Ford, Emanuel.
Parismus, the renoumed prince of Bohemia His most famous, delectable, and pleasant historie. Conteining his noble battailes fought against the Persians. His loue to Laurana, the kings daughter of Thessaly. and his traunge aduentures in the desolate iland. With the miseries and miserable imprisonment, Laurana endured in the iland of rockes. And a description of the chiualrie of the Phrygian knight, Pollipus: and his constant loue to Violetta.
Imprinted at London: By Thomas Creede, for Richard Oliue, 1598.
ESTC No. S119677.Grub Street ID 139316.
Ford, Emanuel.
Parismenos: the second part of the most famous, delectable, and pleasant historie of Parismus, the renowned prince of Bohemia. The aduenturous trauels and noble chiualrie of Parismenos, the knight of fame, in diuers countries.
London: printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be sold by Richard Oliue and William Holmes, 1599.
ESTC No. S119679.Grub Street ID 139318.
Ford, Emanuel.
[The most pleasant historie of Ornatus and Artesia.].
[London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1599?].
ESTC No. S114870.Grub Street ID 134575.
Ford, Emanuel.
[Parismus, the renouned prince of Bohemia.].
[London: T. Creede, 1604 [i.e. 1605]].
ESTC No. S124936.Grub Street ID 144232.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most pleasant historie of Ornatus and Artesia. Wherein is contained the vniust raigne of Thaeon King of Phrygia. Who with his sonne Lenon, (intending Ornatus death,) right heire to the crowne, was afterwardes slaine by his owne seruants, and Ornatus after many extreame miseries, crowned King.
London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1607.
ESTC No. S113739.Grub Street ID 133465.
Ford, Emanuel.
The first part of Parismus the renovvmed [sic] Prince of Bohemia, his most famous, delectable, and pleasant historie containing his noble battailes fought against the Persians, his loue to Laurana, the kings daughter of Thessalie, and of his strange aduentures in the desolate iland.
London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1608-1609.
ESTC No. S2672.Grub Street ID 147041.
Ford, Emanuel.
The first part of Parismus, the renovvmed Prince of Bohemia. His most famous, delectable, and pleasant historie. Containing his noble battails fought against the Persians. His loue to Laurana, the Kings daughter of Thessalie: and of his strange aduentures in the desolate iland.
London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1615.
ESTC No. S116412.Grub Street ID 136099.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most pleasant historie of Ornatus and Artesia. Wherein is contained the vniust raigne of Theon King of Phrygia. Who with his sonne Lenon intending Ornatus death, right heyre to the crowne, was afterwards slaine by his owne seruants, and Ornatus after many extreame miseries, crowned king.
London: Imprinted by Bernard Alsop, and are to be solde at his house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1619.
ESTC No. S120142.Grub Street ID 139779.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most pleasant history of Ornatvs and Artesia. VVherein is contayned the vniust raigne of Thæon King of Phrygia. Who with his sonne Lenon intending Ornatvs his death, right heyre to the crowne, was afterwards slaine by his owne servants; and Ornatvs, after many extreame miseries crowned king.
London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, dwelling in Grub-street neere the Lower-Pumpe, 1634.
ESTC No. S122634.Grub Street ID 142166.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous historie of Montelyon, Knight of the Oracle, and sonne to the renowned Persicles King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, vnfortunate love, perilous adventures in armes, and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced, with much variety of pleasant and delightfull discourse.
London: Printed by B. Alsop, and T. Favvcet, dwelling in Grubstreet, neere the lower Pumpe, 1640.
ESTC No. S120140.Grub Street ID 139777.
Ford, Emanuel.
[The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the renowmed Prince of Bohemia. The first part. Contaigning [sic] his noble battailes fought against the Persians. His love to Lavrana, the kings daughter of Thessalie: and of his strange adventures in the desolate iland.].
[London: Printed by B. Alsop?, 1640?].
ESTC No. S123513.Grub Street ID 143001.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus the renowned Prince of Bohemia. The first part. Containing his noble battels fought against the Persians, his love to Laurana, the Kings daughter of Thessaly: and of his strange adventures in the desolate island.
London: printed by B. Alsop, dwelling neere the upper pumpe in Grubstreet, 1649.
