Lavington, John.
The sanctification of the Sabbath, enforc'd from the consideration of its being the express command of God: in a sermon preach'd in Exon, November the 8th, 1743. On Deut. v. 12. By John Lavington, A.M.
Exon: printed by Andrew and Sarah Brice; and sold by Richard Hett, Bookseller, in the Poultry, London; and Aaron Tozer, Bookseller, in Exon, [1744].
ESTC No. N21376.Grub Street ID 10754.
Lavington, John.
The sanctification of the Sabbath enforc'd from the consideration of its being the express command of God: in a sermon Preach'd in Exon, November the 8th, 1743. on Deut. V. 12. By John Lavington, A.M.
Exon: printed by Andr. and Sarah Brice; and sold by R. Hett and J. Oswald, Booksellers, in the Poultry, London; and A. Tozer, Bookseller, in Exon, MDCCXLIV. [1744].
ESTC No. T16210.Grub Street ID 200980.
Lavington, John.
Love to Christ a necessary qualification of a minister of the gospel. A sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. James Rooker, at Bridport, October 16, 1751. By John Lavington, jun. Together with an introductory discourse by Samuel Hayward; Mr. Rooker's confession of faith; and a charge delivered by Richard Pearsall. Published at the Request of the Ministers and People, who were present.
London : printed for and sold by J. Robinson at Dock-Head, Southwark; and G. Keith at Mercers-Chapel, Cheapside, 1752.
ESTC No. T12785.Grub Street ID 177517.
Lavington, John.
Death-Breaches improved. In a sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. Henry Noble, Late Student in Divinity, at Ottery, Devon. who departed this life, January 20, 1757. To which are added, Some of his Expressions during his Sickness. By John Lavington, Jun.
London : printed for J. Buckland, at the Buck in Pater-Noster-Row, and T. Field, at the Wheat-Sheaf in Cheapside, MDCCLVII. [1757].
ESTC No. T27143.Grub Street ID 259094.
Lavington, John.
Death-breaches improved. In a sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. Henry Noble, ... By John Lavington, jun.
The second edition..
London : printed for J. Buckland, and T. Field, 1757.
ESTC No. T166114.Grub Street ID 204355.
Lavington, John.
An humble enquiry into the nature of the gospel-offer, faith, and assurance. Occasioned by some late writings on these subjects. By John Lavington, junior.
London : printed for J. Buckland; and T. Field, [1759].
ESTC No. T93785.Grub Street ID 313427.
Lavington, John.
The case of desertion and affliction considered, in a course of sermons, on the first ten verses of the 77th Psalm, preached at Ottery St. Mary, by John Lavington, Junr.
Bristol: printed by W. Pine; and sold by W. Browne; J. Buckland, London; W. Grigg, Exeter; and T. Griffith, Bideford, [1789?].
ESTC No. N26713.Grub Street ID 16083.