Marchant, John.
The history of the present rebellion: collected from authentick memoirs, letters, and intelligences, as well private as publick: being a genuine and impartial account Of all the Battles, Sieges, Enterprizes and Exploits, that have been fought, undertaken, or executed during the Progress of this Unnatural Rebellion; the Oppressions and Cruelties of the Rebels: With A particular Description of the several Actions at Preston-Pans, Cliefton and Falkirk; the Sieges and Defence of the Castles of Edinburgh and Stirling; the Surrender of Carlisle to the Rebels, and the Retaking it by his Majesty's Forces, under the Command of Prince William, Duke of Cumberland. Likewise A succinct Relation of what has happened at Sea, relative to this Rebellion: With many other Incidents never yet made publick. By John Marchant, Gent. Author of the Exposition on the Old and New Testament, Published by His Majesty's Authority.
London : printed for the author, and sold by R. Walker, in Fleet-Lane, and at his printing office in Cambridge, 1746.
ESTC No. T122604.Grub Street ID 173269.
Marchant, John.
The history of the late rebellion, in Great-Britain. Collected from authentick memoirs, letters, and intelligencies. As well private as public. Being a genuine and impartial account of all the battles, sieges, enterprizes and exploits, that have been fought, undertaken o executed, during the progress of this unnatural rebellion; the oppressions and cruelties of the rebels: with a particular description of the several actions at Preston-Pans, Clifton, Falkirk, and Culloden; the sieges and defence of the castles of Edinburgh and Stirling; the surrender of Carlisle t the rebels, and the retaking it by His Majesty's forces, under the command of Prince William Duke of Cumberland. Likewise a succinct relation of what has happened at sea, relative to this rebellion; with many other incidents never yet made public. By John Marchant, gent. Author of the exposition o the Old and New-Testament. Published by His Majesty's authority.
[New York]: London, printed: New-York: Re-printed by Ja. Parker, for John Hyndshaw and John Thomson; and sold by said John Hyndshaw, at the Sign of the Bible near the Old-Slip Market, in New-York, and John Thomson at Elizabeth-Town, 1747.
ESTC No. W12737.Grub Street ID 322026.
Marchant, John.
Puerilia: or, amusements for the young. Consisting of a collection of songs, adapted to the fancies & capacities of those of tender years, and taken from their usual Diversions and Employments; also on Subjects of a more elevated Nature. Divided into three parts, Viz. I. Songs for Little Misses. II. Songs for Young Masters. III. Songs on Divine Moral, and other, Subjects. The Two First intended to render their common Excercises useful Documents to insinuate Religious and Moral Principles; and the Third. to enlarge their Ideas and improve their Minds in the Knowledge of Divine and Humane Things. By John Marchant, Gent.
London : printed for P. Stevens, and sold by the booksellers in town and country, MDCCLI. [1751].
ESTC No. T122108.Grub Street ID 172832.
Marchant, John.
Puerilia: or, amusements for the young. Consisting of a collection of songs, adapted to the fancies & capacities of those of tender years, ... Divided into three parts, ... By John Marchant, .
London : printed for the author, and sold by the booksellers in town and country, 1751.
ESTC No. N21177.Grub Street ID 10563.
Marchant, John.
Lusus juveniles: or, youth's recreation. Digested under the following heads: I. The natures. actions, and employments of birds, animals, &c. humourously displayed and moraliz'd. II. Rural Diversions, pleasantly described and improved. III. Poems on Moral and Divine Subjects. IV. Solomonian Observations on Human Life. V. Stories from the Scripture, poetically related. VI. Memoirs of the lives, sufferings and deaths of the apostles and evangelists, not recorded in the New Testament, but extracted from Ecclesiastical History. By John Marchant, Gent. Author of Puerilia.
London : printed for M. Cooper, Pater-Noster-Row; W. Reeve, Fleet-Street; and C. Sympson, Chancery-Lane, MDCCLIII. [1753].
ESTC No. T122109.Grub Street ID 172833.
Marchant, John.
