Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Secunda hac editione recognitum, duplici appendice auctum, & publici iur"s factum à Rob. Sanderson Collegij Lincolniensis in almâ Oxoniensi socio.
Oxoniæ: excudebant Iohannes Lichfield & Iacobus Short, 1618.
ESTC No. S116466.Grub Street ID 136152.
Sanderson, Robert.
Tvvo sermons: preached at tvvo several visitations, at Boston, in the diocesse and county of Lincolne. By Robert Sanderson, Bachelour of Diuinitie, and late fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford.
London: printed by G. P[urslowe] for Iohn Budge: and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard at the Signe of the Greene Dragon, 1622.
ESTC No. S112208.Grub Street ID 131973.
Sanderson, Robert.
Ten sermons preached I. Ad clerum. 3. II. Ad magistratum. 3. III. Ad populum. 4. By Robert Saunderson Bachellor in Diuinitie, sometimes fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford.
London: Printed [by R. Young] for R. Dawlman, at the signe of the Bible in Fleet-street neere the great Conduit, 1627.
ESTC No. S116623.Grub Street ID 136311.
Sanderson, Robert.
Two sermons preached at Paules-Crosse London. Being the fifth and sixth ad populum. By Robert Saunderson, Bachelour in Divinitie, and sometimes fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford.
London: printed by B. A[lsop]. and T. F[awcet]. for Robert Dolman, and are to bee sold at his shop, dwelling at the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1628.
ESTC No. S95041.Grub Street ID 153135.
Sanderson, Robert.
Two sermons preached at Paules-Crosse London. The one November 21. the other Aprill 15. 1627. By Robert Saunderson, Bachelour in Divinitie, and sometimes Fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford.
London: Printed by B. A[lsop] and T. F[awcet] for Robert Dawlman, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1628.
ESTC No. S112209.Grub Street ID 131974.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium à Rob. Sanderson ...
Oxoniæ: Excudebat Iohannes Lichfield impensis Gulielmi Dauis, 1631.
ESTC No. S4879.Grub Street ID 148795.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Tertia hac editione recognitum, duplici appendice auctum, & publici iuris factum. à Rob. Sanderson Collegij Lincolniensis in almâ Oxoniensi socio.
Oxoniæ: Excudebat Iohannes Lichfield impensis Gulielmi Davis, anno Dom. 1631.
ESTC No. S123274.Grub Street ID 142790.
Sanderson, Robert.
Tvvelve sermons, preached 1. Ad clerum. III. 2. Ad magistratum. III. 3. Ad populum. VI. By Robert Saunderson Batchellor in Divinity, sometimes fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford.
London: Printed by Aug. Math[ewes] for Robert Davvlman, and are to be sold by Robert Allet [i.e. Allot], at the signe of the Blacke-Beare, in Pauls-Church-yard, 1632.
ESTC No. S116625.Grub Street ID 136313.
Sanderson, Robert.
Tvvo sermons: the former, concerning the right use of Christian liberty, preached at S. Pauls Crosse London. May 6. The later, concerning the perswasion of conscience, preached at a metropoliticall visitation at Grantham Lincoln: Aug. 22. 1634. By Robert Saunderson chaplaine to his Maiestie.
London: printed by M[iles] F[lesher] for R. Dawlman and L. Fawne at the signe of the Brazen serpent in Pauls Churchyard, M DC XXXV. [1635].
ESTC No. S116631.Grub Street ID 136319.
Sanderson, Robert.
Tvvo sermons: the former, concerning the right use of Christian liberty, preached at St. Pauls Crosse London. May 6. The later, concerning the perswasion of conscience, preached at a metropoliticall visitation at Grantham Lincoln: Aug. 22. 1634. By Robert Saunderson Chaplaine to his Maiestie.
London: printed by R. B[adger]. for R. Dawlman and L. Fawne at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1636.
ESTC No. S95042.Grub Street ID 153136.
Sanderson, Robert.
Tvvelve sermons, preached 1. Ad clerum. III. 2. Ad magistratum. III. 3. Ad populum. VI. Whereunto are now added two sermons more, the one preached at St. Pauls Crosse, the other at a visitation, concerning the perswasion of conscience. By Robert Saunderson, Dr. in Divinity and chaplaine in ordinary to his Maiesty.
London: Printed by R[ichard] B[adger] for R. Dawlman [and Luke Fawne] and are to be sold at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1637.
ESTC No. S116627.Grub Street ID 136315.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio quarta. Authore Rob. Sanderson, Coll. Lincolniensis in Almâ Oxoniensi, quondam socio.
