Publications of William Webb junior
Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.
What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.
In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:
- "printed by x"; or
- "sold by x"; or
- "printed for x" or "published by x";
or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):
- "printed and sold by x"; "printed: and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.
On this last point, trade publishers such as Mary Cooper appeared in imprints as having "printed" or "published" the work, though they did not own the copyright. The lists below reflect only the information on the imprint, except where ESTC provides extra information.
Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.
David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:
The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.
D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).
Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.
A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).
- Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
- Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
- John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
- John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
- David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
- Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
- D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
- Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).
Printed by William Webb junior
- The honest electors: or, the courtiers sent back with their bribes, a new ballad opera. Of three acts. Dedicated to the worthy liverymen of the city of London. London : printed by W. Webb , near the Royal Exchange ; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster , [1733?]. ESTC No. N7406. Grub Street ID 52341.
- Vernon's glory. Containing Fifteen New Songs, occasion'd by the Taking of Porto-Bello and Fort Chagre. London : printed by W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1740]. ESTC No. T181191. Grub Street ID 217776.
- Vernon's glory. Part II. Containing several new songs, occasion'd by the taking of porto-bello, fort chagre, and the admiral's birth-day. To which are added, two new city songs. London : Printed by W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1740. ESTC No. T181193. Grub Street ID 217778.
- Vernon's glory. Containing fourteen new songs, occasion'd by the taking of Porto-Bello and Fort Chagre. London : printed by W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1740]. ESTC No. T86158. Grub Street ID 306416.
- The mystery of phanaticism: or the artifices of dissenters to support their schism. Together with the evil and danger of them. Set forth in fourteen letters to a friend. Wherein is made appear, That nothing but the Subtilty and Cunning of their Teachers, doth hinder the People from conformity. By a divine of the Church of England. This work was perus'd in Manuscript and greatly approv'd by Archbishop Sancroft, Bishop Kenn, Mr. Kettlewell, Dr. Aldrich, Dean of Christ-Church Oxon, Dr. Jane, &c. to whom the author was well-known and admir'd for his Learning and firm Adherence to the Principles of real Christianity. London : printed by W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T179758. Grub Street ID 216463.
- Dodsley, Robert. The book of James. With an hymn of thanksgiving on his deliverance from the hands of Richeth. Translated from the original Arabick of Belshazzer Kapha, the Jew. To which is added, Oliver Cromwell's letter to a certain eminent kidnapper. London] : Dublin printed, London re-printed, for W. Webb, 1743. ESTC No. N62514. Grub Street ID 44854.
- A survey of the national debts, the sinking fund, the civil list, and the annual supplies: giving a clear and impartial account of our present state with regard to publick money. With tables of the national debts for 1716, and the five last years; the navy debts; the expence of the war for the four last years; the monies expended on all occasions for the publick, in the same years; and the supplies of the first seven years of Queen Anne's war, compared with those granted in the last seven sessions of Parliament. Humbly inscribed to Sir John Philipps, Bart. London : printed by W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1745]. ESTC No. T48977. Grub Street ID 276811.
- Lovat, Simon Fraser. The book of the lamentations of Simon, Prince of the Tribe of Lovat. London : printed by W. Webb, near St. Pauls, [1746?]. ESTC No. N66596. Grub Street ID 48305.
- Johnson, Samuel. Prologue and epilogue, spoken at the opening of the theatre in Drury-Lane 1747. London : printed by W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1747?]. ESTC No. N12123. Grub Street ID 2138.
Printed for William Webb junior
- Mercvrivs aulicus, a diurnall, communicating the intelligence and affaires of the Court to the rest of the Kingdome. Oxford [i.e. London, England]: printed by H[enry]. Hall for W[illiam]. Webb. ESTC No. P1263. Grub Street ID 55094.
- Robin and Will. Or, The Millers of Arlington. A new ballad. London : Printed for W. Webb, near the Royal-Exchange; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1733. ESTC No. T175785. Grub Street ID 212851.
- A bill for repealing several subsidies and an impost now payable on tobacco of the British plantations, and for granting an inland duty in lieu thereof. London : printed for W. Webb, near the Royal-Exchange, MDCCXXXIII. [1733]. ESTC No. T65029. Grub Street ID 289963.
- Change-alley excised: Or, The bulls and bears in an uproar. London : Printed for W. Webb, near the Royal Exchange, 1733. ESTC No. T163350. Grub Street ID 201918.
- F. G, F.R.S. Islington: or, the humours of New Tunbridge Wells, entertaining and useful, adapted to the taste of both sexes and all ages: or, the blazing star in the world of the moon; Being a true Description of the Company, Characters, Manners, and Conversation of the various Inhabitants, with some Poetical Embellishments, useful Speculations, serious and comical Puns, Crotchets and Conclusions. That this World has a blind Side, a dark Side, and a bright Side, and that no Man's Fate is so dark, but when the bright Star shines upon it, it will return its Rays, and shine for itself. That all Things here turn like the Moon, up to Day, down to Morrow, Full and Change, Flux and Reflux. The various Characters lively represented. Address'd to Mrs. Reason, who represents the chief character. (mistress of the Wells.) As these Characters are merely to expose Vice and Folly, let none pretend to a Key, or look on these Pictures least he finds his own. Gentlemen and Ladies, This Pamphlet sure in too much hast was. London : printed for W. Webb, near the Royal Exchange, and sold by the pamphlet shops of London and Westminster, and Miss Reason at the Wells, 1733. ESTC No. T128589. Grub Street ID 178166.
- Arnall, William. The complaint of the children of Israel, representing their grievances under the penal laws; and praying, that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England. In a letter to a reverend high priest of the Church by law established. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the house of David. London : printed for W. Webb, 1736. ESTC No. T165297. Grub Street ID 203552.
- Arnall, William. The complaint of the children of Israel, representing their grievances under the penal laws: and praying, that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence, in common with all other subjects of England. In a letter to a reverend high priest of the church by law established. The fourth edition. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the house of David. London : printed for W. Webb, in Paternoster-Row, 1736. ESTC No. T165336. Grub Street ID 203593.
- Arnall, William. The complaint of the children of Israel, representing their grievances under the penal laws; and praying, that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England. In a letter to a reverend high priest of the church by law established. The eighth edition. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the House of David. London : printed for W. Webb, in Paternoster-Row, 1736. ESTC No. N28004. Grub Street ID 17225.
- Bridgeabout, Timothy. Rinology: or, a description of the nose, and particularly of that part of it call'd, the bridge. ... By Timothy Bridgeabout, . London] : Dublin printed. London, reprinted for W. Webb, 1736. ESTC No. T149072. Grub Street ID 195150.
- Arnall, William. The complaint of the children of Israel, representing their grievances under the penal laws; and praying, that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England. In a letter to a reverend high priest of the Church by law established. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the house of David. London : printed for W. Webb, 1736. ESTC No. N44636. Grub Street ID 30037.
- Bridgeabout, Timothy. Rinology; or, a description of the nose, and particularly, of that part of it, call'd, the bridge. Wherein is shewn, That the Bridge is the proper Support of the Nose; that it is Effential to it; that a Nose don't deserve its Name without it; that the Bridge is not call'd a Bridge, because the Nose goes over it, but because Salt-Water often runs by it; with natural Reasons, why, in a wet or cold Morning, 'tis High-Water at the Bridge of the Nose, and yet the Tide runs out at the same Time. To which are subjoin'd, several Accounts of Persons who had High Noses, others who had Low Noses, others who had Flat Noses, and some who had none at all. Humbly inscrib'd to the Family of Great Noses. By Timothy Bridgeabout, formerly Fellow of St. Patrick's College, and Operator for the Nose to the Great Mogul. The third edition.. London] : Dublin, printed. London, reprinted for W. Webb, near Pater-Noster-Row, [1736. ESTC No. T129085. Grub Street ID 178569.
- Arnall, William. The complaint of the children of Israel, representing their grievances under the penal laws; and praying, that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England. In a letter to a Reverend high priest of the Church by law established. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the house of David. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, in Paternoster-Row, [1736]. ESTC No. T30979. Grub Street ID 261810.
- Arnall, William. The complaint of the children of Israel, representing their grievances under the penal laws; and praying, that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England. In a letter to a Reverend high priest of the Church by law established. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the house of David. The third edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, in Paternoster-Row, [1736]. ESTC No. T30980. Grub Street ID 261812.
- Arnall, William. The complaint of the children of Israel, representing their grievances under the penal laws; and praying, that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England. In a letter to a reverend high priest of the Church by law established. The fourth edition. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the house of David. London : printed for W. Webb, 1736. ESTC No. T30981. Grub Street ID 261813.
- Arnall, William. The complaint of the children of Israel, representing their grievances under the penal laws; and praying, that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in Common with all other subjects of England. In a letter to a reverend high priest of the Church by law established. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the house of David. The fifth edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, in Paternoster-Row, [1736]. ESTC No. T30982. Grub Street ID 261814.
- Arnall, William. The complaint of the children of Israel, Representing their grievances under the Penal Laws; and praying, that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England. In a letter to a Reverend High Priest of the church by law established. The sixth edition. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the House of David. London : Printed for W. Webb, in Paternoster-Row, 1736. ESTC No. T30983. Grub Street ID 261815.
- Arnall, William. The complaint of the children of Israel, representing their grievances under the penal laws; and praying, that if the tests are repealed, the Jews may have the benefit of this indulgence in common with all other subjects of England. In a letter to a reverend high priest of the Church by law established. The seventh edition. By Solomon Abrabanel, of the house of David. London : printed for W. Webb, in Paternoster Row [1736]. ESTC No. T30984. Grub Street ID 261816.
- Impartial hand.. The life of Mother Gin; containing a true and faithful relation of her conduct and politicks, in all the various and important occurrences of state that she was engaged in during her Time; her Transactions with several eminent Patriots and great M-s; particularly, in the four last years of the late Q-n; with the secret Motives, and true Reasons of her Fall; and a Detection of the Views of the Authors of it. By an impartial hand. London : printed for W. Webb in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. T77331. Grub Street ID 299469.
