Publications of Thomas Deloney


  • Deloney, Thomas. A most ioyfull songe made in the behalfe of all her Maiesties faithfull and louing subiects of the great ioy which was made in London at the taking of the late trayterous conspirators : to the tune of O man in desperation [by] T.D. Printed at London: By Richard Iones, [1586]. ESTC No. S3024. Grub Street ID 147328.
  • Deloney, Thomas. A proper new sonet declaring the lamentation [of Beckles in] Suffolke, which was in the great winde vpon S. Andrewes eue last, past most pittifully burned with fire, to the losse by estimation of twentie thousande pound and vpwarde, and to the number of four score dwelling houses. 1586. To Wilsons tune. At London: imprinted by Robert Robinson for Nicholas Colm[an] [sic] of Norwich, dwelling in S. Andrewes Church yard, [1586]. ESTC No. S114090. Grub Street ID 133812.
  • Deloney, Thomas. A ioyful nevv ballad, declaring the happie obtaining of the great galleazo, wherein Don Pietro de Valdez was the chiefe, through the mightie power and prouidence of God, being a speciall token of his gracious and fatherly goodnes towards vs, to the great encouragement of all those that willingly fight in the defence of his gospel and our good Queene of England. To the tune of mounseurs Almaigne. London: printed by Iohn Wolfe, for Edwarde White, 1588. ESTC No. S112605. Grub Street ID 132361.
  • Deloney, Thomas. A new ballet of the straunge and most cruell whippes which the Spanyards had prepared to whippe and torment English men and women: which were found and taken at the ouerthrow of certaine of the Spanish shippes in Iuly last past. 1588. To the tune of the valiant soldiour. Imprinted at London: By Thomas Orwin and Thomas Gubbin, and are to be solde in Paternoster-row, ouer against the blacke Rauen, 1588. ESTC No. S112606. Grub Street ID 132362.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Queenes visiting of the campe at Tilsburie with her entertainment there to the tune of Wilsons wilde. Imprinted at London: By Iohn VVolfe for Edward White, 1588. ESTC No. S112608. Grub Street ID 132364.
  • Deloney, Thomas. [The gentile craft. The second part. Being a most merrie and pleasant historie, not altogether vnprofitable nor any way hurtfull: verie fit to passe away the tediousnesse of the long winter evenings. By T.D.]. [London: E. Allde?, c. 1600]. ESTC No. S126071. Grub Street ID 145247.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The lamentation of Master Pages wife of Plimmouth, who being enforced by her parents to wed him against her will, did most wickedly consent to his murther, for the loue of George Strangwidge: for which fact she suffered death at Barstable in Deuonshire. Written with her owne hand a little before her death. To the tune of Fortune. London: printed for H. Gosson, [1609?]. ESTC No. S126171. Grub Street ID 145344.
  • Deloney, Thomas. Strange histories, or, Songs and sonnets, of kinges, princes, dukes, lords, ladyes, knights, and gentlemen and of certaine ladyes that were shepheards on Salisburie plaine : very pleasant either to be read or songe, and a most excellent warning for all estates / by Thomas Delone. At London: Printed by R.B. for W. Barley, and are to be sold at his shoppe ouer against Cree-church neere All-gate, 1612. ESTC No. S1079. Grub Street ID 130113.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The noble acts newly found, of Arthur of the table round to the tune of Flying fame. Imprinted at London: By W.I., [ca. 1620]. ESTC No. S2568. Grub Street ID 146939.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The gentle craft. A discovrse containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to be read: shewing what famous men haue beene shoomakers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality. Declaring the cavse why it is called the gentle craft: and also how the prouerbe first grew; A shoomakers sonne is a prince borne. T.D. London: printed at London [by M. Flesher] for E. Brewster, 1627. ESTC No. S91637. Grub Street ID 150648.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The garland of good vvill. Diuided into three parts: containing many pleasant songs, and pretty poems, to sundry new notes. With a table to find the names of all the songs. Written by T D. Imprinted at London: for E. B[rewster]. and Robert Bird, at the Bible in Cheape-side, 1628. ESTC No. S91636. Grub Street ID 150647.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant history of Iohn VVinchcomb, in his younger yeares called Iack of Newbery, the famous and worthy clothier of England; declaring his life and loue, together with his charitable deedes and great hospitality. And how he set continually fiue hundred poore people at worke, to the great benefite of the common-wealth. The eleuenth edition, corrected and enlarged by T.D. London: Printed by H. L[ownes] and R. Y[oung] and are to be sold by Iohn Harrigat at the Holy Lamb in Pater-noster Row, An. 1630. ESTC No. S116614. Grub Street ID 136302.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The garland of good will. diuided into three parts: containing many pleasant songs and prety poems to sundry new notes. With a table to find the names of all the songs. written by T.D. Imprinted at London: For Robert Bird, at the Bible in Saint Lawrence Lane, 1631. ESTC No. S114551. Grub Street ID 134260.