The bloody tribunal: or, an antidote against Popery. Being a review of the horrid cruelties of the Inquisition, as practised in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the East and West-Indies, On all those whom the Church of Rome brands with the Name of Hereticks. Containing A Description of the most Dreadful and Exquisite Tortures on the several Persons who have unhappily fallen into the Hands of those Tyrants over Mens Consciences, the Jesuits and Popish Priests: Designed for the Use and Instruction of all Protestant Families, to secure them as well against the Attacks of Popery, with which our Religion and Liberties are at this Time threatened, as against the pernicious Principles, which the Emissaries of Rome are now very busy in propagating among the People of these Kingdoms. Extracted from Authors of undoubted Credit, and embellished with Copper-Plate Cuts. By John Marchant, Gent. Author of the Comments on the Old and New Testament, with his Majesty's special Licence for that Purpose.
London : printed for Judith Walker, at the Golden-Key in Fleet-Lane, MDCCLVI. [1756].
ESTC No. T122630.Grub Street ID 173295.
Marchant, John.
A new complete English dictionary, peculiarly adapted to the, instruction and improvement of those who have not had the benefit of a learned or liberal education, ... To which is prefixed a compendious grammar ... by D. Bellamy ... Mr. Gordon, and others.
London : printed for J. Fuller. Published according to Act of Parliament, 1760.
ESTC No. T123019.Grub Street ID 173548.
Marchant, John.
A new history of the Holy Bible, contained in the Old and New Testament, also that of the Apocrypha. Digested in a plain, regular, and easy narrative: with useful notes, fully explaining the most difficult Passages: Collected from Prideaux, Poole, Stackhouse, Howel, Clark, And Other Eminent Writers on the Sacred Scriptures. of Great Use for rightly apprehending the true Connection between the Historical Parts of the Bible, and their Dependance on each other. Embellished with 150 curious copper-plate cuts, engraved by the best Hands. By Mr. Marchant.
London : printed for J. Fuller, senior, in Ave mary-lane; and J. Fuller, junior, in Blowbladder-Street, Cheapside, MDCCLXI. [1761].
ESTC No. T124533.Grub Street ID 174723.
Marchant, John.
A new complete English dictionary, particularly adapted to the instruction and improvement of those who have not had the benefit of a learned or liberal education, or have not leisure for reading a multitude of books. ... To which is prefixed, a compendious grammar ... The second edition. By D. Bellamy, Gent. Mr. Gordon, and others. .
London : printed for J. Fuller, in Newgate-Street, near Cheapside, [1762?].
ESTC No. N5863.Grub Street ID 41784.
Marchant, John.
The bloody tribunal: or an antidote against Popery. Being a review of the horrid cruelties of the Inquisition, as practised in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the East and West-Indies, On all those whom the Church of Rome brands with the Name of Hereticks. Containing A Description of the most dreadful and exquisite Tortures on the several Persons who have unhappily fallen into the Hands of those Tyrants over Mens Consciences, the Jesuits and Popish Priests: Designed For The use and Instruction of all Protestant Families, to secure them as well against the Attacks of Popery, with which our Religion and Liberties are at this Time threatened, as against the pernicious Principles, which the Emissaries of Rome are now very busy in propagating among the People of these Kingdoms. By John Marchant, Gent. Author of the Comments of the Old and New Testament.
Aberdeen: printed for Gilbert Macpherson, and sold at the printing-house in the head of the Upper-Kirkgate, MDCCLXX. [1770].
ESTC No. T133282.Grub Street ID 182125.
Marchant, John.
A review of the bloody tribunal; or the horrid cruelties of the Inquisition, as practised in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the East and West-Indies, On all those whom the Church of Rome brands with the Name of Hereticks. Containing A Description of the most dreadful and exquisite Tortures on the several Persons who have unhappily fallen into the Hands of those Tyrants over Mens Consciences, the Jesuits and Popish Priests: By John Marchant, Gentleman, and others, &c.
Perth: printed and sold by G. Johnston, the publisher, where subscribers may call for their copies, 1770.
ESTC No. T122617.Grub Street ID 173281.