Publications of Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli


  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. La vera lode cantata a cinque voci da eseguirsi nel Teatro D'Oxford Add`&)i 2. Luglio 1759. Festeggiandosi il giorno felicissimo dell' Inaugurazione di My Lord Conte di Westmorland Alla Dignita di Cancelliere Di detta Universita. Musica del Sigr. Giovacchino Cocchi, poesia del Sigr Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. London : printed by G. Woodfall, at the King's-Arms, Charing-Cross, [1759]. ESTC No. T9325. Grub Street ID 312951.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. La Gran Bretagna emula dell' antica Roma. Cantata, da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. Il 25 Febbraro 1760, in occasione del benefizio della Signora Colomba Mattei. Alla Nobilt? E Popolo Inglese. London : printed by G. Woodfall, at the King's-Arms, Charing-Cross, 1760. ESTC No. T70471. Grub Street ID 294205.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Arianna e Teseo. Dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. London : printed by G. Woodfall, at the King's-Arms, Charing-Cross, 1760. ESTC No. T70009. Grub Street ID 293829.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Le speranze della terra, ovvero Il tempio del destino, serenata. Eseguita la prima volta sopra il Teatro Reale di Hay-Market, il quattro di giugno del presente anno 1761. Felicissimo giorno natalizio della Maestà di Giorgio Terzo, Rè della Gran Bretagna, &c. &c. &c. London : printed by G. Woodfall, at the King's-Arms, Charing-Cross, 1761. ESTC No. T96648. Grub Street ID 316107.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. La famiglia in scompiglio; or the family in an uproar; drama giuoso di Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli, da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. London : printed by G. Woodfall, 1762. ESTC No. T96647. Grub Street ID 316106.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Il tutore e la pupilla, o sia il matrimonio alla moda. = The guardian and the ward; or marriage-a-la-mode. A burletta. To be represented at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. London : printed for G. Woodfall, 1762. ESTC No. T96649. Grub Street ID 316108.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Orione, o sia Diana vendicata. Drama. Di Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. Da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. = Orion, or, Diana reveng'd. A tragic opera. By Mr. Bottarelli. As it is performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. London : printed for G. Woodfall, at Charing-Cross, [1763]. ESTC No. T43453. Grub Street ID 272032.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Zanaida, drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi sopia il Teatro di S.M.B. = Zanais, a tragic opera. Paraphrased in english verse. As it is represented at the King's theatre in the Hay-Market. London : printed for G. Woodfall, at Charing-Cross, 1763. ESTC No. T96650. Grub Street ID 316110.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Leucippo: Favola Pastorale Eroica. Per Musica: Da Rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S. M. B. Leucippus: An Heroic Pastoral. Set to Music. As it is represented at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. London : printed for G. Woodfall, at Charing-Cross, 1764. ESTC No. T38597. Grub Street ID 268048.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Il r'e pastore. = The royal shepherd. London : printed for G. Woodfall, at Charing-Cross, [1765]. ESTC No. T46311. Grub Street ID 274476.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. L'Olimpliade. Drama per musica: da rappresentarsi sopra il teatro di S.M.B. La musica "nuova ed intera produzione del Singtomaso Angustino Arne, dottoe di musica. La poesia orginariamente "del Signor Metastasio, alla quale Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli, senza pregiudizio dell' azione principale, ha dato intieramente un nuovo giro, cambiato alcune arie, alterato varj recitativi, ed aggiunto il quarterto, ed il duettino del terzo attl. The Olimpiad, an opera, set to music; as it is represented at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new composed by Thomas Augustine Arne, doctor of Music. The poetry of this opera originally belongs to mitastasio; to which Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli, without prejudice to the principal action, has given an entire new turn, has changed some airs, altered different parts of the recitative, and added the quartetto and the duet in the third act. London : Printed for G. Woodfall, at Charing-Cross, 1765. ESTC No. T42191. Grub Street ID 270992.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Sofonisba. Drama. Da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. N.B. Musica nuova del Signor Mattia Vento, Maestro Napolitano. = Sophonisba. An opera. To be performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. N. B. The Music entirely new, by Signor Mattia Vento, Neapolitan Master of Music. London : printed for G. Woodfall, at Charing-Cross, [1765]. ESTC No. T48491. Grub Street ID 276371.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Sofonisba. Drama. Da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. N.B. Musica nuova del Signor Mattia Vento, ... = Sophonisba. An opera. . London : printed for G. Woodfall, 1765. ESTC No. N52058. Grub Street ID 36036.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Carattaco drama: per musica da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. La poesia e' di Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. La musica e' intieramente nuova del Signor Giovan Cristiano Bach. Maestro di Musica di Sua Maesta' La Regina della Gran Bretagna. London : printed for W. Griffin, Bookseller and Stationer, in Catharine Street, in the Strand, [1767]. ESTC No. T19932. Grub Street ID 231491.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. La Conquista del messico, drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi sopra il teatro di S.M.B. Travagliato sopra un nuovo piano da giovan gualberto bottarelli. La musicae intieramente nuova del signor mattia vento, maestro napoletano. The conquest of Mexico, an opera. As perform'd at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. Wrote upon a new plan, by G.G. Bottarelli. The musick is entirely mathias vento, a neapolitan master. London : Printed for W. Griffin, bookseller and stationer, in Catherine Street, in the Strand, 1767. ESTC No. T224219. Grub Street ID 246511.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Trackebarne gran mogol, drama da rappresentarsi sopru il Teatro di S.M.B. ridotto in nuovo ordine da Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. = Trackebarn the great mogul, an opera To be Performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. Altered By Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. London : printed for W. Griffin], Bookseller and Stationer, in Catharine-Street, in the Strand, [1768]. ESTC No. T121185. Grub Street ID 172036.