ESTC No. R3399.Grub Street ID 116539.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus. The most renowned Prince of Bohemia: the first part. Containing his most noble atchievements, and triumphant battels, fought against the Persians, his love to the beautiful Princess Laurana, the King's daughter of Thessaly. The great dangers he passed in the island of rocks; and of his strange adventures in the desolate island.
London: printed by J. Millit, for W. Thackeray, at the sign of the Angel in Duck-Lane, 1649.
ESTC No. R40954.Grub Street ID 122705.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most pleasant history of Ornatus and Artesia. VVherein is contained the unjust reign of Thæon King of Phrygia, who with his son Lenon intending Ornatvus his death, right heir to the crown, was afterwards slain by his own servants; and Ornatus after many extreame miseries crowned king.
London: printed by B.A. dwelling in Grubstreet near the Upper-Pump, 1650.
ESTC No. R37850.Grub Street ID 120033.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most pleasant history of Ornatus and Artesia. Shewing, the tyrannical and wicked reign of Thϯn King of Phrygia; who having slain his lawful soveraign, usurped the kingdom, and grievously opprested the people, was afterwards murthered by one of his own servants. Wit the manner of his son Lenon's falling in love with the beautiful Artesia, his several strange and unheard of plots contrived to attain his desires, and the miseries she endured thereby; till by the prudence, valour and fortitude of Ornatus, she was set at liberty. Also, how by the assistance of th King of Armenia, and the policy of Phylastes, Ornatus recovered the kingdom (to which he was right heir) and afterwards he and Artesia (being royally married together) crowned king and queen of Phrygia.
London: printed by E. Alsop, dwelling near the Upper Pump in Grubstreet, 1656.
ESTC No. R233537.Grub Street ID 105049.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable and pleasant history, of Parismus the most renowed Prince of Bohemia. The first part. Containing his most noble and triumphant battles fought against the Persians: together with his love to Laurana, the Kings daughter of Thessaly; and of his strange adventures in the desolate island.
London: printed by E. Alsop for John Andrews at the White Lion in the Old Baily, 1657.
ESTC No. R215072.Grub Street ID 90183.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion knight of the oracle, and son to the most renowned Persicles, King of Assiria. Shewing, his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in arms; and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced with much variety of pleasant and delightfull discourse.
London: printed by E. Alsop, and are to be sold by John Andrews, at his Shop in Pie-Corner over against the Church-Gate, 1658.
ESTC No. R234934.Grub Street ID 106164.
Ford, Emanuel.
The pleasant history of Parismus prince of Bohemia. Declaring many admirable passages concerning his love to the vertuous Laurana, onely daughter to Dionysius, King of Thessaly. With a narrative of his wonderful atchievements in feats of chivalry, whereby he purchased to himself a name dignified with honor and renown. Very pleasant and delightful to read.
London : Printed by J.B. for Charles Tyus, at the Sign of the Three Bibles on London Bridge, [ca. 1660].
ESTC No. R42374.Grub Street ID 123734.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. The first part. Containing, his most noble atchievements, and triumphant battles fought against the Persians: his love to the beautiful Princess Laurana, the Kings daughte of Thessaly; the great dangers he passed in the [I]sland of Rocks; and of his strange adventures in the Desolate Island.
The sixth impression, newly corrected and amended..
London : printed by E. Alsop, and Rob. Wood, for Francis Grove on Snow-Hill, and William Gilbertson, at the signe of the Bible in Guilt-Spur-street, without Newgate, 1661.
ESTC No. R233534.Grub Street ID 105046.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned prince of Bohemia containing the adventurous travels and noble chivalry of Parismenos the knight of fame, with his love to the beautiful and fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower.
The sixth impression newly corrected and amended..
London : Printed by E. Alsop for Francis Grove .. and William Gilbertson .., 1661.
ESTC No. R30462.Grub Street ID 113309.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion knight of the Oracle. Son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned King Persicles of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in armes; and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced with much variety of pleasant and delightful discourse.
London : printed by E. Alsop, and Robert Wood, and are to be sold by Francis Grove on Snow Hill, William Gilbertson in Gilt-spur-street, and Charles Tyus on London Bridge, 1661.
ESTC No. R37847.Grub Street ID 120029.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most pleasant history of Ornatus and Artesia shewing the tirannical and wicked reign of Theon, King of Phrigia .
The sixth impression exactly corrected and amended..
London : Printed by E. Alsop for R. Wood for Thomas Vere and William Gilbertson, 1662.
