Publications of Jean Claude


  • Claude, Jean. An historical defence of the Reformation: in answer to a book intituled, Just prejudices against the Calvinists. Written in French by the reverend and learned Monsieur Claude, minister of the Reformed Church at Charenton: and now faithfully translated into English, by T.B. M.A. London : printed by G.L. for John Hancock, at the Three Bibles over-against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil; and Benj. Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultrey, 1683. ESTC No. R11147. Grub Street ID 59459.
  • Claude, Jean. An historical defence of the Reformation: in answer to a book intituled, Just prejudices against the Calvinists. Written in French by the reverend and learned Monsieur Claude, minister of the Reformed Church at Charenton: and now faithfully translated into English, by T.B. M.A. London : printed by George Larkin, for John Hancock, at the Three Bibles over-against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil; and Benj. Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultrey, 1683. ESTC No. R231510. Grub Street ID 103546.
  • Claude, Jean. A treatise of self-examination in order to the worthy receiving of the Holy Communion, together with suitable prayers. By Monsieur John Claude minister of the Reformed Church at Paris, being his meditations since the late persecutions of the Protestants in France. Faithfully translated for the benefit of the reader. London : printed for Samuel Smith bookseller, at the Prince's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683. ESTC No. R27894. Grub Street ID 111029.
  • Claude, Jean. An historical defence of the Reformation: in answer to a book intituled, Just prejudices against the Calvinists. Written in French by the reverend and learned Monsieur Claude, minister of the Reformed Church at Charenton: and now faithfully translated into English, by T.B. M.A. London : printed by George Larkin, and are to be sold by Thomas Malthus, at the Sun in the Poultrey, 1683. ESTC No. R173949. Grub Street ID 67283.
  • Claude, Jean. A relation of the famous conference held about religion at Paris, between M. Bossuet, Bishop of Condom (late tutor to the Dauphin) and Monsieur Claude, minister of the Reformed Church at Charenton; at the Countess of Royes house, in the presence of several persons of the first quality, at the request of Mademoiselle de Duras, daughter to the famous Marshal de Turenne, she being then upon changing her religion. Translated from the French copy, as it was lately published by Monsieur Claude. London : printed by H. C. for Thomas Malthus, at the Sun in the Poultrey, 1684. ESTC No. R15735. Grub Street ID 63644.
  • Claude, Jean. The Catholick doctrine of the Eucharist in all ages: in answer to what M. Arnaud, Doctor of the Sorbon alledges touching the belief of the Greek, Moscovite, Armenian, Jacobite, Nestorian, Coptic, Maronite, and other eastern churches. Whereunto is added an account of the Book of the body and blood of our Lord, published under the name of BertramDT In six books. London : printed [by M.C.] for R. Royston, bookseller to His most sacred Majesty, at the Angel in Amen-Corner, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R25307. Grub Street ID 109008.
  • Claude, Jean. A treatise of self-examination, in order to the worthy receiving of the holy communion; together with suitable prayers. By Monsieur Iohn Claude, Minister of the Reformed Chvrch at Paris, being his meditations since the late persecutions of the Protestants in France. Faithfully translated for the benefit of the reader. Edinburgh: printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, printer to His most sacred Majesty, anno Dom. 1685. ESTC No. R173950. Grub Street ID 67285.
  • Claude, Jean. An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the French Protestants to which is added, the edict of the French King, prohibiting all publick exercise of the pretended reformed religion in his kingdom. Wherein he recalls, and totally annuls the perpetual and irrevocable edict of King Henry the IV. his grandfather, given at Nantes, full of most gracious [c]oncessions to Protestants. With the form of abjuration the revolting Protestants are to subscribe and swear to. London] : Printed by G.M., Anno. Dom. 1686. ESTC No. R231693. Grub Street ID 103681.
  • Claude, Jean. Sermon sur le vers. XIV. du chapit. VII. de l'Ecclesiaste. Au jour du bien, use du bien, & au jour de l'adversité prens y garde. Aussi dieu a fait l'un à l'opposite de l'autre, afin que l'homme ne trouve rien à redire apres lui. Prononcé à la Haye le 21. Novembre. 1685, jour de jeûne. Par Jean Claude Ministre. Imprimatur, Z. Isham, R.P.D. Henrico Episc. Lond. à sacris. 7. Cal. Febr. 1685/6. A Londres : par B[ennet]. Griffin imprimeur dans l’Old Baily. Et se vendent dans le Strand. Chés Jean Cailloüe, au long d’Exceter Exchange à la Librairie Francoise. La veuve Rene’ Pean, vis à vis York-buildings, à la Bible d’Or, 1686. ESTC No. R171380. Grub Street ID 65648.
  • Claude, Jean. An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the Protestants in France. London : printed for J. Norris, 1686. ESTC No. R18292. Grub Street ID 72836.
  • Claude, Jean. An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the Protestants of France. Dublin: Re-printed for Joseph Howes .., 1686. ESTC No. R33308. Grub Street ID 115947.
  • Claude, Jean. Mr. Claude's answer to Monsieur de Meaux's book, intituled, A conference with Mr. Claude. With his letter to a friend. Wherein he answers a discourse of M. de Condom, now Bishop of Meaux, concerning the Church. Imprimatur, Junii 18. 1687. Guil. Needham. London : printed for T. Dring, at the Harrow in Fleetstreet, at Chancery-Lane-end, MDCLXXXVII. [1687]. ESTC No. R17732. Grub Street ID 69481.