Oxoniæ: excudebat Leonardus Lichfield, impensis Guliel. Davis, an. Dom. 1640.
ESTC No. S126437.Grub Street ID 145536.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione prælectiones septem. Habitæ in schola theologicà Oxon. termino Michaelis ann. Dom. MDCXLVI. a Roberto Sandersono. S. Theologiæ in Academia Oxoniensi Professore Regio. Præmissa oratione ab eodem habita cum publicam professionem auspicaretur 26. Octob. 1646.
Londini: typis T.R. & E.M. prostat vænale apud O. Pullen & A. Crook, in C?meterio S. Pauli, 1647.
ESTC No. R42696.Grub Street ID 123921.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione prælectiones septem. Habitæ in schola theologicâ Oxon. Termino Micha'lis ann. Dom. MDCXLVI. A Roberto Sandersono. S. Theologiæ in Academiâ Oxoniensi professore regio. Præmissâ oratione ab eodem habita cum publicam prosessionem auspicaretur 26. Octobr. 1646.
Londini: typis T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. & E[dward]. M[ottershed]. Prostat vænale apud O. Pullen & A. Crook, in C?meterio S. Pauli, 1647.
ESTC No. R21456.Grub Street ID 89779.
Sanderson, Robert.
A sermon preached at Nevvport in the Isle of Wight, October 1648. In the time of the treaty. By Robert Sanderson, D.D. chaplain to the late King, and Regius-Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxon.
London: printed by T.M. for Andrew Crook, at the Green Dragon in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1653.
ESTC No. R203446.Grub Street ID 80544.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramento. Seven lectures concerning the obligation of promissory oathes. Read publicly in the Divinity School at Oxford. By Robert Sanderson D.D. His Majesties publick professor there. Translated into English by His late Majesties speciall command, and afterwards revised and approved under His Majesties own hand.
London: printed by E.C. for Humphrey Moseley, Octavian Pulleyn, and Andrew Crook and are to be sold at their shops in St. Pauls-Church-yard, 1655.
ESTC No. R30543.Grub Street ID 113381.
Sanderson, Robert.
Twenty sermons formerly preached. XVI. Ad aulam. III. Ad magistratum. I. Ad populum. And now first published by Robert Sanderson D.D. Professor Regius in the University of Oxford, and chaplain in ordinary to the late Kings Majesty.
London: printed by R. Norton, for Henry Seile, over against S. Dunstans-Church in Fleetstreet, anno Dom. 1656.
ESTC No. R19857.Grub Street ID 77416.
Sanderson, Robert.
Fourteen sermons heretofore preached. IIII. Ad clerum. III. Ad magistratum. VII. Ad populum. By Robert Sanderson D.D. Sometimes Fellow on Lincolne Colledge in Oxford and rector of Botheby Paynel Linc.
London: printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for Henry Seile over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, anno Dom. 1657.
ESTC No. R13890.Grub Street ID 61954.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXXIIII sermons XVI. Ad aulam. IIII. Ad clerum. VI. Ad magistratum. VIII. Ad populum. By Robert Sanderson D.D. Sometimes fellow of Lincoln-Colledge in Oxford, and rector of Botheby-Paynel Lincoln. To which is prefixed a large preface by the said author.
London: printed by R. Norton for Henry Seile over against S. Dunstans-Church in Fleetstreet, anno Dom. 1657.
ESTC No. R34133.Grub Street ID 116669.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendivm. Editio quinta Authore Rob. Sanderson, Coll. Lincoln. in almâ Oxoniensi, quondam Socio. Et in eadem Academia Sacræ Theologiæ postea Professore Regio.
Oxoniae: excudebat Leonardus Lichfield, impensis Rich. & Nic. Davis, Anno Dom. 1657.
ESTC No. R220625.Grub Street ID 94949.
Sanderson, Robert.
Twenty sermons viz. XVI. Ad aulam. III. Ad magistratum. I. Ad populum. By Robert Sanderson D.D. Sometimes Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford, and chaplain in ordinary to the late King.
The second impression revised by the author..
London : printed for Henry Seile over against S. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, anno Dom. 1660.
ESTC No. R13382.Grub Street ID 61489.
Sanderson, Robert.
Ten lectures on the obligation of humane conscience. Read in the divinity school at Oxford, in the year, 1647. By that most learned and reverend father in God, Doctor Robert Sanderson, Bishop of Lincoln. &c. Translated by Robert Codrington, Master of Arts.
London : printed by Tho. Leach, and are to be sold by John Martin, James Allestry, and Tho. Dicas, at the Sign of the Bell in St. Pauls-Church Yard, 1660.
