Publications of Richard Manningham


  • Manningham, Richard. An exact diary of what was observ'd during a close attendance upon Mary Toft, the pretended rabbet-breeder of Godalming in Surrey, from Monday Nov. 28, to Wednesday Dec. 7 following. Together with an account of her confession of the fraud. By Sir Richard Manningham, Kt. Fellow of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physicians, London. London : printed for Fletcher Gyles over-against Grays-Inn in Holborn, and sold by J. Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1726. ESTC No. T56206. Grub Street ID 282755.
  • Manningham, Richard. An exact diary of what was observ'd during a close attendance upon Mary Toft, the pretended Rabbet-Breeder of Godalming in Surrey, from Monday Nov. 28, to Wednesday Dec. 7 following. Together with an account of her confession of the fraud. By Sir Richard Manningham, Kt. fellow of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physicians, London. The second edition.. London : Printed for Fletcher Gyles over-against Grays-Inn in Holborn, and sold by J. Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1726. ESTC No. T56209. Grub Street ID 282758.
  • Manningham, Richard. Artis obstetricariæ compendium tam theoriam quam praxin spectans: morborum omnium qui foeminis inter gestandum in utero, & in puerperio, nec non infantibus supervenire solent curationem totam complectens. Huc accedunt morborum omnium, quibus corpus humanum est obnoxium naturam investigandi methodus vera & accuratissima, illorum curationem efficacissimam indigitans; et observationes nonnullae ad praxin generalem medicinae attinentes: on usum medicinae tyronum auctore Richardo Manningham Equite, M.D. R.S.S. et Coll. Med. Lond. Londini : impensis Edvardi Littleton, apud insigne Mitrae deauratae in vico vocato Fleetstreet, 1739. ESTC No. T55620. Grub Street ID 282186.
  • Manningham, Richard. Artis obstetricariæ compendium Tam theoriam quam praxin spectans: Morborum omnium qui Foeminis inter gestandum in Utero, & in Puerperio, nec non Infantibus supervenire solent curationem totam complectens. Huc accedunt morborum omnium, quibus Corpus humanum est obnoxium naturam investigandi methodus vera & accuratissima, illorum curationem efficacissimam indigitans: Et observationes nonnullæ ad praxin generalem medicinæ attinentes: in usum medicinæ tyronum auctore Richardo Manningham, Equite, M. D. R. S. S. et Coll. Med. Lond. Londini : impensis T. Gardner, apud Insigne Capitis Coulcii prope Temple-Bar, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T65480. Grub Street ID 290397.
  • Manningham, Richard. An abstract of midwifry, for the use of the lying-in infirmary: which with due explanations by anatomical preparations, &c. the repeated Performances of all Kinds of Deliveries, on our great Machine, with the Ocular Demonstration of the Reason and Justness of the Rules to be observed in all genuine and true Labours, in the Lying-in Infirmary, on our Glass Machine, makes a complete method of teaching midwifry; by giving the Pupils the most exact Knowledge of the Art, and perfectly forming their Hands, at the same time, for the safe and ready practice of midwifry. By Sir Richard Manningham, Knt. M.D. F.R.S. and of the College of Physicians, London. London : printed by T. Gardner, at Cowley's Head opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand, 1744. ESTC No. T55621. Grub Street ID 282187.
  • Manningham, Richard. The symptoms, nature, causes, and cure of the febricula, or little fever: commonly called The Nervous or Hysteric Fever; the Fever on the Spirits; Vapours, Hypo, or Spleen. By Sir Richard Manningham, Knt. M.D. F.R.S. and of the College of Physicians, London. London : printed for T. Osborne, in Gray's-Inn, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T55629. Grub Street ID 282194.
  • Manningham, Richard. The symptoms, nature, causes, and cure of the febricula, or little fever: commonly called The Nervous or Hysteric Fever; the Fever on the Spirits; Vapours, Hypo, or Spleen. By Sir Richard Manningham, Knt. M. D. F. R. S. and of the College of Physicians, London. Second edition with additions.. London : printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion in Ludgate-Street, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T55630. Grub Street ID 282196.
  • Manningham, Richard. The use and abuse of physic, with the certain method, to know the disease; ... By Sir Richard Manningham, . The second edition.. London : printed for J. Robinson, 1754. ESTC No. N36154. Grub Street ID 24131.
  • Manningham, Richard. Artis obstetricariae compendium tam theoriam quam praxin spectans: morborum omnium qui foeminis inter gestandum in utero, & in puerperio, nec-non infantibus supervenire solent curationem totam complectens. Huc accedunt morborum omnium, quibus corpus humanum est obnoxium naturam investigandi methodus vera & accuratissima, illorum curationem efficacissimam indigitans: et observationes nonnullae ad praxin generalem medicinae attinentes: in usum medicinae tyronum auctore Richardo Manningham, Equite, M.D. R.S.S. & Coll. Med. Lond. Londini : impensis T. Gardner, apud insigne Capitis Couleii 1754. Prostant Lovanii apud Joann. Franciscum van Overbeke, sub signo Lampadis Aureae, [1754]. ESTC No. N5118. Grub Street ID 35177.
  • Manningham, Richard. The symptoms, nature, causes, and cure of the febricula, or little fever: commonly called The Nervous or Hysteric Fever; the Fever on the Spirits; Vapours, Hypo, or Spleen. By Sir Richard Manningham, Knt. M. D. F. R. S. and of the College of Physicians, London. The third edition.. London : printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion in Ludgate-Street, MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. T55631. Grub Street ID 282197.
  • Manningham, Richard. An humble address to the Honourable Court of Directors, and the rest of the proprietors of East India Stock. In vindication of Charles Manningham, Esq; by Sir Richard Manningham, Kt. London : printed for J. Robinson, 1757. ESTC No. T191007. Grub Street ID 226054.
  • Manningham, Richard. An humble address to the Honourable Court of Directors, and the rest of the proprietors of East India Stock. Iu [sic] vindication of Charles Manningham, Esq; by Sir Richard Manningham, Kt. To which is added, an humble address ... In reply to that of Sir Richard Manningham. By John Zephaniah Holwell. London : printed in the year, 1758. ESTC No. T214197. Grub Street ID 240731.
  • Manningham, Richard. A discourse concerning the plague and pestilential fevers: plainly proving, that the general productive causes of all plagues of pestilence, are from some fault in the air: or from ill and unwholesome Diet: And that the Air is the principal Cause of Spreading the Infection; and the great Danger this Nation is in of producing an Artificial Famine; with some Hints for Prevention and Cure. If a Scarcity of Bread-Corn, whether real or Artificial be the Occasion of ill and unwholesome Diet; tho' it may at present more immediately affect the Poor only, yet the not timely prevented, its Evil Effects may soon reach the most oppulent; for the Plague of Pestilence may be much sooner produced in this Nation, by an Artificial Famine, than by any Infection of the Plague Itself from Foreign Parts. By Sir Richard Manningham, Kt. M.D. F.R.S. and of the College of Physicians, London. London : printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, Ludgate-Street, MD.CC.LVIII. [1758]. ESTC No. N575. Grub Street ID 40656.
  • Manningham, Richard. The symptoms, nature, causes, and cure of the febricula, or, little fever: commonly called the nervous or hysteric fever; the Fever on the Spirits; Vapours, Hypo, or Spleen. By Sir Richard Manningham, Knt. M. D. F. R. S. and of the College of Physicians, London. The fourth edition.. London : printed for G. Kearsly, at the Golden-Lion in Ludgate-Street, MDCCLX. [1760]. ESTC No. N23239. Grub Street ID 12600.