ESTC No. R30463.Grub Street ID 113310.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion, knight of the Oracle. Son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned King Persicles of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in armes; and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced with much variety of pleasant and delightful discourse.
London : Printed by E. Alsop, and Robert Wood for S.S. and are to be sold by Francis Coles in the Old Baily, and Charles Tyus, 1663.
ESTC No. R7607.Grub Street ID 127859.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. The first part. Containing his most noble atchievments, and triumphant battles fought against the Persians; hsi love to the beautiful Princess Laurana, the kings daughter of Thessaly; the great dangers he passed in the island of Rocks; and of his strange adventures in the Desolate Island.
The seventh impression, newly corrected and amended..
London : printed by G. Purslow, for F. Coles, T Vere, W. Gilbertson, and J. Wright, 1664.
ESTC No. R222668.Grub Street ID 96619.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion knight of the Oracle. Son to the true mirror of princes, the most renowned Persicles King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in arms; and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced wit variety of pleasant and delightful discourse. Licensed according to order.
London : printed by T.F. for S. S[peed?]. and are to be sold by William Thackeray at the Golden Sugar-Loaf in Duck-Lane, 1668.
ESTC No. R3426.Grub Street ID 116787.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most pleasant history of Ornatus and Artesia: shewing the tirannical and wicked reign of Theron, King of Phrigia; who having murthered his lawful soveraign, usurped the kingdom, and grievously opprest the people, was afterwards slain by one of his own servants. With the manner of is son Lenons falling in love with the fair Artesia; his several strange and unheard of plots, contrived to attain his desires, and the miseries she endured thereby, till by the prudence, valour, and fortitude of Ornatus, she was set at liberty. Also, how by the assistance of the Kin of Armenid, and the policy of Philastes, Ornatus recovered the kingdom, (to which he was right heir) and afterwards he and Artesia, being royally married together, crowned King and Queen of Phrigia.
The seventh impression; exactly corrected and amended..
London : printed by J. W[inter] for Thomas Vere, and William Whitwood, 1669.
ESTC No. R177171.Grub Street ID 69389.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. The first part. Containing his most noble atchievments, and triumphant battles fought against the Persians; his love to the beautifull Princess Laurana, the kings daughter of Thessaly; the great dangers he passed in the island of Rocks; and of his strange adventures in the Desolate Island.
The eighth impression, newly corrected and amended..
London : printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, 1669.
ESTC No. R222669.Grub Street ID 96620.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. The first part. Containing his most noble atchievements, and triumphant battles fought against the Persians; his love to the beautiful Princess Laurana, the Kings daughter of Thessaly: the great dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks; and of his strange adventures in the desolate island.
The ninth impression, newly corrected and amended..
London : printed by A[nne]. P[urslowe]. for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, 1671.
ESTC No. R3451.Grub Street ID 117033.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. The second part. Containing the adventurous travels, and noble chivalry of Parismenos, the Knight of Fame; with his love to the beautiful and fair princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower.
The ninth impression, newly corrected and amended..
London : printed by E. Crowch, for Francis Coles, Thomas Vere, and John Wright, 1671.
ESTC No. R224954.Grub Street ID 98357.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion, knight of the Oracle. Son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillous adventures in arms; and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced with variety of pleasant and delightful discourse. Licensed according to order.
London : printed by G.P. for S.S. and are to be sold by F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, 1671.
ESTC No. R217207.Grub Street ID 92019.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. The second part. Containing the adventurous travels, and noble chivalry of Parismenos, the Knight of Fame; with his love to the beautiful and fair princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower.
The ninth impression, newly corrected and amended..
London : printed by E. Crowch for Francis Coles, Thomas Vere, and John Wright, 1672.
ESTC No. R224453.Grub Street ID 98095.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion, knight of the Oracle. Son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned King Persicles, King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillous adventures in arms; and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced with much variety of pleasant and delightful discourse. Licensed, according to order.
London : printed by A.P. for W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, and are to be sold at their shops; in Duck-lane, neer West-Smith-field; and at the three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1673.
ESTC No. R215070.Grub Street ID 90181.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus the most renowned prince of Bohemia. The first part. Containing his most noble atchievements, and triumphant battles foughts against the Persians: his love to the beautiful princess Laurana, the Kings daughter of Thessayly: the great dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks: and of his strage adventures in the Desolate Island.
