Publications of John Phillips


  • Phillips, John. An appeal to matter of fact & common sense, recommended to the serious conideration [sic] of the inhabitants of Charleston, South Carolina, &c. To which is affixed, a letter to the **** By John Phillips ... [Fourteen lines of quotations]. New-York: Printed by T. Kirk, no. 112, Chatham-Street, --1798--. ESTC No. W1348. Grub Street ID 322816.
  • Phillips, John. An epytaphe, or a lamentable discourse: wherein is bewayled the death of the right worshipfull knight, Sir William Garrat: one of the Queens Maiesties commissioners, and chiefe alderman of the honourable citie of London. Who deceased the. 27. of September. 1571. Imprinted at London: In the vpper end of Fleetelane: by Richarde Iohnes, and are to be sould at his shop, ioynyng to the southwest doore of sainct Paules Churche, 1571. October 4. ESTC No. S121826. Grub Street ID 141394.
  • Phillips, John. A balad intituled, A cold pye for the papistes, wherin is contayned: the trust of true subiectes for suppressyng of sedicious papistrie and rebellion: to the maintenance of the Gospell, and the publique peace of Englande. Made to be songe to Lassiamiza noate. Imprinted at London: By William How, for Richard Iohnes and are to be solde, at his shop ioyning to the southwest doore of Paules Church, [1570?]. ESTC No. S121832. Grub Street ID 141400.
  • Phillips, John. A frendly larum, or faythfull warnynge to the true harted subiectes of England. Discoueryng the actes, and malicious myndes of those obstinate and rebellious papists that hope (as they terme it) to haue theyr golden day. By I. Phil. Imprinted at London: In Fleetstreete by William How: for Rycharde Iohnes, [1570]. ESTC No. S110453. Grub Street ID 130498.
  • Phillips, John. An epitaphe on the death of the right noble and most vertuous lady Margarit Duglasis good grace, Countisse of Liuinox (& daughter to the renowmed & most excellent lady Margarit Queene, sister to the magnificent & most mighty Prince Henry the eight of England, Fraunce and Ireland, Kinge, and by Gods permission Queene of Scotland,) who disceased this life in the ninth day of March. anno. 1577. at hir mannoure in Hackny in the countye of Midelsex and lieth enterred the. 3. day of April at Westminster in the chaple of King Henry the seuenth, her worthie grandfather of Englande, Fraunce and Ireland King. [et]c. The yeare of our Lorde God. 1578, and in the. 20. yeare of our soueraigne lady Queene, Elizabeth by the grace of God of Englande, Fraunce and Irelande, Queene, defendour of the faith. [et]c. Imprinted at London: For Edvvard VVhite and are to be solde at the little north dore of Paules at the signe of the Gunne, [1578]. ESTC No. S121827. Grub Street ID 141395.
  • Phillips, John. A commemoration of the right noble and vertuous ladye, Margrit Duglasis good grace, Countis of Lennox, daughter to the renowmed and most excellent Princesse Margrit, Queene of Scotland, espowsed to King Iames the fourth, of that name ... wherin is rehearsed hir godly life, her constancy and perfit pacience, in time of infortune her godly end, [and] last farewel, taken of al noble estates at the howre of her death. The ninth day of March. 1577. At her house of Hackney in the countie of Midlesex: and now lyeth enterred the thyrd of April, in the chappel of King Henry the seauenth her worthy grandfather. 1578. And anno. 20. of our soueraigne lady Quéene Elizabeth, by Gods permission of England, Fraunce and Irelande Quéene, [and]c. [Imprinted at London: By Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbycan, at the signe of the halfe Eagle and Key, [1578]]. ESTC No. S110448. Grub Street ID 130493.
  • Phillips, John. The wonderfull worke of God shewed vpon a chylde whose name is William Withers, being in the towne of Walsam, within the countie of Suffolke : who being eleven yeeres of age, laye in a traunce the space of tenne dayes, without taking any manner of sustenance, and at this present lyeth, and neuer speaketh, but once in twelue, or four and twentie houres, and when he commeth to himselfe, he declareth most straunge and rare thinges, which are to come, and hath continued the space of three weeks. Imprinted at London: By Robert Waldegraue, dwelling in the Strand, neere vnto Sommersette house, [1581]. ESTC No. S1638. Grub Street ID 146056.
  • Phillips, John. The coat-armour of a christian, contayning diuers Godly prayers, and comfortable meditations, for the preseruation of the soule. Set Foarth by I.P. At London: printed [by R. Waldegrave] for Iohn Harrison the yonger, and are to be sold at the signe of the Anker in Pater-noster-Rowe, [1584]. ESTC No. S94715. Grub Street ID 152887.
  • Phillips, John. [A summons to repentance.]. [London: H. Jackson, 1584]. ESTC No. S94717. Grub Street ID 152888.