ESTC No. R227569.Grub Street ID 100467.
Sanderson, Robert.
Several cases of conscience discussed in ten lectures in the Divinity School at Oxford. By that most learned and reverend father in God, Doctor Robert Sanderson, now Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
London : printed by Tho. Leach, and are to be sold by John Martin, James Allestry, and Tho. Dicas, at the sign of the Bell in St. Pauls-Church-Yard, 1660.
ESTC No. R203444.Grub Street ID 80542.
Sanderson, Robert.
De obligatione conscientiæ prælectiones decem: Oxonii in scholâ theologicâ habitæ anno. Dom. MDCXLVII. A Roberto Sandersono, S. Theologiæ ibidem professore regio, et ab eodem exprofessore, nunc primùm editæ.
Londini : typis R[oger]. N[orton]. Impensis Jo. Martin, Ja. Allestry, & Tho. Dicas ad insigne Campanæ in Cometerio D. Pauli, 1660.
ESTC No. R23607.Grub Street ID 106916.
Sanderson, Robert.
Episcopacy (as established by law in England) not prejudicial to regal power. A treatise written in the time of the Long Parliament, by the special command of the late King. And now published by the right reverend father in God Robert Sanderson Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
London : printed by R. Norton, for Timothy Garthwait in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1661.
ESTC No. R1745.Grub Street ID 67669.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione prælectiones septem. Habitæ in schola theologicà Oxon. termino Michaelis ann. Dom. MDCXLVI. A Roberto Sandersono Episcopo Lincolniensi s.theologiæ in Academia Oxoniensi professore regio. Præmissa oratione ab eodem habita cum publicam professionem auspicaretur 26. Octobr. 1646.
Londini : typis T.R. & E.M. prostat vænale apud O. Pullen & A. Crook, in C.meterio S. Pauli, 1661.
ESTC No. R222363.Grub Street ID 96377.
Sanderson, Robert.
De obligatione conscientiæ prælectiones decem: Oxonii in scholâ theologicâ habitæ. Anno Dom. MDCXLVII. A Roberto Sandersono, S. Theologiæ ibidem Professore Regio, nunc vero Episcopo Lincolniensi.
Londini : typis R.N. Impensis Jo. Martin, Ja. Allestry, & Tho. Dicas ad Insigne Campanæ in C.meterio D. Pauli, 1661.
ESTC No. R209681.Grub Street ID 85909.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXXIV. Sermons. XVI. Ad aulam. IV. Ad clerum. VI. Ad magistratum. VIII. Ad populum. By the right reverend Father in God, Robert Sanderson, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, sometimes fellow of Lincoln-Colledge in Oxford, and Regius Professor in the said University. To which is prefixed, a large preface by the said author.
London : printed for Henry Seile, stationer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, and are to be sold by Simon Gape over against Chancery Lane in Fleet-street, MDCLXI. [1661].
ESTC No. R219904.Grub Street ID 94374.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio sexta. Authore Rob. Sanderson, Coll. Lincoln. in almâ Oxoniensi, quondam socio. Et in eadem Academia Sacræ Theologiæ postea professore regio.
Oxoniæ: excudebat L[eonard]. L[ichfield]. & H[enry]. H[all]. impensis Ric. & Nic. Davis, anno Dom. 1664.
ESTC No. R15055.Grub Street ID 63019.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXXIV. Sermons, viz. XVI. Ad aulam. IV. Ad clerum. VI. Ad magistrum. VIII. Ad populum. By the right reverend father in God, Robert Sanderson, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, sometimes fellow of Lincoln-Colledge in Oxford, and regius professor in the said university. To which is prefixed a large preface by the said author.
[The fifth impression].
London : printed by E. Cotes for A. Seile, over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, anno Dom. 1664.
ESTC No. R8684.Grub Street ID 128829.
Sanderson, Robert.
XIV. sermons, viz. IV. Ad Clerum. III. Ad Magistratum. VII. Ad Populum. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Sanderson, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, sometimes fellow of Lincoln-Colledge in Oxford, and Regius Professor in the said university. To which is prefixed a large preface by the said author.
The fifth impression..
London : printed by E[llen]. Cotes for A[nn]. Seile, over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, anno Dom. 1664.
ESTC No. R21305.Grub Street ID 88575.
Sanderson, Robert.
Five cases of conscience: occasionally determined by a late learned hand.
London : printed by E.C. for Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1666.
ESTC No. R15053.Grub Street ID 63017.
Sanderson, Robert.
Five cases of conscience: occasionally determined by a late learned prelate.
