Smith, Godfrey.
The laboratory, or school of arts ; in which are faithfully exhibited and fully explain'd, I. A variety of curious and valuable experiments in refining, Calcining, Melting, Assaying, Casting, Allaying, and Toughening Gold; With several other Curiosities relating to Gold and Silver. II. Choice Secrets for Jewellers, in the Management of Gold; in Enamelling, and the Preparation of Enamel-Colours, with the Art of Copying Precious Stones; of preparing Colours for Doublets; of Colouring Foyles for Jewels, together with other rare Secrets. III. Several uncommon Experiments for Casting in Silver, Copper, Brass, Tin, Steel and other Metals; likewise in Wax, Plaister of Paris, Wood, Horn, &c. With the Management of the respective Moulds. IV. The Art of making Glass: Exhibiting withal the Art of Painting and making Impressions upon Glass, and of Laying thereon Gold or Silver; together with the Method of Preparing the Colours for Porters-Work or Delet Ware. V. A Collection of very valuable Secrets f.
London : printed for T. Cox, at the Lamb under the Royal Exchange, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738].
ESTC No. T72111.Grub Street ID 295668.
Smith, Godfrey.
The laboratory, or school of arts: in which are faithfully exhibited and fully explain'd, I. A variety of curious and valuable experiments in refining, calcining, melting, assaying, Casting, Allaying, and Toughening of gold; With several other Curiosities relating to Gold and Silver. II. Choice Secrets for jewellers in the Management of Gold; in Enameling, and the Preparation of Enamel-Colours, with the Art of Copying Precious Stones; of preparing Colours for Douelets; of Colouring Foyles for Jewels, together with other rare Secrets. III. Several uncommon experiments for Casting in Silver, Copper, Brass, Tin, Steel, and other Metals; likewise in Wax, Plaister of Paris, Wood, Horn, &c. With the Management of the respective Moulds. IV. The Art of making Glass: Exhibiting withal the Art of Painting and making Impressions upon Glass, and of Laying thereon Gold or Silver: together with the Method of Preparing the Colours for Potters-Work, or Delft-ware V. A Collection of very valuable Secrets.
London : printed for John James, at Horace's Head, under the Royal-Exchange, MDCCXXXIX. [1739].
ESTC No. T65469.Grub Street ID 290384.
Smith, Godfrey.
The laboratory, or school of arts: in which are faithfully exhibited and fully explain'd, I. A variety of curious and valuable experiments in refining, Calcining, Melting, Assaying, Casting, Allaying, and Toughening of Gold; with several other Curiosities relating to Gold and Silver. II. Choice Secrets for Jewellers in the Management of Gold; in Enamelling, and the Preparation of Enamel Colours, with the Art of Copying Precious Stones; of preparing Colours for Doublets; of Colouring Foyles for Jewels, together with other rare Secrets. III. Several uncommon Experiments for Casting in Silver, Copper, Brass, Tin, Steel, and other Metals: likewise in Wax, Plaister of Paris, Wood, Horn, &c. With the Management of the respective Moulds. IV. The Art of making Glass: Exhibiting withal the Art of Painting and making Impressions upon Glass: and of laying thereon Gold or Silver; together with the Method of preparing the Colours for Potters-Work or Delft-Ware. V. A Collection of very valuable Secrets.
London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass on London Bridge; J. James, at Horace's Head, under the Royal-Exchange; and T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCXL. [1740].
ESTC No. T65470.Grub Street ID 290386.
Smith, Godfrey.
The laboratory, or school of arts: in which are faithfully exhibited and fully explain'd, I. A variety of curious and valuable experiments in refining, Calcming, Melting, Assaying, Casting, Allaying, and Toughening of Gold: With several other Curiosities relating to Gold and Silver. II. Choice Secrets for Jewellers in the Management of Gold in Enameling, and the Preparation of Enamel Colours, with the Art of copying Precious Stones; of preparing Colours for Doublets; of colouring Foyles for Jewels, together with other rare Secrets. III. Several uncommon Experiments for Casting in Silver, Copper, Brass, Tin, Steel, and other Metals; likewise in Wax, Plaister of Paris, Wood, Horn, &c. With the Management of the respective Moulds. IV. The Art of making Glass: Exhibiting withal the Art of Painting and making Impressions upon Glass: and of laying thereon Gold or Silver; together with the Method of preparing the Colours for Patters-Work, or Delft-Ware. V. A Collection of very valuable Secrets f.
London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking glass on London Bridge ; J. James, at Horace's Head under the Royal Exchange ; and T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster Row, M,D,CC,XL. [1740].
ESTC No. T72112.Grub Street ID 295669.
Smith, Godfrey.
The laboratory; or, school of arts: in which are faithfully exhibited, and fully explain'd, I. A variety of curious and valuable experiments in refining, calcining, melting, assaying, Casting, Allaying, and Toughening of gold; with several other Curiosities relating to Gold and Silver. II. Choice secrets for jewellers in the Management of Gold; in Enamelling, and the Preparation of Enamel Colours, with the Art of Copying precious Stones; of preparing Colours for Doublets; of Colouring Foyles for Jewels, together with other rare Secrets. III. Several uncommon experiments for Casting in Silver, Copper, Brass, Tin, Steel, and other Metals: Likewise in Wax, Plaister of Paris, Wood, Horn, &c. With the Management of the respective Moulds. IV. The Art of making Glass: Exhibiting withal the Art of Painting and making Impressions upon Glass, and of laying thereon Gold or Silver; together with the Method of preparing the Colours for Potters Work, or Delf-Ware. V. A Collection of very valuable Secre.
London : printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, facing St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge ; and T. Astley, 1750.
ESTC No. T72113.Grub Street ID 295670.
Smith, Godfrey.
The laboratory; or, school of arts: in which are faithfully exhibited, and fully explained, I. A variety of curious and valuable experiments in refining, calcining, melting, assaying, Casting, Allaying, and Toughening of gold; with several other Curiosities relating to Gold and Silver. II. Choice secrets for jewellers in the Management of Gold; in Enamelling, and the Preparation of Enamel Colours, with the Art of Copying precious Stones; of preparing Colours for Doublets; of Colouring Foyles for Jewels, together with other rare Secrets. III. Several uncommon experiments for Casting in Silver, Copper, Brass, Tin, Steel, and other Metals; Likewise in Wax, Plaister of Paris, Wood, Horn, &c. With the Management of the respective Moulds. IV. The Art of making Glass: Exhibiting withal the Art of Painting and making Impressions upon Glass, and of laying thereon Gold or Silver; together with the Method of preparing the Colours for Potters Work, or Delf Ware. V. A Collection of very valuable Secre.
The fourth edition, with additions of a great number of valuable receipts; particularly, a short, plain, and easy introduction to the art of drawing in perspective..
London : printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, facing St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, MDCCLV. [1755].
ESTC No. T72114.Grub Street ID 295671.
Smith, Godfrey.
The laboratory; or, school of arts: in which are faithfully exhibited, and fully explained. I. The Antiquarian, or curious Examiner of antient Coins and Medals. II. A short Introduction to the Art of Drawing in general; with an Essay on designing and drawing Patterns for the Flower'd silk Manufactory, Embroidery, and Printing. III. The Art of Painting in Oil-Colours, and Mentzotintoes on Glass. IV. Introductory Rules for finding the natural Shadows of the Sun, likewise those of the Torch, Lamp, or Candle. V. Of Water-Works. Fountains, and Grottoes, in Miniature, for grand Entertainments. VI. The Art of Dialling, or of making of Sun-Dials. Vii. A Collection of choice Receipts, and Experiments of various Kinds, relating to the Produce of Gardens, as Flowers, Fruits, &c. Viii. A Directory for the Management of a Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen-Garden, through every Month of the Year. IX. Optical Experiments, by Means of which the most surprizing and incredible Performances are exhibited, for the.
London : printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLVI. [1756].
ESTC No. T65471.Grub Street ID 290387.
Smith, Godfrey.
The laboratory: or, school of arts. In which are faithfully exhibited, and fully explained, I. A variety of curious and valuable experiments in refining, calcining, melting, assaying, Casting, Allaying, and Toughening of gold; with several other Curiosities relating to Gold and Silver. II. Choice secrets for jewellers in the Management of Gold; in Enamelling, and the Preparation of Enamel Colours, with the Art of Copying Precious Stones; of preparing Colours for Doublets; of Colouring Foyles for Jewels, together with other rare Secrets. III. Several uncommon experiments for Casting in Silver, Copper, Brass, Tin, Steel, and other Metals; Likewise in Wax, Plaister of Paris, Wood, Horn, &c. With the Management of the respective Moulds. IV. The Art of making Glass; Exhibiting withal the Art of Painting and making Impressions upon Glass, and of laying thereon Gold or Silver; together with the Method of preparing the Colours for Potters Work, or Delft Ware. V. A Collection of very valuable Secr.
London : printed for Stanley Crowder, No. 12, in Paternoster-Row, and B. Collins, in Salisbury, MDCCIXX. [1770].
ESTC No. T66980.Grub Street ID 291643.
Smith, Godfrey.
The laboratory; or, school of arts: containing a large collection of valuable secrets, experiments, and manual operations in arts and manufactures, Highly Useful to Gilders, Jewellers, Enamellers, Goldsmiths, Dyers, Cutlers, Pewterers, Joiners, Japanners, Book-Binders, Plasterers, Artists, and to the Workers in Metals in General; and in Plaster of Paris, Wood, Ivory, Bone, Horn, and Other Materials. Compiled originally by G. Smith. A Complete Treatise on Fire-Works, and the Art of Short-Hand Writing. Illustrated with Engravings.
Sixth edition, with a great number of additional receipts, corrections, and amendments; ...
London : printed by C. Whittingham; for H. D. Symonds, J. Wallis, and Wynne and Scholey, Paternoster-Row ; and Vernor and Hood, Poultry, 1799.
ESTC No. T72082.Grub Street ID 295639.
Smith, Godfrey.
The laboratory; or, school of arts: in which are faithfully exhibited and fully explained, I. A variety of curious and valuable experiments in refining ... casting, allaying and toughening of gold ... II. Choice secrets for jewellers ... III. Several uncommon experiments ... Compiled from German and other foreign authors ... By G. Smith.
Manchester: printed by J. Seddon [for J. Nuttall, 1800].
ESTC No. T221697.Grub Street ID 244868.