- Bridgeabout, Timothy. Rinology: or, a description of the nose, and particularly of that part of it, call'd, the bridge. ... By Timothy Bridgeabout, . The second edition.. London] : Dublin, printed. London, reprinted for W. Webb, 1736. ESTC No. T216910. Grub Street ID 242174.
- A complete collection of protests from the year M.DC.XLI. to the present year M.DCC.XXXVII. London : printed for W. Webb, near Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T116247. Grub Street ID 167919.
- Probus to Philaretes: a familiar miscellaneous epistle. Occasioned by some late occurrences. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, [1738]. ESTC No. T44488. Grub Street ID 272911.
- Stillingfleet, Benjamin. Some thoughts concerning happiness. By Irenæus Krantzovius. Translated from the original German, with notes, by A. B. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1738. ESTC No. T225655. Grub Street ID 247464.
- Columbario, Christopher. The pigeon-Pye, or, a King's coronation, proper materials for forming an oratorio, opera, or play, according to the modern taste: To Be Represented in Opposition to the Dragon of Wantley. By an admirer of bad composition, and author of - nothing. London : printed for W. Webb, near St Paul's, [1738]. ESTC No. T125710. Grub Street ID 175808.
- Stillingfleet, Benjamin. Some thoughts concerning happiness. By Irenæus Krantzovius. Translated from the original German, with notes, by A. B. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1738]. ESTC No. T54206. Grub Street ID 281074.
- Marforio.. An historical view of the principles, characters, persons, &c. of the political writers in Great Britain. Viz. Mr. P-y, Lord C-, Lord B-, D. of A-le, Mr. S-, &c. &c. &c. Also, the names and characters of the authors of the Craftsman, Common-sense, Champion, Englishman's evening post, Daily gazetteer, &c. In a letter to monsieur M-s, from Monsieur B-s, private agent these twenty years past from the C-t of F-ce, in England. Translated from the French. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T36331. Grub Street ID 266257.
- Considerations on the management of the late secret expeditions, and the conduct of the Court of France. In a letter to ***. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T2956. Grub Street ID 260921.
- Colet, John. A memorandum design'd only for bishops and dignify'd clergy. Being a sermon preach'd at St. Paul's, London, by the truly honest and learned Dr. John Collett, dean of the said church. London : prinded [sic] for W. Webb, 1740. ESTC No. T206008. Grub Street ID 235612.
- Considerations on the management of the late secret expeditions, and the conduct of the Court of France. In a letter to ***. London : printed for W. Webb, 1740. ESTC No. T1037. Grub Street ID 157313.
- Considerations on the management of the late secret expeditions, and the conduct of the Court of France. In a letter to ***. London : printed for W. Webb, 1740. ESTC No. T165154. Grub Street ID 203418.
- Marforio.. An historical view of the principles, characters, persons, &c. of the political writers in Great-Britain, Viz. Mr. P-----------y, Lord C---------, Lord B-------, D. of A---------le, Mr. S--------, &c. &c. &c. also The Names and Characters of the Authors of the Craftsman, Common-Sense, Champion, English-Man's Evening-Post, Daily-Gazetteer, &c. in a letter to Monsieur M----s, from Monsieur B-----s, Private Agent these Twenty Years past from the C---t of F----ce, in England. Translated from the French. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1740. ESTC No. T106273. Grub Street ID 159444.
- The Lords protest, November 18, 1740. To which is added, considerations upon the embargo laid on provision of victual. Also the protests of Dec. 8. and 9. Jan. 28. Feb. 3. 13. and March 9. London : Printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1741]. ESTC No. T4752. Grub Street ID 275469.
- M., M. B. S. E. M.. The mi---st---l light. Humbly recommended to the Fabii, as a philactery against the Samnites of the present age. By M. B. S. E. M. M. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. N4161. Grub Street ID 27959.
- Proceedings of the general meeting of the electors of Westminster, in the interest of Admiral Vernon, and Charles Edwin, Esq; on Friday the 17th of July, 1741, At the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. N19925. Grub Street ID 9350.
- The lords protest, November 18, 1740. To which is added, Considerations upon the Embargo laid on Provision of Victual. Also The Protests of Dec. 8. and 9. Jan. 28. and Feb. 3. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, 1741. ESTC No. N33985. Grub Street ID 22421.
- The patriots motion; or, the wise men of Gotham. London] : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1741. ESTC No. T196743. Grub Street ID 230074.
- A kiss, no excuse for a great man's living in adultery: being a sermon preached at St. Martin's, on Prov. vii. 13-16-22. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1741]. ESTC No. T91688. Grub Street ID 311509.
- Queensberry, Catherine Douglas. A proper reply to a late very extraordinary letter from the Hon. T----s H----y, Esq; to Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. In a letter to the honourable author. By a lady. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M,DCC,XLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T53983. Grub Street ID 280853.
- Queensberry, Catherine Douglas. A proper reply to a late very extraordinary letter from the Hon. T----s H----y, Esq; to Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. In a letter to the Honourable Author. By a lady. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M,DCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T53984. Grub Street ID 280854.
- S----ini, M-----r. The political padlock, and the English key, a fable. Translated from the Italian of Father M-----r S----ini, who is now under confinement for the same in Naples, by Order of Don Carlos. With explanatory notes. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1742]. ESTC No. T124977. Grub Street ID 175151.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. The country girl: an ode. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1742]. ESTC No. T107558. Grub Street ID 160577.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. The old coachman: a new ballad. To which is added, Labour in vain. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1742]. ESTC No. T107560. Grub Street ID 160580.
- Poney.. The representations of the society of the independent scald-miserable masons to P-l W-d Esq; and E- C-y Esq; Their worthy representatives, being better in quality, and containing more in quanity than any instruction hitherto extant. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's Church-yard, 1742. ESTC No. T193861. Grub Street ID 227909.
- Chansierges, M.. Grecian tales: or, the entertaining adventures of Neoptolemus, son of Achilles. Translated from the French. London : printed for W. Webb, 1742. ESTC No. N30865. Grub Street ID 19782.
- Bristol and Nottingham against London: or, the funeral of city faction; exemplified in a humorous print. To which is added, Bristol and Nottingham instructions and a proper reply to all instructors, by a noble lord. London] : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1742?. ESTC No. T105170. Grub Street ID 158535.
- The new ministry. Containing a collection of all the satyrical poems, songs, &c. since the beginning of 1742. Being more in number than any other collection hitherto published, tho' double the price. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M.DCC.XLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T84042. Grub Street ID 304460.
- The city lady's choice of a new standing member, in the room of the late fallen one. A new ballad. London : printed for W. Webb over-against St. Paul's, 1742. ESTC No. N26845. Grub Street ID 16206.
- Wiloringold, Martin. Sauce for the wedding dinner: or, a pleasant discourse of love and marriage. By Martin Wiloringold. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1742]. ESTC No. N21458. Grub Street ID 10835.
- The defection: or, the patriot prostituted. A poem. London : printed for W. Webb, 1742. ESTC No. N317. Grub Street ID 20573.
- The evening lessons for the day being the third and fourth chapters of the Book of preferment. By the author of the first and second. London : printed for W. Webb, 1742. ESTC No. N9495. Grub Street ID 54367.
- Scriblerus. The scribleriad. Being an epistle to the dunces, on renewing their attack upon Mr. Pope, under their leader the laureat. By Scriblerus. London : printed for W. Webb, 1742. ESTC No. N21276. Grub Street ID 10658.
- The new ministry. Part II. Containing a collection of all the satyrical poems, songs, &c. since the beginning of 1742, to this time. London : Printed for W. Webb, 1742. ESTC No. T83375. Grub Street ID 303783.
- The evening lessons. Being the first and second chapters of the book of entertainments. London : printed for W. Webb, 1742. ESTC No. T106505. Grub Street ID 159661.
- Hervey, John, 2nd Baron Hervey. The patriots are come; or, A new doctor for a crazy constitution. A new ballad to the tune of Derry down. London : printed for W. Webb, and may be had at the booksellers and pamphlet shops in London and Westminster, [1742]. ESTC No. T43787. Grub Street ID 272318.
- A list of the Members of Parliament who voted for and against taking the Hanover troops into British pay, December 10, 1742. To which is added, the Lords protest on that occasion, &c. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1742]. ESTC No. T75809. Grub Street ID 298432.
- Fantosme.. Memoirs of the nobility, gentry, &c. of Thule: or, the island of love. Being a secret history of their amours, artifices and intrigues. . London : printed for W. Webb, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXLII. [1742]-44. ESTC No. T75813. Grub Street ID 298435.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. The country girl: an ode. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, 1742. ESTC No. N1123. Grub Street ID 1227.
- A list of the members of Parliament who voted for and against taking the Hanover troops into British pay, December 10, 1742. To which is added, the Lords protests on that occasion, &c. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1742. ESTC No. N33772. Grub Street ID 22219.
- The last political will and testament of the right Honourable R--t E-- of O--d, late P-e M-r of Great Britain. London : printed for W. Webb, [1742?]. ESTC No. N62385. Grub Street ID 44749.
- Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford. The lessons for the day. Being the first and second capters of the book of preferments. Read to a congregation at St James's. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1741. ESTC No. T222602. Grub Street ID 245456.
- Nobleman of Holland.. The present state of British influence in Holland, Exemplified by the States-General's Answer of the 23/11 May, 1742, to the Earl of Stair's Memorial for a new Alliance; and by Observations on the said Answer, and the Conduct of Great Britain since the late Emperor's Death. In a Letter to the Right Honourable the Lord V- C-. By a Nobleman of Holland. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Pauls, M,DCC,XLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T17433. Grub Street ID 211416.
- Roome, Edward. Blast upon blast, and Lick for Lick; or a New Lesson for P-pe. A Parody on the Fourth Chapter of Genesis. By Capt. H-S Vinegar. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's; and sold by the booksellers and pamphlet-shops of London and Westminster, 1742. ESTC No. T22879. Grub Street ID 249050.
- Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford. The lessons for the day. Being the first and second chapters of the Book of preferment. London : printed for W. Webb, 1742. ESTC No. T171512. Grub Street ID 209131.
- Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford. The lessons for the day. Being the first and second chapters of the Book of preferment. Read to a congregation at St. James's. London : printed for W. Webb, 1742. ESTC No. N34386. Grub Street ID 22772.
