Publications of Charles Leadbetter


  • Leadbetter, Charles. A treatise of eclipses for 26 years: commencing anno 1715. ending anno 1740. Wherein is contained, the beginning, middle and ending, the digits eclipsed ; together with the Types of those that will be visible at London: As also, the Position of Heaven at the middle time of each visible Eclipse, with an Astrological Judgment deduced from the same; with an account, of several great Conjunctions, &c. with the Time and Type of the Eclipse of the Planet Jupiter, Dec. 24. Anno 1715. all which I have most exactly Calculated from the best Tables extant; and for the Meridian of the famous City of London, whose Latitude is 51 deg. 32 min. North. By Charles Leadbetter. London : printed for J. and B. Sprint at the Bill in Little Britain, 1717. ESTC No. T122552. Grub Street ID 173217.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. A most curious and exact calculation and description of the triple conjunction, of the three superious planets, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, in December 1722. Shewing how and when they pass by each other; as also the Transit of Mercury over the Sun's Disk, in October next. Done by Charles Leadbetter, Author of The Treatise of Eclipses, and Teacher of the Mathematicks, at the Hand and Pen, in Cock-Lane, near Shore-Ditch, London. A Work very useful for all Gentlemen, Students in Astronomy, and others: To whom this Sheet is humbly Presented by the Author. London : printed by S.C. and sold by the pamphlet-sellers of London and Westminster, [1722]. ESTC No. T130791. Grub Street ID 179868.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. Astronomy; or, the true system of the planets demonstrated. Wherein are shewn by instrument, their anomalies, heliocentrick and geocentrick places both in longitude and latitude; their Aphelions, Perihelions, Retrogradations and Elongations, Parallaxes and Distances from the Sun and Earth: With the Method of Computing the Times when Venus and Mercury may be seen in the Sun's Disk. Also the Moon's Phases, and Eclipses of the Luminaries, for any time past, present, or to come. With proper Cuts to each Planet: By which any Person may in a few Hours, and with great Ease, attain to a perfect Knowledge of the Planetary, or Solar System. Likewise The Places of the Heavenly Bodies and Motion of the Earth are not only shewn, but plainly and succinctly demonstrated to the Meanest Capacity, by Short and Easie Rules and New Astronomical Tables. With the Places of 130 Principal Fixed Stars, 33 of which lye in the Moon's Way: Design'd as a Help towards discovering the Longitude at Sea. To which is prefix. London : printed for J. Wilcox in Little Britain; and T. Heath, Mathematical Instrument-Maker, near the Fountain-Tavern in the Strand, MDCCXXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. T107162. Grub Street ID 160227.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. A compleat system of astronomy. In two volumes. Containing the description and use of the sector; the laws of spheric geometry; ... Also new tables of the motions of the planets, ... By Charles Leadbetter, teacher of the mathematicks. London : printed for J. Wilcox, 1728. ESTC No. T9576. Grub Street ID 315256.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. Astronomy of the satellites of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn: Grounded upon Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of the Earth's Satellite. The Theory explain'd, and made easy to the meanest Capacity, in calculating the true Place of the Moon: And freed from the Errors printed in the said Theory, by Dr. Gregory, Dr. Harris, and several other Authors for which now the Place of the Moon, and Eclipses of the Luminaries, are found to a very great Exactness. Also New Tables of the Motions of the Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, (founded upon the Observations of Mr. Flamsteed, Mr. Cassini, Mr. Hugens, Dr. Halley and Mr. Pound,) from the Vernal Equinox: By which their Places and Positions, in respect of one another, may be exactly determined at any given Time. Adapted to the [illegible] of London. To which is added, A Problem to find the Latitude of the Place by the Altitude of the Sun, Moon, or Star, upon any Azimuth; being very useful for all Sea-Faring Men, as well as Gentlemen and others. By Charles Lead. London : printed for J. Wilcox, at the Green-Dragon, in Little-Britain, M.DCC.XXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T8469. Grub Street ID 305065.