Randolph, Thomas.
The advantages of publick education. A sermon preach'd in the cathedral-church at Canterbury, on Thursday, Sept. 13. 1733. at the Anniversary Meeting of the Gentlemen educated at the Kings-School there. By Tho. Randolph, B. D. Fello of C. C. C. Oxon. Publish'd at the Request of the Gentlemen there present.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for Mary Fletcher in the High-Street, Oxon; and sold by Mr King in Westminster Hall, Mr Rivington in St Paul's Church-Yard [London], Mr Thurlburn in Cambridge, and by the booksellers in Canterbury, [1733].
ESTC No. T8266.Grub Street ID 303224.
Randolph, Thomas.
An enquiry into the sufficiency of reason in matters of religion. A sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Sunday, December 17th. 1738. By Thomas Randolph, ...
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for the Widow Fletcher: and sold by J. Knapton; C. Rivington, London; W. Thurlburn at Cambridge, and J. Leake at Bath, [1739?].
ESTC No. T1452.Grub Street ID 191952.
Randolph, Thomas.
The christian's faith a rational assent. In answer to a pamphlet, entituled, Christianity not founded on argument, &c. By Thomas Randolph, D. D. Vicar of Petham in Kent; and late Fellow of C. C. C. Oxon.
London : printed for M. Cooper at the Globe. in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXLIV. [1744].
ESTC No. T83031.Grub Street ID 303513.
Randolph, Thomas.
The Christian's faith a rational assent. In answer to a pamphlet, entituled, Christianity not founded on argument, &c. Part II. By Thomas Randolph, D.D. vicar of Petham in Kent; and late fellow of C.C.C. Oxon.
London : Printed for M. Cooper at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXLV. [1745].
ESTC No. T162792.Grub Street ID 201509.
Randolph, Thomas.
Party-zeal censur'd. In a sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Sunday, January 19. 1752. By Thomas Randolph, ...
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for James Fletcher, and sold by J. and J. Rivington, London; J. [sic] Smith Canterbury, 1752.
ESTC No. T54432.Grub Street ID 281271.
Randolph, Thomas.
A vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity from the exceptions of a late pamphlet entituled An essay on spirit &c. By a divine of the Church of England. Part II.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for James Fletcher, and sold by J. and J. Rivington, London, 1753.
ESTC No. T139098.Grub Street ID 186962.
Randolph, Thomas.
A vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity from the exceptions of a late pamphlet entituled An essay on spirit &c. By a divine of the Church of England. Part I.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for James Fletcher, and sold by J. and J. Rivington, London, 1753.
ESTC No. T139101.Grub Street ID 186967.
Randolph, Thomas.
An appendix to the Vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity &c. Containing some remarks on the dedication prefix'd to the Essay on spirit. By Thomas Randolph, ...
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for James Fletcher, and sold by J. and J. Rivington, London; and by Mr. Smith at Canterbury, 1754.
ESTC No. T139096.Grub Street ID 186960.
Randolph, Thomas.
A vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity from the exceptions of a late pamphlet entituled An essay on spirit &c. By a divine of the Church of England. Part III.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for James Fletcher, and sold by J. and J. Rivington, London; and by Mr. Smith at Canterbury, 1754.
ESTC No. T139097.Grub Street ID 186961.
Randolph, Thomas.
A vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity from the exceptions of a late pamphlet entituled An essay on spirit &c. In three parts, with an appendix. By Thomas Randolph, D. D. President of C. C. C. Oxford.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for James Fletcher in the Turl, and sold by J. and J. Rivington in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London; and by Mr. Smith at Canterbury, MDCCLIV. [1754].
ESTC No. T139099.Grub Street ID 186963.
Randolph, Thomas.
Four letters concerning the study of the Hebrew scriptures.
London : printed (by H. Woodfall) for the author: and sold by E. Withers, at the Seven Stars in Fleet-Street, facing Chancery-Lane, 1755.
ESTC No. T28051.Grub Street ID 259763.
Randolph, Thomas.
The certainty of a future state asserted and vindicated against the exceptions of the late Lord Bolingbroke: in a sermon preached at St. Mary's in Oxford, ... on Thursday, March 6. 1755. ... By Thomas Randolph, ...
Oxford: printed at the Theatre for James Fletcher; and sold by J. and J. Rivington, London, 1755.
ESTC No. T141313.Grub Street ID 188870.
Randolph, Thomas.
Christ the lord of glory. A sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's Dec. 9. 1759. With several additions confirming and enforcing the same Doctrine. By Thomas Randolph, D. D. President of C.C.C.
Oxford: printed for J. Fletcher in the Turl, and sold by Hen. Payne in Pater-Noster-Row, London, [1760].
ESTC No. T5115.Grub Street ID 278606.
Randolph, Thomas.
The use of reason in matters of religion stated and explain'd in a sermon Preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Peter's in the East on Sunday, Mar. 7. 1762. By Thomas Randolph, D. D. President of C. C. C. Oxford. Published at the Request of the Vice-Chancellor, and Heads of Houses.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre; and sold by J. Fletcher, in the Turl, Oxford; and J. Fletcher in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, [1762?].
ESTC No. T5118.Grub Street ID 278614.
Randolph, Thomas.
Jephthah's vow considered. A sermon Preached before the University of Oxford, At St. Mary's, On Sunday, June 8. 1766. With an appendix containing a dissertation on Lev. xxvi. 28, 29. and on the Nature and Kinds of Vows under the Mosaical Law. By Thomas Randolph, D. D. President of C. C. C. Oxford.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre; for J. Fletcher, in the Turl, and sold by J. Fletcher and Co. in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. T5117.Grub Street ID 278613.
