Sheet Music (featuring John Braham)

published by Laurie & Whittle

Victoria & Albert Museum Harry Beard Collection S.220-1989


A Smile to a Tear.
Sung with unbounded applause, by Mr. Braham, in the New Opera, call'd
False Alarms or My Cousin; Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.

Said a Smile to a Tear,
On the cheek of my dear,
And Beam'b like the sun in spring weather;
In sooth, lovely Tear,
It strange must appear
That we should be both here together.

I came from the heart,
A soft balm to impart,
To yonder sad daughter of grief:
And I said the Smile,
That heart now beguile,
Since you gave the poor mourner releif.

Oh! then, said the Tear,
Sweet Smile, it is clear,
We are twins, and soft Pity our mother:
And how lovely that face,
Which together we grace,
For the woe, and the bliss of another.