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. A treatise of eclipses of the sun and moon, for thirty-five years, commencing anno 1715, ending 1749. Containing the beginning, the middle and ending, the digits eclipsed; together, with the types of those that will be visible at London, with the general times of the solar eclipses, and the limits of the shade of the moon determined. To which are added, the calculations of hte times of the transits of Venus and Mercury over the sun, with the types thereof, for seventy-nine years. And the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn, to the year 1821. By Charles Leadbetter, teacher of the mathematicks. The second edition, with additions.. London : printed for John Wilcox, at the Green-Dragon, in Little-Britain, M.DCC.XXXI. [1731]. ESTC No. T176549. Grub Street ID 213573.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. Uranoscopia: or, the contemplation of the heavens. Being a demonstration of the equation of time. With the method of observing the solar ingresses into any point of the ecliptic; ... By Charles Leadbetter, . London : printed for J. Wilcox, 1735. ESTC No. T133875. Grub Street ID 182583.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. Mechanick dialling: or, the new art of shadows: freed from the many obscurities, superfluities and errors of former writers upon this Subject. The whole laid down after so plain a Method that any Person (tho' a Stranger to the Art) With a Pair of Compasses and Common Rules only, May make a Dial upon any Plane for any Place in the World, as well as those who have attained to the greatest Knowledge and Perfection in the Mathematicks. Illustrated with many copper plates, and examples of dials for London, Exeter, Bristol, Worcester, Oxford, Cambridge, Norwich, Lincoln, Chester, Liverpool, York, Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham, Edinburgh, Dublin, &c. To which are added, 1. A choice collection of mottos in Latin and English. 2. A New and Correct Alphabetical table of the mos eminent cities, towns, in the whole World; shewing the elevation of the Pole, and the Difference of their Meridian from London. 3. The best and most approved methods of painting sun dials. A Work not only useful for Artificers, b. London : printed for Edward Wicksteed at the Black Swan in Newgate-Street, 1737. ESTC No. T133701. Grub Street ID 182431.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. The young mathematician's companion, being a compleat tutor to the mathematicks; Whereby the Young Beginner may be early Instructed; those who have lost the Opportunity of learning in their Youth may with very little Pains, and in a short Time become Proficients in this delightful and instructive Science, and such whose Business it is to teach, may receive much Useful Assistance. Containing, I. Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, Extraction of Roots by Natural Numbers, and by Logarithms. II. Description and Use of the Sector, with the most useful Definitions, Theorems, and Problems in Geometry. III. Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, Astronomy, Dyalling, and Surveying of Land. IV. Curious Discourses, calculated to render a Practical Knowledge of the Mathematicks more easy and familiar. The Whole Interspersed with delightful and useful Questions, and adorned with proper Schemes in order to excite the Curiosity, and form the Minds of Youth. By Charles Leadbetter, Teacher of the Mathematicks. London : printed for J. Hodges [by Charles Jephson], at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, [1739]. ESTC No. T133877. Grub Street ID 182585.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. The royal gauger; or, gauging made easy, as it is actually practised by the officers of His Majesty's revenue of excise. In two parts. Part I. Containing the practical Methods of finding the Area's and Contents of such Superficies and Solids, as are the Foundation of Gauging. Also the Established Rules for finding the Contents of all Sorts of Cisterns, Coppers, Backs, Coolers, Tuns, Stills and Casks, when full, or Part empty: The Examples being performed both by the Pen and Sliding Rule: And this not in Ale, Wine and Malt only, but in the New Duties, viz. Candles, Sopes, Starch, &c. which have been Duties subsisting by Law almost 30 Years; and are very considerable Branches of the Revenue as well as of every Excise Officer's Duty, tho' yet they have never been so much as once touch'd upon by any Author. With the Officer's Duty in the Distillery. Part II. Shewing the necessary Steps to be taken for obtaining Employment in the Excise, with authentic Forms of such Certificates, Petitions, Oa. London : printed for E. Wicksteed, at the Black Swan in Newgate-Street, near Warwick-Lane, 1739. ESTC No. T69871. Grub Street ID 293747.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. A compleat system of astronomy. In two volumes. Containing, the description and use of the sector, the laws of spheric geometry; ... Also new tables of the motions of the planets, ... The second edition, with additions. By Charles Leadbetter, . London : printed for J. Wilcox, 1741. ESTC No. N52430. Grub Street ID 36417.