- Author of the foregoing.. The lessons for the day, being the fifth and sixth chapters of the Book of preferment. By the author of the foregoing. London : printed for W. Webb, [1742?]. ESTC No. N34387. Grub Street ID 22773.
- Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford. The lessons for the day. Being the first and second chapters of the Book of preferment. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1742]. ESTC No. N2574. Grub Street ID 15094.
- The new ministry. Containing a collection of all the satyrical poems, songs, &c. since the beginning of 1742. Being more in number than any other collection hitherto published, tho' double the price. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M.DCC.XLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T68335. Grub Street ID 292599.
- A collection of letters publish'd in Old England: or, the constitutional journal. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1743]. ESTC No. T102057. Grub Street ID 155904.
- A new bloody ballad on the bloody battle at Dettingen: printed in bloody characters. To the tune of Old Sir Simon the king for George England. Huzza, &c. London] : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1743. ESTC No. N5438. Grub Street ID 38146.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. Esq; S---ys's budget open'd; or, drink and be d'd a new ballad, to the tune of, A begging we will go. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1743. ESTC No. T109560. Grub Street ID 162309.
- Ogle, Chaloner. The tryal of Sir Chaloner Ogle, Kt. Rear Admiral of the Blue. Before the chief justice of Jamaica, for an assault on the person of his Excellency Mr. Trelawney the governor, committed in his own house in Spanish Town, on the 22d day of July last. With authentic copies of the several letters that passed on that occasion, between Mr. Concanen, ... Sir Chaloner Ogle, ... and A-l V-. London : printed for W. Webb, 1743. ESTC No. N13696. Grub Street ID 3594.
- Young lady of quality.. G----e and D---y: or, the injur'd ghost. A true tale. In imitation of William and Margaret. By a lady of quality. London : printed for W. Webb, 1743. ESTC No. N1658. Grub Street ID 6157.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. S--nd--s and J--k--l. A new ballad. London [i.e. Dublin?]: printed for W. Webb, [1743]. ESTC No. T212863. Grub Street ID 239886.
- Young lady of quality.. G---e and D----y: or, the Injur'd Ghost. A true tale. In Imitation of William and Margaret. By a Young Lady of Quality. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1743. ESTC No. T40540. Grub Street ID 269586.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. The wife and the nurse: a new ballad. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1743]. ESTC No. T52494. Grub Street ID 279572.
- Independent. An enquiry into the independency of a dependent L---d; Being an examination of an account of the late E-----n of M-----s of P------t for W-----r, printed in the genealogy of their noble R-----ve. With a curious frontispiece. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1743. ESTC No. T1103. Grub Street ID 162839.
- A great man's speech in Downing-Street against the enquiry. To the tune of Packington's pound. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T108990. Grub Street ID 161819.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. S----s and J----l. A new ballad. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's [1743]. ESTC No. T126479. Grub Street ID 176418.
- Court whispers: or, a magazine of wit. A satyr for the country. Containing, Kick for Kick. The Review. N-k House. The Two Brothers. The Three Sisters. On the News of her-being brought to Bed of a Daughter. Sarah's Sucklings. The Beautiful B-m. To the C-ss of B-th. The Fasting Calendar. To Lady V-ne. The Bilboquette. To M- G-n. The Pleasant Mistake. Love and Devotion. To Miss Sc-m-re. Ill News after Marriage. Verses by Miss E-ds on Lord A- H- n's Marriage. The Benefit of a Vulgar Education. The Candle. A Tale. A very particular Acrostick. And, Love, In +sapphic Odes. By a young Nobleman. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1743. ESTC No. N3743. Grub Street ID 25384.
- Court and country; or, The changelings. A new ballad opera. As it was lately performed. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1743. ESTC No. T69416. Grub Street ID 293427.
- B., E.. The highland rog[ue:] being a general history of the highlande[rs,] wherein is given an account of their country and manner of living, exemplified in the life of Robert Mac-Gregor, commonly called Rob-Roy. . London : printed for W. Webb, 1743. ESTC No. T108736. Grub Street ID 161594.
- Dodington, George Bubb. An epistle from John More, apothecary of Abchurch-lane, to L--- C-------, upon his treatise of worms. London : printed for W. Webb, [1743]. ESTC No. T32809. Grub Street ID 263487.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. S----s and J----l. A new ballad. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1743]. ESTC No. T107559. Grub Street ID 160578.
- Priest-Craft and lust; Or, Lancelot to his ladies. An epistle from the shades. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1743. ESTC No. N20938. Grub Street ID 10318.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. The wife and the nurse: a new ballad. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1743]. ESTC No. T138840. Grub Street ID 186708.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. S--nd--s and J--k--l. A new ballad. London [i.e. Dublin?]: printed for W. Webb, [1743]. ESTC No. T203160. Grub Street ID 233820.
- Sailor on Board the S---ness Fleet.. The wind in the east: or, pri'thee friend keep back. An ominous warning. A humorous ballad. By a sailor on board the S---ness fleet. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1743]. ESTC No. N25095. Grub Street ID 14447.
- A second dialogue between G--s E-e and B--b D-----n. London : printed for W. Webb over-against Saint Paul's, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T3174. Grub Street ID 262531.
- Quevedo, Don, junior.. A particular account of Cardinal Fleury's journey to the other world, and his tryal at the tribunal of Minos. Wherein several Secret Transactions Relating to the Affairs of Europe, During his Administration, Are brought to Light, and canvased. With a Curious Description of the Infernal Regions and their Inhabitants. By Don Quevedo, Junior, secretary to Æacus, one of the puisne Judges of the Infernal Court. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1743. ESTC No. T94690. Grub Street ID 314247.
- The Difference between keeping and marriage. An heroic epistle from Edoarda to Hamillio, on his late nuptials at Bath. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1743. ESTC No. T102883. Grub Street ID 156556.
- Antient and modern corruption compared. Shewing, that avarice, which destroyed the liberties of Greece and Rome, will necessarily have the same effect in these nations, . London : printed for W. Webb, 1743. ESTC No. N31761. Grub Street ID 20637.
- An account of the proceedings on the King's Commissions of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and Goal Delivery, hold for the country of Surry, at Kingston upon Thames, on Thursday, August 4th, 1743, and the following days, of the assizes. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1743. ESTC No. T183666. Grub Street ID 220067.
- The new ministry. Part III. Containing a collection of all the satyrical poems, songs, &c. since the beginning of 1742. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T83374. Grub Street ID 303782.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. S----s and J----l. A new ballad. The third edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1743]. ESTC No. T82165. Grub Street ID 302761.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. Plain thoughts in plain language. A new ballad. London [i.e. Edinburgh?]: printed [by R. Fleming?] for W. Webb, 1743. ESTC No. N20260. Grub Street ID 9659.
- Hoyle, Edmond. A short treatise on the game of whist. Containing the laws of the game: and also, some rules, ... By a gentleman. London : printed for W. Webb [i.e. James Watson], 1742 [1743]. ESTC No. T86128. Grub Street ID 306385.
- Ogle, Chaloner. The tryal of Sir Chaloner Ogle, kt. rear admiral of the Blue. Before the Chief Justice of Jamaica, for an assault of the person of His Excellency Mr. Trelawney the governor, committed in his own house in Spanish Town, on the 22d day of July last. With authentic copies of the several lettters that passed on that occasion, between Mr. Concanen, now attorney general of the island, Sir Chaloner Ogle, the governor, and A-i V-. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M,DCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. N13648. Grub Street ID 3547.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. Plain thoughts in plain language. A new ballad,. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1743. ESTC No. T69649. Grub Street ID 293611.
- A great man's speech in Downing-Street against the enquiry. To the tune of Packington's pound. London [i.e. Edinburgh]: printed [by Ruddiman] for W. Webb, 1743. ESTC No. T163879. Grub Street ID 202229.
- The jolly patriots: a new ballad. To the tune of How pleasant a sailor's life passes!. London : printed for W. Webb, 1744. ESTC No. T187193. Grub Street ID 223264.
- Mathews, Thomas. Authentick letters from admiral Matthews to the Sec--t----s of St--te, the L--ds of the Ad-----ty, &c. Relating to his expedition to the mediterranean, with their answers. From the time of his going out, to the late engagement. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St Paul's, and sold by the booksellers in Newcastle, and at the Printing-Office in the Close, [1744?]. ESTC No. N16280. Grub Street ID 5959.
- Mathews, Thomas. Authentick letters from Admiral Mathews to the Sec--t----s of st--te, the L----ds of the Ad------ty, &c. Relating to his expedition to the Mediterranean, with their answers. . London : printed for W. Webb, [1744?]. ESTC No. T22798. Grub Street ID 248667.
- Miller, James. The H-r heroes: Or, A song of triumph. In laud of the immortal conduct, and marvellous exploits of those choise spirits, during the last campaign, and the action of Dettingen. Most submissively inscrib'd to the Generals ****** and Ilton. By a H--N--R--N. Translated from the high German, into English verse, and the metre adapted to the tune of The miller of Mansfield. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1744]. ESTC No. T106595. Grub Street ID 159742.
- Hanbury Williams, Sir Charles. Place-Book for the year seventeen-hundred, Forty-Five. A new ballad. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1744-5 [i.e. 1745]. ESTC No. T42325. Grub Street ID 271117.
- Henley, John. The coup de grace: or, Mr. Bayle's prophesy fulfilled, in Luther Junior his last stroke to compleat the Reformation. Invalidating the title of ecclesiastical estates; Proving they are forfeited to the Families, from whom they were plundered, or ought to be restored to God and the Church, to whom they were given; i. c. our Country, that wants them to pay Debts and Taxes, &c. Containing more and more useful Matter, than has been published on this Head, at the cheapest Rate, for general Information; and, among other important Discoveries, a new Argument from the Maxims of Law, and the Constitution, apply'd to these Estates, and another on the Mortmain Act; with the Opinions of the best Lawyers: The Religion of a Briton by his Birth right, and the Tryal of Foreign or Reveal'd Religion and Jurisdiction before an English King and Legislature. With a new Decisive Dissertation, viz. A fair and final Challenge to Church-Governors, Teachers, and Believers, proved; insisting, from their own Principl. The fourth edition enlarged, with a new decisive dissertation, ... London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, and to be had at all booksellers in town and country, 1745. ESTC No. N28215. Grub Street ID 17445.
