Lewis, Edward.
The invasion: or, The confederacy of Syria with Ephraim, to set the son of Tabeal upon the throne of Judah. A sermon, occasioned by the intended French invasion in favour of the pretender, and by the general fast on Wednesday, April 11, 1744. Appointed by His Majesty, for obtaining the pardon of our sins, &c. By Edward Lewis, M.A. rector of Waterstock in Oxfordshire.
London : Printed for J. Oswald, at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry, near the Mansion-House, 1744.
ESTC No. T3080.Grub Street ID 261638.
Lewis, Edward.
Peace to Britain, or no popish pretender: an address to protestants, shewing why we should oppose the Pretender; and how we may do it effectually.
London : printed for J. Oswald, at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry, near the Mansion-House, [1745].
ESTC No. T129427.Grub Street ID 178887.
Lewis, Edward.
Private vices the occasion of publick calamities. Proved from the nature of things; and by the testimony of ths [sic] wisest, ... An essay. By Edward Lewis, .
London : printed for J. Oswald; and E. Broughton, at Oxford, 1747.
ESTC No. T103929.Grub Street ID 157531.
Lewis, Edward.
Mercy and judgement; or, Intestine war but soon over: cattle die; but men not oblig'd to eat their carcases. A sermon occaisoned by the general fast; on Wednesday January 7, 1746. Appointed by His Majesty. To which is added, an hymn to the creator for the glorious and seasonable victory over the rebels at Culloden, on the 16th of April, 1746. By His Majesty's forces, under the command of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. And a letter of expostulation to the ladies of Mancheseter, upon their late and present behaviour. By Edward Lewis, M.A. rector of Waterstock, and Emington, in Oxfordshire.
London : Printed for John Oswald, at the Rose and Crown near the ... . And sold by the booksellers of Oxford and Cambridge, 1747.
ESTC No. T39246.Grub Street ID 268539.
Lewis, Edward.
The sacrament a plain and rational institution: or, the Lord's Supper set in so just, and clear a light, that a person of the meanest capacity, may know what he does, when he partakes thereof. All Places in the New Testament that relate, or are supposed to relate to it, are set down at large, with a Paraphrase in an opposite Column. To which is subjoined a Critical Commentary. With prayers. By Edward Lewis, M. A. Rector of Waterstock, and Emington, in Oxfordshire.
London : printed and sold by J. Oswald, near the Mansion-House, in the Poultry, [1751].
ESTC No. T103384.Grub Street ID 157013.
Lewis, Edward.
The italian husband: or, the violated bed avenged. A moral drama. By Edward Lewis, M.A.
London : sold by M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLIV. [1754].
ESTC No. T128928.Grub Street ID 178443.
Lewis, Edward.
Sinners saved by Jesus Christ, as preached in Holy Scripture: But Church, and fathers, and clergy, are no sure guides to Heaven. A sermon preached at the Arch-Deacon's visitation, held at St. Martin's, in Oxford. On Saturday, October 9, 1756. By Edward Lewis, M. A. Rector of Waterstock, and Emington, in Oxfordshire.
London : printed for E. Dilly, at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry, near the Mansion-House, [1757].
ESTC No. T48309.Grub Street ID 276236.
Lewis, Edward.
The patriot king displayed, in the life and reign of Henry VIII. King of England: from the time of his quarrel with the pope, to his death. By Edward Lewis, ...
Dublin: printed for H. Saunders, W. Sleater, D. Chamberlaine, J. Potts, and J. Williams, 1769.
ESTC No. N23568.Grub Street ID 12922.
Lewis, Edward.
The patriot king displayed: in the life and reign of Henry Viii. King of England: from the time of his quarrel with the pope, to his death. By Edward Lewis, M. A. Rector of Waterstock and Emington, in Oxfordshire.
London : printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, in the Poultry, M.DCC.LXIX. [1769].
ESTC No. T146596.Grub Street ID 193222.