London : printed by E. Cotes for Henry Brome in Little Britain, 1667.
ESTC No. R34131.Grub Street ID 116668.
Sanderson, Robert.
Two cases of conscience: resolved by the Right Reverend Father in God Robert Sanderson Late Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
London : Printed by E.C. for C. Wilkinson at the Black-Boy over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1668.
ESTC No. R201215.Grub Street ID 78664.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione prælectiones septem. Habitæ in schola theologicà Oxon. termino Michaelis an. Dom. MDCXLVI. A Roberto Sandersono. S. Theologiæ in Academia Oxoniensi Professore Regio. Præmissa oratione ab eodem habita cum publicam professionem auspicaretur 26. Octobr. 1646.
Londini : typis R[oger]. N[orton]. prostat vænale apud A[ndrew]. Crook, 1670.
ESTC No. R34127.Grub Street ID 116663.
Sanderson, Robert.
De obligatione conscientiae praelectiones decem: Oxonii in schol^a theologic^a habitae. Anno Dom. MDCXLVII. A Roberto Sandersono, S. Theologiae ibidem professore regio, postea episcopo Lincolniensi.
Londini : typis R[oger]. N[orton]. impensis Jo. Martin, & Ja. Allestrey, in coemeterio D. Pauli, 1670.
ESTC No. R34129.Grub Street ID 116665.
Sanderson, Robert.
Ad clerum. A sermon preached at a visitation holden at Grantham in the county and diocess of Lincolne, 8. Octob. 1641. By a late learned prelate. Now published by his own copy.
Oxford: printed by H. Hall printer to the university for Ric. Davis, 1670.
ESTC No. R228093.Grub Street ID 100825.
Sanderson, Robert.
Physicæ scientiæ compendium. A Roberto Sanderson Coll. Lincoln. in almâ Oxoniensi olim socio; & in eadem Academia S. Theologiæ postea professore regio, & nupero Lincoln. Episc: ante multos annos lucis usuræ destinatum nunc vero ex authentico manuscripto primò impressum.
Oxoniæ: excudebat Hen. Hall, impensis Ric. Davis, 1671.
ESTC No. R12015.Grub Street ID 60232.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXI sermons. Viz. XVII. ad aulam. III. ad magistratum. I. ad populum. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Sanderson, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, sometimes fellow of Lincoln-Colledge in Oxford, and Regius Professor in the said University.
London : Printed by A. Clark for A. Seile, 1671.
ESTC No. R35158.Grub Street ID 117591.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXXIV sermons. Viz. XVI. Ad aulam. IV. clerum. VI. magistratum. VIII. populum. By the right reverend father in God, Robert Sanderson late lord Bishop of Lincoln. With a large preface by the said author. The fifth edition; corrected and amended. Whereunto, is now added a sermon, printed by a correct copy under the authors own hand.
London : printed for A. Seil, and are to be sold by G. Sawbridge, J. Martyn, T. Williams, J. Place, E. Brewster, J. Starkey, T. Basset, R. Horn, H. Brome, J. Wright, R. Chiswell, R. Boulter, and B. Tooke, 1671.
ESTC No. R21965.Grub Street ID 94150.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ et physicae artis compendium. Authore Rob. Sanderson, Coll. Lincoln. in almâ Oxoniensi, quondam Socio. Et in eadem Academia Sacræ Theologiæ postea professore regio.
Oxoniæ: excudebat Hen. Hall. Impensis Ric. Davis, A.D. 1672.
ESTC No. R222481.Grub Street ID 96461.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXI sermons. Viz. XVII. Ad aulam. III. Ad magistratum. I. Ad populum. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Sanderson, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln, sometimes Fellow of Lincoln-Colledge in Oxford, and Regius Professor in the said University.
London : printed by E[van]. Tyler and R[alph]. Holt for A[nn]. Seile, and are to be sold by Benjamin Tooke at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Thomas Sawbridge at the Three Flower-de-Luces in Little-Brittain, 1673.
ESTC No. R223994.Grub Street ID 97725.
Sanderson, Robert.
Episcopacy (as established by law in England) not prejudicial to regal power written in the time of the Long Parliament. By the special command of the late King· By the right reverend father in God Robert Sanderson late Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
London : printed for Robert Pawlett at the Bible in Chancery Lane near Fleet-street, MDCLXXIII. [1673].
ESTC No. R15004.Grub Street ID 62969.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXXIV sermons. Viz. XVI. IV. VI. VIII. ad Aulam. Clerum. Magistratum. Populum. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Sanderson Late Lord Bishop of Lincoln. With a large preface by the said author. The sixth edition; corrected and amended. Whereunto is now added a sermon, printed by a correct copy under the authors own hand.