  • Phillips, John. The tryumph of true subiectes. Wherein they are incouraged to continue their obedience to God, their loue and loyaltie to hir excellent Maiestie, and the wicked and maleuolent diswaded from their treacherous practises. Whereunto is annexed hir most royal going from hir Highnes court holden at Sommerset house, on the xxiiii. of Nouember, to heare the deuine seruice in the cathedral church of Paules, and the preaching of the gospell at Paules Crosse, and her most worthy and famous receiuing into her highnes chamber and city of London, by the right honorable the L Maior, his brethren, the aldermen, and the loyall citizens of the same. Published to the exceeding ioy of all hir good subiectes of London, and England, by I.P. [London]: Imprinted at London, in Fleetstreat, beneath the Conduite, at the signe of S. Iohn Euangelist, by H. Iackson, 1588. ESTC No. S94719. Grub Street ID 152890.
  • Phillips, John. A sommon to repentance. Giuen vnto Christians for a looknig [sic] glasse, wherein wee may behold our owne deformities, & therein and therby, wee are not onely forewarned of our destructions, but we are learned to humble our selues in these daungerous dayes of wickednes, before the throne of Gods mercie, that we may be preserued from the lake of damnation, in the great and notable day of Christed comming to indgment [sic]. Published by I.P. student of Cambridge. At London: printed by H. Iackson, dwelling in Fleetstreete, 1590. ESTC No. S94718. Grub Street ID 152889.
  • Phillips, John. The perfect path to paradice: containing diuerse most ghostlie and wholsome prayers, fruitfull & Christian meditations, for the comfort of euerie afflicted conscience: published in these dangerous days of wickednesse, and deliuered to al those that feare God, & hope for saluation in Christ Iesus, as a spirituall weapon to beate downe sinne, sathan, and all the power of hell, &c. By Iohn Phillips. Imprinted at London: by H. Iackson dwelling in Fleetstreete, 1590. ESTC No. S123521. Grub Street ID 143008.
  • Phillips, John. Vt hora, sic fugit vita. A commemoration on the life and death of the right Honourable, Sir Christopher Hatton, Knight, late Lord Chauncellor of England. Wherin triumphant trueth reuiueth his memorie from the graue: exhorting nobilitie, gentrie, and duetifull subiects, to continue their obedience to God and her Maiestie, and to preuent by pollicie the perilous practises of euery ciuil and forrain enemy. Published by Iohn Phillips. London: printed [by Edward Allde] for Edward White, 1591. ESTC No. S110452. Grub Street ID 130497.
  • Phillips, John. The Christians A.B.C., or, A Christian alphabet contayning grounds of knowledge vnto saluation first propounded in alphabeticall forme, each proposition being seconded with some solid reasons : secondly repeated by way of question and answer, with the proofe of euery particular point of doctrine, acquainting the reader with the most select texts of scripture, whereupon our Christian faith is grounded by I.P. B. of D. London: Printed by Tho. Harper for Fulke Clifton, and are to be sold at this shop on Fishstreet-hill, 1629. ESTC No. S3143. Grub Street ID 147429.
  • Phillips, John. The English fortune-tellers: containing several necessary questions resolved by the ablest antient philosophers, and modern astrologers. Gathered from their writings and manuscripts, by J. P. student in astrology. Licens'd and entred, according to order. London : printed by W. and J. Wilde, for P. Brooksby, and the Goldern-Ball in Pye-Corner; J. Deacon, at the Angel in Gilt-spur street; J. Blare, at the Looking-Glass on London Bridge, near the church; and J. Back, at the Black Boy on the middle of London-Bridge, M DC XCIII. [1693]. ESTC No. R231935. Grub Street ID 103849.
  • Phillips, John. The Greek of the first epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians explained. Wherein the etymology of the most difficult words is given: the verbs noted in their various moods and tenses: the metaphors carefully explained: and the whole illustrated with critical and explanatory notes. By John Phillips, of Kingsley in Cheshire. London : Printed for the author, MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T204044. Grub Street ID 234414.
  • Phillips, John. The Britons bulwark, or, the sailors friend. Being the out lines of a plan for manning the Navy, abolishing the cruel and inefficacious method of impressing. ... Liverpool: printed by Tho. Cowburne, 1766. ESTC No. T166810. Grub Street ID 204964.
  • Phillips, John. Four letters, from John Phillips of Liverpool; to Sir William Meredith, on a very recent Occasion. Liverpool: printed by Thomas Cowburne, in Castle-Street, M,DCC,LXX. [1770]. ESTC No. T40092. Grub Street ID 269215.
  • Phillips, John. A narrative shewing why the Rev. J. Phillips is not in connexion with the Episcopalian Methodists. With a defence of the doctrines held and taught by the author. Most humbly addressed to the ministers and members of that society in particular, and to the public in general. Together with a summary account of his connexion with, &c. the Rev. W. Hammet. [Four lines of quotations]. Charleston [S.C.]: Printed for the author, by J. M'Iver, no. 47, Bay, MDCCXCVI. [1796]. ESTC No. W13767. Grub Street ID 323122.
  • Phillips, John. A short treatise on Divine prescience, to which is affixed, a letter, on the subject of guile, addressed to the Rev. Mr. S--H. Together with remarks on a conversation between the Rev. Bishop C--ke and the author; and some strictures on a sermon preached by the Rev. Bisho A-B-Y, at Charleston, South Carolina. By John Phillips ... [One line from Psalms]. New-York: Printed for the author, --1798--. ESTC No. W22277. Grub Street ID 332095.