  • Deloney, Thomas. Thomas of Reading; or, The sixe worthie yeomen of the west. Now the sixth time corrected and enlarged by T.D. London: Printed by Eliz. Allde for Robert Bird, 1632. ESTC No. S1689. Grub Street ID 146104.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant history of John VVinchcomb, in his younger yeares called Jacke of Newberie, the famous and worthy clothier of England: declaring his life and love, together with his charitable deeds and great hospitality; and how hee set continually five hundred poore peopl at worke, to the great benefit of the common-wealth: worthy to be read and regarded. Now the ninth time imprinted, corrected, and inlarged, by T.D. London: Printed by Robert Young, and are to be sold by Cuthbert Wright, 1633. ESTC No. S115699. Grub Street ID 135388.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The most rare and excellent history of the Dutchesse of Suffolkes calamity. To the tune of Queene Dido. London: printed for Edward Wright dwelling at Christ Church gate, [ca. 1635]. ESTC No. S116386. Grub Street ID 136073.
  • Deloney, Thomas. A most excellent and vertuous ballad of the patient Grissell. To the tune of The brides good morrow. London: printed for Iohn Wright, [ca. 1635?]. ESTC No. R214502. Grub Street ID 89746.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The gentle craft. A discourse containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to be read: shewing what famous men have beene shoomakers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality. Declaring the cause why it is called the gentle craft: and also how the proverbe first grew; a shoemakers sonne is a prince borne. T.D. London: Printed for Robert Bird, 1637. ESTC No. S118250. Grub Street ID 137910.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The gentile craft. The second part. Being a most merrie and pleasant historie, not altogether vnprofitable nor any way hurtfull: verie fit to passe away the tediousnesse of the long winter evenings. By T.D. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslow, dwelling nere Christ Church, 1639. ESTC No. S114552. Grub Street ID 134261.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The gentle craft a discourse containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to be read : shewing what famous men have been shoomakers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality : declaring the cause why it is called the gentle craft, and also how the proverbe first grew, A shoomakers son is a prince born / T.D. London: .. for Robert Bird, [1640]. ESTC No. S328. Grub Street ID 147554.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The gentle craft. A discourse containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to be read: shewing what famous men have been shoo-makers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality. Set forth with pictures, and variety of wit and mirth. Declaring the cause why it is called the gentle craft: and also how the proverb first grew. A shoomakers son is a prince born. T.D. London: printed for John Stafford, and are to be sold at his house in Saint Brides Church-yard, 1648. ESTC No. R33443. Grub Street ID 116060.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The gentle craft. A discoverie containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to be read. Shewing what famous men have been shoomakers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality. Set forth with pictures, and variety of wit and mirth. Declaring the cause why it is called the gentle craft: and also how the proverb first grew. A shoomakers son is a prince born. T.D. London: printed for John Stafford, and are to be sold at his house at the sign of the George at Fleetbridge, 1652. ESTC No. R171729. Grub Street ID 65852.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The most rare and excellent history of the Duchesse of Suffolks calamity. To the tune of Queene Dido. [London]: Printed for F. C[oles]. J. W[right]. T. V[ere]. W. G[ilbertson]., [1655 - 1658]. ESTC No. R175928. Grub Street ID 68646.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant historie of John Winchcomb, in his yonger years called, Jack of Newberie, the famous & worthy clothier of England : declaring his life and love, together with his charitable deeds and great hospitalities. And how hee set continually five hundred poor people at work, to the great benefit of the Commonwealth: worthy to be read and regarded. London: Printed by W. D. and are to be sold by Thomas Vere, at the sign of the Angel without Newgate, 1655. ESTC No. R174589. Grub Street ID 67738.
  • Deloney, Thomas. A new ballad shewing how a prince of England loved the kings daughter of France, and how the prince was disastrously slain, and how the aforesaid princess was afterwards married to a forrester. The tune is, Crimson velvet. [London]: Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and VV. Gilbertson, [1658 - 1664]. ESTC No. R180893. Grub Street ID 71739.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth: vvho being enforced to wed against her will, did consent to his murder for the love of George Strangwidge, for which fact they suffered death at barstabel in Devonshire. The tune is, Fortune my foe. [London]: for F[rancis]. Coles, Tho[mas]. Vere and W[illiam]. Gilbertson, [between 1658 and 1663]. ESTC No. R174584. Grub Street ID 67735.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish ladies love, to a pleasant new tune. [London]: Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. ilbertson [sic], [1658 - 1664]. ESTC No. R174591. Grub Street ID 67741.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The garland of good vvill, divided into three parts: containing many pleasant songs, and pretty poems, to sundry new notes. With a table to find the names of all the songs. Written by T D. London: printed for M. Wright, at the Kings-Head in the Old-Baly, 1659. ESTC No. R236920. Grub Street ID 107542.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The honour of the gentle craft a discourse of mirth and wit to the renown of those two princes Crispine and Crispianus, and all the true lovers thereof : the last and best part being a most merry and pleasant history not altogether unprofitable, nor any way hurtful : and for the glory of the gentle craft, let all men say that a shoemakers son is a prince born / by T.D. ; with a new merry song in the praise of the gentle craft, and to be sung by them every morning on the 25th day of October. Newly corrected : with several pieces added for the benefit of the reader which was never heretofore publish'd or printed.. London : Printed by G.P. for I. Andrews .., 1660. ESTC No. R30293. Grub Street ID 113169.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The honour of the gentle craft, a discourse of mirth and vvit, to the renown of those two Princes, Crispine and Crispianus and all the true lovers thereof. The last and best part. Being a most merry and pleasant history, not altogether unprofitable, nor any way hurtful. And for the glory of the gentle craft; let all men say that a shoomakers son is a Prince born. By T.D. Newly corrected, with several pieces added for the benefit of the reader, which was never heretofore publish[e]d or printed. With a new merry song in the praise of the gentle craft, and to be sun by them every morning on the 25th day of October. London : printed by G[eorge]. P[urslowe]. for I[ohn]. Andrews at the White Lyon in Pye-corner, 1660. ESTC No. R171730. Grub Street ID 65854.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth. Who being forced to wed against her will, did consent to his murder for the love of George Strangwidge, for which fact they suffered death at Barnstable in Devonshire. The tune is, Fortune my foe. London : printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, [1663 - 1674]. ESTC No. R235055. Grub Street ID 106264.
