Publications of Walter Baker chemist


  • Baker, Walter, chemist. A dissertation on the liquid-shell: proving to demonstration that it is not only a dissolvent for the stone and gravel, but a most powerful, safe and efficacious medicine in the Spasmodic and Windy Colic, in the Hypochondriac Disease, and all Kinds of Flatulencies; in a Diarrhoea, or Looseness; in a Cardialgia, or Heartburn; in acid Eructations and in a Strangury; And, to be Depended upon ... Gripes, Fevers, and Convulsions in young Children, and all those Uneasinesses which they are subject to from Acidities, the well-known Cause of all their Disorders. By the proprietor. London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row; and to be had at Mr. Cluer Dicey's warehouse in Bow Church-Yard, and of the proprietor, W. Baker, at his House in Helmet-Court, near Katharine-Street in the Strand, and all the pamphlet shops in London and Westminster, 1748. ESTC No. T185108. Grub Street ID 221353.
  • Baker, Walter, chemist. The affidavits and proceedings of Walter Baker, administrator to the late Baron Schwanberg, upon his petition presented to the King in Council, to vacate the patent obtained by Dr. Robert James for Schwanberg's powder, for Curing Acute and Inflammatory Fevers, &c. and also his Aurum Horizontale Pill, For Curing and Relieving Chronic Cases, Both Invented and Published many Years before the said Dr. James obtained the said Letters Patent: with a copy of the report, upon the hearing before the Attorney and Solicitor General, the sixth of December, 1752: also The Masked Specification of Dr. Robert James, Inrolled in Chancery; and A True Copy of His Extraordinary Affidavit, Sworn the same Day of the Hearing; Now lying in the Office of His Majesty's most Honble Privy Council: for which A Bill of Indictment for Perjury has been Preferred, and Found against the said Dr. Robert James, at a Quarter Sessions of Oyer and Terminer, at Hicks's-Hall, in Fd. 1753, but since removed by Certiorari into the Co. London : printed, and there published for Physicians, Surgeons, and Apothecaries, and all others whom it may concern, [1754]. ESTC No. T66417. Grub Street ID 291163.