Publications of Charles Forman


  • Forman, Charles. Mr. Forman's letter to the Right Honourable William Pulteney, Esq; shewing how pernicious, the Imperial Company of commerce and navigation, lately established in the Austrian Netherlands, is likely to prove to Great Britain, as well as to Holland. London : printed for, and sold by S. Bussey, 1725. ESTC No. N5811. Grub Street ID 41279.
  • Forman, Charles. Mr. Forman's letter to the Right Honourable William Pulteney, Esq; Shewing how Pernicious, the Imperial Company of Commerce and Navigation, lately established in the Austrian Netherlands, is likely to prove to Great Britain, as well as to Holland. London : printed for, and sold by S. Bussey, in Ivy Lane, M.DCC.XXV. [1725]. ESTC No. T41528. Grub Street ID 270416.
  • Forman, Charles. A letter to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Sutton, for disbanding the Irish regiments in the service of France and Spain. By Ch. Forman, Gent. [Dublin]: London, printed: and Dublin re-printed and sold by George Faulkner and James Hoey, 1728. ESTC No. T178064. Grub Street ID 214996.
  • Forman, Charles. A letter to the Right Honorable Sir Robert Sutton, for disbanding the Irish regiments in the service of France and Spain. By Ch. Forman, Gent. London : printed for A. Moore, 1728. ESTC No. N19517. Grub Street ID 8936.
  • Forman, Charles. Protesilaus: or, the character of an evil minister. Being a paraphrase on part of the tenth book of Telemachus. By Charles Forman, Esq; And Dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir R----- W-------. London : printed for the author, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1730]. ESTC No. T102208. Grub Street ID 156049.
  • Forman, Charles. Protesilaus: or, the character of an evil minister. Being a paraphrase on part of the tenth book of Telemachus. By Charles Forman, Esq; And Dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir R----- W-------. Curse on his Virtues! they've undone his Country. Cato. London : printed for the author, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1730]. ESTC No. T171257. Grub Street ID 208882.
  • Forman, Charles. A defence of the courage, honour, and loyalty of the Irish nation, in answer to the scandalous reflections of the Free Briton and others. In a letter to that author, by Charles Forman, Esq;. London : printed by J. Watson, over-against Hungerford Market in the Strand, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster , 1731. ESTC No. N522. Grub Street ID 36183.
  • Forman, Charles. A letter to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, for re-establishing the woollen manufacturies of Great Britain upon their ancient Footing, by encouraging the Linen Manufacturies of Ireland. Also, for reducing the pay of the army, encouraging the printing press, renewing the Trade to France upon the Tariff of 1664, and relieving those unfortunate British Merchants that have been ruin'd by the Spanish Guarda de la Costas. With a short observation upon the drawback upon tobaccoes. By Charles Foreman, Esq; To which is added, a postscript to his friends, shewing some of the Reasons he had for the late Submission he sent to Sir Robert. London : printed for T. Warner at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. T103014. Grub Street ID 156689.
  • Forman, Charles. A letter to the merchants of Great Britain; or a proper reply to the London journal, of Dec. 12, 1730. By Peregrine English. To which is prefix'd the scurrilous letter in the said journal, and also the letter to Mr. Fog, which he pretends to answer. London : Printed for T. Warner at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, 1732. ESTC No. N19599. Grub Street ID 9016.
  • Forman, Charles. A second letter to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. In which I. Notice is taken of Two Passages in Mr. Janicon's Present State of the United Provinces, highly injurious to the Honour of Great-Britain. II. A brief Account of the Progress and Importance of the Affair of Emden. III. Dendermonde, as a Barrier-Town, considered. IV. The Partition of King William's Patrimony, as Prince of Orange, stated. To which is added, farther reasons against imposing a general excise upon Britons; Drawn from the Effects of Excises in France and Holland. By Charles Forman, Esq;. London : printed for J. Wilford, behind the Chapter-House, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXXXIII. [1733]. ESTC No. T102103. Grub Street ID 155951.