  • Deloney, Thomas. New ballad, shewing how a prince of England loved the kings daughter of France, and how the prince was disasterously slain, and how the aforesaid princess was afterwards married to a forrester. The tune is, Crimson velvet. London] : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, [1663 - 1674. ESTC No. R233488. Grub Street ID 105008.
  • Deloney, Thomas. [The Spanish lady's love.] To a pleasant new tune. London?] : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, [1663 - 1674. ESTC No. R233883. Grub Street ID 105305.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth: who being enforced to wed against their will, did consent to murder for the love of George Strangwidge, for which fact they suffered death at Barstable in Devonshire. The tune is, Fortune my foe. London] : Printed by F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbertson and J. Wright, [[1663 - 1665. ESTC No. R33444. Grub Street ID 116061.
  • Deloney, Thomas. A new ballad, shewing how a prince of England loved the kings daughter of France, and how the prince was disasterously slain, and how the aforesaid princess was afterwards married to a forester. The tune is, Crimson velvet. London] : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, [1663 - 1674. ESTC No. R235552. Grub Street ID 106622.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The most rare and excellent history, of the Dutchess of Suffolks callimity [sic]. To the tune of, Queen Dido. London] : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, [1663 - 1674. ESTC No. R174586. Grub Street ID 67736.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth. Who being forced to wed against her will, did consent to his murther, for the love of George Strangwidge, for which fact they suffered death at Barnstable in Devonshire. The tune is, Fortune my foe. London : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and I. Wright, [1663 - 1674]. ESTC No. R213237. Grub Street ID 88733.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish ladies lov[e.] To a pleasant new tune. London] : Printed for W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, [between 1670 and 1686. ESTC No. R234543. Grub Street ID 105881.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant history of Thomas of Reading, or, The six worthy yeoman of the west. Corrected and inlarged by T.D. London : printed for William Thackeray, and are to be sold at his shop in Duck-Lane, 1672. ESTC No. R17006. Grub Street ID 64840.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant history of John Winchcomb. In his younger years called, Jack of Newbery, the famous and worthy clothier of England; declaring his life and love, together with his charitable deeds and great hospitalities. And how he set continually five hundred poor people a work, to the great benefit of the Commonwealth: worthy to be read and regarded. Now the thirteenth time imprinted, corrected, and inlarged by, T.D. London : printed by E. Crowch, for Thomas Passenger at the three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1672. ESTC No. R20165. Grub Street ID 79018.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The royal garland of love and d[e]light. Containing the lives of sundry kings queens, and princes. With other love songs and sonnets full of delight. By T.D. Whereunto is added a rare new sonnet of the restaur[a]tion of our royal soveragn [sic] Charles the Second, 1674. London : printed by E.C. for W.T. and are to be sold b[y] John Hose, over against Staple: Inn, in Holbourn, 167[4]. ESTC No. R33445. Grub Street ID 116062.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish ladies lov[e] To a pleasant new tune. London] : Printed for W. Thackeray and T. Passinger, [1675?. ESTC No. R175930. Grub Street ID 68648.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant and princely history of the gentle-craft. A discourse containing many matters of delight; very pleasant to read. Shewing what famous men have been shooe-makers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality, Set forth with pictures, and variety of wit and mirth. Declaring the cause why it was called the gentle-craft. And also how the proverb first grew, A shooe-maker's son is a prince born. T.D. London : printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-Lane, Fleet-street, [1675?]. ESTC No. R1344. Grub Street ID 61541.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The first part of the pleasant and princely history of the gentle-craft. A discourse containing many matters of delight: very pleasant to read. Shewing what famous men have been shoo-makers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds, and great hospitality. Set forth with pictures, and variety of wit and mirth. Declaring the cause why it is called the gentle-craft: and also how the proverb first grew: a shoo-makers son is a prince born. T.D. London : printed by T.M. for William Thackery in Duck-Lane, near West-Smith-field, 1678. ESTC No. R33441. Grub Street ID 116059.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The most rare and excellent history, of the Dutchess of Suffolks calamity. To the tune of, Queen Dido. London] : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, I. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, [between 1678 and 1681. ESTC No. R234227. Grub Street ID 105582.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The garland of good-will. Divided into three parts, containing many pleasant songs, and pretty poems to sundry new notes. With a table to find the names of all the songs. Written by T.D. London : printed for J. Wright, at the sign of the Crown on Ludgate-hill, 1678. ESTC No. R13235. Grub Street ID 61351.