The sixth edition, corrected and amended..
London : printed for A[nn]. S[eile]. and are to be sold by Benj. Tooke, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Tho. Sawbridge at the Three Flour-de-Luces in Little-Brittain, 1674.
ESTC No. R34017.Grub Street ID 116568.
Sanderson, Robert.
Eight cases of conscience: occasionally determined by the late reverend father in God, Robert Sanderson, Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
London : printed for Henry Brome, James Collins, and Christopher Wilkinson, 1674.
ESTC No. R37202.Grub Street ID 119446.
Sanderson, Robert.
Eight cases of conscience: occasionally determined by the late Reverend Father in God, Robert Sanderson, Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
London : printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1674.
ESTC No. R219901.Grub Street ID 94371.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione prælectiones septem. Habitæ in Schola Theologica Oxonii termino Michaelis anno Dom. MDCXLVI. A Roberto Sandersono, S. Theologiæ in Academia Oxoniensi Professore Regio. Præmissa oratione ab eodem habita cùm publicam professionem auspicaretur 26. Octobr. 1646.
Londini : typis J.M. impensis J. Martyn, R. Scot, T. Basset, J. Wright, & R. Chiswell, 1676.
ESTC No. R34128.Grub Street ID 116664.
Sanderson, Robert.
De obligatione conscientiæ prælectiones decem: Oxonii in Scholâ Theologicâ habitæ. Anno Dom. MDCXLVII. A Roberto Sandersono, S. Theologiæ ibidem Professore Regio, postea Episcopo Lincolniensi.
Londini : typis J.M. impensis J. Martin ad insigne Campanæ in C.meterio D. Pauli, 1676.
ESTC No. R15003.Grub Street ID 62968.
Sanderson, Robert.
Nine cases of conscience: occasionally determined by the late reverend father in God, Robert Sanderson Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
London : printed for H. Brome, J. Wright, and C. Wilkinson, and are to be sold at the Gun at the west-end of S. Pauls, the Crown upon Ludgate-hill, and the Black boy in Fleet-street, 1678.
ESTC No. R25114.Grub Street ID 108828.
Sanderson, Robert.
Episcopacy (as establishd by law in England) not prejudicial to regal povver. Written in the time of the Long Parliament by the special command of the late king, by the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Sanderson, Late Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
London : printed for Robert Pawlet, at the Bible in Chancery Lane near Fleet Street, 1678.
ESTC No. R34130.Grub Street ID 116667.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXI sermons. Viz. XVII III. I. ad aulam. magistratum populum. By the right reverand father in God, Robert Sanderson, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Sometime fellow of Lincoln-Colledge in Oxford, and reginus professor in the said university.
London : printed by Tho. Hodgkin, and are to be sold by T. Basset, at the George in Fleet-street, J. Wright at the Crown on Ludgate-hill, R. Chiswel at the Rose and Crown, and B. Tooke at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, T. Passenger at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, and T. Sawbridge at the Three Flour-de-Luces in Little-Brittain, MDCLXXXI. [1681].
ESTC No. R24512.Grub Street ID 108292.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXXV. Sermons· Viz. XVI. Ad aulam. V. Clerum. VI. Magistratum VIII. Populum. With a large preface. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Sanderson, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln. The seventh edition; corrected and amended. Whereunto is now added the life of the reverend and learned author, written by Isaac Walton.
London : printed by Tho. Hodgkin, and are to be sold by T. Basset, at the George in Fleet-street, J. Wright at the Crown on Ludgate-hill, R. Chiswel at the Rose and Crown, and B. Tooke at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, T. Passenger at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, and T. Sawbridge at the Three Flour-de-Luces in Little-Brittain, MDCLXXXI. [1681].
ESTC No. R21088.Grub Street ID 86915.
Sanderson, Robert.
De obligatione conscientiæ prælectiones decem: Oxonii in scholâ theologicâ habitæ. Anno Dom. MDCXLVII. A Roberto Sandersono, S. Theologiæ ibidem professore regio. Postea Episcopo Lincolniensi.
Londini : impensis R. Littlebury, R. Scott, & G. Wells, MDCLXXXII. [1682].
ESTC No. R21954.Grub Street ID 94065.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione prælectiones septem. Habitæ in schola theologica Oxonii termino Michaelis anno Dom. MDCXLVI. A Roberto Sandersono, s. Theologiæ in Academia Oxoniensi Professore Regio. Præmissa oratione ab eodem habita cùm publicam professionem auspicaretur 26. Octobr. 1646.