- An authentic list of the names of all the officers, kill'd, wounded, and missing, at the Battle of Tournay. Distinguished according to their regiments. With the numbers of private men, whether English, Dutch, or Hanoverians. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's [1745]. ESTC No. N15973. Grub Street ID 5674.
- Two genuine private letters from the army in Flanders, Giving a Particular Account of the late action. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1745. ESTC No. T13181. Grub Street ID 180780.
- He is the heir: and he must reign. Asserted and prov'd from these Words, 1 Sam. xxiv. 20. And now behold I know well, that thou shalt surely be King, and that the Kingdom of Israel shall be established in thine Hand. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1745]. ESTC No. T108444. Grub Street ID 161338.
- A letter from a distinguished lady in Covent-Garden; to a certain young officer abroad. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1745. ESTC No. T66985. Grub Street ID 291648.
- A list of promotions and removals. London] : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul`s, [1745. ESTC No. T230703. Grub Street ID 250221.
- Vernon, Admiral Edward. An enquiry into the conduct of Capt. M--n. Being remarks on the minutes of the court-martial, and other incidental matters. Humbly addressed to the Honourable House of Commons. By a sea-officer. London : printed for W. Webb, 1745. ESTC No. N61262. Grub Street ID 44152.
- The last will and testament of the Right Honourable R--t E-- of O--d, late P-e M-r of Great Britain. London : printed for W. Webb, [1745?]. ESTC No. N54203. Grub Street ID 38024.
- Vernon, Admiral Edward. An enquiry into the conduct of Capt. M--n. Being remarks on the minutes of the court-martial, and other incidental matters. Humbly addressed to the Honourable House of Commons. By a sea-officer. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1745. ESTC No. T154420. Grub Street ID 198539.
- Vernon, Admiral Edward. An enquiry into the conduct of Capt. M--n. Being remarks on the minutes of the court-martial, and other incidental matters. Humbly addressed to the Honourable House of Commons. By a sea-officer. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1745. ESTC No. T154421. Grub Street ID 198540.
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath. An ode, Imitated from Ode XI. Book 2d. of Horace. From P---l F----y to N----s F---y, Esq; by a person of honour. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, 1745. ESTC No. T41936. Grub Street ID 270737.
- Vernon, Admiral Edward. An enquiry into the conduct of Capt. M--n. Being remarks on the minutes of the court-martial, and other incidental matters. Humbly addressed to the Honourable House of Commons. By a Sea-Officer. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1745. ESTC No. T3972. Grub Street ID 268946.
- Philonauticus Antiquixotus.. The rule of two to one: or, the difference betwixt courage and quixotism. Being remraks [sic] on a pamphlet, entitled, An enquiry into the conduct of Captain M-n, &c. By Philonauticus Antiquixotus. London : printed for W. Webb, 1745. ESTC No. T5383. Grub Street ID 280735.
- An appendix to the minutes taken at a court-martial, appointed to enquire into the conduct of Captain Richard Norris: containing the result of the said court-martial, copies of the depositions of all the lieutenants, masters, boatswains, and midshipmen; together with letters to and from Admiral Rowley, Captain Norris, and several other officers. Which proceedings were voted by the Hon. House of Commons to be partial, arbitrary, and illegal. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M.DCC.XLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T22327. Grub Street ID 245935.
- Quidnunccius Profundus.. The porcupinade, a very poetical poem. To which is prefixed, a copy of smooth commendatory rhymes to the author, from Porcupinus Pelagius, author of the Triumvirade. By Quidnunccius Profundus. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's [1745]. ESTC No. T44083. Grub Street ID 272564.
- The last-will and testament of the Right Honourable R----t Earl of O----d, late P-e M-r of Great Britain. London : printed for W. Webb, 1745. ESTC No. N3520. Grub Street ID 23483.
- In and out and turn about, a new c----t-dance. To the tune of John Bod'd in, and John Bod'd out: or. Bob in Joan: or, The miller of Mansfield. London] : Printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, 1745. ESTC No. T61808. Grub Street ID 287421.
- Minutes taken at a court-martial, assembled on board His Majesty's ship Torbay. Began the 28th of January, 1744. And ended the 5th of February following, pursuant to an order from the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, bearing date the 28th of November, 1744. to Vice-Admiral Rowley. Being an enquiry into the conduct of Captain Richard Norris, in the engagement between the English fleet under the command of Admiral Mathews, and the united fleet of French and Spaniards in the mediterranean, on the 11th of February, 1743. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M.DCC.XLV [1745]. ESTC No. T144571. Grub Street ID 191424.
- The last will and testament of the Right Honourable R-t E- of O-d, late P-e M-r of Great Britain. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Pauls, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T134030. Grub Street ID 182728.
- A dream. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1745?]. ESTC No. T154252. Grub Street ID 198395.
- Strong-cock, Paddy. Teague-root display'd: being some useful and important discoveries tending to illustrate the doctrine of electricity, in a letter from Paddy Strong-cock, ... to W----m W----n, F.R.S. author of a late pamphlet on that subject. London : printed for W. Webb, 1746. ESTC No. T124071. Grub Street ID 174339.
- A true and just account of what was transacted in the Commons House, at Westminster, anno. Dom. 1648. when that House voted David Jenkins Esq; ... and Sir Francis Butler, to be guilty of high treason against themselves, without any tryal: ... all which matter and things D. T. Esq; had from the mouth and notes of the said Sir Francis Butler. London : printed for W. Webb, 1746. ESTC No. T209143. Grub Street ID 237846.
- Morgan, David Thomas. An appeal from the late David Morgan, Esq ... to the good people of England, against a late scurrilous paper, intitled, A faithful narrative of the wonderful and surprising appearance of Counsellor Morgan's ghost, &c. London : printed for W. Webb, 1746. ESTC No. T59776. Grub Street ID 285741.
- The present conduct of the war. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1746]. ESTC No. N20924. Grub Street ID 10308.
- A letter to the author of a late pamphlet, entitled, Seasonable considerations on the present war in Scotland, &c. In which are contained some farther remarks on the Highlanders, . London : printed for W. Webb, 1746. ESTC No. T125559. Grub Street ID 175692.
- Remarks on the sentence of the c----t-m-------l, and Admiral L-----k's defence. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. N12693. Grub Street ID 2676.
- Vernon, Admiral Edward. A specimen of naked truth, from a British sailor, a sincere wellwisher, to the Honour, and Prosperity of the present Royal Family; and his Country. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T49588. Grub Street ID 277367.
- Hervey, Thomas. A letter to William Pitt, Esq; concerning the fifteen new regiments lately voted by parliament: Wherein some of the general Arguments, together with his in particular, for Opposing the Motion to Address His Majesty, are fairly answered, and the Case itself is shortly and plainly stated. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1746. ESTC No. T78637. Grub Street ID 300415.
- The Lords protest on a motion to address His Majesty for the keeping our forces at home, till the Dutch declare war against France. Die Veneris 2do Maij, 1746. London : printed for W. Webb, [1746]. ESTC No. N40190. Grub Street ID 27264.
- An apology for the conduct of a late celebrated second-rate minister, from the year 1729. at which time he commenced courtier, till within a few weeks of his death, in 1746. Giving a clear View of his real Principles and Design, and containing many curious and interesting Particulars relative to the Time, and to Persons in the highest Stations. Written by himself and found among his papers. London : printed for W. Webb, in Paternoster-Row, [1746?]. ESTC No. N15274. Grub Street ID 4999.
- A free examination of a modern romance, intitled, Memoirs of the life of Lord Lovat. Wherein the Character of that Nobleman is set in its true Light, and vindicated. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T4555. Grub Street ID 273812.
- A Free examination of a modern romance, intitled, Memoirs of the life of Lord Lovat. Wherein the character of that nobleman is set in its true light, and vindicated. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T4556. Grub Street ID 273813.
- Englishman.. An appeal to Cæsar, on the nature and situation of our public affairs. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T142101. Grub Street ID 189592.
- Vernon, Admiral Edward. A specimen of naked truth, from a British sailor, a sincere wellwisher, . London : printed for W. Webb, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T198982. Grub Street ID 231341.
- Pope, Alexander. Verses upon the late D----ss of M----. By Mr. P------. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1746]. ESTC No. T5761. Grub Street ID 283844.
- Pope, Alexander. Verses upon the late D----ss of M----. By Mr. P------. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1746]. ESTC No. T5762. Grub Street ID 283845.
- Orpheus and Hecate. An ode. Inscribed to the patroness of the Italian opera. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T43489. Grub Street ID 272070.
- Nosocomus; a dialogue. Being animadversions on a pamphlet, intitled Several cases in physick, and one in particular, &c. London : printed for W. Webb, 1746. ESTC No. T181217. Grub Street ID 217803.
- Pope, Alexander. Verses upon the late Dss of M. By Mr. P. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1746]. ESTC No. N45797. Grub Street ID 30668.
- Silence, Timothy. The foundling hospital, for wit. Intended for the Reception and Preservation of such Brats of Wit and Humour, whose Parents chuse to Drop them. Number V. to be Continued Occasionally. Containing, 1. The Litchfield Defeat. 2. The Answer. 3. Ode to P. Y-ke, Esq; 4. Richmond, a Vision. 5. Bergen-op-Zoom, a Ballad. 6. Balaam and Palaam. 7. Green-Room Scuffle. 8. Epistle from G. Hinde. 9. Hymn for the 9th of Oct. 10. Advice to the French King's Painter. 11. Lamentations of Lewis 15. 12. On the Tax on Coaches. 13. Ode to Sir C---H---W---. 14. Diggon Davy and Colin Clout. 15. An Apology. 16. Downfal of Westm. Bridge. 17. Plot and no Plot. 18. Boeotia. 19. Europe in Masquerade. 20. Speech of King Harry the Ninth. With many other Curious Pieces, some of which never before printed. By Timothy Silence, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's. 1748, 1746. ESTC No. T64450. Grub Street ID 289486.