  • Deloney, Thomas. A most delightful history of the famous clothier of England, called Jack of Newbery, in the days of King Henry the eighth; how he was beloved of his mistris above all her wealthier sutors: what great and valiant things he did for England: and the great number of poor he daily cherished. And now (when the King sent for him) he refused (with his company) to leave the hill of ants to go to the King: and therefore the King went to him: which he wittily excused: with many other very pleasant passages. Written by W.S. F.C. London] : Printed for W[illiam]. Thackeray, at the sign of the Angel in Duck-Lane, [ca. 1680. ESTC No. R175927. Grub Street ID 68645.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant history of John Winchomb in his younger years called Jack of Newbery, the famous and worthy clothier of England; declaring his life and love: together with his charitable deeds and great hospitalities. And how he set continually five hundred poor people at work, to the great benefit of the common-wealth: worthy to be read and regarded. Now the fourteenth time imprinted, corrected, and inlarged by, T.D. Licensed and entred according to order. London : printed by W. Wilde, for Thomas Passenger, at the three Bibles on London-Bridge, and William Thackeray, at the Angel in Duck-lane, [between 1680 and 1689?]. ESTC No. R230364. Grub Street ID 102700.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The honour of the cloathworking trade: or, The pleasant and famous history of Thomas of Reading; and other worthy clothiers of the west and north of England. Setting forth their merriments, great riches, hospitality to the poor, the favour they gained with their prince, and the privileges granted them. With the unfortunate loves of the Earl of Salisbury's fair daughter, and the renowned Duke of Normandy. The woful death of Thomas of Reading, murthered by his host; and other matters. Also pleasant songs. Humbly dedicated to the worshipful company of cloathworkers. London] : Printed for J. Deacon, at the Angel in Gilt-spur-street, without Newgate, [ca. 1680. ESTC No. R174583. Grub Street ID 67734.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant history of John Winchcomb in his younger years called Jack of Newbery, the famous and worthy clothier of England; declaring his life and love: together with his charitable deeds and great hospitalities. And how he set continually five hundred poor people at work, to the great benefit of the common-wealth: worthy to be read and regarded. Now the fourteenth time imprinted, corrected, and inlarged by, T.D. Licensed and entred according to order. London : printed by W. Wilde, for Thomas Passenger, at the three Bibles on London-Bridge, and William Thackeray, at the Angel in Duck-lane, [1680?]. ESTC No. R214577. Grub Street ID 89794.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The royal garland, of love and delight. containing the lives of sundry kings, queens, and princes, with other love songs and sonnets, full of delight. By T.D. London] : Printed by T[homas]. H[aly]. for W[illiam]. Thackeray, T[homas]. Passinger, J[ohn]. Clark, and P[hilip]. Brooksby, 1681. ESTC No. R174590. Grub Street ID 67740.
  • Deloney, Thomas. [The garland of delight]. [Thirtieth edition]. London : by T.H. for William Thackeray, and Thomas Passenger, 1681. ESTC No. R232736. Grub Street ID 104415.
  • Deloney, Thomas. A new ballad, shewing how a prince of England, loved the kings daughter of France, and how the prince was disasterously slain, and how the aforesaid princess was afterwards married to a forrester. Tune is, Crimson velvet. London] : Printed for I. Clarke, W. Thackeray and T. Passinger, [between 1684 and 1686. ESTC No. R234210. Grub Street ID 105565.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent new ballad of Patient Grissel. To the tune of, The [ ]es good-morrow. London] : Printed for J.C. W.T. and T.P., [between 1684 and 1686. ESTC No. R234215. Grub Street ID 105569.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish-ladies love. To a pleasant new tune. London] : Printed for J. Clark, W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, [between 1684 and 1686. ESTC No. R174592. Grub Street ID 67742.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth. Who being forced to wed against her will, did consent to his murther, for the love of George Strangwidge, for which fact they suffered death at Barnstable in Devonshire. The tune is, Fortune my foe. London] : Printed for I. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, [between 1684 and 1686. ESTC No. R234355. Grub Street ID 105711.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The most rare and excellent history, of the Dutches of Suffolks calamity. To the tune of, Queen Dido,. London] : Printed for W. Thackery at the Angel in Duck-lane, J. M. and A. M, [1685. ESTC No. R171732. Grub Street ID 65856.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad, of a prince of England's courtship to the King of France's daughter, and how the prince was disasterously slain; and how the aforesaid princess was afterwards married to a forrester. To the tune of, Crimson velvet, &c. London] : Printed by and for Alex. Milbourn, and sold by the booksellers of Pye-corner and London-Bridge, [1685. ESTC No. R214186. Grub Street ID 89505.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The garland of good-will. Divided into three parts. Containing many pleasant songs, and pretty poems to sundry notes. With a table to find the names of all the songs. Written by T.D. London : printed by J. Millet, for T. Passenger, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, and J. Deacon, at the Angel in Guilt-Spur-Street, without Newgate, 1685. ESTC No. R855. Grub Street ID 128710.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The first part of the pleasant and princely history of the gentle-craft a discourse containing many matters of delight very pleasant to read, shewing what famous men have been shooe-makers in time past in this land with their worthy deeds and great hopitality, set forth with pictures and variety of wit and mirth, declaring the cause why it is called the gentle-craft also, how the proverb first grew, A shooe-makers son is a prince born / T.D. London : Printed by J. Millet for W.T. and are to be sold by J. Gilbertson, [1685]. ESTC No. R29347. Grub Street ID 112344.