Londini : impensis R. Scott, T. Basset J. Wright, R. Chiswell & T. Sawbridg [sic], MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R32327.Grub Street ID 115044.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione praelectiones septem. Habitae in schola theologica Oxonii termino Michaelis Anno Dom. MDCXLVI. A Roberto Sandersono, s, theologiae in Academia Oxoniensi professore regio. Praemissa oratione ab eodem habita c`um publicam professionem auspicaretur 26. Octobr. 1646.
Londini : impensis R. Littlebury, R. Scott, & G. Wells, MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R219898.Grub Street ID 94367.
Sanderson, Robert.
Episcopacy (as established by law in England) not prejudicial to regal power· Written in the time of the Long Parliament by the special command of the late King, by the right reverend father in God, Robert Sanderson, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
The third edition..
London : printed for Blanch Pawlet, and sold by George West, bookseller in Oxford, 1683.
ESTC No. R15005.Grub Street ID 62970.
Sanderson, Robert.
Nine cases of conscience: occasionally determined by the late reverend father in God, Robert Sanderson Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
London : printed for C. Wilkinson, and C. Brome, and are to be sold at the Black-boy in Fleet-street, and at the Gun at the West-end of S. Pauls, 1685.
ESTC No. R21964.Grub Street ID 94141.
Sanderson, Robert.
De obligatione conscientiæ prælectiones decem: Oxonii in scholâ theologicâ habitæ. anno dom. MDCXLVII. a Roberto Sandersono, S. Theologiæ ibidem professore regio, postea Episcopo Lincolniensi.
Londini : impensis R. Littlebury, R. Scott, T. Sawbridge & G. Wells, 1686.
ESTC No. R24511.Grub Street ID 108291.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXXVI. sermonsDT Viz. XVI. VI. VI [sic]. VIII. ad aulam. clerum. magistratum. populum. With a large preface. By the right reverend father in God, Robert Sanderson, late lord bishop of Lincoln. The eighth edition; corrected and amended. Whereunto is now added the life of the reverend and learned author, written by Isaac Walton.
London : printed for B. Tooke, T. Passenger, and T. Sawbridge, and are to be sold by Thomas Hodgkin, next door to the Dolphin-Inn in West-Smithfield, MDCLXXXVI. [1686].
ESTC No. R31805.Grub Street ID 114564.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione prælectiones septem. Habitæ in schola theologica Oxonii termino Michaelis Anno Dom. MDCXLVI. A Roberto Sandersono, s. theologiæ in Academia Oxoniensi professore regio. Præmissa oratione ab eodem habita cùm publicam professionem auspicaretur 26. Octobr. 1646.
Londini : impensis R. Littlebury, R. Scott, T. Sawbridge, & G. Wells, MDCLXXXVI. [1686].
ESTC No. R21940.Grub Street ID 93941.
Sanderson, Robert.
Casus conscientiæ (sive quæstiones practicæ) novem soluti pro re natâ atque dec"si per reverendum admodm in Christo Patrem Robertum Sandersonum Episcopum nuper Lincolniensem. Ex Anglico sermone (post repetitas editiones) recns in Latinum conversi.
Cantabrigiæ: ex officinâ Jo. Hayes, celeberrimæ academiæ typog. impensis Hen. Dickinson, & Rich. Green bibliopolarum Cantabrigiensium, 1688.
ESTC No. R4437.Grub Street ID 124807.
Sanderson, Robert.
A discourse concerning the Church in these following particulars. I. Concerning the visibility of the true Church. II. Concerning the Church of Rome. III. Concerning Protestant churches. IV. An answer to this question; where was your Church before Luther? By the Right Reverend Father in God Robert Sanderson late Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
London : printed by T. B[raddyll]. for R. Taylor, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R2316.Grub Street ID 103619.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXXVI Sermons. Viz. XVI. Ad aulam. VI. Clerum. VI. Magistratum. VIII. Populum. With a large preface. By the right reverend father in God, Robert Sanderson. Late lord Bishop of Lincoln. The eighth edition; corrected and amended. Whereunto is now added the Life of the reverend and learned author, written by Isaac Walton.
London : printed by T.H. and are to be sold by Thomas Speed at the Crown in the Poultrey, MDCLXXXIX. [1689].
ESTC No. R234776.Grub Street ID 106046.
Sanderson, Robert.
XXXVI. Sermons· Viz. XVI. VI. VI. VIII. Ad Aulam. Clerum. Magistratum. Populum. With a large preface. By the right reverend father in God, Robert Sanderson, late lord Bishop of Lincoln. The eighth edition; corrected and amended. Whereunto is now added the Life of the reverend and learned author, written by Isaac Walton.
