Watts, Giles.
A dissertation on the ancient and noted doctrine of revulsion and derivation: wherein the absurdity of the principles, on which the notion of revulsion was originally founded, is evidently demonstrated, and the immediate consequences of blood-letting plainly prov'd, both from the Laws of the Circulation, and the obvious Effects of this, and several other spontaneous and artificial Evacuations, in the Cure of Diseases, to be the emptying, exhausting those Vessels in particular, that more immediately communicate with the Orifice; and consequently that all Drains, whether by Bleeding, Issues, Setons, &c. should be made near, as they conveniently can, to the Part affected. By Giles Watts, M. D. At Battel in Sussex.
London : printed for George Keith, at the Bible and Crown in Gracechurch-Street, M.DCC.LIV. [1754].
ESTC No. N28571.Grub Street ID 17794.
Watts, Giles.
Reflections on slow and painful labours, and other subjects in midwifery. Together with observations on several disorders incident to pregnant women. Interspersed with Remarks on Dr. Burton's Letter to Dr. Smellie, in which the Merits of the Cause between these two Authors are, in some Measure, considered. By Giles Watts, M.D.
London : printed for and sold by G. Keith, at the Bible and Crown in Gracechurch-Street, M.DCC.LV. [1755].
ESTC No. T92218.Grub Street ID 312015.
Watts, Giles.
A letter to Dr. Frewen, author of a late tract on inoculation; on occasion of his very extraordinary behaviour to the author, in the late unhappy case of Mr. Rootes, surgeon: ... By Giles Watts, .
London : printed and sold by G. Keith, 1755.
ESTC No. N19498.Grub Street ID 8915.
Watts, Giles.
A vindication of the new method of inoculating the small-pox, against the arguments and objections of Dr. Langton and Mr. Bromfeild, Wherein it is demonstrated, That the Distemper communicated by this Method is the genuine small-pox; That Patients so inoculated are not in the least Danger of taking the Distemper in the natural way; and also That the Method itself bids fair, in the Hands of judicious Practitioners, to become in the highest Degree beneficial to Mankind: In which is comprehended An Inquiry into the true causes, Which render the Distemper so very favourable, In this Way of Inoculating. By Giles Watts, M.D.
London : printed for Joseph Johnson, in Pater-Noster-Row, and sold by Stephen Katte, at Battle, MDCCLXVII. [1767].
ESTC No. T9204.Grub Street ID 311846.