Parkhurst, John.
A serious and friendly address to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley, in relation to a principal doctrine advanced and maintained by him and his assistants. By John Parkhurst, .
London : printed for J. Withers [sic], 1753.
ESTC No. T47498.Grub Street ID 275451.
Parkhurst, John.
An hebrew and English lexicon, without points: in which The Hebrew and Chaldee Words of the Old Testament are explained in their Leading and Derived Senses, The Derivative Words are ranged under their respective Primitives, and The Meanings assigned to each Authorised by References to Passages of Scripture. To this work is prefixed a methodical Hebrew grammar, Without points; Adapted to the Use of Learners, and of those who have not the Benefit of a Master: also, The Hebrew Grammar, at One View. By John Parkhurst, M. A. Late Fellow of Clare-Hall, Cambridge.
London : printed by and for W. Faden, in Wine-Office-Court, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXII. [1762].
ESTC No. T141558.Grub Street ID 189066.
Parkhurst, John.
The people's duty on the return of peace. A sermon on Psalm xlvi. 8, &c. Preached in the parish church of Epsom in Surrey, on Thursday May 5, 1763: being the day appointed by His Majesty's proclamation, for a general thanksgiving, on the conclusion of the peace. By John Parkhurst, M. A. Formerly Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge. Published BY Request.
London : printed for W. Faden in Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street ; and B. Law, [1763?].
ESTC No. N20323.Grub Street ID 9721.
Parkhurst, John.
A methodical Hebrew grammar without points, adapted to the use of learners, and of those who have not the benefit of a master. To which is subjoined, the Hebrew Grammar at one view. By John Parkhurst, .
The second edition, corrected and improved. To which is added, A brief refutation of the Rabbinical vowel points..
London : printed for W. Faden, and E. Dill, 1764.
ESTC No. N65204.Grub Street ID 47111.
Parkhurst, John.
A Greek and English lexicon to the New Testament: ... To this work is prefixed, a plain and easy Greek grammar, ... By John Parkhurst, .
London : printed for W. Faden; B. Law; E. and C. Dilly; J. Robson; and F. Newbery, 1769.
ESTC No. T123194.Grub Street ID 173700.
Parkhurst, John.
An hebrew and English lexicon, without points: in which the Hebrew and Chaldee words of the Old Testament are explained in their Leading and Derived Senses, The Derivative Words are ranged under their respective Primitives, and The Meanings assigned to each, Authorized by References to Passages of Scripture, and frequently illustrated and confirmed by Citations from Various Authors, ancient and modern. To this work are prefixed an Hebrew and a Chaldee grammar, without points. The second edition, greatly enlarged and improved. By John Parkhurst, M. A. Formerly Fellow of Clare-Hall, Cambridge.
London : printed for B. Law, No. 13, Ave-Maria-Lane, in Ludgate-Street; and W. Faden, the Corner of St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778].
ESTC No. T112555.Grub Street ID 164547.
Parkhurst, John.
The divinity and pre-existence of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, demonstrated from scripture; in answer to the first section of Dr. Priestley's introduction to his History of early opinions concerning Jesus Christ: Together with Strictures on some other Parts of that Work; and a Postscript, Relative to a late Publication of Mr: Gilbert Wakefield. By John Parkhurst, M. A. Formerly Fellow of Clare-Hall, Cambridge.
London : printed for Thomas Payne and Son, Mews Gate, St. Martin's; and J. Robson, New Bond-Street, M.DCC.LXXXVII. [1787].
ESTC No. T103688.Grub Street ID 157301.
Parkhurst, John.
An hebrew and English lexicon, without points: in which the Hebrew and Chaldee words of the Old Testament are explained in their leading and derived Senses, The Derivative Words are ranged under their respective Primitives, and The Meanings assigned to each authorized by References to Passages of Scripture, and frequently illustrated and confirmed by Citations from various Authors, ancient and modern. To this work are prefixed an Hebrew and a Chaldee grammar, without points. The third edition, corrected, enlarged, and improved. By John Parkhurst, M. A. Formerly fellow of clare-hall, cambridge.
London : printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, MDCCXCII. [1792].
ESTC No. N7600.Grub Street ID 52535.
Parkhurst, John.
A Greek and English lexicon to the New Testament: in which the words and phrases ... are distinctly explained, ... To this work is prefixed, A plain and easy Greek grammar, ... The second edition, corrected, enlarged, and improved. By John Parkhurst, M.A. .
London : printed by J. Davis, for G. G. and J. Robinson, 1794.
ESTC No. T101337.Grub Street ID 155214.
Parkhurst, John.
A greek and English lexicon to the New Testament: in which The Words and Phrases occurring in those Sacred Books are distinctly explained, And the Meanings assigned to each authorized by References to Passages of Scripture, And frequently illustrated and confirmed by Citations from the Old Testament, and from the Greek Writers. To this Work is Prefixed, a Plain and Easy Greek Grammar, Adapted to the Use of Learners, and of those who understand no other Language than English. The third edition, corrected, enlarged, and improved. By John Parkhurst, M. A. Formerly Fellow of Clare-Hall, Cambridge.
London : printed by J. Davis, for G.G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, M.DCC.XCVIII. [1798].
ESTC No. T101832.Grub Street ID 155677.
Parkhurst, John.
An hebrew and English lexicon, without points. In which the Hebrew and Chaldee words of the Old Testament are explained in their leading and derived Senses, The Derivative Words are ranged under their respective Primitives, and The Meanings assigned to each authorized by References to Passages of Scripture, and frequently illustrated and confirmed by Citations from Various Authors, ancient and modern. To this work are prefixed an Hebrew and a Chaldee grammar, without points. The fourth edition, corrected, improved, and somewhat enlarged. By John Parkhurst, M. A. Formerly Fellow of Clare-Hall, Cambridge.
London : printed by J. Davis, for G.G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, M.DCC.XCIX. [1799].
ESTC No. T112554.Grub Street ID 164546.