The tenth impression, newly corrected and amended..
London : printed by A[nne]. P[urslowe]. and T[homas]. H[aly]. for F[rancis]. Coles, T[homas]. Vere, J[ohn]. Wright, and J[ohn]. Clarke, M. DC. LXXVII. [1677].
ESTC No. R177172.Grub Street ID 69390.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion, knight of the Oracle, son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles, King of Assyria. Shewing, his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillous adventures in arms: and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlace with variety of pleasant and delightful discourse. Licensed, according to order.
London : printed by T. Haly, for W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, and are to be sold at their shops; at the Angel in Duck-Lane, neer West-smith-field; and at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1680.
ESTC No. R37349.Grub Street ID 119585.
Ford, Emanuel.
Of the famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In two parts. Part I. Containing his triumphant battels fought against the Persians, his love to the beautiful Laurana, the great dangers he passed in the island of rocks, and his strange adventures in the desolate island. Part II. Containing the adventurous travels, and noble chivalry of Parismenos, the knight of fame, with his love to the fair princess Angelica, the lady of the golden tower.
London : printed by W. Onley, for Josiah Blare, at the Looking-glass, on London-bridge; and for George Conyers, at the Ring in Little Britain, [1680?].
ESTC No. R40956.Grub Street ID 122707.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most Renowned Prince of Bohemia, the first part. Containing His most noble atchievements, and triumphant battels, fought against the Persians; His love to the beautiful princess Lavrana, the Kings daughte of Thessaly; the great dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks; and of his strange adventures in the Desolate Island.
The eleventh impression newly corrected and amended..
London : printed by T[homas]. H[aly]. for F[rancis]. Coles, T[homas]. Vere, J[ohn]. Wright, J[ohn]. Clarke, W[illiam]. Thackeray, and T[homas]. Passenger, 1681.
ESTC No. R37849.Grub Street ID 120031.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion knight of the Oracle. Son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles, King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillous adventures in arms: and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced with variety of pleasant and delightful discourse. Licensed, according to order.
London : printed by T. Haly, for W. Thackeray, and T. Passenger, and are to be sold at their shops; at the Angel in Duck-lane, near West-Smithfield; and at the Three Bibles, on London-Bridge, 1682.
ESTC No. R217963.Grub Street ID 92684.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most renowned and pleasant history of Parismus. Conteyning his triumphant battles fought against the Persians, his love to the beautiful princess Laurana, the great dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks and of his strange adventures in the Desolate Island. Together, with the adventurous travels, and noble chivalry of Parismenos the Knight of Fame, with is love to the fair Princess Angelica, the lady of the Golden Tower. With allowance, Ro. L'Estrange.
London] : Printed by H[enry]. B[rugis]. for J[ohn]. Wright, J[ohn]. Clark, W[illiam]. Thackery, and T[homas]. Passenger, 1683.
ESTC No. R177173.Grub Street ID 69391.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most pleasant history of Ornatus and Artesia: shewing the tyrannical and wicked reign of Thæon, King of Phrigia, VVho having murthered his lawful soveraign, usurped the kingdom, and grievously opprest the people, was afterwards slain by one of his own servants. With the manner of his son Lenons falling in love with the fair Artesia; his several strange and unheard of plots, contrived to attain his desires, and the miseries she endured thereby, till by the prudence, valour, and fortitude of Ornatus, she was set at liberty. Also, how by the assistance of the King of Armenia, and the policy of Philastes, Ornatus recovered the kingdom, (to which he was right heir) and afterwards he and Artesia, being royally married together, crowned king and queen of Phrigia.
The eighth impression; exactly corrected and amended..
London : printed by M. White, for J. Wright, J. Clark, W. Thackery, and Tho. Passenger, 1683.
ESTC No. R215777.Grub Street ID 90745.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. .
The twelfth impression, newly corrected and amended..
London : printed by M.H. and J.M. for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, 1684.
ESTC No. R36462.Grub Street ID 118740.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion knight of the Oracle. Son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles, King of Assyria shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillous adventures in arms: and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced with variety of pleasant and delightful discourse. Licensed, according to order.
London : printed by J.R. and W.W. for W. Thackeray, and T. Passenger, and are to be sold at their shops; at the Angel in Duck-lane, near West-Smithfield; and at the three Bibles, on London-Bridge, 1687.