  • Forman, Charles. A letter to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, concerning the election of a King of Poland, the claim of King Stanislaus, the views of the House of Austria, and the interest of Great-Britain. By Charles Forman, Esq;. London : printed for J. Wilford, near the Chapter-House, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, [1733]. ESTC No. T78793. Grub Street ID 300525.
  • Forman, Charles. A defence of the courage, honour and loyalty of the Irish-nation, in answer to the scandalous reflections of the Free-Briton and others. In a letter to that author. By Charles Forman Esq;. [Dublin]: London, printed: and Dublin re-printed and sold by E. Rider, 1735. ESTC No. T108813. Grub Street ID 161665.
  • Forman, Charles. A defence of the courage, honour and loyalty of the Irish-nation, in answer to the scandalous reflections of the Free-Briton and others. ... By Charles Forman Esq;. [Dublin]: London: printed, and Dublin reprinted by E. Rider, 1736. ESTC No. T32253. Grub Street ID 262978.
  • Forman, Charles. Mr. Forman's letter to a member of Parliament. In which is demonstrated that the driving the turk out of Europe would be so far from destroying the balance of civil power, and overthrowing the Protestant religion, as has been lately asserted in the Daily Journal, that it would produce a greater security to both than either of them has ever yet met with; and also procure several advantages to Britain, particularly in trade, which perhaps, the mus otherwise never expect. With a preface, containing a short vindication of the conduct of the Late Emperor Leopold, in the case of King James II. With a part of his imperial Majesty's letter to that unhappy prince after his flight to St. Germain in France. And likewise a postscript, shewing how to make short work with th e turks, and proposing a partition of the Ottoman empire in Europe, on this side of the Niester, between the August House of Austria and His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, or His Most Serene Highness the Prince of Orange. London : Printed for J. Torbuck in Clare-Court, Drury Lane, and sold at the Phamphlet-Shops of London and Westminister, MDCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. T170592. Grub Street ID 208280.
  • Forman, Charles. Some queries and observations upon the revolution in 1688, and its consequences: also a short view of the rise and progress of the Dutch East India Company; With critical remarks. In a letter from Paris to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Walpole. By the Late Charles Forman, Esq; now first printed; with a preface shewing the reasons of its being published at this juncture; and necessary to be read by all who have any regard for the honour, interest or trade of their country. The second edition.. London : Printed for and sold by Olive Payne, at Horace's Head in Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill, opposite the Royal Exchange, 1741. ESTC No. N23911. Grub Street ID 13272.
  • Forman, Charles. Some queries and observations upon the revolution in 1688, and its consequences: also a short view of the rise and progress of the Dutch East India Company ... By the late Charles Forman, Esq;. London : printed for and sold by Olive Payne, 1741. ESTC No. T78782. Grub Street ID 300514.
  • Forman, Charles. A defence of the courage, honour, and loyalty, of the Irish nation, in answer to the scandalous reflections of the Free-Briton and others, In a letter to that author. By Charles Forman, ... Dublin: printed and sold by Ebenezer Rider, 1747. ESTC No. T108312. Grub Street ID 161212.
  • Forman, Charles. A defence of the courage, honour, and loyalty of the Irish-nation. In answer to the scandalous reflections in the Free-Briton and others. ... By Charles Forman, Esq;. Dublin: printed and sold by Ebenezer Rider, 1754. ESTC No. T167224. Grub Street ID 205349.
  • Forman, Charles. A defence of the courage, honour and loyalty of the Irish-nation. In answer to the scandalous reflections in the Free-Briton, and others. ... By Charles Forman, Esq;. Dublin: printed by T. Ryder, 1767. ESTC No. T214939. Grub Street ID 241200.
  • Forman, Charles. A defence of the courage, honour and loyalty of the Irish-nation. In answer to the scandalous reflections in the Free-Briton, and others. ... By Charles Forman, Esq;. Dublin: printed for, and sold by, O. Adams, and T. Ryder, and P. Wilson, 1767. ESTC No. T109332. Grub Street ID 162133.