Johnson, Richard.
A treatise of the genders of Latin nouns: by way of examination of Lilly's Grammar rules, commonly called, Propria quae maribus. Being a specimen of Grammatical commentaries, intended to be published by way of subscription upon the whole grammar. Shewing, that system to be i many things false, in most obscure; superfluous in things unnecessary, and defective in things necessary; and consequently an insufferable impediment to the progress of youth. Containing, abundance of necessary rules and observations, not to be found in all the notes that are yet extant upon it, nor even in all the grammarians put together. With an examination of the opinions of all the grammarians of note, both ancient and modern, as occasion requires. Useful for schools, and such as wou'd attain to the true knowledge of the Latin tongue. By Ric. Johnson, M.A. once master of the King's School, Canterbury.
London : printed by John Matthews, for George Sawbridge at the Three Flower-de-Luces in Little-Britain, MDCCIII [1703].
ESTC No. T95768.Grub Street ID 315262.
Johnson, Richard.
Grammatical commentaries: being an apparatus to a new national grammar: by way of animadversion upon the falsities, obscurities, redundancies, and defects of Lilly's system now in use. In which also many errors of the most eminent grammarians, ... are corrected, ... With a alphabetical index ... By Richard Johnson M.A.
London : printed for the author: and sold by S. Keble; Hen. Bonwick, J. Taylor, J. Knapton, D. Midwinter; G. Sawbridge; and G. Strahan, 1706.
ESTC No. T95765.Grub Street ID 315261.
Johnson, Richard.
A defence of the grammatical commentaries, against the animadversions of Mr. Edward Leeds, master of Bury School, under the name of (an old man, and who that old man is, if it be worth while to look the following pages will discover) By Richard Johnson, M. A. Author of the said commentaries, and schoolmaster at Kensington.
London : printed for S. Keeble, at the Turk's-Head, over-against Fetter-Lane in Fleetstreet, MDCCVII. [1707].
ESTC No. T95485.Grub Street ID 314990.
Johnson, Richard.
Cursus equestris Nottinghamiensis. Carmen hexametrum, autore Ricardo Johnson, ludi literarii ibidem magistro, commentariorum grammaticorum scriptore.
Londini : typis Johan. Matthews; in vico dicto Little-Britain, MDCCIX. [1709].
ESTC No. T122618.Grub Street ID 173282.
Johnson, Richard.
Noctes Nottinghamic? or cursory objections against the syntax of the common-grammar, in order to obtain a better: design'd in the mean time for the use of schools. By Richard Johnson. M. A. Author of the Grammatical Commentarys, Master of the Free-School in Nottingham.
Nottingham: printed by William Ayscough for Samuel Keeble at the Turks-Head in Fleet-Street, London, 1714.
ESTC No. T120880.Grub Street ID 171851.
Johnson, Richard.
Aristarchus Anti-Bentleianus Quadraginta Sex Bentleii Errores super Q. Horatii Flacci Odarum Libro Primo Spissos Nonnullos, Et Erubescendos: item per notas universas in latinitate lapsus foedissimos nonaginta ostendens. Autore Richardo Johnson, Ludi-Magistro Nottinghamiensi.
Nottinghamiæ: typis Gulielmi Ayscough, impensis autoris apud Samuelem Keble ad Insigne capitis turcici vico vulgo dicto Fleet Street, veno positus [London], 1717.
ESTC No. T149703.Grub Street ID 195657.
Johnson, Richard.
Grammatical commentaries: being an apparatus to a new national grammar: by way of animadversion upon the falsities, obscurities, redundancies, and defects of Lilly's system now in use. In which also many errors of the most eminent grammarians, both Antient and Modern, particularly, Sanctius, Scioppius, Vossius, Messieurs de Port Royal, &c. are corrected, and their Defects supply'd. With a alphabetical index of Words and Matter. Necessary for Schools, (as a Comment upon the present Grammar) and such as would Attain to the True Knowledge of the Latin Tongue. By Richard Johnson, M. A. By Richard Johnson, M.A.
London : printed for the author: and sold by Thomas Bickerton, at the Rose and Crown in Little-Britain, MDCCXVIII. [1718].
ESTC No. N2111.Grub Street ID 10496.
Johnson, Richard.
Grammatical commentaries: being an apparatus to a new national grammar: by way of animadversion upon the falsities, obscurities, redundancies, and defects of Lilly's system now in use. In which also many errors of the most eminent grammarians, both Antient and Modern, particularly, Sanctius, Scioppius, Vossius, Messieurs de Port Royal, &c. are corrected, and their Defects supply'd. With a alphabetical index of Words and Matter. Necessary for Schools, (as a Comment upon the present Grammar) and such as would Attain to the True Knowledge of the Latin Tongue. By Richard Johnson, M.A.
London : printed for the author: and sold by Samuel Ballard, at the Blue Ball in Little-Britain, MDCCXVIII. [1718].
ESTC No. T104142.Grub Street ID 157698.
Johnson, Richard.
Additions and emendations to the grammatical commentaries with a reply to Mr. William Symes, Master of St. Saviour's School in Southwark. By Richard Johnson. M. A. Master of the Free-School in Nottingham.
Nottingham: printed by W. Ayscough, for William Ward, bookseller there, [1718?].
ESTC No. T95484.Grub Street ID 314989.
Johnson, Richard.
Noctes Nottinghamicæ or cursory objections against the syntax of the common-grammar, in order to obtain a better: design'd in the mean time for the use of schools. By Richard Johnson, M. A. Author of the Grammatical Commentaries, and Aristarchus Anti-Bentlianus. Master of the Free-School in Nottingham.
Nottingham: printed for Henry Clements at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, 1718.
ESTC No. T95769.Grub Street ID 315263.