London : printed for Joseph Hindmarsh, at the Golden Ball in Cornhill, over against the Royal Exchange, MDCLXXXIX. [1689].
ESTC No. R13432.Grub Street ID 61535.
Sanderson, Robert.
Physicæ scientiæ compendium. A Roberto Sanderson, Coll. Lincoln, in alma Oxoniensi olim socio; & in eadem Academia S. Theologiæ postea professore regio, & nupero Lincoln. Episcopo.
Oxoniæ: excudebat L. Lichfield, impensis Ri. Davis, A.D. 1690.
ESTC No. R15056.Grub Street ID 63020.
Sanderson, Robert.
De obligatione conscientiæ prælectiones decem: Oxonii in scholâ theologicâ habitæ. Anno Dom. MDCXLVII. A Roberto Sandersono, S. Theologiæ ibidem professore regio postea Episcopo Lincolniensi.
Londini : Typis M.C. Prostant apud S. Smith & B. Walford, ad insignia Principis in C.meterio D. Pauli, 1696.
ESTC No. R219899.Grub Street ID 94368.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione prælectiones sepem. Habitæ in schola theologica Oxonii termino Michaelis, Anno Dom. 1646. A Roberto Sandersono, s. theologiæ in Academia Oxoniensi professore regio. Præmissa oratione ab eodem habita cùm publicam professionem auspicaretu 26. Octobr. M DC XL VI.
Londini : impensis R. Chiswell, S. Smith, B. Walford, M. Wootton, & J. Conyers, M DC XC VI. [1696].
ESTC No. R220936.Grub Street ID 95167.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio decima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, coll. Lincoln. Oxon. quondam Socio: et in eadem academia sacræ theologiæ professore regio: postea episc. Loncoln.
Oxonii: typis L. Lichfield, impensis Steph. Fletcher, Bibliopolæ, [1700].
ESTC No. R42777.Grub Street ID 123972.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio decima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, Coll. Lincoln. Oxon. quondam Socio: Et in eadem Academia Sacrae Theologiae Professore Regio: Postea Episc. Lincoln.
Oxonii: typis L. Lichfield, impensis Steph. Fletcher, Bibliopolae, [1705?].
ESTC No. T180044.Grub Street ID 216724.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio decima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, Coll. Lincoln. Oxon. quondam Socio: Et in eadem Academia Sacrae Theologiae Professore Regio: Postea Episc. Lincoln.
Oxoniæ: excudebat Leonardus Lichfield Anno Domini MDCCV. [1705].
ESTC No. T169724.Grub Street ID 207529.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio decima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, Coll. Lincoln. Oxon. quondam Socio: Et in eadem Academia Sacrae Theologiae Professore Regio: Postea Episc. Lincoln.
Oxoniæ: excudebat Leonardus Lichfield, Anno Domini MDCCVII. [1707].
ESTC No. T100372.Grub Street ID 154328.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione prælectiones septem: habitæ in Schola Theologica Oxonii Termino Michaelis anno dom. MDCXLVI. A Roberto Sandersono, SS. Theologiae in Academia Oxoniensi Professore Regio. Præmissa oratione ab eodem habita cum publicam professionem auspicaretur 26. Octob. 1646.
Londini : impensis R. Chiswel, & J. Knapton, MDCCX. [1710].
ESTC No. T99401.Grub Street ID 318533.
Sanderson, Robert.
De obligatione conscientiæ prælectiones decem: Oxonii in Scholâ Theologicâ habitæ. Anno Dom. MDCXLVII. A Roberto Sandersono, SS. Theologiae ibid. Professore Regio; Poste a Episcopo Lincolniensi.
Londini : apud Ja. Knapton, Geo. Sawbridge, Sa, Buckley & Wil. Innys, MDCCX. [1710].
ESTC No. T99402.Grub Street ID 318534.
Sanderson, Robert.
A discourse concerning the nature and obligation of oaths. Wherein all the cases which have any relation to oaths enjoyned by governments, are briefly considered.
London : Printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick Lane, [1716].
ESTC No. T100348.Grub Street ID 154306.
Sanderson, Robert.
De obligatione conscientiae praelectiones decem: Oxonii in schola habitae; anno Dom. MDCXLVII. A Roberto Sandersono, .
Londini : typis B. M. protant [sic] apud Ja. Nnapton [sic], & Wil. & Job. Innys, 1719.
ESTC No. T191164.Grub Street ID 226159.
Sanderson, Robert.