ESTC No. R215071.Grub Street ID 90182.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of BohemiaDT The first part. Containing his most noble atchievements, and triumphant battels, fought against the Persians; his love to the beautiful princess Laurana, the King's daughter of Thessaly. The great dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks; and of his strange adventures in the Desolate Island.
The thirteenth impression, newly corrected and amended..
London : printed by J. Millit, for W. Thackeray at the sign of the Angel in Duck-Lane, 1689.
ESTC No. R3256.Grub Street ID 115266.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In two parts. Part I. Containing his triumphant battels fought against the Persians, his love to the beautiful Laurana, the great dangers he passed in the island of rocks, and his strange adventure; in the desolate island. Part II. Containing the adventurous travels, and noble chivalry of parismenos, the knight of fame, with his love to the fair princess angelica, the lady of the golden tower.
London : printed by W. Onley, for J. Blare, at the sign of the Looking-glass, on London-bridge, [1690].
ESTC No. R37843.Grub Street ID 120026.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion knight of the Oracle. Son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles, King of Assyria shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in arms: and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced with variety of pleasant and delightful discourse. Licensed, according to order.
London : printed for W. Thackeray, and E. Tracey, at the Three Bibles, on London-Bridge, 1695.
ESTC No. R29526.Grub Street ID 112496.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia. The first part. Containing his most noble atchievements and triumphant battels fought against the Persians: his love to the beautiful Princess Laurana, the King's daughter of Thessaly. The great dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks; and of his strange adventures in the desolate island. The fourteenth impriession. Corrected and amended.
The fourteenth impression, corrected and amended..
London : printed by W. Wilde, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1696.
ESTC No. R3061.Grub Street ID 113452.
Ford, Emanuel.
The pleasant and delightful history of Parismus, the valiant prince of Bohamia: containing his triumphant battles fought against the Persians, his love to the beautiful Princess Laurana, the great dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks, and his strange adventures in th Desolate Island. Together with the adventrous travels, and noble chivalry of Parismenos the knight of fame, with his love to the fair princess Angelica, the lady of the golden tower. Licens'd and enter'd according to order.
London : printed by and for W[illiam]. O[nley]. and are to be sold by the book-sellers of Pye-corner and London-bridge, [between 1697 and 1709?].
ESTC No. R235791.Grub Street ID 106815.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts. Part I. Containing his triumphant batttels fought against the Persians, his love to the beautiful Laurania, the great dangers he passed in the island of rocks, and hi strange adventures in the desolate island. Part II. Containing the aventurous travels, and noble chivalry of Parismenos, the Knight of Fame, with his love to the fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. Part III. Containing the admirable adve[nt]ures and truly heroick atchievements of P[a]rismenides, Knight of the Golden Star; with his love to the fair Astrea, Princess of Austracia, and other rare adventures.
London : printed by W.O. and sold by J. Blare, on London-bridge; and G. Conyers, in Little Britain, 1699.
ESTC No. R40950.Grub Street ID 122701.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion, knight of the Oracle, son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles, King of Assyria: shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in arms; and how he came to the knowledge of his royal parents. Interlaced with variety of pleasant and delightful discourse. Licens'd and enter'd according to order.
London : printed by W.O. for E. Tracy, at the Three Bibles, on London-bridge, and C. Bates, at the Sun and Bible in Pye-corner, [1700?].
ESTC No. R40952.Grub Street ID 122703.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous, pleasant, and delightful history of Ornatus and Artesia: containing their crosses and success in love, caused by Prince Lenon, son to Theon King of Phrygia. Being a history entertaining with variety of strange adventures, relating to love and arms. shewing how, after many great disappointments, miseries, and misfortunes, the two lovers were happily married, and crowned by the general consent of the nobles, King and Queen of the country.
London : printed for B. Deacon, at the Angel in Gilt-spur-street, without Newgate, [1700?].
ESTC No. R221539.Grub Street ID 95674.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts. Part I. Containing his Triumphant Battles fought against the Persians, his Love to the Beautiful Laurana, the great Dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks, and his strange Adtutes in the Desolate Island. Part II. Containing the Adventurous Travels, and Noble Chivalry of Parismenos, the Knight of Fame, with his Love to the Fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. Part III. Containing the Admirable Adventures and truly Heroick Atchievements of Parismenides, Knight of the Golden Star; with his Love to the Fair Astrea, Princess of Austracia, and other rare Adventures.
