Finch, Richard.
The epiphanie of the church. Gathered out of the Holy Scriptures, declaring and plainly shevving, both the church that cannot but erre, and also the church that cannot erre. VVith so evident notes and manifest signes of either of them, that no man reading it, needeth be in doubt which he should beleue. Written by R[ichard]. P[hinch]. in the yeare of our Lord God 1550. And now published in this yeare 1590. for the benefite of all such as desire the trueth concerning the church.
London: printed by [A. Jeffes for] Roger Ward, dvvelling at the signe of the Pursse in the Little Old-baily, 1590.
ESTC No. S4676.Grub Street ID 148621.
Finch, Richard.
The knowledge or appearance of the Church. Gathered out of the Holy Scriptures, declaring and plainly shevving, both the Church that cannot but erre, and also the Church that cannot erre. VVith so euident notes and manifest signes of either of them, that no man reading it, needeth be in doubt which he sould beleue. VVritten by R. Phinch, and novv published in this yeare 1590. for the benefite of all such as desire the truth concerning the church.
London: Printed by Abell Ieffes, for Roger Ward, dwelling at the signe of the Pursse in the Little Old-baily, 1590.
ESTC No. S120576.Grub Street ID 140205.
Finch, Richard.
A defence of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield's doctrine of regeneration: in answer to the Rev. Mr. Land. Designed to correct his mistakes, to wipe off his aspersions, and prevent his doing mischief among the common people. In a letter to Mr. Land. By a Member of one of the religious societies: to whose perusal it is seriously recommended.
London : Printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCXXXIX. [1739].
ESTC No. N28811.Grub Street ID 18012.
Finch, Richard.
A congratulatory letter to the Revd. Dr. Trapp: occasioned by his four sermons against enthusiasm. In which the Revd. Mr. Bates's Notions of the Co-Operation of the Spirit are examined and refuted. By T. S-y, Esq;.
London : printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, [1739].
ESTC No. T161143.Grub Street ID 200338.
Finch, Richard.
A second letter to the Rev. Mr. Bate, ... Occasioned by the Weekly miscellany, of Saturday May 3. 1740. By T- S-y, Esq;.
London : printed for E. Comyns, 1740.
ESTC No. T172850.Grub Street ID 210230.
Finch, Richard.
Seasonable advice to a young clergyman; In a letter from a gentleman in the country, to his kinsman in London, just enter'd into orders. By F.R.
London : Printed for E. Comyns, at the south entrance of the Royal-Exchange, 1740.
ESTC No. N21478.Grub Street ID 10849.
Finch, Richard.
A defence of A congratulatory letter to the Reverend Dr. Trapp, &c. In reply to a late pamphlet, intituled, Quakero-Methodism, &c. by James Bate, M.A. ... By T- S-y, Esq;.
London : printed for E. Comyns, 1740.
ESTC No. T186793.Grub Street ID 222918.
Finch, Richard.
Free and impartial thoughts, on the sovereignty of God, the doctrines of election, reprobation, and original sin: humbly addressed to all who believe and profess those doctrines.
The second edition, corrected and enlarged..
London : printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, in Ludgate-Street, M.DCC.XLV. [1745].
ESTC No. N45909.Grub Street ID 30777.
Finch, Richard.
Free and impartial thoughts, on the sovereignty of God, the doctrines of election, reprobation, and original sin: humbly addressed to all who believe and profess those doctrines.
London : printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, in Ludgate-Street, M.DCC.XLV. [1745].
ESTC No. T72854.Grub Street ID 296270.
Finch, Richard.
A letter to the Reverend Mr. Bate, ... occasioned by his book intitled, Infidelity scourged, or Christianity vindicated, ... By the author of Free and impartial thoughts on the Sovereignty of God, .
London : printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, in Ludgate-Street; and sold by the Booksellers and Pamphlet-Sellers of London and Westminster. 1746.
ESTC No. T149473.Grub Street ID 195473.
Finch, Richard.
A vindication of the Reverend Mr. Foster's account of the late Earl of Kilmarnock from the misrepresentations of some dissenting teachers. Addressed to the Rev. Mr. Pickering and Mr. Wilson.
The second edition, corrected..
London : printed for M. Cooper, 1746.
ESTC No. T218188.Grub Street ID 242840.
Finch, Richard.
The nature and duty of self-defence: addressed to the people called Quakers.
London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, [1746].
ESTC No. N4605.Grub Street ID 30918.
Finch, Richard.
A vindication of the Reverend Mr. Foster's account of the late Earl of Kilmarnock from the misrepresentations of some dissenting teachers. Addressed to the Rev. Mr. Pickering and Mr. Wilson.
London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, [1746].
ESTC No. T87937.Grub Street ID 307943.
Finch, Richard.
A defence of a vindication of the Revd. Mr. Foster's account of the late Earl of Kilmarnock: in reply to the Rev. Mr. Samuel Wilson's remarks on the said vindication: Wherein is Exhibited A New Hypothesis, With a View to clear some Important Difficulties. Addressed to Protestants of all Denominations, more especially the Calvinists. By Richard Finch, Author of The Vindication.
London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, [1746].
ESTC No. T77035.Grub Street ID 299249.
Finch, Richard.
A free examination of Mr. Cudworth's free thoughts on the doctrines of Election, Fall of Man, and Restoration by Christ. To which are prefixed, Remarks on Mr. Cudworth's Letter, Inserted in the London Courant of Thursday, February 26, 1747. By Richard Finch.
London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, [1747].
ESTC No. T77042.Grub Street ID 299256.
Finch, Richard.
Second thoughts concerning war; wherein that great subject, is candidly considered, and set in a new light, in answer to, and by the author of a late pamphlet, intitled The nature and duty of self defence, addressed to the people called Quakers.
Nottingham: printed by Samuel Creswell, under the New-Change, and sold by M. Cooper, at the Globe, in Pater-Noster-Row, London, M.DCC.LV. [1755].
ESTC No. T14239.Grub Street ID 189777.