- Silence, Timothy. The foundling hospital for wit. Intended for the reception and preservation of such brats of wit and humour whose parents chuse to drop them. Number III. to be continued occasionally. ... By Timothy Silence, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb, 1746. ESTC No. T64451. Grub Street ID 289487.
- A collection of important tracts, relating to the present war in Italy, and particularly to the r-------n in Corsica, fomented by the Court of Tr-n, and supported by E-g-d: to which is prefix'd, a prefatory discourse explaining the whole, and shewing that the present Broils of Italy, and our vast Expence in Consequence of them, to be chiefly owing to the Errors of our late Ministry. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T106272. Grub Street ID 159443.
- The sequel of Arms and the man: a new historical ballad. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1746]. ESTC No. T47464. Grub Street ID 275416.
- Vernon, Admiral Edward. A specimen of naked truth, from a British sailor, a sincere well-wisher to the Honour and Prosperity of the present Royal Family, and his Country. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. N23923. Grub Street ID 13285.
- Annet, Peter. Deism fairly stated, and fully vindicated from the gross imputations and groundless calumnies of modern believers. Wherein some of the principal reasons contained in Dr. Benson's answer to Christianity not founded on argument are fully considered, and proved to be far from conclusive. In a letter to a friend. By a moral philosopher. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T57971. Grub Street ID 284143.
- Glass excised; or, the schemer's mirror. A ballad. To the tune of the Leather bottel. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1746]. ESTC No. N8081. Grub Street ID 52988.
- Lovat, Simon Fraser. L---d L---t's second answer to D-n F-s, L- P-'s letter. December 20, 1745. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's: MDCCLXVI. MDCCLXVI [[1766], i.e. 1746]. ESTC No. T37681. Grub Street ID 267263.
- Annet, Peter. Deism fairly stated, and fully vindicated from the gross imputations and groundless calumnies of modern believers. Wherein some of the principal reasons contained in Dr. Benson's answer to Christianity not founded on argument are fully considered, and proved to be far from conclusive. In a letter to a friend. By a Moral philosopher. The second edition.. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T166590. Grub Street ID 204799.
- Mathews, Thomas. Resolutions of the C-t-M-l upon the several articles of the charge against T-s M-s, Esq;. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1747. ESTC No. T180185. Grub Street ID 216856.
- A general view of the present politics and interests of the principal powers of Europe; particularly of those at war; Wherein the Nature of the Peace to be expected upon the Conclusion of the War, and the Conduct of those who chiefly contributed to the Successes of France, are impartially considered. In a letter from the Hague, to a foreign minister at London. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. N18235. Grub Street ID 7713.
- A general view of the present politics and interests of the principal powers of Europe; Particularly of Those at war; Wherein the Nature of the peace to be expected on the Conclusion of the War, and the Conduct of those who chiefly contributed to the Successes of France, are impartially considered. In a Letter from the Hague, to a Foreign Minister at London. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1747]. ESTC No. T53678. Grub Street ID 280613.
- The Vices of the town. A satire. London : Printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1747]. ESTC No. T193495. Grub Street ID 227622.
- The state of the nation consider'd, in a letter to a Member of Parliament. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1747]. ESTC No. N24258. Grub Street ID 13611.
- The state of the nation considered, in a letter to a Member of Parliament. The third edition.. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. N24260. Grub Street ID 13613.
- Lover of His Country.. The groans of B----n: or, a pathetical display of the many hardships, miseries, and oppressions to which this distressed nation is become subjected; by engaging in a tedious, ruinous, expensive, and fruitless war on the continent, the Propagation of Corruption throughout the Constitution, and the Increase of Factions and Broils amongst Ourselves. By a lover of his country. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1747?]. ESTC No. T108443. Grub Street ID 161337.
- Tar water, a ballad, inscribed to the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Chesterfield: occasioned by reading a narrative on the success of tar water; Dedicated to his Lordship by Thomas Prior, Esquire. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M.DCC.XLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T125557. Grub Street ID 175690.
- An apology for the conduct of a late celebrated second-rate minister. From the year 1729, at which time he commenc'd courtier, till within a few weeks of his death, in 1746. Giving a clear View of his real Principles and Design, and containing many curious and interesting Particulars, relative to the Times, and to Persons in the highest Stations. Written by himself, and found among his papers. London : printed for W. Webb, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. N16301. Grub Street ID 5978.
- Tar water, a ballad, inscribed to the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Chesterfield: Occasioned by reading a narrative on the success of Tar Water, dedicated to his lordship by Thomas Prior, Esquire. The second edition.. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M.DCC.XLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T173545. Grub Street ID 210789.
- Ordinary of Newgate.. The ordinary of Newgate's account of the behaviour, dying words, and confession; Birth, Parentage, and Education, of the several malefactors that were executed at Westminster on Friday last, for the horrid crimes of b-y and c-n. To which is annexed, Mr. P-m's speech immediately before his execution. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1747]. ESTC No. T43405. Grub Street ID 271983.
- Lady.. A free comment on the late Mr. W-g-n's apology for his conduct; which clears up the obscurities of that celebrated posthumous work, and dissipates the clouds in which the author has thought proper to envelope his meaning. By a lady, in a letter to her friend in the country. London : printed for W. Webb, in Pater-Noster-Row, [1747]. ESTC No. N18590. Grub Street ID 8057.
- Tar water, a ballad, inscribed to the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Chesterfield: occasioned by reading a narrative on the success of tar water; ... London [i.e. Edinburgh]: printed for W. Webb, 1747. ESTC No. N13582. Grub Street ID 3487.
- The state of the nation consider'd, in a letter to a Member of Parliament. The fourth edition.. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1747]. ESTC No. T83373. Grub Street ID 303781.
- The state of the nation consider'd, in a letter to a Member of Parliament. The third edition.. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1747]. ESTC No. T83639. Grub Street ID 304058.
- The State of the nation consider'd in a letter to a member of Parliament. London : Printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1747?]. ESTC No. T7099. Grub Street ID 294592.
- A general view of the present politics and interests of the principal powers of Europe; particularly of those at war; ... In a letter from the Hague, to a foreign minister at London. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, [1747?]. ESTC No. N65740. Grub Street ID 47562.
- Silence, Timothy. The foundling hospital for wit. Intended for the reception and preservation of such brats of wit and humour whose parents chuse to drop them. Number IV. to be continued occasionally. ... By Timothy Silence, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb, 1747. ESTC No. T64452. Grub Street ID 289488.
- Atticus.. A congratulatory letter to John Murray, Esq; late secretary to the young Pretender. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T87627. Grub Street ID 307664.
- An essay on liberty and independency: being an attempt to prove, that the people under a popular form of government, may be as much slaves, as those subject to the arbitrary will of one man. London : printed for W. Webb, at Charing-Cross, M,DCC,XLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T60595. Grub Street ID 286437.
- Lover of his country.. The groans of B--n: or, a pathetical display of the many hardships, miseries, and oppressions to which this distressed nation is become subjected; by engaging in a tedious, ruinous, expensive, and fruitless war on the continent, ... By a lover of his country. London : printed for W. Webb, [1747?]. ESTC No. N17933. Grub Street ID 7406.
- An apology for the conduct of a late celebrated second-rate minister, from the year 1729, at which time he commenc'd courtier, till within a few weeks of his death, in 1746. Giving a clear View of his real Principles and Design, and containing many curious and interesting Particulars, relative to the Times and to Persons in the highest Stations. Written by himself and found among his papers. London : printed for W. Webb, in Paternoster-Row, [1747]. ESTC No. T22229. Grub Street ID 245231.
- Atticus.. A congratulatory letter to John Murray, Esq; late secretary to the young Pretender. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T87956. Grub Street ID 307962.
- Gentleman in London.. A letter from a gentleman in London to his friend in the country, inclosing a comment upon the history of a late philosophical entertainment at Chelsea. London : printed for W. Webb, 1748. ESTC No. N62491. Grub Street ID 44834.
- Morris, Robert. Rupert to maria. An heroic epistle. with maria's genuine answer. London : Printed for W. Webb, Jun. near Temple-Bar, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T46978. Grub Street ID 274983.
- Gentleman in London.. A letter from a gentleman in London to his friend in the country, concerning the treaty at Aix-la-Chapelle, concluded on the 8th of October, 1748. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T102793. Grub Street ID 156472.
- Remarks on the conduct of the B*** M*** through the course of the war, together with some political conjectures as to what may be expected from a peace. In a letter from a ************ here, to a F**** M***** at the Hague, On Receiving the Preliminaries. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXI.VIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T152135. Grub Street ID 197180.
- Manley, Delariviere. The conduct of His Grace the Duke of Ormond, in the campaign 1712. Under Her Late Majesty Queen Anne. I. His Grace undertook the Command of the Army in Flanders, with a fixed Resolution to fight the French. II. Copies of several Letters that pass'd between his Grace and Mr. Secretary St John; also between Marshal Villars and his Grace. III. The Substance of several Conferences and Conversations between his Grace, Prince Eugene, and the Generals and Deputies of their High Mightinesses the States and others of the Allies. IV. The Difficulties he labour'd under in obeying the Queen's Orders to forbear Hostilities, and of secreting those Orders from the Knowledge of the Generals of the Allies. V. Some curious Anecdotes relating to the Separate Peace then carrying on betwixt the Courts of France and England. To which is prefix'd, A prefatory epistle, humbly addressed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield. In which a Parallel is drawn betwixt the Management of that War and of the pre. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T144739. Grub Street ID 191561.
- Lord Lovat's last legacy, to his particular friend secretary M----y. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1748]. ESTC No. T41227. Grub Street ID 270159.
- A defence of the character of a noble lord, from the scandalous aspersions contained in a malicious apology. In a letter to the supposed authoress. London : printed for W. Webb, jun. (near Temple-Bar, M,DCC,XLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T82984. Grub Street ID 303461.