The third edition..
London : printed by W.O. and sold by J. Blare, on London-Bridge; and G. Conyers, in Little Britain, 1701.
ESTC No. T128618.Grub Street ID 178195.
Ford, Emanuel.
The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the most renowned prince of Bohemia. .
The fifteenth impression. Corrected and amended..
London : printed for H. Rhodes, 1704-05.
ESTC No. T129137.Grub Street ID 178619.
Ford, Emanuel.
The pleasant and delightful history of Montelion, the most valiant and renowned Knight of the Oracle, Son to Persicles, the Valiant King of Assyria, and fair Constantia Daughter to the Emperour of Persia; containing the many strange and wonderful Adventures of his Parents, relating to their Love and Misfortunes, &c. his miraculous Preservation when an Infant, the Wonders he did in the first Battle he enter'd, his Rescue of Philotheta, the beautiful Princess of Ilia, with whom he fell in Love, his Adventure against the Inchanted Castle to set Constantia at Liberty, and how he came unto the Knowledge of his Parents, &c.
London : printed by and for W. Onley; and sold by Eben. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London bridge, [1705?].
ESTC No. T128615.Grub Street ID 178192.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion, Knight of the Oracle, son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles, King of Assyria: shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in arms; and how he came to the knowledge of his royal parents. Interlaced with variety of pleasant and delightful discourse. Licens'd and enter'd according to order.
London : printed by W. O. for E. Tracy, at the Three Bibles, on London-Bridge, and C. Bates, at the Sun and Bible in Pye-Corner, [1710?].
ESTC No. N9690.Grub Street ID 54567.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion knight of the Oracle, ... shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in arms: ...
Dublin: printed by Francis Sadleir, for J. M., 1711.
ESTC No. T224855.Grub Street ID 246947.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts. Part I. Containing his Triumphant Battles fought against the Persians, his Love to the Beautiful Laurana, the great Dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks, and his strange Adventures in the Desolate Island. Part II. Containing the Adventurous Travels, and Noble Chivalry of Parismenos, the Knight of Fame, with his Love to the fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. Part III. Containing the Admirable Adventures and truly Heroick Archievements of Parismenides, Knight of the Golden Star with his Love to the Fair Astrea, Princess of Austracia, and other rare Adventures.
The fifth edition..
London] : printed by and for C. Brown, and T. Norris, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1713.
ESTC No. T128617.Grub Street ID 178194.
Ford, Emanuel.
The history of Parismus, the valiant prince of Bohemia: containing his triumphant battles fought against the Persians, his love to the beautiful Princess Laurana, the great dangers he passed ... and his strange adventures .
London : printed by T. Norris, [1715?].
ESTC No. T167676.Grub Street ID 205720.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts. .
The sixth edition..
London : printed by Tho. Norris, 1719.
ESTC No. N9687.Grub Street ID 54563.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion, Knight of the Oracle, son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles, King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillous adventures, &c. Adorned with suitable cuts, and interpos'd with variety of pleasant and instructive stories.
London : printed for Hannah Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge; and Sarah Bates, at the Sun and Bible in Giltspur-Street, 1720.
ESTC No. T128616.Grub Street ID 178193.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion, Knight of the Oracle, son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles, King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillous adventures, &c. Adorned with suitable cuts, and interposed with variety of pleasant and instructive stories.
London : printed for A. Bettsworth and C. Hitch at the Red-Lyon; and J. Osborn, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-noster-Row; S. Birt, at the Bible and Ball in Avemary-Lane; J. Hodges, at the Looking-glass on London-Bridge; and S. Bates, at the Sun and Bible in Giltspur-Street, [1720?].
ESTC No. N18593.Grub Street ID 8060.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia In three parts. Part I. Containing his Triumphant Battles fought against the Persians, his Love to the Beautiful Laurana, the great Dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks, and his strange Adventures in the Desolute Island. Part II. Containing the Adventurous Travels, and Noble Chivalry of Parismenos, The Knight of Faeme, with his Love to the fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. Part III. Containing the Admirable Adventures and truly Heroick Archievements of Parismonides, Knight of the Golden Star, with his Love to the Fair Astrea, Princess of Austracia, and other rare Adventures.
The seventh edition..