De juramenti promissorii obligatione prælectiones septem, habitæ in Schola Theologica Oxonii Termino Michaelis anno dom. MDCXLVI. A Roberto Sandersono, SS. Theologiae in Academia Oxoniensi Professore Regio. Præmissa oratione ab eodem habita cùm publicam professionem auspicaretur 26. Octob. 1646.
Londini : typis B. Motte: impensis ejus, & J. Knapton, J. Tonson, & W. & J. Innys, 1719.
ESTC No. T108890.Grub Street ID 161737.
Sanderson, Robert.
De obligatione conscientiæ prælectiones decem: Oxonii in Scholâ Theologicâ habitæ; anno Dom. MDCXLVII. A Roberto Sandersono, SS. Theologiae ibid. Professore Regio; Postea Episcopo Lincolniensi.
Londini : typis B.M. Prostant apud Ja. Knapton, & Wil. & Job. Innys, MDCCXIX. [1719].
ESTC No. T108891.Grub Street ID 161738.
Sanderson, Robert.
A preservative against Schism and rebellion, in the most trying times. Or, A resolution of the most important cases of conscience, relating to the government both in church and state; in a course of lectures read in the Divinity School at Oxford, in the time of the great rebellion. By Robert Sanderson, D.D. regius professor, and afterwards Lord Bishop of Lincoln. In three volumes. The first volume concerning the obligation of promissory oaths: translated by the special command of His Most Sacred Majesty, King Charles the First, and afterwards revised and approved under His Majesty's own hand. To which is added, the judgment of the University of Oxford, concerning the Solemn League and Covenant. The second and third volumes explaining the most difficult cases of conscience relating to government, ecclesiastical and civil. Translated by Mr. Lewis. With the life of the author.
London : Printed for Charles Rivington at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, M.DCC.XXII. [1722].
ESTC No. N21083.Grub Street ID 10474.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logic? artis compendium. Editio undecima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, Coll. Lincoln. Oxon. quondam Socio: Et in eadem Academia Sacrae Theologiae Professore Regio: Postea Epise, Lincoln.
Oxoni?: typis L. Lichfield, impensis S. Wilmot, Bibliopolae, MDCCXLI. [1741].
ESTC No. N19130.Grub Street ID 8558.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logic? artis compendium. Editio undecima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, Coll. Lincoln. Oxon. quondam Socio: Et in eadem Academia Sacrae Theologiae Professore Regio: Postea Episc. Lincoln.
Oxoni?: typis L. Lichfield, impensis E. Broughton Bibliopolae, MDCCXLI. [1741].
ESTC No. N19131.Grub Street ID 8559.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio undecima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, ...
Oxoniæ: typis L. Lichfield, impensis S. Parker, 1741.
ESTC No. N33716.Grub Street ID 22166.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio undecima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, ...
Oxoniæ: typis L Lichfield, impensis J. Fletcher, 1741.
ESTC No. T169723.Grub Street ID 207528.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio undecima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, Coll. Lincoln. Oxon. quondam Socio: Et in eadem Academia Sacrae Theologiae Professore Regio: Postea Episc. Lincoln.
Oxoniæ: typis L. Lichfield, impensis J. Webb, Bibliopolae, MDCCXLI. [1741].
ESTC No. T100385.Grub Street ID 154339.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio undecima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, ...
Oxoniæ: typis L Lichfield, impensis M. Fletcher, 1741.
ESTC No. N55391.Grub Street ID 38903.
Sanderson, Robert.
Logicæ artis compendium. Editio undecima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, ...
Oxoniæ: typis L. Lichfield, impensis E. Broughton, 1742.
ESTC No. T195141.Grub Street ID 228890.
Sanderson, Robert.
The nature and obligation of oaths explained: or, a preservative against perjury, Popery, treason, and rebellion. Being, a course of lectures Read in the Divinity-School, at Oxford, in the Year 1646, by Dr. Robert Sanderson, then Regius-Professor of Divinity in that University, and afterwards Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Wherein, Various Difficult and Important cases of conscience, not only with Regard to Religion, but Civil Government, are Fairly Stated, Learnedly Discussed, and Judiciously Resolved. Translated into English from the Original Latin, and illustrated with Notes, from Grotius, Puffendorf, Barbeyrac, Le Placette, Burlamaqui, and other Learned Writers. By The Revd. Thomas Dawson, L. L. D. Translator of The Orations of Eschines and Demosthenes, concerning The Crown.
Dublin: printed and sold by Peter Wilson, in Dame-Street, MDCCLV. [1755].
ESTC No. T63909.Grub Street ID 289046.