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The garland of good-will, divided into three parts. Containing many pleasant songs, and pretty poems to sundry notes. With a table to find the names of the songs. Written by T.D. London : printed by Fr. Clark for George Conyers at the Ring on Ludgate-Hill, 1688. ESTC No. R20289. Grub Street ID 80069.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love. To a pleasant new tune, &c. Licensed and entered according to order. London] : Printed by and for W. O[nley]. for A. M[ilbourn]. and sold by J. Conyers in Leicester-field, [1689 - 1709. ESTC No. R41089. Grub Street ID 122813.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant and princely history of the gentle-craft. A discourse containing many matters of delight; very pleasant to read. Shewing what famous men have been shooe-makers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality. Set forth with pictures, and variety of wit and mirth. Declaring the cause why it was called the gentle-craft. And also how the proverb first grew,A shooe-maker's son is a prince born. T.D. London : printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-Lane, Fleet-street, [1690]. ESTC No. R16446. Grub Street ID 64294.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The garland of good-will: divided into threĆ© parts. Containing many pleasant songs and poems. With a table to find the names of the songs. By T- D-. London : printed for G[eorge]. Conyers, in Little Britain, [1690 or later]. ESTC No. R171728. Grub Street ID 65851.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad of noble marquess and patient Grissel. To the tune of, The bride's good-morrow, &c. London : printed by and for W. O[nley]. and are to be sold by the booksellers of Pye-corner and London-bridge, [1690?]. ESTC No. R176848. Grub Street ID 69206.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant and princely history of the gentle-craft. A discourse containing many matters of delight; very pleasant to read. Shewing what famous men have been shooe-makers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality. Set forth with pictures, and variety of wit and mirth. Declaring the cause why it was called the gentle-craft. And also how the proverb first grew, A shooe-maker's son is a prince born. T.D. London : printed for H. Rhodes, [1695?]. ESTC No. R801. Grub Street ID 128219.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love. To a pleasant new tune,. London] : Printed by and for W.O. and sold by the booksellers of Pye-corner and London-bridge, [1695?. ESTC No. R221313. Grub Street ID 95489.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The lamentation of Mr. Page's wife of Plimouth, who being forced to wed him. Consented to his murder, for the love of G. Strangwidge; for which they suffered at Barnstable, in Devonshire. The tune of, Fortune my Foe, &c. London] : Printed by and for Alex. Milbourn in Green-Arbor-Court in the Little Old-Baily, [1695?. ESTC No. R171731. Grub Street ID 65855.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish ladies love. To a pleasant new tune,. London : printed by and for W.O., 1695?. ESTC No. R228522. Grub Street ID 101196.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The most rare and excellent history of the Dutchess of Suffolk's calamity. To the tune of, Queen Dido, &c. London : printed by and for W[illiam]. O[nley]. and sold by the booksellers of Pye-corner and London-bridge, [1695]. ESTC No. R236040. Grub Street ID 106891.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The most rare and excellent history, of the Dutchess of Suffolks calamity. To the tune of, Queen Dion. London : printed by and for A[lexander]. M[ilbourn]. and sold by the booksellers of London, [1695?]. ESTC No. R174587. Grub Street ID 67737.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant and princely history of the gentle-craft a discourse containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to read : shewing what famous men have been shoe-makers in time past in this land : with their worthy deeds ... declaring the cause why it was called the gentle-craft and also how the poverb [sic] first grew, A shoemaker's son is a prince born / T.D. London : Printed by W. Wilde, and sold by P. Brooksby [etc.], 1696. ESTC No. R23854. Grub Street ID 107701.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The pleasant history of John Winchomb in his younger years called Jack of Newbery, the famous and worthy clothier of England; declaring his life and love: together with his charitable deeds and great hospitalities. And how he set continually five hundred poor people at work, to the great benefit of the common-wealth: worthy to be read and regarded. The fifteenth edition corrected and inlarged, by T.D. Licensed and entred according to order. London : printed for Eben. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, [1700?]. ESTC No. R24887. Grub Street ID 108625.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad of a Prince of England's courtship to the King of France's daughter, and how the Prince was disasterously slain; and how the aforesaid Princess was afterwards married to a forrester. To the tune of, Crimson velvet, &c. London : printed by and for W. O[nley]. and sold by the booksellers of Pye-corner and London ribdg [sic], [1700?]. ESTC No. R176844. Grub Street ID 69203.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad of a prince of Englands courtship,to the King of France's daughter, and how the prince was disasterously slain; and how the aforesaid princess was afterwards married to a forrester. To the tune of, Crimson velvet, &c. London] : Printed by and for A. M[ilbourn]. and sold by the booksellers of London, [1700?. ESTC No. R176845. Grub Street ID 69204.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad of a prince of England's courtship to the King of France's daughter, and how the prince was disasterously slain; and how the aforesaid princess was afterwards married to a forrester. To the tune of, Crimson velvet, &c. London : printed by and for W. O[nley]. and sold by C. Bates, at the Sun and Bible in Pye-corner, [1700?]. ESTC No. R176846. Grub Street ID 69205.