London : printed by Tho. Norris, at the Looking-Glass on London Bridge, 1724.
ESTC No. T116557.Grub Street ID 168219.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts[.] Part I. Containing his triumphant battles fought against the Persians, his love to the beautiful Laurana, the great dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks, and his strange adventures in the desolate island. Part II. Containing the adventurous travels, and noble chivalry of Parismenos, the knight of fame, with his love to the fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. Part III. Containing the admirable adventures and truly heroick atchievements of Parismones, Knight of the Golden Star, with his love to the fair Astrea, Princess of Austracia, and other rare adventures.
The seventh edition..
London : printed for Mess Bettesworth and Hitch, at the Red Lyon, and J. Osborne, at the Golde Ball, in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner, and James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge, 1734.
ESTC No. N48879.Grub Street ID 33346.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion, knight of the Oracle, son to the true mirrour of princes, the most renowned Persicles, King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillous adventures, &c. Adorned with suitable cuts, and interposed with variety of pleasant and instructive stories.
London : printed for H. Woodgate and S. Brooks, at the Golden Ball, Pater-Noster-Row, [1759].
ESTC No. T128481.Grub Street ID 178062.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts. Part I. Containing his Triumphant Battles fought against the Persians, his Love to the Beautiful Laurana, the great Dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks, and his strange Adventures in the Desolate Island. Part II. Containing the Adventurous Travels and Noble Chivalry of Parismonos, The Knight of Fame, with his Love to the fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. Part III. Containing the Admirable Adventures and truly Heroick Atchievements of Parismonos, Knight of the Golden Star, with his Love to the Fair Astrea, Princess of Austracia, and other rare Adventures.
The eighth edition..
London : printed for Henry Woodgate and Samuel Brooks, at the Golden-Ball, in Pater-Noster-Row, [1760?].
ESTC No. T71888.Grub Street ID 295440.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous history of Montelion, knight of the Oracle, Son to the True Mirror of Princes, The Most Renowned Persicles, King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perilous adventures in arms; and how he came to the Knowledge of his Parents. Intermixed With Variety of Pleasant and Delightful Discourse. Licensed according to Order.
Dublin: printed for Thomas Brown, at the Bible in High-Street, where Country Chapmen, and others, may be furnished with all Sorts of School-Books, at the most Reasonable Rates, MDCCLXI. [1761].
ESTC No. T128324.Grub Street ID 177932.
Ford, Emanuel.
The history of Parismus, Prince of Bohemia. Containing His Battles over the Persians, his Dangers in the Isle of Rocks, his Adventures in the desolate Island, and his Love to the beautiful Laurana. To which is added the adventures and travels of Parismenos, the Knight of Fame: with his love to the fair Princess Angelica, Lady of the Golden Tower.
London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary Church-Yard, London, [1770?.
ESTC No. T160960.Grub Street ID 200212.
Ford, Emanuel.
The history of Parismus, Prince of Bohemia. Containing, his battles over the Persians, his dangers in the Isle of Rocks, his adventures in the desolate island, and his love to the beautiful Laurana. Whereunto is added, the adventurous travels of Prismenos, the Knight of fame; with his love the fair Princess Angelia [sic], Lady of the Golden Tower.
London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary Church-Yard, [1770?.
ESTC No. T36438.Grub Street ID 266361.
Ford, Emanuel.
The history of Parismus, Prince of Bohemia. Containing, His Battles over the Persians, his Dangers in the Isle of Rocks, his Adventures in the Desolate Island, and his Love to the beautiful Laurana. To which is added, the adventures and travels of Parismenos, the Knight of Fame; with his love to the fair Princess Angelica, Lady of the Golden Tower.
London] : Printed and sold in London, [1790?.
ESTC No. T36436.Grub Street ID 266359.
Ford, Emanuel.
The history of Parismus, Prince of Bohemia. Containing, his battles over the Persians, his dangers in the Isle of Rocks, his adventures in the desolate island, and his love to the beautiful Laurana. To which is added, the adventures and travels of Parismenos, the knight of fame; with his love to the fair Princess Angelica, Lady of the Golden Tower.
London] : printed and sold in London, [1790?.
ESTC No. T36437.Grub Street ID 266360.
Ford, Emanuel.
The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts. ...
Dublin: printed by R. Cross, 1799.
ESTC No. N219.Grub Street ID 11256.