- Huffumbourghausen, Baron. Baron. The congress of the beasts, under the mediation of the goat, for negociating a peace between the fox, the ass wearing a lion's skin, the Horse, the Tigress, and other Quadrupedes at War: a farce of two acts, now in rehearsal at a new, grand theatre in Germany. To which is prefixt a large, curious print of the last Scene of the Drama, being the General Conference. Done by an Eminent Hand. Written originally in High-Dutch by the Baron Huffumbourghausen; and translated by J. J. H-d-g-r, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb, junior, near Temple-Bar, 1748. ESTC No. T31198. Grub Street ID 262025.
- Huffumbourghausen, Baron. Baron. The congress of the beasts, under the mediation of the goat, for negociating a peace between the fox, the ass wearing a lion's skin, the Horse, the Tigress, and other Quadrupedes at War: a farce of two acts, now in rehearsal at a new, grand theatre in Germany. To which is prefixt a large, curious print of the last Scene of the Drama, being the General Conference. Done by an Eminent Hand. Written originally in High-Dutch by the Baron Huffumbourghausen; and translated by J. J. H-d-g-r, Esq;. The second edition corrected; and amended in the print.. London : printed for W. Webb, junior, near Temple-Bar, 1748. ESTC No. T31199. Grub Street ID 262026.
- Huffumbourghausen, Baron. Baron. The congress of the beasts, under the mediation of the goat, for negotiating a peace between the fox, the ass wearing a lion's skin, the Horse, the Tygress, and other Quadrupedes at War. A farce of two acts, now in rehearsal at a new grand theatre in Germany. To which is prefixt a curious print of the last Scene of the Drama, being the general Conference. Done by an eminent Hand. Written originally in High-Dutch by the Baron Huffumbourghausen; and translated by J. J. H-d-g-r, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb near Temple-Bar, 1748. ESTC No. T31200. Grub Street ID 262029.
- Huffumbourghausen, Baron. Baron. The congress of the beasts, under the mediation of the goat, for negotiating a peace between the fox, the ass wearing a lion's skin, the Horse, the Tygress, and other Quadrupedes at War. A farce of two acts, now in rehearsal at a new grand theatre in Germany. To which is perfix'd [sic] a curious print of the last Scene of the Drama, being the general Conference. Done by an eminent Hand. Written originally in High Dutch by the Baron Huffumbourghhausen; and translated by J. J. H-d-g-r, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb near Temple-Bar, 1748. ESTC No. T31201. Grub Street ID 262030.
- Pasquin and Marforio on the peace: being a discussion, by these celebrated statues, at Rome, of the general conduct of England, but particularly pending the late war, and in negociating the present peace. Translated from Italian . London : printed for W. Webb, [1748?]. ESTC No. T43731. Grub Street ID 272273.
- Pasquin and Marforio on the peace: being a discussion, by these celebrated statues, at Rome, of the general conduct of England, but particularly pending the late war, and in negociating the present peace. Translated from Italian, and Inscribed to the Earl of C-f-d, by the Translator, who, in his Dedication, examines the M-l Vindication of the Peace, just Published under the Title of Considerations on the Definitive Treaty, &c. Inscia gens se nunc, speculum en, scrutetur, imago Vera nimis prodet, obsequiosa parùm. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1748?]. ESTC No. T43732. Grub Street ID 272274.
- Pasquin and Marforio on the peace: being a discussion, by these celebrated statues at Rome, of the general conduct of England, but particularly pending the late war, and in negociating [sic] the present peace. Translated from Italian and inscribed to the Earl of C----f----d, by the translator, who, in his dedication, examines the M----l vindication of the peace, just published, under the title of Considerations on the definitive treaty, &c. London [i.e. Dublin] : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1748?]. ESTC No. T43733. Grub Street ID 272275.
- Huffumbourghausen, Baron. Baron. The congress of the beasts, under the mediation of the goat, for negociating a peace between the fox, the ass wearing a lion's skin, the Horse, the Tigress, and other Quadrupedes at War: a farce of two acts, now in rehearsal at a new, grand theatre in Germany. Written originally in High-Dutch by the Baron Huffumbourghausen; and translated by J. J. H-d-g-r, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb, Junior, near Temple-Bar, 1748. ESTC No. N15019. Grub Street ID 4756.
- Huffumbourghausen, Baron. Baron. The congress of the beasts, under the mediation of the goat, for negociating a peace between the fox, the ass wearing a lion's skin, the Horse, the Tigress, and other Quadrupedes at War: a farce of two acts, now in rehearsal at a new, grand theatre in Germany. To which is prefixt a large, curious print of the last Scene of the Drama, being the General Conference. Done by an Eminent Hand. Written originally in High-Dutch by Baron Huffumbourghausen; and translated by J. J. H-d-g-r, Esq;. The third edition corrected; and amended in the print.. London : printed for W. Webb, Junior, near Temple-Bar, [1748]. ESTC No. N15021. Grub Street ID 4759.
- Huffumbourghausen, Baron. Baron. The congress of the beasts, under the mediation of the goat, for negociating a peace between the fox, the ass wearing a lion's skin, ... a farce of two acts, now in rehearsal at a new, grand theatre in Germany. To which is prefixt a large, curious print ... Written originally in High-Dutch by Baron Huffumbourghausen; and translated by J. J. H-d-g-r, Esq;. The fifth edition, inrich'd with critical and explanatory notes, by the author; and a prefatory postscript, by the translator.. London : printed for W. Webb, Junior, 1748. ESTC No. N15022. Grub Street ID 4760.
- Pasquin and Marforio on the peace: being a discussion, by these celebrated statues at Rome, of the general conduct of England, but particularly pending the late war, and in negotiating the present peace. Translated from Italian, and inscribed to the Earl of C------f---d, by the Translator, who, in his dedication, examines the m---------l vindication of the Peace, just published under the title of Considerations on the definitive treaty, &c. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1748. ESTC No. N10931. Grub Street ID 921.
- Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford. The original speech of Sir W----m St----pe, on the first reading of the Bill for appointing the Assizes at Buckingham, Feb.19, 1748. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1748]. ESTC No. T43444. Grub Street ID 272025.
- Green, Dick. The speech of Dick Green in the Lower House of the Gentlemen of the Cloth. London : printed for W. Webb, Junior, near Temple-Bar, [1748]. ESTC No. T49632. Grub Street ID 277411.
- Silence, Timothy. The foundling hospital for wit. Intended for the Reception and Preservation of such Brats of Wit and Humour, whose Parents chuse to Drop them. Number V. to be Continued Occasionally. Containing, 1. The Litchfield Defeat. 2. The Answer. 3. Ode to P. Y-ke, Esq; 4. Richmond, a Vision. 5. Bergen-op-Zoom, a Ballad. 6. Balaam and Palaam. 7. Green-Room Scuffle. 8. Epistle from G. Hinde. 9. Hymn for the 9th of Oct. 10. Advice to the French King's Painter. 11. Lamentations of Lewis 15. 12. On the Tax on Coaches. 13. Ode to Sir C---H---W---. 14. Diggon Davy and Colin Clout. 15. An Apology. 16. Downfal of Westm. Bridge. 17. Plot and no Plot. 18. Boeotia. 19. Europe in Masquerade. 20. Speech of King Harry the Ninth. With many other Curious Pieces, some of which never before printed. By Timothy Silence, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1748. ESTC No. T64454. Grub Street ID 289490.
- Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford. The speech of Richard White-Liver Esq; in behalf of himself and his brethren. Spoken to the most august mob at Rag Fair. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1748]. ESTC No. T49696. Grub Street ID 277462.
- Jingle, Joshua. A congratulatory ode, most humbly inscribed to the statesman on his travels. By Joshua Jingle, Esq; poet laureat to the Pelemites, Selemites, and other great personages. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1748. ESTC No. N5676. Grub Street ID 39906.
- Lady.. A free comment on the late Mr. W-g-n's apology for his conduct; ... By a lady, in a letter to her friend in the country. London : printed for W. Webb, 1748. ESTC No. T40174. Grub Street ID 269287.
- Huffumbourghausen, Baron. Baron. The congress of the beasts, under the mediation of the goat, for negociating a peace between the fox, the ass wearing a lion's skin, the Horse, the Tigress, and other Quadrupedes at War: a farce of two acts, now in rehearsal at a new, grand theatre in Germany. To which is prefixt a large, curious print of the last Scene of the Drama, being the General Conference. Done by an Eminent Hand. Written originally in High-Dutch by Baron Huffumbourghausen; and translated by J. J. H-d-g-r, Esq;. The fourth edition, inrich'd with critical and explanatory notes, by the author; and a prefatory postscript, by the translator.. London : printed for W. Webb, Junior, near Temple-Bar, 1748. ESTC No. N30768. Grub Street ID 19689.
- The advantages of the definitive treaty, to the people of Great-Britain, demonstrated. London : printed for W. Webb, junior, 1749. ESTC No. T217951. Grub Street ID 242700.
- The Advantages of the difinitive treaty, to the people of Great-Britain, demonstrated. To which is added, a copy of our treaty of commerce with Spain in the year 1715, which has been omitted in our late treaty. The second edition.. London : Printed for W. Webb, Junior, near Temple-Bar, 1749. ESTC No. T111637. Grub Street ID 163867.
- A seasonable recapitulation of enormous national crimes and grievances to help the memory, for the use and consideration of all honest men and true Britons, By Whatever Denomination, Rank, or Character, they are known or distinguish'd. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's., MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T95932. Grub Street ID 315419.
- A letter to a Member of Parliament: in relation to the Bill for punishing mutiny and desertion, &c. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1749]. ESTC No. T82010. Grub Street ID 302631.
- French Lady at Paris.. Copy of a letter from a French lady at Paris. Giving a particular account of the manner in which Prince Edward was arrested. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T34098. Grub Street ID 264490.
- Country gentleman.. A narrative in justification of injured innocence. Wherein cowardice, fraud, tyranny, and oppression are detected and exposed. Together with some of the principal causes of that extreme aversion which seamen commonly shew to the Royal Navy ... To which is annexed, a chart o the Streights [sic] of Gibraltar, ... Written by a country gentleman. London : printed for W. Webb, 1749. ESTC No. T173494. Grub Street ID 210745.
- French Lady at Paris.. Copy of a letter from a French lady at Paris. Giving a particular account of the manner in which Prince Edward was arrested. Translated from the French. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T166119. Grub Street ID 204360.
