edward. Rudiments of ancient history, sacred and prophane. Containing The most Material Transactions which have been recorded from the Creation of the World to the Birth of Christ, during the Space of Four Thousand Years. The Whole being An Easy and Compendious System Of Universal History. Collected and Digested From the best Authors extant, and reduc'd into a small Compass, in a familiar Stile, suitable to the meanest Capacities. By way of question and answer. For the use of schools. By Edward Button, Esq; of Kilncote, in Leicestershire. The second edition.. London : printed for S. Birt at the Bible and Ball in Ave-Maria-Lane near Stationers Hall, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T137021. Grub Street ID 185091.
  • Button, Edward. A new translation of the Persian tales; from an original version of the Indian comedies of Mocles; Wherein Care has been taken to expunge all those useless Repetitions, and trifling Circumstances, with which the Oriental Writings are encumbered: So that The Stories are rendered less tedious, and more instructive, the Whole being reduced into one small Volume. Designed for the service and amusement of the British ladies. By Edward Button, Gent. A Tale shou'd never be too long. Prior. London : printed for W. Owen, at Homer's-Head in Fleet Street, MDCCLIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T203695. Grub Street ID 234189.
  • Button, Edward. Rudiments of ancient history, sacred and prophane. Containing The most material Transactions which have been recorded for the first Four Thousand Years, from the Creation of the World to the Birth of Christ. By way of question and answer. Designed for the use of schools. And, Tho' calculated chiefly for the Instruction of Young Gentlemen and Ladies, yet may be very useful for all such Persons as have not Abilities to purchase or consult the Originals. Collected and Digested From the best Authors extant, and reduced into a small Compass, in a familiar Style, suitable to the meanest Capacities. By Edward Button, Gent. Of Kilncote, Leicestershire. Neglect nothing, my Son, to make the History of the Ancients familiar to you. Basilius the Emperor, to his Son and Successor Leo the Philosopher. The third edition.. London : printed for W. Johnston in St. Paul's Church-Yard; P. Davey and B. Law in Ave-Mary-Lane; and T. Pote in Fleet-Street, 1757. ESTC No. T137020. Grub Street ID 185090.
  • Button, Edward. The persian tales. A new translation, from an original version of the Indian comedies of Mocles. Wherein All the Stories, formerly printed in Three Volumes, are now reduced into One. By Edward Button, Gent. Dublin: printed for G. and A. Ewing, W. Smith, and P. Wilson, in Dame-Street, MDCCLXI. [1761]. ESTC No. T204243. Grub Street ID 234550.
  • Button, Edward. The Persian tales. A new translation, from an original version of the Indian comedies of Mocles; in which all the stories formerly printed in three volumes, are now reduced into one. By Edward Button, gent. [One line from Prior]. Hartford: Printed by John Babcock, --1800--. ESTC No. W38550. Grub Street ID 349382.