Publications of William Symons


  • Symons, William. The practical gager; or, the young gager's assistant. Containing those things which are actually practised, and which are also absolutely necessary to be known and understood by every person that is employed as a gager, or officer in the Revenue of Excise. To which are added All the necessary Tables for gaging and fixing the Utensils of Victuallers, Common Brewers, and also for moneying the several Sorts of Goods, or for finding the Amounts of the Charges. The Whole in a Method intirely new; intended chiefly for the Help of Pupils, and such young Officers as have not been long employed in the Office of Excise. With an appendix. By William Symons, Officer of Excise. London : printed for J. Nourse, opposite Katherine-Street in the Strand, MDCCLIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T139405. Grub Street ID 187253.
  • Symons, William. An essay on weighing of gold, &c. wherein is shewn an effectual method for discovering and detecting of counterfeit pieces of money, (be they ever so artfully disguised) Which will be of great Use to prevent Persons being imposed upon by any of those ... and adulterated Pieces of Gold Coin, which are too common at this Time. This is performed by a Pair of common Scales and a Set of Gold Weights, with the Hydrostatical Instrument herein described, which may be had at a very small Expence. By this Method not only Gold Coins, &c. but also all ... of Gold and Silver Plate may be weigh'd, and their ... Value ascertained to the greatest Nicety. By William Symons, Author of The Practical Gauger. London : printed for James Hodges, opposite St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, MDCC.LVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T122899. Grub Street ID 173454.
  • Symons, William. The practical gager: or the young gager's assistant. Containing those things which are actually practised, and which are also absolutely necessary to be known and understood by every person that is employed as a gager or officer in the Revenue of Excise. To which are added, All the necessary Tables for gaging and fixing the Utensils of Victuallers, Common Brewers, and Distillers: Also for moneying the several Sorts of Goods, or for finding the Amounts of the Charges. Very useful for Supervisors, Officers, and Collectors Clerks. Second edition. With an appendix; containing several additions, viz. the Method of gaging by equidistant Ordinates; inching and tabulating of close Casks; and Specimens of Vouchers and Abstracts for the several Duties. Dedicated (by permission) to the honourable Commissioners of Excise by William Symons, Supervisor of Excise. London : printed for J. Nourse at the Lamb opposite Katherine-Street in the Strand, 1758. ESTC No. T224773. Grub Street ID 246893.
  • Symons, William. The practical gager: or, the young gager's assistant. Containing those things which are actually practised, and which are also absolutely necessary to be known and understood by every Person that is employed as a Gager or Officer in the Revenue of Excise. To which are added, all the necessary tables for gaging and fixing the Utensils of Victuallers, Common Brewers, and Distillers: Also for moneying the several Sorts of Goods, or for finding the Amounts of the Charges. Very useful for Supervisors, Officers, and Collectors Clerks. The third edition. With an appendix ; Containing several Additions, viz. The Method of Gaging by equidistant Ordinates; Inching and Tabulating of close Casks; and Specimens of Vouchers and Abstracts for the several Duties. Bonum qu? communius e? melius. Dedicated (by Permission) to the Honourable Commissioners of Excise. By William Symons, Collector of Excise. London : printed for J. Nourse, Bookseller to His Majesty, MDCCLXX. [1770]. ESTC No. T119493. Grub Street ID 170887.
  • Symons, William. An essay on weighing of gold, &c. wherein is shewn an effectual method for discovering and detecting of counterfeit pieces of money, on the principles of hydrostatics. Whereby not only Gold Coins, but also all Sorts of Gold and Silver Plate may be weighed, and the intrinsic Value thereof ascertained to the greatest Nicety. To which is prefixed, a very extensive table, wherein a great Number of Counterfeit Pieces of Metal, now circulating for genuine Gold, are described. The second edition. By William Symons, Collector Of Excise, Author of The Practical Gager. London : printed for the author, and sold by J. Nourse, Bookseller to His Majesty, MDCCLXX. [1770]. ESTC No. T122323. Grub Street ID 173038.
