Robinson, John.
Vox ducis: or, An alarme from the trumpet of God, to euery souldier in Iesus Christ. Calling them to fight the good fight of faith. In a sermon at Pauls Crosse, Sept. 11. 1631. by Iohn Robinson preacher of the word of God and Mr of Arts of Kings Coll. in Camb.
London: Printed by Thomas Harper, 1631.
ESTC No. S114096.Grub Street ID 133818.
Robinson, John.
The peoples plea: fully vindicating the povver and proceedings of the Parliament. Occasioned by a defence of the covenant. Written by a reverend divine. Published by authority.
London: printed for Robert Bostock, at the Kings Head in Pauls Church-yard, 1646.
ESTC No. R200667.Grub Street ID 78159.
Robinson, John.
Miscellaneous propositions and quæres: by Iohn Robinson doctor in physick in Norwich.
London: printed for R. Royston at the Angel in Ivie-lane, M.DC.XL.IX. [1649].
ESTC No. R218037.Grub Street ID 92753.
Robinson, John.
The birth of a day: being a treatise theologicall, morall and historicall, representing (as in a scene) the vicissitudes of all humane things, with their severall causes and sacred uses. Compos'd for the establishing mans soul unchangeable in the faith, amidst the variou changes of the world. By J. Robinson Mr of Arts and preacher of Gods Word.
London: printed by Roger Daniel; and are to be sold by Thomas Johnson, at the sign of the Golden Key in S. Pauls Churchyard, 1655. [i.e. 1654].
ESTC No. R203378.Grub Street ID 80479.
Robinson, John.
The birth of a day: being a treatise theologicall, morall and historicall, representing (as in a scene) the vicissitudes of all humane things, with their severall causes and sacred uses. Compos'd for the establishing mans soul unchangeable in the faith, amidst the variou changes of the world. By J. Robinson Mr of Arts and preacher of Gods Word at East-Thorpe.
London: printed by Roger Daniel, for the authour, M D C L V. [1655].
ESTC No. R218391.Grub Street ID 93054.
Robinson, John.
Endoxa, seu, Quæstionum quarundam miscellanearum examen probabile ut et, Lapis ad altare, sive, Exploratio locorum paucorum difficiliorum S. Scripturæ : una cum Pseudodoxiæ epidemicæ, ventilatione tranquilla / per Johannem Robinsonum, M.D.
Londoni: Typis T.N.:, Impensis Sa. Thomson ..,1?656.
ESTC No. R15890.Grub Street ID 63787.
Robinson, John.
The triumph and unity of truth, in two treatises; intended as a preservative against the many errours, and unhappy divisions of these times in point of religion. By John Robinson, a lover of truth and vnity.
London: printed for Thomas Iohnson, at the Golden Key in S. Paul's Church-yard, anno 1657.
ESTC No. R208862.Grub Street ID 85080.
Robinson, John.
Endoxa, or, Some probable inquiries into truth, both divine and humane: together with a stone to the altar: or, short disquisitions on a few difficult places of Scripture; as also, a calm ventilation of Pseudo-doxia epidemica. By John Robinson, Dr. of Physick. Translated and augmented by the author.
London: printed by J. Streater, for Francis Tyton, 1658.
ESTC No. R203377.Grub Street ID 80478.
Robinson, John.
Tempora mutantur. A treatise, theological, moral, and historical. Representing (as in a scene) the vicissitudes of humane things, with their causes and uses. Fitted for the establishing mans soul unchangeable in the faith, amidst the various changes of the world. By J.R. Master of Arts.
London : printed for Tho. Rooks at the Lamb and Ink-bottle at the West end of S. Paul's near S. Austin's gate, where also is made and sold the best ink for deeds and records, 1664.
ESTC No. R218373.Grub Street ID 93039.
Robinson, John.
A true and perfect relation of the great victory obtained over the Dutch with an account of the ships that was taken and sunk in the said engagement. Also, the names of their men of war, their commanders and number of their guns, that were appointed for a convoy to their Smyrna fleet.
London : printed for G.I., 1672.
ESTC No. R219704.Grub Street ID 94201.
Robinson, John.
Preferment: a satire. By John Robinson.
London : printed for W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCLXV. [1765].
ESTC No. T117926.Grub Street ID 169495.
Robinson, John.
The history of Mr. Charles Chance, and Miss Clara Vellum.
London : printed by C?sar Ward, for Francis Noble, at his Circulating Library, near Middle-Row Holborn ; and John Noble, at his Circulating Library, in St. Martin's Court, near Leicester-Square, MDCCLXVII. [1767].
ESTC No. T71397.Grub Street ID 294963.
Robinson, John.
The poet's manual. A satire. By John Robinson.