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. A compleat system of astronomy. In two volumes. Containing, the description and use of the sector, the laws of spheric geometry; the projection of the sphere orthographically and stereographically upon the planes of the meridian, ecliptic and horizon; the doctrine of the sphere; and the eclipses of the Sun and Moon for thirty nine years. Together with all the precepts of calculation. Also new tables of the motions of the planets, fix'd stars, and the first satellite of Jupiter's declinations to every degree and minute of the ecliptic, to six degrees of N. and S. latitude; of right and oblique ascensions, and logistical logarithms. To the whole are prefix'd, astronomical definitions, for the benefit of young students. The second edition, with additions. By Charles Leadbettar, teacher of the Mathematics. London : Printed for J. Wilcox, at Virgil's Head, over against the New Church in the Strand, MDCCXLII [1742]. ESTC No. T167142. Grub Street ID 205275.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. The royal gauger; or, gauging made easy, as it is actually practised by the officers of his Majesty's Revenue of Excise. In two parts. Part I. Containing the practical Methods of finding the Area's and Contents of such Superficies and Solids, as are the Foundation of Gauging. Also the Established Rules for finding the Contents of all Sorts of Cisterns, Coppers, Backs, Coolers, Tuns, Stills and Casks, when full, or Part empty: The Examples being performed here both by the Pen and Sliding Rule: And this not in Ale, Beer, Wine and Malt only; but in Made-Wines, Sope, Starch, Candles, Hops, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, all sorts of Leather, Paper, &c. which have been very considerable Branches of the Revenue, as well as of every Excise Officer's Duty for above thirty Years past, though yet never treated of by any Author. With the Officer's Duty in the Distillery. Part II. Shewing the necessary Steps to be taken for obtaining Employment in the Excise, with authentic Forms of such Certificates, Petit. London : printed for the author; and sold by E. Wicksteed, at the Black-Swan in Newgate-Street, near Newgate-Market, 1743. ESTC No. T121896. Grub Street ID 172650.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. The young mathematician's companion, being a compleat tutor to the mathematicks; Whereby the Young Beginner may be early Instructed; those who have lost the Opportunity of learning in their Youth may with very little Pains, and in a short Time become Proficients in this delightful and instructive Science, and such whose Business it is to teach, may receive much Useful Assistance. Containing, I. Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, Extraction of Roots by Natural Numbers, and by Logarithms. II. Description and Use of the Sector, with the most useful Definitions, Theorems, and Problems in Geometry. III. Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, Astronomy, Dyalling, and Surveying of Land. IV. Curious Discourses, calculated to render a Practical Knowledge of the Mathematicks more easy and familiar. The Whole Interspersed with delightful and Useful Questions, and adorned with proper Schemes in order to excite the Curiosity, and form the Minds of Youth. By Charles Leadbetter, Teacher of the Mathematicks. The second edition, with large and useful additions.. London : printed for J. Hodges [by Charles Jephson], at the Looking-Glass facing St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, [1748]. ESTC No. T133876. Grub Street ID 182584.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. The royal gauger; or, gauging made perfectly easy, as it is actually practised by the officers of His Majesty's revenue of excise. In two parts. Part I. Containing the practical Methods of finding the Area's and Contents of such Superficies and Solids, as are the Foundation of Gauging. Also the Established Rules for finding the Contents of all Sorts of Cisterns, Coppers, Backs, Coolers, Tuns, Stills and Casks, when full, or Part empty: The Examples being performed here both by the Pen and Sliding Rule: And this not in Ale, Beer, Wine and Malt only; but in Made-Wines, Soap, Starch, Candles, Hops, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, all Sorts of Leather, Paper, &c. which have been very considerable Branches of the Revenue, as well as of every Excise Officer's Duty for above thirty Years past, though yet never treated of by any Author. With the Officer's Duty in the Distillery. Freed from the Obscurities and Errors of other Writers. Part II. Shewing the necessary Steps to be taken for obtaining Employme. London : printed for E. Wicksteed, at the Black-Swan in Newgate-Street, near Newgate-Market, 1750. ESTC No. T80378. Grub Street ID 301487.