Webbe, George.
A briefe exposition of the principles of Christian religion. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, for the benefite of all that are desirous to heare sermons and to receiue the Sacrament with comfort.
London: Printed by T. S[nodham] for Ralphe Mabb, dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Angell, 1612.
ESTC No. S119648.Grub Street ID 139288.
Webbe, George.
The path-way to honor. Declaring the honorable estate of those that feare the Lord. And the vile and damnable estate of those that are contemners of the Word. Preached at Paules Crosse, June 21. Anno Domini 1612. By George Webbe Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word at steeple Ashton in Wiltshire.
[London]: Imprinted by W. S[tansby] for Ralphe Mabbe, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Angell, 1612.
ESTC No. S111611.Grub Street ID 131414.
Webbe, George.
The bride royall, or The spirituall marriage betweene Christ and his Church. Deliuered by way of congratulation vpon the happy and hopefull marriage betweene the two incomparable princes, the Palsegraue, and the Ladie Elizabeth. In a sermon preached vpon the 14. day of Februarie last past, the day of that royall marriage triumphant solemnization. At Steeple Ashton in Wiltshire by G.W. Master of Arts, and pastor there.
London: Printed by W. Stansby for R. Mabbe, 1613.
ESTC No. S119574.Grub Street ID 139213.
Webbe, George.
A briefe exposition of the principles of christian religion. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, for the benefite of all that are desirous to heare sermons, and to receyue the sacraments with comfort. Reuiewed by the authour.
London: printed by Ber. Alsop, for W. Arundell, dwelling in Pauls Church-yarde, at the signe of the Angell, 1617.
ESTC No. S95751.Grub Street ID 153670.
Webbe, George.
Agurs prayer. Or, The Christians choyce, for the outward estate and condition of this present life. Describing the miserie of pouertie, the vanitie of wealth, the excellencie of a middle estate, and the way to true contentation. By George Webbe, Batchelor in Diuinity, and preacher of Gods Word, at Steeple-Ashton, in Wiltshire.
Printed at London: [At Eliot's Court Press] for Iohn Budge, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Greene Dragon in Pauls Churchyard, 1621.
ESTC No. S119524.Grub Street ID 139163.
Webbe, George.
The practise of quietnes: directing a Christian how to liue quietly in this trablesome world. The fourth edition. Profitably amplified by the author.
London: printed for George Hodges at the Greyhound in Paules Church:yard, 1623.
ESTC No. S95752.Grub Street ID 153671.
Webbe, George.
Catalogus Protestantium: or, the Protestants kalender. Containing a suruiew of the Protestants religion long before Luthers dayes, euen to the time of the Apostles, and in the primitiue Church. By George Web D. of Diuinity, and preacher of the Word of God at the Bathe.
London: Printed [by Miles Flesher] for Nathanael Butter, 1624.
ESTC No. S119580.Grub Street ID 139219.
Webbe, George.
Catalogus Protestantium: or, The protestants kalender. Containing a suruievv of the Protestants religion long before Luthers daies, euen to the time of the Apostles, and in the primitiue Church.
London: printed [by Miles Flesher] for Nathanael Butter, 1624.
ESTC No. S123319.Grub Street ID 142831.
Webbe, George.
The practise of quietnes: directing a Christian how to liue quietly in this troblesome world.
London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. and are sold by Ph Waterhouse at St Pauls head, neare London stone, 1631.
ESTC No. S125570.Grub Street ID 144805.
Webbe, George.
The practise of quietnes: directing a Christian how to liue quietly in this troblesome world.
London: Printed by M[iles] F[lesher] and are to be sold by Geo: Edwards at the signe of the Angell in Greene Arbor, 1633.
ESTC No. S119577.Grub Street ID 139216.
Webbe, George.
The practise of quietnes: Directing a Christian how to liue quietly in this troblesome world.
London: Printed by M. F[lesher] and are to be sold by Geo: Edward's at the signe of the Angell in Greene Arbor, 1638.
ESTC No. S114890.Grub Street ID 134593.
Webbe, George.
The practice of quietnes: directing a Christian how to live quietly in this troublesome world.
London: printed by T. Mabb for John Saywell, and are to be sold at the sign of the Grey-hound, n [sic] Little-brittain without Aldersgate, 1653.
ESTC No. R2855.Grub Street ID 111611.
Webbe, George.
The practice of quietnes directing a Christian how to live quietly in this troublesome world.
London: Printed for John Saywell, 1657.
ESTC No. R25806.Grub Street ID 109193.
Webbe, George.
The practice of quietness, directing a Christian how to live quietly in this troublesome world. By Dr. George Webb ... With the life of the author, .
London : printed by J. Downing for D. Brown, 1705.
ESTC No. N20898.Grub Street ID 10279.