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love. To the tune of, Flying fame, &c. London : printed by and for C. Brown, and sold by J. Walter, at the Hand and Pen in High Holborn, [1701?]. ESTC No. N24043. Grub Street ID 13407.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love. To the tune of, Flying fame, &c. London] : Printed by and for C. Brown, and T. Norris, and sold at the Looking-glass on London-bridge, [1705?. ESTC No. T206898. Grub Street ID 236258.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The garland of good-will: divided into three parts. Containing many pleasant songs and poems. With a table to find the names of the songs. T- D-. London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Sign of the Golden-Ring in Little-Britain, [1710?]. ESTC No. T66975. Grub Street ID 291638.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad of noble Marquess and patient Grissel. To the tune of, The bride's good-morrow, &c. London] : Printed by T. Norris, at the Looking-glass on London-bridge. And sold by J. Walter, in High Holborn, [1710?. ESTC No. T223499. Grub Street ID 246108.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The garland of good-will: divided into three parts. Containing many pleasant songs and poems. With a Table to find the Names of the Songs. T- D-. London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Sign of the Golden-Ring in Little-Britain, [1710?]. ESTC No. T142267. Grub Street ID 189678.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love. To the tune of, Flying fame, &c. London] : Printed by T. Norris, at the Looking-glass on London-bridge, [1711 - 1732. ESTC No. R233866. Grub Street ID 105290.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The lamentation of Mr. Page's wife of Plymouth, who being forced to wed him, consented to his murder, for the love of Mr. George Strangwidge, for which they suffer'd death at Barnstaple in Devonshire. To the tune of, Fortune my foe, &c. Newcastle upon Tyne: printed and sold by John White, [1711 - 1769]. ESTC No. T37517. Grub Street ID 267167.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The delightful, princely and entertaining history of the gentle-craft: containing many matters of delight; very pleasant to read. Shewing what famous men have been shooe-makers [sic] in old time, ... To which is added, ... the merry pranks of the Green King of St. Martins, ... Adorned with pictures suitable to each story. London : printed for J. Rhodes, 1715. ESTC No. N55110. Grub Street ID 38658.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The shoe-maker's glory: or, the princely history of the gentle-craft. ... The whole adorn'd with cuts suitable to the subject. London : printed by and for T. Norris, [1715?]. ESTC No. N22469. Grub Street ID 11815.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The honour of the clothworking trade; or, the pleasant and famous history of Thomas of Reading: and other worthy clothiers of the West and North of England. ... Newcastle upon Tine: printed and sold by John White, [1715?]. ESTC No. T85464. Grub Street ID 305772.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The most rare and excellent history, of the Dutchess of Suffolk's calamity. To the tune of, Queen Dido. London] : Printed for T. Norris, [1720?. ESTC No. T41446. Grub Street ID 270360.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The shoemakers glory: or, the princely history of the gentle-craft. Shewing What renowned Princes, Heroes, and Worthies have been of the Shoemakers Trade, both in this, and other Kingdoms: Likewise, why it is called the Gentle-Craft; and that they say a Shoemaker's Son is a Prince born, &c. Newcastle: printed and sold by J. White, [1720?]. ESTC No. N22466. Grub Street ID 11812.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The noble and diverting history of the gentle-craft: shewing what famous men have been shoemakers in former ages, ... Also an account of St. Hugh's bones, ... with a set of pictures intirely new. London : printed by Tho. Norris, 1723. ESTC No. N42134. Grub Street ID 28478.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The delightful, princely and entertaining history of the gentle-craft: containing many matters of delight; very pleasant to read. Shewing what famous men have been shooe-makers [sic] ... Adorned with pictures suitable to each story. London : printed for J. Rhodes, 1725. ESTC No. T61247. Grub Street ID 286952.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad; of the noble marquis and patient Grissel. To the tune of, The bride's goodmorrow, &c. Reading: printed by W. Ayres. Also to be had of Mr. Laureuce [sic] at Wantage, Mr. Brown at Rumsey [sic], and Mrs. Royce at Oxford, [1730?]. ESTC No. T191984. Grub Street ID 226595.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The overthrow of proud Holofernes, and the triumph of virtuous Queen Judith. Northampton: printed by William Dicey, [1730?]. ESTC No. N10626. Grub Street ID 635.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad of a noble marquiss and patient Grissel. To the tune of, The bride's good-morrow, &c. London : printed by William Dicey, in Bow Church-Yard, [1735?]. ESTC No. N16682. Grub Street ID 6252.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The spanish lady's love. London : printed by William Dicey, [between 1736 and 1740?]. ESTC No. N23925. Grub Street ID 13287.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The life and death of fair Rosamond. King Henry the Second's concubine,. London] : Printed and sold [by W. and C. Dicey] in Bow-Church Yard, London, [between 1736 and 1763?. ESTC No. T40910. Grub Street ID 269916.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The lamentation of Mr. Page's wife of Plymouth. London] : Printed [by W. and C. Dicey] and sold at the Printing-Office in Bow-Church-Yard, London, [1736 - 1763. ESTC No. N70845. Grub Street ID 51294.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love to an English sailor. London] : Printed and sold at the printing-office in Bow-Church-Yard, London, [between 1736 and 1763?. ESTC No. N70863. Grub Street ID 51310.
  • Deloney, Thomas. How Coventry was made free by Godina, countess of Chester. Canterbury: sold at the printing office, [1745?]. ESTC No. T36708. Grub Street ID 266601.