  • Symons, William. The practical gager: or, The young gager's assistant. Containing those things which are actually practised, and which are absolutely necessary to be known and understood by every person that is employed as a gager or officer in the revenue of excise. To which are added, all the necessary tables for gaging and sixing the utensils of victuallers, common brewers, and distillers: also for moneying the several sotts of goods, or for finding the amounts of the charges. Very useful for supervisors, officers, and collectors clerks. The fourth edition. With an appendix; containing several additions, viz. The method of gaging by equdistant ordinates; inching and tabulating of close casks; and specimens of vouchers and abstracts for the several duties. Dedicated (by permission) to the Honourable Commissioners of Excise. By William Symons, collector of excise. London : Printed for J. Nourse, bookseller to His Majesty, MDCCLXXVII. [1777]. ESTC No. T174067. Grub Street ID 211175.
  • Symons, William. The practical gager: or, The young gager's assistant. Containing those things which are actually practised, and which are absolutely necessary to be known and understood by every person that is employed as a gager or officer in the revenue of excise. To which are added, all the necessary tables for gaging and sixing the utensils of victuallers, common brewers, and distillers: also for moneying the several sorts of goods, or for finding the amounts of the charges. Very useful for supervisors, officers, and collectors clerks. The fifth edition. With an appendix; containing several additions, viz. The method of gaging by equidistant ordinates; inching and tabulating of those cases and specimens of vouchers and abstracts for the several duties. Dedicated (by permission) to the Honourable Commissioners of Excise. By William Symons, collector of excise. London : Printed for C. Nourse, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. T129484. Grub Street ID 178942.
  • Symons, William. The practical gager: or, The young gager's assistant. Containing those things which are actually practised, and which are absolutely necessary to be known and understood by every person that is employed as a gager or officer in the revenue of excise. To which are added, all the necessary tables for gaging and fixing the utensils of victuallers, common brewers, and distillers: also for moneying the several sorts of goods, or for finding the amounts of the charges. Very useful for supervisors, officers, and collectors clerks. The sixth edition. With an appendix; containing several additions, viz. The method of gaging by equidistant ordinates; inching and tabulating of close casks; and specimens of vouchers and abstracts for the several duties. Dedicated (by permission) to the Honourable Commissioners of Excise. By William Symons, collector of excise. London : Printed for C. Nourse, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T119038. Grub Street ID 170517.
  • Symons, William. The practical gager: or, the young gager's assistant. Containing those things which are actually practised, and which are absolutely necessary to be known and understood by every person that is employed as a gager or officer in the Revenue of Excise. To which are added, all the necessary tables for gaging and fixing [the] Utensils of Victuallers, Common Brewers, and Distillers: Also for moneying the several sorts of Goods, or for finding the Amounts of the Charges. Very useful for Supervisors, Officers, and Collectors Clerks. A new edition. With an appendix; Containing several Additions, viz. The Method of Gaging by equidistant Ordinates; Inching and Tabulating close Casks; and Specimens of Vouchers and Abstracts for the several Duties. Bonum quo communius eo melius. Dedicated (by Permission) to the Honourable Commissioners of Excise. By William Symons, Collector of Excise. London : printed for F. Wingrave, successor to Mr. Nourse, in the Strand, M.DCC.XCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T180982. Grub Street ID 217591.
  • Symons, William. The practical gager: or, the young gager's assistant. Containing those things which are actually practised, and which are absolutely necessary to be known and understood by every person that is employed as a gager or officer in the Revenue of Excise. To which are added, all the necessary tables for gaging and fixing the Utensils of Victuallers, Common Brewers, and Distillers: Also for moneying the several Sorts of Goods, or for finding the Amounts of the Charges. Very useful for Supervisors, Officers, and Collectors Clerks. A new edition. With an appendix; Containing several Additions, viz. The Method of Gaging by equidistant Ordinates; Inching and Tabulating close Casks; and Specimens of Vouchers and Abstracts for the several Duties. Bonum quò communius eò melius. Dedicated (by Permission) to the Honourable Commissioners of Excise. By William Symons, Collector of Excise. London : printed for F. Wingrave, successor to Mr. Nourse, in the Strand, M.DCC.XCIX. [1799]. ESTC No. T139406. Grub Street ID 187254.