A jord-n for the duke's chamber [Dorothea Jordan]

published by W. Dent

Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University Library, 791.11.01.01

The caricature is an offensive joke upon the morals and choices of both Jordan and the Duke of Clarence (subsequently William IV), punning on her name (a jordan is a term for a chamber pot) and common imagery of a cracked vessel denoting a lack or loss of sexual innocence. The chambermaids and cooks comment, from left to right:

Why, its quite a Common thing

And how it's Crack't—ay—he'll soon want another

It's a deep One

Here's Master's curious Choice! what a Whim! cracked a thousand times—why it lay by the side of a Ford over so long till Master pickt it up—well, much good may it do him—it wont last long—he once had a Black One—next perhaps will be a Brown One—well for my part I say nothing—but a Man had better have a thing that will do him service and be a credit to him—your good Bell Metal is your thing for lasting service and Cooking well.

He deserves to be well roasted.

"Ford" is an allusion to Jordan's husband Richard Ford (ca. 1759–1806).

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