  • Claude, Jean. An answer to monsieur de Meaux's book, intituled, a conference with Mr. Claude. Also the author's letter to a friend of his. Wherein he answers a discourse of M. De Condom, now Bishop of Meaux, Concerning the Church. Imprimatur, Junii 18. 1687. Guil. Needham. London : printed for T. Dring, at the Harrow in Fleetstreet, at Chancery-Lane-end, MDCLXXXVII. [1687]. ESTC No. R224283. Grub Street ID 97965.
  • Claude, Jean. The second part of Mr. Claude's answer to Monsieur de Meaux's book, intituled, A conference with Mr. Claude, &c. Containing an examination of M. de Meaux's Thirteen reflections on a writing of Mr. Claude's. London : printed for T. Dring, at the Harrow in Fleetstreet, at Chancery-Lane-end, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R12390. Grub Street ID 60576.
  • Claude, Jean. Mr. Claude's conference with M. de Condom, now Bishop of Meaux, in the presence of the Countess of Lorge and Roye, Mad. de Duras, and several other persons of quality. With an answer to M. Condom's discourse of the church, and his thirteen reflections on a writing of M. Claude's. To which is added the Life and death of M. Claude, who was banished out of France, and died at Amsterdam, 1687. London : printed for Tho. Dring at the sign of the Harrow in Fleetstreet, at Chancery-Lane-End, 1688. ESTC No. R39373. Grub Street ID 121272.
  • Claude, Jean. A discourse concerning the extent of Christ's death. Translated from Mr. Claude his treatise of Jesus Christ, IV. book, XV. chapter. Edinburgh: printed in the year, 1701. ESTC No. T227096. Grub Street ID 248362.
  • Claude, Jean. Les plaintes des Protestans, cruellement oprimez dans le royaume de France. A Londres : par J. Delage, dans Stationer-Court, proche Ludgate, 1707. ESTC No. T125374. Grub Street ID 175518.
  • Claude, Jean. A short account of the complaints, and cruel persecutions of the Protestants in the kingdom of France. London : printed by W. Redmayne, 1707. ESTC No. N22410. Grub Street ID 11768.
  • Claude, Jean. A short account of the complaints, and cruel persecutions of the protestants in the kingdom of France. With a useful and politick preface, and also an Account of the Torments the French Protestants endure Aboard the Galleys. There is likewise K. Charles II. and K. William and Qu. Mary's Declarations at length, for the encouraging of French Protestants to Transport themselves into this Kingdom. The third edition.. London : printed by W. Redmayne, and to be sold by B. Bragge at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1708. ESTC No. T144313. Grub Street ID 191188.
  • Claude, Jean. Self-Examination, in order to a due preparation for the worthy receiving of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Written originally in French by Monsieur Claude. Edinburgh: printed by Gavin Hamilton and Company, and sold at his shop, 1732. ESTC No. T116614. Grub Street ID 168280.
  • Claude, Jean. Self-examination, in order to a due preparation for the worthy receiving of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Written originally in French by M. Claude. Edinburgh: printed by Hamilton, Balfour, & Neill, 1756. ESTC No. T175425. Grub Street ID 212516.
  • Claude, Jean. An essay on the composition of a sermon. Tanslated [sic] from the original French of the Revd. John Claude, ... With notes. By Robert Robinson. In two volumes. Volume the first. Cambridge: printed by Francis Hodson: sold by J. Buckland, London; and T. Fletcher Cambridge, 1778. ESTC No. T138627. Grub Street ID 186492.
  • Claude, Jean. An essay on the composition of a sermon. Translated from the original French of the Revd. John Claude, ... With notes. By Robert Robinson. In two volumes. Volume the first. Cambridge: printed by Francis Hodson: sold by J. Buckland, London; and T. Fletcher, Cambridge, 1779. ESTC No. T138625. Grub Street ID 186490.
  • Claude, Jean. An essay on the composition of a sermon. Translated from the original French of the Revd. John Claude, ... With notes. By Robert Robinson. In two volumes. Volume the second. Cambridge: printed by Francis Hodson: sold by J. Buckland, London; and T. Fletcher, Cambridge, 1779. ESTC No. T138626. Grub Street ID 186491.
  • Claude, Jean. An essay on the composition of a sermon. Translated from the original French of the Revd. John Claude, minister of the French Reformed Church at Charenton. With notes. By Robert Robinson. The second edition. In two volumes. London : printed for W. Lepard, Newgate-Street; and sold by J. Buckland, Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Matthews, Strand, M,DCC,LXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. N3360. Grub Street ID 22070.
  • Claude, Jean. An essay on the composition of a sermon: or, the beauties and defects of preaching. Translated from the original French of the Revd. John Claude, ... With notes. By Robert Robinson. The third edition. In two volumes. . London : printed for Scatcherd and Whitaker; T. Scollick; and W. Lepard, [1788?]. ESTC No. T164477. Grub Street ID 202746.
  • Claude, Jean. An essay on the composition of a sermon. Translated from the original French of the Revd. John Claude, Minister of the French Reformed Church at Charenton. with notes, by Robert Robinson. The third edition. In two volumes. . London : printed for T. Scollick, in the City-Road; and T. Wilson and R. Spence, York, M,DCC,LXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T106031. Grub Street ID 159227.
  • Claude, Jean. Claude's essay on the composition of a sermon, formerly translated from the French, by the Rev. Robert Robinson, with an appendix; containing one hundred skeletons of sermons, several being the substance of sermons preached before the University, by the Rev. Charles Simeon, ... Cambridge: printed by John Burges; and sold by J. Deighton and W. H. Lunn; J. Matthews, and C. Dilly, London; and D. Prince, Oxford, 1796. ESTC No. T166570. Grub Street ID 204780.