Peers, Richard.
The character of an honest dissenter, in twelve marks: together with an illustration of each. Imprimatur, Ar. Charlett, 15. Jun. 1715.
Oxford: printed by Leon. Lichfield, for Stephen Fletcher, Bookseller: and are to be sold by Jam. Knapton, Will. Taylor, and Hen. Clements, Booksellers in London, 1715.
ESTC No. T58061.Grub Street ID 284234.
Peers, Richard.
A serious call to Christianity. Containing some directions, by which it may be more effectually promoted, in the due instruction of children. ... By R. Peers, M.A. ...
Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield, for Steph. Fletcher: and are to be sold by J. Knapton, and W. Taylor, London, 1715.
ESTC No. N22144.Grub Street ID 11509.
Peers, Richard.
The character of an honest dissenter, in twelve marks: together with an illustration of each. By Richard Peers, ...
Oxford: printed by Leon. Lichfield, for Stephen Fletcher: and are to be sold by Jam. Knapton, Will. Taylor, and Hen. Clements, in London, 1716.
ESTC No. T163730.Grub Street ID 202105.
Peers, Richard.
The character of an honest dissenter, in twelve marks: together with an illustration of each. By Rich. Peers Vicar of Faringdon Berks.
Oxford: printed for Stephen Fletcher, and are to be sold by J. Knapton, W. Mears, J. Round, Booksellers in London. C. Crownfield in Cambridge, and H. Hammond in Bath, 1717.
ESTC No. T97555.Grub Street ID 316970.
Peers, Richard.
The character of an honest dissenter, in twelve marks: together with an illustration of each. By Rich. Peers Vicar of Faringdon Berks. To which is prefix'd an additional preface in answer to a letter occasion'd by the two former editions, and pretended to be wrote by a clergy-man; and a letter from a lay-man to the author.
Oxford: printed for Stephen Fletcher, and are to be sold by J. Knapton, W. Mears, J. Round, booksellers in London, C. Crownfield in Cambridge, and H. Hammond bookseller in Bath, 1718.
ESTC No. T30427.Grub Street ID 261309.
Peers, Richard.
A companion for the aged: consisting of meditations, devotions, and proper instructions, for the use of those, who, ... are disabled from attending upon the publick service of God. By Richard Peers, A.M. .
London : printed and sold by Joseph Downing, 1722.
ESTC No. T184499.Grub Street ID 220840.
Peers, Richard.
The great tendency of the positive precepts of the Gospel, to promote the observance of natural religion. Set forth in a sermon preached at Farringdon, Berks, December 25th, 1730. By Richard Peers, M.A. vicar of Farringdon. In answer to a position in Christianity as old as the creation, pag. 220 viz. Whatever reason shews to be worthy of having God for its author, must belong to natural religion.
London : Printed for T. Astley, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1731.
ESTC No. T35857.Grub Street ID 265881.
Peers, Richard.
The necessity and advantages of publick worship. ... By the author of The companion for the aged.
London : printed for M. Downing, 1737.
ESTC No. N41650.Grub Street ID 27996.
Peers, Richard.
A companion for youth: Consisting of meditations, devotions, and proper instructions, for those who, through want of experience and due consideration, are in great danger of running into the evil courses of the world. By R. Peers, M.A. vicar of Farindon in Berks, author of the companion for the aged.
London : Printed for T. Astley, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M,DCC,XXXVIII. [1738].
ESTC No. T118364.Grub Street ID 169911.
Peers, Richard.
A companion for youth: consisting of meditations, devotions, and proper instructions, for those who, through want of experience and due consideration, are in great danger of running into the evil courses of the world. By R. Peers, M. A. Late Vicar of Farindon in Berks, Author of the Companion for the Aged.
The second edition..
London : printed for T. Astley, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DCC.XL. [1740].
ESTC No. T70312.Grub Street ID 294071.
Peers, Richard.
A companion for the aged: Consisting of meditations, devotions, and proper instructions, for the use of those, who, by the infirmities, of old age, or otherwise, are disabled from attending upon the public service of good. By Richard Peers, A.M. vicar of Faringdon, Berks.
The sixth edition..
London : Printed for John, Francis and Charles Rivington, booksellers to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, at the Bible and Crown, No 62, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1779.
ESTC No. T184503.Grub Street ID 220844.
Peers, Richard.
A companion for the aged: Consisting of meditations, devotions, and proper instructions, for the use of those, who, by the infirmities of old age, or otherwise, are disabled from attending upon the public service of God. By Richard Peers, A.M. vicar of Faringdon, Berks.
The eighth edition..
London : Printed for F. and C. Rivington, booksellers to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXCIX. [1799].
ESTC No. T184505.Grub Street ID 220846.