The Pot Calling the Kettle Black A [...], or, Two of a Trade Can Never Agree

published by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccaddilly [sic]

Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University Library, 791.11.03.01+

The caricature depicts Dorothy Jordan (the image alludes to Mrs. Jordan as Pickle in Bickerstaffe's The Spoil'd Child), Maria Anne Fitzherbert (1756–1837), George IV, future King of Great Britain (1762–1830), and William IV, future King of Great Britain (1765–1837). Jordan on the left says:

I, Strumpet, Creature, Pickle, What if you have as many Thousands as I have hundreds why then. Yow are the Greater W— Tho' once I was a Coblers Wife.

Fitzherbert replies:

Get out you Strumpet how Dare you come into my presence: what do you think I'd keep company with such a Pickle as  you; pray Sir Keep you Creatures out of my sight. I'm an honest Woman Ma'm

William comments to his brother George:

Why you know George we leaped the Broom as well as yow, & tho' yow Palaver'd a good deal to Quiet the Lady's Concience why I did it with less Gammon thats all.

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