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. I viaggiatori ridicoli tornati in Italia; the ridiculous travellers return'd to Italy; a comic opera; as performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new, by Signor Pietro Guglielmi, a Neapolitan master. London : printed for W. Griffin, [1768?]. ESTC No. N61143. Grub Street ID 44054.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Ifigenia in Aulide, an opera, as perform'd at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. ... By Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. The music entirely new, by Signor Guglielmi, . London : printed for W. Griffin, [1768]. ESTC No. T36977. Grub Street ID 266790.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. I viaggiatori ridicoli tornati in Italia; the ridiculous travellers return'd to Italy; a comic opera; as performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new, by Signor Pietro Guglielmi, Neapolitan Master. The plan of this opera is Goldoni's, but the poetry is quite new, or altered by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. London : printed for W. Griffin, Bookseller and Stationer, in Catharine-Street, in the Strand, [1768]. ESTC No. T69485. Grub Street ID 293461.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. La moglie fedele, a comic opera; as perform'd at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music ... by signor Felice Alessandri. The poetry taken from an old book, ... adapted to the present taste by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. London : printed for W. Griffin, 1768. ESTC No. N20776. Grub Street ID 10155.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Arianna e Teseo. Drama da rappresentarsi sopra il Teatro di S.M.B. La poesia è di antico autore accomodata al presente gusto del teatro da Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. La musica è di varj autori, eseguita sotto la direzione del Signor Felice Alessandri, Maestro di Cappella Romano, di cui è tutto ciò, che si trova contrasegnato d'una stella *. L'inglese delle arie è dell' autore della traduzione de' Viagciatori [sic] ridicoli. London : printed by W. Griffin, bookseller and stationer, in Catherine-Street, in the Strand, 1768. ESTC No. T121174. Grub Street ID 172026.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Il re alla caccia, a new comic opera, taken from The miller of Mansfield; as perform'd at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new by Signor Alessandri. London : printed by W. Griffin, Bookseller and Stationer, in Catherine-Street, in the Strand, [1769]. ESTC No. T68801. Grub Street ID 292945.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Il padre e il figlio rivali. The father and son rivals; a comic opera. As perform'd at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new by Signor Tomaso Giordani, a Neapolitan composer. London : Printed for W. Griffin, bookseller, and stationer, in Catharine-Street, in the Strand, Dec. 1769. ESTC No. T43554. Grub Street ID 272125.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. I viaggiatori tornati in Italia; The travellers return'd to Italy; a comic opera; as performed at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new, by Signor Pietro Guglielmi, Neapolitian master. The plan of this opera is Goldoni's but the poetry is quite new, or altered by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. London : Printed for W. Griffin, bookseller and stationer, in Catherine-Street, Strand, 1772. ESTC No. T200344. Grub Street ID 232004.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. I viaggiatori tornati in Italia; the travellers return'd to Italy; a comic opera; as performed at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new, by Signor Pietro Guglielmi, Neapolitan Master. The plan of this opera is Goldoni's but the poetry is quite new, or altered by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. London : printed for W. Griffin, Bookseller and Stationer, in Catharins-Street, Strand, [1772]. ESTC No. T68800. Grub Street ID 292944.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. L'assemblea; the assembly; a comic opera; as performed at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. The plan of this opera is Goldoni's. Most of the poetry is new, and the rest altered, by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. The music entirely new, by Signor Pietro Guglielmi. The translation by Mr. Carara, Professor of the Italian Language. London : printed for W. Griffin, Bookseller and Stationer, in Catharine-Street, Strand, [1772]. ESTC No. T69484. Grub Street ID 293460.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Tamerlano, an opera; as performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music by Signor Antonio Sacchini, A Neapolitan Composer. The poetry by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. The translation by Bottarelli, jun. Teacher of Languages. London : printed for W. Griffin, at Garrick's Head, in Catharine-Street, Strand, [1773]. ESTC No. T70472. Grub Street ID 294206.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Sophonisba, A serious opera, to be performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. The greatest part of the music by Signor Vento, a neapolitan composer. Some of the songs by other very excellent masters, will be marked with their names. London : Printed for W. Griffin, at Garrick's Head, in Catharine-Street, Strand,1772, 1773. ESTC No. T193996. Grub Street ID 228009.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Armida; a serious opera. To be performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. The music by several eminent masters. Executed under the Direction of Signor Giordani. The translation by Bottarelli, jun. Teacher of Languages. London : printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand, MDCCLXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T70473. Grub Street ID 294207.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Motezuma. A serious opera. To be performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. The music, entirely new, by Signor Sacchini. The translation by Bottarelli, jun. . London : printed for T. Cadell, 1775. ESTC No. T70470. Grub Street ID 294204.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Orion; or, Diana revenged: a tragic opera. As performed at the King's theatre, in the Hay-Market. The poetry by G. G. Bottarelli. The music by Mr. Bach. The translation by F. Bottarelli. London : printed by J. Garland and R. Brusby, for T. Cadell, 1777. ESTC No. N42151. Grub Street ID 28496.
  • Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto. Enea, e Lavinia, a new serious opera; as performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new by Signor Antonio Sacchini. London : printed by G. Bigg, Denmark-Court, Strand, M,DCC,LXXIX. [1779]. ESTC No. T88662. Grub Street ID 308616.