Publications of Thomas Parkyns


  • Parkyns, Thomas. The inn-play, or Cornish-hugg wrestler: ... By Sr. Thomas Parkyns ... Nottingham: printed and sold by William Ayscouh [sic], 1713. ESTC No. T126935. Grub Street ID 176796.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. Progymnasmata. The inn-play: or, Cornish-hugg wrestler. Digested in a method which teacheth to break all holds, and throw most falls mathematically. ... By Sir Tho. Parkyns, ... Nottingham: printed and sold by Will. Ayscough, and Timothy Goodwin, over-against St. Dustan's [sic] Church in Fleet-street, 1714. ESTC No. T139004. Grub Street ID 186872.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. A practical and grammatical introduction to the Latin tongue. By Sr. Thomas Parkyns of Bunny, Bart. for the use of his grand-son and of Bunny-school. Nottingham: printed by William Ayscough, 1716. ESTC No. N20460. Grub Street ID 9861.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. A practical and grammatical introduction to the Latine tongue. By Sir. Thomas Parkyns of Bunny, Bart. for the use of his grand-son, and of Bunny school. Nottingham: printed by William Ward, and sold by Timothy Goodwin, over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, London; John Ward in Leicester; Henry Allestree in Derby; and Francis Hildyard in York, Booksellers, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. N38148. Grub Street ID 25952.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. A practical and grammatical introduction to the Latine tongue. By Sir Thomas Parkyns of Bunny, Bart. for the use of his grand-son, and of Bunny school. Nottingham: printed by William Ward, 1717. ESTC No. N38207. Grub Street ID 25993.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. A method proposed, for the hiring and recording of servants in husbandry, arts, misteries, &c. Offered by Sir Thomas Parkyns Bart. ... Also, a limitation and appointment of the several rates of wages of artificers, handicraftsmen, ... Nottingham: sold at six pence each, by Mr. Wainwright schoolmaster of Bunny and clerk to Sir Tho. Parkyns Bart. By Mr. Ward bookseller in Leicester. And John Collyer printer hereof in Nottingham, [1721]. ESTC No. T107145. Grub Street ID 160215.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. A method propos'd for the hiring and recording of servants in husbandry, arts, misteries, &c. ... Nottingham: printed by John Collyer, 1722. ESTC No. T39317. Grub Street ID 268596.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. Queries and reasons offer'd by Sir Thomas Parkyns, of Bunny, Bart. why the county-hall, goal, &c. should be built in the county of Nottingham, and on the new purchas'd Ground for that very Purpose, and not in the market-place of the town, and County of the Town of Nottingham, and out of the County at large: And why he could not join with his Brethren the Justices of the Peace, in Signing the Order of Sessions at Rufford, April the 24th, 1724. With the addition of Subordination; or, an essay on servants, their Rates of Wages, and the Great Conveniency which will accrue to every County, by Recording with all the Chief Constables, &c. of the same. The third edition, with emendations and large additions.. London : printed by Henry Woodfall, at Elzevir's-Head without Temple-Bar; and sold by Thomas Weekes, Bookseller, in Westminster-Hall; John Collyer, Printer, at the Hen-Cross in Nottingham; and Humphrey Wainwright of Bunny in the said County, M.DCC.XXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T168000. Grub Street ID 205984.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. An appendix to the queries and reasons offer'd by Sir Thomas Parkyns, of Bunny, Bart. why the county-hall, goal, &c. should be built in the county of Nottingham, and on the new purchas'd ground for that very purpose, and not in the market-place of the town, ... Nottingham: printed and sold by John Collyer, 1724. ESTC No. T189972. Grub Street ID 225244.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. A sketch and design of a geeneral [sic] act of parliament, for the building, repairing, enlarging. and finishing of halls, goals, ... in their respective counties. ... By Sir Thomas Parkyns, Bart. Nottingham: printed by John Collyer, 1725. ESTC No. T127150. Grub Street ID 176983.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. A sketch and design of a general act of parliament, for the building, repairing, enlarging, and finishing of halls, goals, ... in their respective counties. ... By Sir Thomas Parkyns, Bart. Nottingham: printed by John Collyer, 1726. ESTC No. T155516. Grub Street ID 199230.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. An appendix to the queries and reasons, offer'd by Sir Thomas Parkyns, of Bunny, Bart. why the county-hall, goal, &c. should be built in the county of Nottingham, and on the new purchas'd ground for that very purpose, and not in the market-place of the town, ... Nottingham: printed and sold by John Collyer, 1726. ESTC No. T189971. Grub Street ID 225243.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. Progymnasmata. The inn-play: or, Cornish-hugg wrestler. Digested in a method which teacheth to break all holds, and throw most falls mathematically. Easy to be understood by all gentlemen, &c. and of great use to such who understand the small-sword in fencing. And by all tradesmen and handicrafts, that have competent knowledge of the use of the stilliards, bar, crove-iron or lover, with their hypomochlions, fulciments or baits. By Sir Tho. Parkyns, of Bunny, Baronet. The third edition corrected, with large additions.. London : printed for Tho. Weekes, at the White-Hart in Westminster-Hall; and sold by Humph. Wainwright, at Bunny, in Nottinghamshire, 1727. ESTC No. T139003. Grub Street ID 186871.
  • Parkyns, Thomas. A practical and grammatical introduction to the Latine tongue. By Sir. [sic] Thomas Parkyns of Bunny Park, Bart. for the use of his sons, and of Bunny School. Nottingham: printed by Tho. Collyer, and sold by T. Osborne, London; W. Ward in Nottingham; G. Brice in Leicester; H. Allestree in Derby; T. Hammond in York; and H. Wainwright master of Bunny School, 1732. ESTC No. T206652. Grub Street ID 236078.