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. The royal gauger; or, Gauging made perfectly easy, as it it actually practised by the officers of His Majesty's revenue of excise. In two parts. Part I. Containing the practical methods of finding the areas and contents of such superficies and solids, as are the foundation of gauging. Also the established rules for finding the contents of all sorts of cisterns, coppers, backs, coolers, tuns, stills and casks, when full, or part empty: the examples being performed here both by the pen and sliding rule: and this not in ale, beer, wine, and malt only; but in made-wines, soap, starch, candles, hops, coffee, tea, chocolate, all sorts of leather, paper, &c. which have been very considerable branches of the revenue, as well as of every excise officer's duty for above forty years past, though yet never treated of by any author. With the officer's duty in the distillery, and glass-house: freed from the obscurities and errors of other writers. Part II. Shewing the necessary steps to be taken for ob. London : Printed for E. Wicksteed, in Warwick Court, Newgate-street, 1755. ESTC No. T121651. Grub Street ID 172409.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. Mechanick dialling; or, the new art of shadows: freed from the many obscurities, superfluities and errors of former writers upon this subject. The whole laid down after so plain a Method, that any Person (tho' a Stranger to the Art) With a Pair of Compasses and Common Ruler only, May make a Dial upon any Plane for any Place in the World, as well as those who have attained to the greatest Knowledge and Perfection in the Mathematics. Illustrated with many copper plates, And Examples of Dials for London, Exeter, Bristol, Worcester, Oxford, Cambridge, Norwich, Lincoln, Chester, Liverpool, York, Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham, Edinburgh, Dublin, &c. To which are added, 1. A Collection of above 300 Mottos in Latin and English. 2. A New and Correct Alphabetical Table of the most eminent Cities and Towns, in the whole World; shewing the Elevation of the Pole, and the Difference of their Meridian from London. 3. The best and most approved Methods of Painting Sun-Dials. A Work not only useful for Artifi. London : printed for E. Wicksteed, in Warwick-Court, Warwick-Lane, Newgate-Street, 1756. ESTC No. T39085. Grub Street ID 268442.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. The royal gauger; or, gauging made perfectly easy, as it is actually practised by the officers of his Majesty's Revenue of Excise. In two parts. Part I. Containing the practical Methods of finding the Areas and Contents of such Superficies and Solids, as are the Foundation of Gauging. Also the Established Rules for finding the Contents of all Sorts of Cisterns, Coppers, Backs, Coolers, Tuns, Stills and Casks, when full, or Part empty: The Examples being performed here both by the Pen and Sliding Rule: And this not in Ale, Beer, Wine and Malt only; but in Made-Wines, Soap, Starch, Candles, Hops, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, all Sorts of Leather, Paper, &c. which have been very considerable Branches of the Revenue, as well as of every Excise Officer's Duty for above Forty Years past, though yet never treated of by any Author. With the Officer's Duty in the Distillery and Glass-House: Freed from the Obscurities and Errors of other Writers. Part II. Shewing all the necessary Steps to be taken for. London : printed (by assignment from the executors of Edward Wicksteed) for C. Hitch and L. Hawes, R. Baldwin, J. Richardson, H. Woodgate and S. Brooks, J. Coote, and Z. Stuart, in Pater-Noster-Row; W. Johnston, in Ludgate-Street; S. Crowder adn Co. London-Bridge; B. Law, in Avimary-Lane; and T. Caslon, opposite Stationers Hall, 1760. ESTC No. T121904. Grub Street ID 172656.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. The Royal gauger; or, Gauging made perfectly easy, as practised by the officers of His Majesty's revenue of excise. In two parts. Part I. Contains the practical methods of finding the areas and contents of such superficies and solids, as occur in gauging: Also the established rules for finding the contents of all sorts of cisterns, coppers, backs, &c. and casks, when full, or part empty. The examples are here performed both by pen and sliding rule, in ale, beer, wine and malt; also soap, starch, candles, hops, coffee, tea, chocolate, leather, paper, &c. with the officer's duty in all branches of the revenue. Part II. Shewing the proper method to be taken for obtaining employment in the excise, with authentic forms of such certificates, petitions, oaths, &c. as are requisite for that purpose. Together with necessary directions for the officer's conduct, in ascertaining and securing the duties of excise; also copious tables for the traders to ascertain the amount of those duties, without en. London : Printed for J. Rivington, R. Baldwin, L. Hawes, W. Clarke and R. Collins, T. Longman, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, B. Law, Z. Stuart, J. Coote, and M. Richardson, 1766. ESTC No. N23202. Grub Street ID 12562.