Protestant Volunteer..
Serious thoughts on the baneful growth of popery, and the consequences of the rebellion; With a Hint to Party Squabbles, and Changes at C-t: to which is annexed, a proposal offered to the Wisdom of the Legislature, to pass into a law, in order to prevent Romish priests from being able, in Time to come, to swarm like locusts among us, and making unhappy Proselytes, as they have hitherto done. Absolutely necessary for the Perusal of all true Protestants, who are determined to exert themselves on such an Occasion; and to shun the fatal Delusions of Jesuits and Popish Minions. By a Protestant volunteer. Authors, who attempt to write on the Principles of Publick Spirit, with a View to promote National Happiness, should everavoid the Common Graspings after Gain; that their Sentiments may be purchased at a moderate Expence.
London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe, in Pater-Noster-Row, MD.CCXLVI. [1746].
ESTC No. N22664.Grub Street ID 12014.