  • Deloney, Thomas. Fai[r Rosamond] Ga[?...] who wa[s King Henry] the Seco[nd's concubine], and put [to death] by Queen [Elinor, i]n the bower of Woodstock, near Oxford. Newport [R.I.]: Printed and sold by the Widow Franklin, at the town school-house, 1746. ESTC No. W27977. Grub Street ID 338109.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad, of the noble marquis and patient Grissel. To the tune of, The bride's good morrow. Newcastle: upon Tyne printed in this present year [John White?, 1750?]. ESTC No. T33701. Grub Street ID 264235.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The famous history of Thomas of Reading. Anp [sic] any other worthy clothiers of the west and north of England. Setting forth their mirth, great riches and hospitality to the poor, . London] : Sold in Bow-Church-Yard, London, [1750?. ESTC No. N69434. Grub Street ID 50483.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The life and death of fair Rosamond, King Henry the second's concubine. London] : Printed and sold at the Printing-Office in Bow-Church Yard, London, [1750?. ESTC No. T40909. Grub Street ID 269914.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love to an English captain. London] : Printed and sold at the Printing-Office Bow-Church Yard, [1750?. ESTC No. T49572. Grub Street ID 277355.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love to an English sailor. London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary Chruch-Yard, London, [1750?. ESTC No. T49573. Grub Street ID 277356.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love to an English man. To an excellent tune. Durham: printed by I. Lane, in New-Elvet, [1750?]. ESTC No. N70862. Grub Street ID 51309.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The princely history of Crispin & Crispanius or the gentle-craft, Shewing what renowned princes, heroes, and worthies have been of the shoemakers trade, both in this and other kingdoms; likewise why it's call'd the gentle craft, and that they say a shoemakers son is a Prince born. London : Printed by L. How, in Petticoat-Lane, [1750?]. ESTC No. T44328. Grub Street ID 272755.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The shoemaker's glory or, the princely history of the gentle craft. . London] : Printed and sold in London, [1750?. ESTC No. T181143. Grub Street ID 217736.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The lamentation of Mr. Page's wife of Plymouth. London] : Printed and sold at the Printing-Office in Bow-Church-Yard, London, [1750?. ESTC No. T37515. Grub Street ID 267165.
  • Deloney, Thomas. Coventry made free by Godina [sic], Countess of Chester. To the tune of, Prince Arthur died at Ludlow, &c. London] : Printed in Bow church-yard, London. Sold also at the printing office in Northampton, [1750?. ESTC No. N1814. Grub Street ID 7613.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love to an English captain. London] : Printed and sold at the Printing Office, in Bow Church-Yard, London, [1750?. ESTC No. T199087. Grub Street ID 231392.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love. To the tune of, Flying fame, &c. London : printed in Bow-Church-yard, [1750?]. ESTC No. T206899. Grub Street ID 236259.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The delightful, Princely, and entertaining history of the gentle-craft. Containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to read. Shewing what famous men have been shoemakers in old Time, with their Worthy Deeds and Generous Humours. Also demonstrating why it was called the gentle-craft; And how the Proverb first came, A Shoemaker's Son is a Prince Born. To which is added, (what is not in any Book of the like Nature) The Merry Pranks of the Green King of St. Martin's, a Shoemaker so called. Concluding with The Shoemakers Glory: Being a Merry Song in the Praise of Shoemakers. To be sung by them every Year on the 25th of October, being Crispin. Adorned with Pictures suitable to each Story. London : printed for Henry Woodgate and Samuel Brooks, at the Golden-Ball, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1758. ESTC No. T60634. Grub Street ID 286470.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The delightful, princely and entertaining history of the Gentle-Craft: containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to read. Shewing what famous men have been shooe-makers in old time; with their worthy deeds and generous humours. Also demonstrating why called the Gentle-Craft. And how the proverb first came A shooe-maker's son is a prince born. To which is added, The merry pranks of the Green King of St. Martin's, a shooe-maker so called. With the shooe-makers glory: being a merry song in praise of shooe makers to be ung by them every year on the 25th of October, being Crispin's birth-day. Adorned with pictures suitable to each story. London : printed for A. Wilde, in Aldersgate-Street; C Hitch and L. Hawes, in Pater-Noster-Row; S. Crowder and Comp. on London-Bridge; C. and R Ware, on Ludgate-Hill: and H. Woodgate, and S. Brookes, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1760. ESTC No. T60633. Grub Street ID 286469.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad, of a prince of England's courtship to the King of France's daughter. And how the prince was disastrously slain, and the aforesaid princess was afterwards married to a forester. London] : Printed in Bow Church-yard, London, [1760?. ESTC No. N28712. Grub Street ID 17927.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad of a Prince of England's courtship to the King of France's daughter. And how the Prince was disastrously slain, and the aforesaid princess was afterwards married to a forester. London] : Printed and sold in Bow-Church-Yard, [1760?. ESTC No. N7116. Grub Street ID 51515.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love to an English sailor. London] : Printed and sold by in [sic] Aldermary Church-Yard, London, [1760?. ESTC No. T204009. Grub Street ID 234391.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The second part of The shoemakers glory: or, the princely history of the gentle craft. ... [Gloucester]: Sold by R. Bond, in G[louce]ster, [1760?]. ESTC No. N26155. Grub Street ID 15531.