London : printed for F. Noble, near Middle-Row, Holborn; and J. Noble, in St. Martin's Court, near Leicester Square, MDCCLXVII. [1767].
ESTC No. T94329.Grub Street ID 313924.
Robinson, John.
Poems of various kinds. Viz. Satires, tales, pastorals, elegiac and other pieces. By John Robinson.
Norwich: printed by Wm. Chase in Norwich: and sold by J. Knox, near Southampton Street in the Strand, and G. Kearsly, (at No. I.) Ludgate Street, London, MDCCLXVIII. [1768].
ESTC No. T94328.Grub Street ID 313923.
Robinson, John.
The village oppress'd a poem. Dedicated to Dr. Goldsmith.
London : printed for J. Robson, Bookseller, at the Feathers in New Bond-Street, M,DCC,LXXI. [1771].
ESTC No. T94330.Grub Street ID 313925.
Robinson, John.
A journey through Nova-Scotia, containing, a particular account of the country and its inhabitants: With Observations on their Management in Husbandry; the Breed of Horses and other Cattle, and every Thing material relating to Farming. To which is added, An Account of several Estates for Sale in different. Townships of Nova-Scotia, with their Number of Acres, and the Price at which each is set. By John Robinson, farmer at Bewholm, in Holderness, and Thomas Rispin, farmer at Fangfoss, both in the County of York, Who sailed for Nova-Scotia, the 8th of April, 1774, from Scarbrough, on Board the Ship Prince-George.
York: printed for the authors, by C. Etherington, M,DCC,LXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. T94327.Grub Street ID 313922.
Robinson, John.
Love fragments. A series of letters now first published, by Mr. Robinson.
London : printed for J. Wallis Ludgate-Street, and J. Binns, Leeds, MDCCLXXXII. [1782].
ESTC No. T57812.Grub Street ID 284007.
Robinson, John.
A plan for the improvement and retention of the fine arts, &c. in Ireland, humbly proposed to her nobility and gentry. By John Robinson.
Dublin: printed by W. M'Kenzie, 1792.
ESTC No. T201132.Grub Street ID 232525.
Robinson, John.
Audley Fortescue; or the victims of frailty. A novel. In two volumes. By Mr. Robinson. .
London : printed for William Lane, at the Minerva Press, 1795.
ESTC No. N30564.Grub Street ID 19485.
Robinson, John.
Audley Fortescue; or the victims of frailty. A novel. By Mr. Robinson.
Dublin: printed by Brett Smith, for Messrs. P. Wogan, P. Byrne, J. Rice, J. Moore, W. Jones, 1796.
ESTC No. T120726.Grub Street ID 171730.
Robinson, John.
A directory of Sheffield, including the manufacturers of the adjacent villages: with the several marks of the cutlers, Scissor & File-Smiths, Edgetool, & Sickle makers. To which are added, the regular setting out and return of the posts; and a correct list of the coaches and Waggons.
Sheffield: printed by J. Montgomery, in the Hartshead, for John Robinson, Spring-Street, 1797.
ESTC No. T31895.Grub Street ID 262655.
Robinson, John.
A new English spelling book; [or,] key to the English language; in which its difficulties are simplified, and its beauties pointed out. ... To which is prefixed, an essay on emphasis, accent and tone; ... By John Robinson, .
London : printed by T. Maiden, for the author; Vernor and Hood; and J. Nunn, 1800.
ESTC No. T218520.Grub Street ID 243043.
Robinson, John.
Disputatio medica inauguralis de urinæ secretione suppressa; quam, annuente summo numine, Ex Auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, D. Georgii Baird, SS. T. P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti; necnon Amplissimi Senatus Academici Consensu, et Nobilissimae Facultatis Medicae Decreto; pro gradu doctoris, summisque in Medicina Honoribus ac Privilegiis rite et Legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Joannes Robinson, Anglus: Societ. Reg. Med. Edin. Soc. Extr. Ad diem 24. Junii, hora locoque solitis.
Edinburgi: excudebant Adamus Neill et socii, MDCCC. [1800].
ESTC No. T151285.Grub Street ID 196715.
Robinson, John.
The art of teaching the orthography, accent and pronunciation of the English language by imitation. Containing a great variety of illustrative remarks: with prefatory observations on syllabication, or, the division of words into syllables; in which that system, as taught by the ancient, and some modern, grammarians, is proved to be founded on erroneous principles, which entirely defeat their own object. By John Robinson, author of the New English spelling-book, or, key to the English language.
London : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourne-Lane, for the author, No. 30, Arundel-Street, Strand; of which it may be had: also of Vernor and Hood, 31, Poultry; and J. Nunn, Great Queen-Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, 1800.
ESTC No. T187028.Grub Street ID 223141.