- To the author of a libel, entitled, A letter to the editor, &c. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T51168. Grub Street ID 278612.
- The northern election; or, nest of beasts. A drama of six acts, now in rehearsal near Mittaw, in Courland, under the inspection of the author, a Russian poet; and serving as a sequel to the Congress of beasts, &c. Done into English, from the Original, by T.N. and B.W. Fellows of the Royal Society. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T100510. Grub Street ID 154457.
- The sequel to The congress of the beasts: or, the northern election: a drama in rehearsal near Mittaw in Courland, under the inspection of the author, a Russian poet. Wherein The present secret Views and Politicks of the Northern Powers, and their Allies, are so deduced, as to point out the real Source of the growing Ferment in that Part of Europe. To which is prefix'd, a key to the dramatis personae, and explanatory notes on the text, lately published at Berlin, in High Dutch. Translated by T. N. and W. B. Fellows of the Royal Society. The third edition.. London : printed for W. Webb , near St. Paul's ; and J. Bull, near Temple-Bar, [1749]. ESTC No. N21235. Grub Street ID 10623.
- Pasquin and Marforio on the peace: being a discussion, by these celebrated statues at Rome, of the general conduct of England, but particularly pending the late war, and in negociating the present peace. Translated from Italian, . The third edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, [1749?]. ESTC No. T43735. Grub Street ID 272277.
- A seasonable recapitulation of enormous national crimes and grievances to help the memory, for the use and consideration of all honest men and true Britons, by Whatever Denomination, Rank or Character they are known or distinguish'd. If it is meritorious in Dutchmen to struggle for Liberty, and to assist in restoring the ancient Rights of their Constitution, surely it must be allowed equally so in Englishmen, to make a lawful Use of so glorious an Example. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, M,DCC,XLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. N39760. Grub Street ID 27029.
- Pasquin and Marforio on the peace. Being a discussion, by these celebrated statues at Rome, of the general conduct of England, but particularly pending the late war, and in negociating the present peace. Translated from Italian, and inscribed to the Earl of C-f-d, by the translator, who, in his dedication, examines the M----l vindication of the peace, just published under the title of considerations on the definitive treaty, &c. The third edition.. London : Printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1749?]. ESTC No. T43736. Grub Street ID 272278.
- The artful priest: or, the virgin sacrifice. A humorous tale· By the late celebrated J.J. H---d--g--r, esq; now first printed from his original manuscript. London : printed for John of Gaunt, and W. Webb, junior, 1749. ESTC No. N63912. Grub Street ID 45987.
- The advantages of the difinitive [sic] treaty, to the people of Great-Britain, demonstrated. London : printed for W. Webb, Junior, 1749. ESTC No. T121694. Grub Street ID 172453.
- Silence, Timothy. The foundling hospital for wit. Number II. Containing, The Ballance of Europe. Prenez le Roy, to M. Noailles. The Marshal's Answer. On the C-s of Y-h making the Campaign. On L-g-Nier's passing the Rhine. The Lion and Frogs. On the March of the D-h. Britannia's Lamentation and Petition to the D-ke. A New Ballad on Beating the French. A Letter on the Blues News from the Army on the K-g and D-ke. To Fortune, on S-ys and W-le. The Mistake. The Downfal of Dancing, to the Ladies of Blackheath. An Epigram on Ld G-l-y and his Cook. A Lesson from H-r. A New Ballad on our Riches. On Faction Detected! The Carters, John and Will. The Gracious Refusal. On the Promotion of the Rt. Hon. H. Pelham. The Interview between Harry and Will. To the E. of B-h, on Faction Detected. Epigram on the Blues. An Ode to the New M-s. An Ode to the Earl of B-h. Faction Detected, a New Ballad. A Humorous Ballad, to Lord G-m. Verses occasion'd by the many Satires on the Government. On a late Transaction, to the D- of M-h. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1749. ESTC No. T64449. Grub Street ID 289485.
- Silence, Timothy. The foundling hospital for wit. Intended for the reception and preservation of such brats of wit and humour, whose parents chuse to drop them. Number VI. to be continued occasionally. Containing, 1 The court ballad on Dr. C-s sermon. ... By Timothy Silence, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb, 1749. ESTC No. T64456. Grub Street ID 289492.
- Silence, Timothy. The foundling hospital for wit. Intended for the Reception and Preservation of such Brats of Wit and Humour, whose Parents chuse to Drop them. Number VI. to be Continued Occasionally. Containing, 1 The Court Ballad on Dr. C-s Sermon. 2 The embarrassed Knt. to Sir C. H. W-s. 3 A congratulatory Ode to the D. of N-le on his going to H-r. 4 A new Ballad on Sir Billy Tinsel, L- M-. 5 Sir W-m St-Pe's Speech on the Buckingham Bill, &c. &c. &c. 6 Isis, an Elegy, to the Gentlemen of Ox-d. 7 Advice to Mr. L-g-n the dwarf Fan-Painter, at Tunbridge Wells. 8 The Bottle-Conjurer. 9 To the Independent E-s of W-r. 10 Odes, Rhapsodies, &c. on the Peace. 11 A reduced Officer's Complaint. 12 Petition of Justice B-d-n's Horse to the D. of N-le. 13 On the late M-rt-l Bills. 14 A Fable to the E-l of G-Lle. 15 Filch at the Gallows. 16 Prologue and Epilogue spoke by Prince George, &c. 17 Account of Sieur Rocquet. 18 A Ballad on B-n and W-r. With many other Curious Pieces, some of which never before printed. By T. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1749. ESTC No. T64457. Grub Street ID 289493.
- The report of the proceedings and opinion of the board of general officers, on their examination into the conduct, behaviour and proceedings of Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope, Knight of the Bath, Colonel Peregine Lascelles, and Brigadier-General Thomas Fowke, From the Time of the breaking out of the Rebellion in North-Britain in the Year 1745, till the Action at Preston-Pans inclusive. Taken publickly in the Great Room at the Horse-Guards in the Year 1746. With a preface, containing the reasons for this publication. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T44736. Grub Street ID 273112.
- Burton, John. A genuine and true journal of the most miraculous escape of the Young Chevalier, from the battle of Culloden to his landing in France; ... To which is added, a short account of what befel the Pr. in France, ... By an Englishman. London : printed for W. Webb, 1749. ESTC No. T40754. Grub Street ID 269793.
- Reasons for giving up Gibraltar. Illustrated with accurate plans of the fortress, territory annexed, country adjacent, and haven. And a summary of its state, situation, and government. With an appendix. . London : printed for W. Webb, 1749. ESTC No. T85871. Grub Street ID 306157.
- Antigallicus, Titus. An ode for the thanksgiving-day. To the tune of Derry down. By Titus Antigallicus, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb Junior, at Temple-Bar, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. N10497. Grub Street ID 508.
- The northern election; or, nest of beasts. A drama of six acts, now in rehearsal near Mittaw, in Courland, under the inspection of the author, a Russian poet; and serving as a sequel to the Congress of beasts, &c. Done into English, ... by T.N. and B.W. Fellows of the Royal Society. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, 1749. ESTC No. N51597. Grub Street ID 35582.
- A Proclamation, a poem. London : Printed for W. Webb, and sold by the booksellers in London and Westminster, 1750. ESTC No. T44533. Grub Street ID 272943.
- Gentleman in town.. A letter from a gentleman in town to his friend in the country, Recommending the Necessity of frugality. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1750]. ESTC No. T177680. Grub Street ID 214591.
- Citizen of London.. A serious expostulation with the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London on his letter to the clergy and people of London and Westminster. London : printed for W. Webb, 1750. ESTC No. T65804. Grub Street ID 290644.
- Forbes, Robert. A plain, authentick and faithful narrative of the several passages of the Young Chevalier, From the Battle of Culloden to his embarkation for France: taken from the mouths of the several persons, who either gave him succour, or were aiding and assisting to him in his many wonderful and unheard of escapes, both by sea and land. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. N20161. Grub Street ID 9564.
- Hottentot of distinction.. The ranelean religion displayed. In a letter from a Hottentot of distinction, now in London, to his friend at the Cape of Good-Hope. Containing the reasons assign'd by the Raneleans for abolishing Christianity, together with a true Copy of their New Liturgy. London : printed for W. Webb, jun. near Temple-Bar, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T102151. Grub Street ID 155996.
- Gentleman in town.. A letter from a gentleman in town to his friend in the country, recommending the necessity of frugality. The third edition.. London : Printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, 1750. ESTC No. T178574. Grub Street ID 215476.
- Gentleman in town.. A letter from a gentleman in town to his friend in the country, recommending the necessity of frugality. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1750]. ESTC No. N19767. Grub Street ID 9186.
- Garrick, David. Miss in her teens: or the medley of lovers. A farce. In two acts. As it is preform'd [sic] at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. London : printed for W. Webb, near St Pauls, [1750?]. ESTC No. N32916. Grub Street ID 21476.
- Forbes, Robert. A plain, authentick and faithful narrative of the several passages of the young chevalier, from the battle of Culloden to his embarkation for France: taken from the mouths of the several persons, who either gave him succour, or were aiding and assisting to him in his many wonderful and unheard of Escapes, both by Sea and Land. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T87393. Grub Street ID 307440.
- Gentleman in town.. A letter from a gentleman in town to his friend in the country, recommending the necessity of frugality. London : printed for W. Webb, 1750. ESTC No. N11268. Grub Street ID 1265.
- Wills, William, surgeon. A narrative of the very extrarodinary [sic] adventures and sufferings of Mr. William Wills, late surgeon on board the Durrington Indiaman, Captain Richard Crabb, in her late voyage to the East-Indies, under the convoy of Admiral Boscawen. Being a continued series of cruelty and oppression, thro' the jealousy and ill-nature of ___, 'till his arrival at Bombay; - where he was tried by a court-martial of East-India captains. Together with an account of his banishment to Goa, and his voyage to Brazil, under Captain Kinsey, commodore of a Portuguese squadron. Interspersed with several curious original love letters, certificates, papers, documents and vouchers; and corroborated by the testimony of a great number of witnesses now residing in town. To which is added, An account of his trial at Guild-Hall in July last: recommended to all generous and humane souls, for the benefit of the unhappy sufferer, now a prisoner at Capt. Crabb's suit in the King's-Bench, Southwark, for costs of his late tri. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1750-1. ESTC No. T39601. Grub Street ID 268828.