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. Mechanick dialling; or, the new art of shadows, freed from the many obscurities, superfluities and errors of former writers upon this subject. The Whole laid down after so plain a Method that any Person (tho's a Stranger to the Art) With a Pair of Compasses and Common Ruler only, May make a Dial upon any Plane for any Place in the World, as well as those who have attained to the greatest Knowledge and Perfection in the Mathematics. Illustrated with many copper plates, And Examples of Dials for London, Exeter, Bristol, Worcester, Oxford, Cambridge, Norwich, Lincoln, Chester, Liverpool, York, Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham, Edinburgh, Dublin, &c. To which are added, 1. A Collection of above 300 Mottos in Latin and English. 2. A new and correct Alphabetical Table of the most eminent Cities and Towns in the World; shewing the Elevation of the Pole, and the Difference of their Meridians From London. 3. The best and most approved Methods of Painting Sun Dials. A Work not only useful for Artificers,. London : printed for G. Pearch, at No. 12, in Cheapside, 1769. ESTC No. T39086. Grub Street ID 268443.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. Mechanick dialling; or, the new art of shadows, freed from the many obscurities, superfluities and errors of former writers upon this Subject. The Whole laid down after so plain a Method that any Person (though a Stranger to the Art) With a Pair of Compasses and Common Ruler only, May make a Dial upon any Plane for any Place in the World, as well as those who have attained to the greatest Knowledge, and Perfection in the Mathematics. Illustrated with many copper plates, and Examples of Dials for London, Exeter, Bristol, Worcester, Oxford, Cambridge, Norwich, Lincoln, Chester, Liverpool, York, Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham, Edinburgh, Dublin, &c. To which are Added, I. A Collection of above 300 Mottos in Latin and English. 2. A new and correct Alphabetical Table of the most eminent Cities and Towns in the World; shewing the Elevation of the Pole, and the Difference of their Meridians from London. 3. The best and most approved Methods of Painting Sun Dials. A Work not only useful for Artificers. London : printed for Thomas Caslon, No. 4, Opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, MDCCLXXIII. [1773]. ESTC No. T68464. Grub Street ID 292651.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. The royal gauger; or, gauging made perfectly easy, as practised by the officers of his Majesty's Revenue of Excise. In two parts. Part I. Contains the practical Methods of finding the Areas and Contents of such Superficies and Solids, as occur in Gauging: Also the Established Rules for finding the Contents of all Sorts of Cisterns, Coppers, Backs, &c. and Casks, when full, or Part empty. The Examples are here performed both by the Pen And Sliding Rule, In Ale, Beer, Wine, and Malt; also Soap, Starch, Candles, Hops, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Leather, Paper, &c. With the Officer's Duty in all Branches of the Revenue. Part II. Shewing the proper Method to be taken for obtaining Employment in the Excise, with authentic Forms of such Certificates, Petitions, Oaths, &c. as are requisite for that Purpose. Together with Necessary Directions for the Officer's Conduct, in ascertaining and securing the Duties of Excise; also copious Tables for the Traders to ascertain the Amount of those Duties, witho. London : printed for J. and F. Rivington, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, T. Longman, B. Law, L. Hawes, W. Clarke, and R. Collins, G. Robinson, W. Stuart, W. Nicoll, and R. Baldwin, [1776]. ESTC No. T133874. Grub Street ID 182582.
  • Leadbetter, Charles. The young mathematician's companion; being a complete tutor to the mathematics: Whereby the Young Beginner may be early instructed, those who have lost the Opportunity of learning in their Youth may, with very little Pains, and in a short Time, become Proficients in this delightful and instructive Science, and such whose Business it is to teach, may receive much Useful Assistance. Containing I. Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, Extraction of Roots by Natural Numbers, and by Logarithms. II. Description and Use of the Sector, with the most useful Definitions, Theorems, and Problems in Geometry. III. Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, Astronomy, Dialling, and Surveying of Land. IV. Curious Discourses, calculated to render a Practical Knowledge of the Mathematics more easy and familiar. The Whole interspersed with delightful and useful Questions, and adorned with proper Schemes in order to excite the Curiosity, and form the Minds of Youth. By Charles Leadbetter, Teacher of the Mathematics, and Au. The second edition, with large and useful additions.. London : printed for S. Crowder, Paternoster-Row, M,DCC,XCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. T222880. Grub Street ID 245604.