Randolph, Thomas.
The doctrine of justification by faith explained in a sermon preached before the University of Oxford, At St. Mary's, On Sunday, July 3. 1768. By Thomas Randolph, D.D. Arch-Deacon of Oxford, and Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre; for J Fletcher, in the Turl, and sold by J. Fletcher and Co. in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, MDCCLXVIII. [1768].
ESTC No. T5116.Grub Street ID 278610.
Randolph, Thomas.
The witness of the spirit. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford. By Thomas Randolph, D.D. President of C.C.C. Arch-Deacon of Oxford, and Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity.
Oxford: printed at the Theatre; for J Fletcher, in the Turl, and sold by J. Fletcher and Co. in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, MDCCLXVIII. [1768].
ESTC No. T5119.Grub Street ID 278617.
Randolph, Thomas.
The reasonableness of requiring subscription to articles of religion from persons to be admitted to Holy orders, or a Cure of Souls, vindicated in a charge Delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Oxford, in the year 1771. By Thomas Randolph, D. D. President of C. C. C. Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity, and Arch-Deacon of Oxford. Published at the united Request of the Clergy.
Oxford: printed at the Clarendon-Press for J. and J. Fletcher; and sold by Mess. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, [1771].
ESTC No. T68484.Grub Street ID 292670.
Randolph, Thomas.
The reasonableness of requiring subscription to articles of religion from persons to be admitted to holy orders, or a cure of souls, vindicated in a charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Oxford, in the year 1771. By Thomas Randolph, D. D. President of C. C. C. Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity, and Arch-Deacon of Oxford. Published at the united Request of the Clergy.
Oxford: printed at the Claredon Press for J. and J. Fletcher; and sold by Mess. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, [1771].
ESTC No. T83029.Grub Street ID 303511.
Randolph, Thomas.
An answer to a pamphlet entitled Reflections on the impropriety and inexpediency of lay-subscription to the XXXIX articles, in the University of Oxford. Addressed to the Author.
Oxford: printed by W. Jackson and J. Lister, for J. and J. Fletcher, in the Turle; and sold by Mess. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, [1772].
ESTC No. T61084.Grub Street ID 286787.
Randolph, Thomas.
The excellency of the Jewish law vindicated. In two sermons preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's. To which is added, an appendix: and also a short comment on Psal. CIX. and LV. ... By Thomas Randolph, ...
Oxford: printed for J. and J. Fletcher; and sold J. and F. Rivington, London; and Messrs Merril at Cambridge, 1773.
ESTC No. T33686.Grub Street ID 264225.
Randolph, Thomas.
An answer to a pamphlet, entituled, Considerations on the propriety of requiring a subscription to articles of faith.
Oxford: at the Clarendon Press. Printed for J. and J. Fletcher, in the Turle; and sold by Mess. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London; and J. and T. Merril, in Cambridge, MDCCLXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. T143388.Grub Street ID 190479.
Randolph, Thomas.
An answer to a pamphlet, entituled, Considerations on the Propriety of Requiring a subscription to Articles of Faith.
Oxford: at the Clarendon Press. Printed for J.and J. Fletcher, in the Turle; and sold by Mess. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, MDCCLXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. T11891.Grub Street ID 170392.
Randolph, Thomas.
A vindication of the worship of the Son and the Holy Ghost against the exceptions of Mr. Theophilus Lindsey from scripture and antiquity, being a supplement to a treatise formerly published and entitled A vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity. By Thomas Randolph, D. D. President of C. C. C. and Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford.
Oxford: printed for J. and J. Fletcher, in the Turle: and sold by J. and F. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London; T. and J. Merrill, at Cambridge, and J. Smith, in Canterbury, 1775.
ESTC No. T83030.Grub Street ID 303512.
Randolph, Thomas.
A letter to the remarker on the layman's Scriptural confutation. Wherein the divinity of the Son of God is farther vindicated against the remarker's exceptions. To which is added, an appendix, taking some notice of Mr. Lindsey's Sequel. By Thomas Randolph, D. D. President of C. C. C. and Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford.
Oxford: at the Clarendon Press. M DCC LXX Vii. Sold by J. and J. Fletcher in the Turle; and by J. F. and C. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, [1777].
ESTC No. T139100.Grub Street ID 186966.
Randolph, Thomas.
The proof of the truth of the Christian religion, drawn from its successful and speedy propagation, considered, and enforced, in two sermons lately preached before the University of Oxford. By Thomas Randolph, ...
Oxford: printed at the Clarendon Press, for J. and J. Fletcher; and sold by Messrs. Rivington, London, 1777.
ESTC No. T44596.Grub Street ID 272995.
Randolph, Thomas.
The prophecies, and other texts, cited in the New Testament, compared with the Hebrew original, and with the Septuagint version. To which are added notes by Thomas Randolph, D. D. President of C. C. C. Oxford, and Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity.
Oxford: printed for J. and J. Fletcher; and sold by J. F. and C. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, [1782?].
ESTC No. T76235.Grub Street ID 298723.
Randolph, Thomas.
A view of our blessed Saviour's ministry and the proofs of His divine mission arising from thence. Together with a charge, dissertations, sermons, and theological lectures. By the late Thomas Randolph, D. D. Archdeacon of Oxford, President of C.C.C. and Margaret Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford. Volume The First.
Oxford: printed for J. and J. Fletcher in the Turle; and Mess. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, MDCCLXXXIV. [1784].
ESTC No. T139095.Grub Street ID 186959.