- Wills, William, surgeon. A narrative of the very extraordinary adventures and sufferings of Mr. William Wills, late surgeon on board the Durrington Indiaman, Captain Richard Crabb, in her late voyage to the East-Indies, under the convoy of Admiral Boscawen. Being a continued series of cruelty and oppression, thro' the jealously and ill-nature of ---, 'till his arrival at Bombay; --- where he was tried by a court martial of East-India captains. Together with an account of his banishment to Goa, and his voyage to Brazil, under Captain Kinsey, commodore of a Portuguese squadron. Interspersed with several curious original love letters, certificates, papers, documents and vouchers; and corroborated by the testimony of a great number of witnesses now residing in town. To which is added, an account of his trial at Guildhall in July last: recommended to all generous and humane souls, for the benefit of the unhappy sufferer, now a prisoner at Capt. Crabb's suit in the King's-Bench, Southwark, for costs of his late trial. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1750-1. ESTC No. T94633. Grub Street ID 314204.
- Wills, William, surgeon. The second part of a narrative of the very extraordinary adventures and sufferings of Mr. William Wills, late surgeon on board the Durrington Indiaman, Captain Richard Crabb, in her late voyage to the East-Indies, under the convoy of Admiral Boscawen. Being a continued series of cruelty and oppression, thro' the jealousy and ill-nature of ---, 'till his arrival at Bombay; --- where he was tried by a court-martial of East-India captains. Together with an account of his banishment to Goa, and his voyage to Brazil, under Captain Kinsey, commodore of a Portuguese squadron. Interspersed with several curious original love letters, certificates, papers, documents and vouchers; and corroborated by the testimony of a great number of witnesses now residing in town. To which is added, an account of his trial at Guildhall in July last: recommended to all generous and humane souls, for the benefit of the unhappy sufferer, late a prisoner at Capt. Crabb's suit in the King's-Bench, Southwark, for costs of. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1751. ESTC No. T94634. Grub Street ID 314205.
- King, William. A key to the fragment. By Amias Riddinge, B.D. With a preface. By Peregrine Smyth, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb, and sold by the booksellers of London, Oxford, and Cambridge, 1751. ESTC No. T29390. Grub Street ID 260780.
- Gentleman in town.. A letter from a gentleman in town to his friend in the country, recommending the necessity of frugality. The third edition.. London : printed for W. Webb near St. Paul's, [1751]. ESTC No. N19768. Grub Street ID 9187.
- The Battle of the briefs. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCLII. [1752]. ESTC No. T21422. Grub Street ID 240747.
- A new ballad on subsidy treaties. To the tune of Packington's pound. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1752?]. ESTC No. T94130. Grub Street ID 313739.
- Romaine, William. A modest apology for the citizens and merchants of London, who petitioned the House of Commons against naturalizing the Jews. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, and sold at all the pamphlet shops of London and Westminster, 1753. ESTC No. T25828. Grub Street ID 258062.
- Romaine, William. A modest apology for the citizens and merchants of London, who petitioned the House of Commons against naturalizing the Jews. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, and sold at all the pamphlet shops of London and Westminster, 1753. ESTC No. T25829. Grub Street ID 258063.
- Romaine, William. A modest apology for the citizens and merchants of London, Who petitioned the House of Commons against naturalizing the Jews. The third edition.. London : Printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, and sold at all the Pamphlet Shops of London and Westminster, 1753. ESTC No. T25830. Grub Street ID 258065.
- The Patriot; or, The Irish packet open'd. London, England: printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1753]. ESTC No. P2493. Grub Street ID 56161.
- Old Whigg.. A word in season to the old whigs. By an old whigg. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCLIV. [1754]. ESTC No. N25265. Grub Street ID 14622.
- The patriot; or, The Irish packet open'd. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1754?]. ESTC No. N11078. Grub Street ID 1070.
- A letter to the late recorder of N-. From an Old Friend. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Pauls; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1754]. ESTC No. T38281. Grub Street ID 267763.
- A letter to the late recorder of N-. From an Old Friend. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Pauls; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1754]. ESTC No. T38282. Grub Street ID 267764.
- Poulett, John Poulett. The earl Poulett's motion in the House of Lords on Thursday, April 24th, for an humble address to be presented to His Majesty, that he would be graciously pleased to lay aside his intentions of visiting his Electoral dominions, and not to leave these Kingdoms in so critical and dangerous a Conjuncture. London : printed for W. Webb, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1755]. ESTC No. T96474. Grub Street ID 315927.
- Poulett, John Poulett. The earl Poulett's motion in the House of Lords on Thursday, April 24th, for an humble address to be presented to His Majesty, that he would be graciously pleased to lay aside his intention of visiting his Electoral dominions, and not to leave these Kingdoms in so critical and dangerous a Conjuncture. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1755]. ESTC No. T32371. Grub Street ID 263086.
- A letter to the late recorder of N-. From an Old Friend. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Pauls; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1755?]. ESTC No. T38283. Grub Street ID 267765.
- A letter from Ireland, giving a short narrative of the trial betwixt the Right Honourable the Earl of A-y, and the Honourable J-s A-y. Lodon [sic] : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, [1743?]. ESTC No. N35347. Grub Street ID 23617.
- Silence, Samuel. The foundling hospital for wit. Intended for the reception and preservation of such brats of wit and humour, whose parents chuse to drop them. Containing all the satires, odes, ballads, epigrams, &c. that have been wrote since the change of the ministry, many of which have never before been printed. Number I. To be continued occasionally. London : printed 1743. Reprinted for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, MDCCLXIII. [1763]. ESTC No. T64446. Grub Street ID 289482.
- Silence, Timothy. The foundling hospital for wit. Intended for the Reception and Preservation of such Brats of Wit and Humour whose Parents chuse to Drop them. Number IV. to be Continued Occasionally. Containing, 1. Ode to H-y F-x, on the Marriage of the Duchess of M-r. 2. Ode to the Author of the Conquer'd Duchess. 3. Rural Reflections of a Welch Poet. 4. W--d--m and P-tn--y; or the Vision at Bath. 5. Tar-Water: A Ballad. 6. The Highlanders Flight. 7. The Fire-Side. 8. Ode to Stephen Poyntz, Esq; 9. Epilogue to Tamerlane. 10. Ode to Sir C. H. W. 11. Austria's Deliverance. 12. The Sweet William. 13. The Appeal of Morgan's Ghost. 14. Mons. D'Argenson's Letter, and the Burlesque. With many Curious Pieces never before printed, and a General Table of Contents to the Whole. By Timothy Silence, Esq;. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1763. ESTC No. T64453. Grub Street ID 289489.
- Silence, Timothy. The foundling hospital for wit. Intended for the Reception and Preservation of such Brats of Wit and Humour, whose Parents chuse to drop them. Number V. To be continued Occasionally. Containing, 1. The Litchfield Defeat. 2. The Answer. 3. Ode to P. Y-ke, Esq; 4. Richmond, a Vision. 5. Bergen-op-Zoom, a Ballad. 6. Balaam and Palaam. 7. Green-Room Scuffle. 8. Epistle from G. Hind. 9. Hymn for the 9th of Oct. 10. Advice to the French King's Painter. 11. Lamentations of Lewis XV. 12. One the Tax on Coaches. 13. Ode to Sir C-- H-- W-- 14. Diggon Davy and Colin Clout. 15. An Apology. 16. Downfall of Westminster Bridge. 17. Plot and no Plot. 18. Boeotia. 19. Europe in Masquerade. 20. Speech of King Harry the Ninth. With many other Curious Pieces, some of which never before printed. By Timothy Silence, Esq. London : printed for W. Webb, near St. Paul's, 1764. ESTC No. T64455. Grub Street ID 289491.
- Forbes, Robert. A plain, authentic and faithful narrative of the several passages of the Young Chevalier, &c. from the battle of Culloden to his embarkation for France: . The fourth edition, with additions.. London : printed for W. Webb, 1765. ESTC No. T172509. Grub Street ID 209946.
- Forbes, Robert. A plain, authentick and faithful narrative of the several passages of the young Chevalier, from the battle of Culloden to his embarkation for France: . The third edition.. London : printed for W. Webb, 1765. ESTC No. T42348. Grub Street ID 271139.
Printed by and for, or by/for and sold by William Webb junior
- Webster, Alexander. The wicked life, and fatal but deserved death of Haman, Ahasuerus's prime minister. A sermon, preached before the ... Lord Provost, magistrates and town-council of Edinburgh, at their election, ... By Mr. Webster. Edinburgh: printed, and sold by the booksellers there, and by W. Webb, London, 1740. ESTC No. T52481. Grub Street ID 279560.
- Argyll, John Campbell. The speech of the D---ke of A-----le, upon the state of the nation; April 15, 1740. London : printed for and sold by W. Webb, [1740]. ESTC No. T49697. Grub Street ID 277463.
- Argyll, John Campbell. The speech of the D-----ke of A------le, upon the state of the nation; April 15, 1740. London : printed for and sold by W. Webb, [1740]. ESTC No. T155378. Grub Street ID 199163.
- The French bite: or, a true and genuine narrative of the exploit [sic] and transactions of the Marquis Dul-Bruce, during his six-weeks residence in England. ... Also, the steps he took to introduce himself at court; ... likewise his several intrigues and amours with the ladies of the town. ...The whole taken from the mouth of one of his French domesticks, . London : printed and sold by W. Webb, H. Cooke, R. Munden, J. Dowse, B. Dickinson, and the rest of the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1749. ESTC No. N47442. Grub Street ID 32135.
- Reeves, William. The fatal consequences of bribery, exemplified in Judas. A sermon preach'd at St. Mary's in Reading; ... By William Reeves, A.M. . London : re-printed and sold by W. Webb, and by the booksellers in town and country, 1754. ESTC No. N67800. Grub Street ID 49342.