  • Deloney, Thomas. Patient Grissel. An excellent ballad. London] : Printed and sold at the printing-office in Bow-Church-Yard, London, [1760?. ESTC No. N10994. Grub Street ID 984.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love to an English captain. London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary Church-yard, London, [1760?. ESTC No. T206900. Grub Street ID 236260.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad, of a prince of England's courtship to the King of France's daughter. And how the prince was disastrously slain, and the aforesaid princess was afterwards married to a forester. London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary Church-Yard, London, [1765?. ESTC No. N28713. Grub Street ID 17928.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The shoemaker's glory: or the princely history of the gentle craft. ... Newcastle: printed at the printing-office in Pilgrim-street, [1770?]. ESTC No. T48061. Grub Street ID 276018.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The overthrow of proud Holofernes; and the triumph of virtuous Queen Judith. Worcester: printed for S. Gamidge; and sold by Mr. Taylor, Kidderminster; Mr. Hayward, Tewkesbury; Mr. Hemming, Alcaster; Mr. Rowner, Evesham; Mr. West, Stourbridge; Mr. Jeffries, Stow in the Wold; Mr. Jonathan Hooper, Ledbury; and Mrs Ball, Bromyard, [1770?]. ESTC No. N20579. Grub Street ID 9978.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The princely and pleasant history of the gentle craft of shoemakers. Edinburgh: printed for W. Martin, 1774. ESTC No. T178602. Grub Street ID 215505.
  • Deloney, Thomas. A lamentable ballad of fair Rosamond, concubine to Henry II. who was put to death by Queen Eleanor, in the famous bower of Woodstock, near Oxford. - To the tune of Flying fame, &c. [Newcastle]: Printed in this present year, [1775?]. ESTC No. T206379. Grub Street ID 235860.
  • Deloney, Thomas. Patient Grissel. London] : Printed and sold at no. 4, Aldermary Church Yard, [1775?. ESTC No. T43770. Grub Street ID 272300.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The history of Thomas of Reading; and other worthy clothiers of England. . London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary church-yard, Bow Lane, London, [1776?. ESTC No. T167302. Grub Street ID 205420.
  • Deloney, Thomas. An excellent ballad of the noble marquis and patient Grissel. To the tune of, The bride's good morrow. Newcastle: printed in this present year, [1780?]. ESTC No. T10474. Grub Street ID 158242.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The history of Mr. John Winchcomb; alias, Jack of Newbury; the famous and worthy clothier of England; ... Newbury: printed by I. Willis, [1780?]. ESTC No. N54798. Grub Street ID 38440.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The shoemaker's glory; or, the princely history of the gentle craft. . London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary Church-yard, Bow Lane, London, [1780?. ESTC No. T48062. Grub Street ID 276019.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The history of Mr. John Winchcomb, alias Jack of Newbury, the famous and worthy clothier of England: Containing His Life; Acts of Hospitality; and his keeping Five Hundred poor People employed, to the great Benefit of the Community, &c. Newbury: printed for and by J. Willis, on the Bridge, [1780?]. ESTC No. T128702. Grub Street ID 178247.
  • Deloney, Thomas. [Coventry made free by Godina, Countess of Chester]. London : printed and sold by R. Marshall, in Aldermary Church yard, [1780?]. ESTC No. N66374. Grub Street ID 48109.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The life and death of fair Rosamond. King Henry the Second's concubine,. London] : Sold [by J. Evans] at no. 42, Long Lane, [between 1783 and 1796?. ESTC No. T192585. Grub Street ID 227044.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The history of Thomas of Reading And other worthy Clothiers of England. Setting forth Their Mirth, great Riches, and Hospitality to the Poor; and the great Favour they gained with their Prince. Concluding with the woeful Death of Thomas of Reading, who was murdered by his Host. London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary Church Yard, Bow Lane, [1785?. ESTC No. T36548. Grub Street ID 266465.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The shoemaker's glory, or the princely history of the gentle craft. ... Wolverhampton: printed by J: Smart, [1790?]. ESTC No. N22468. Grub Street ID 11814.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The Spanish lady's love to an English captain. [Worcester]: Printed and Sold by J. Butler, High Street, Worcester, [ca. 1792]. ESTC No. N71538. Grub Street ID 51741.
  • Deloney, Thomas. The history of Thomas of Reading, and other worthy clothiers of England. Setting forth [t]heir mirth, great riches, and hospitality to the poor, and the great favotey gained with their prince. [In]cluding with the woeful death of Thomas of Reading, who was murdered by his host. London : Printed and sold in London, [1795?]. ESTC No. T36550. Grub Street ID 266466.
  • Deloney, Thomas. Crispine and crispianus, or, The delightful and princely history of the gentle-craft: Containing many matters of great delight, very pleasant to read; shewing what famous men have been shoemakers in old times, with their worthy deeds and generous humours: also demonstrating why it was called the gentle-craft; and how the proverb first came, that a shoemaker's son is a prince born. Concluding with the shoemakers glory: being a merry song in the praise of shoemakers; to be sung by them every year on the twenty-fifth of October, being St. Crispine. Adorned with suitable pictures. London : Printed and sold by J. Hollis, Shoemaker-Row, Black-Friars: also sold by the booksellers in town and country, [1800?]. ESTC No. T195928. Grub Street ID 229477.
  • Deloney, Thomas. Patient Grissel. London : Howard and Evans, [1800?]. ESTC No. T43771. Grub Street ID 272301.