Du Moulin, Peter.
Petri Molinæi Filij carmen heroicum ad regem. In memoriam serenissimi & potentissimi Regis Iacobii.
Londini: [Eliot's Court Press] apud Ioannem Billivm typographum Regium, 1625.
ESTC No. S124518.Grub Street ID 143872.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A letter of a French Protestant to a Scotishman of the Covenant. VVherein one of their chiefe pretences is removed, which is their conformitie with the French churches in points of discipline and obedience.
London: Printed by R. Young, and R. Badger, 1640.
ESTC No. S111088.Grub Street ID 131008.
Du Moulin, Peter.
The masse in Latine and English. With a commentary and observations upon it. Wherein also are described the severall sorts of masses, with the ridiculousnesse of their mysteries, absurditie of their ceremonies, and originall of every piece of the masse: and that (after the word of God) nothing is so contrary unto the masse, as the very masse it selfe. Written in French by Peter du Moulin, Doctor and Professor in Divinitie. And Englished by James Mountaine.
London: printed by S. Bulkley, for Rob. Somer and Tho. Cowley, at the Grey-hound in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1641.
ESTC No. R23446.Grub Street ID 105807.
Du Moulin, Peter.
The masse in Latin and English. With a commentary and observations upon it. Wherein also are described the severall sorts of masses, with the ridiculousnesse of their mysteries, absurditie of their ceremonies, and originall of every piece of the masse: and that (after the word of God) nothing is so contrary unto the masse, as the very masse it selfe. Written in French by Peter du Moulin, Doctor and Professor in Divinitie. And Englished by James Mountaine.
London: printed by Steven Bulkley, and are to be sold by Rob: Somer and Tho: Cowley, at the Grey-hound in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1641.
ESTC No. R227432.Grub Street ID 100340.
Du Moulin, Peter.
Regii sanguinis clamor ad coelum adversus paricidas Anglicanos.
Hagæ Comitum: ex typographiâ Adriani Vlac, M.DC.LII. [1652].
ESTC No. R209465.Grub Street ID 85697.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A week of soliloquies and prayers. With a preparation for the Holy Communion. By Peter Du-Moulin the son, fo [sic] D. Moulin.
London: printed for H. Moseley at the Princes Arms in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1657.
ESTC No. R171859.Grub Street ID 65939.
Du Moulin, Peter.
Of peace and contentment of minde. By Peter Du Moulin the sonne. D.D.
London: printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Prince's Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1657.
ESTC No. R209203.Grub Street ID 85422.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A vindication of the sincerity of the Protestant religion in the point of obedience to sovereignes. Opposed to the doctrine of rebellion, authorised and practised by the Pope and the Jesuites. In answer to a Jesuitical libel, entituled Philanax Anglicus. By Peter Du Moulin, D.D. Canon of Christ-Church Canterbury, one of His Majesties Chaplains.
London : printed by I. Redmayne, for John Crook, at the Ship in St Pauls Church-yard, 1664.
ESTC No. R27927.Grub Street ID 111061.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A vindication of the sincerity of the Protestant religion in the point of obedience to sovereigns. Opposed to the doctrine of rebellion, authorised and practised by the Pope and the Jesuites. In answer to a Jesuitical libel, entituled Philanax Anglicus. By Peter Du Moulin, D.D. Canon of Christ-Church Canterbury, one of His Majesties Chaplains.
London : printed for John Crook, and are to be sold at his shop in Duck-Lane, 1667.
ESTC No. R214584.Grub Street ID 89801.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A vindication of the sincerity of the Protestant religion in the point of obedience to sovereigns. Opposed to the doctrine of rebellion, authorised and practiced by the Pope and the Jesuites. In answer to a Jesuitical libel, entituled Philanax Anglicus. By Peter Du Moulin, D.D. Canon of Christ-Church Canterbury, one of His Majesties chaplains.
The third edition with additions..
London : printed for John Crook, and are to be sold at this shop in Duck-Lane, 1668.
ESTC No. R17104.Grub Street ID 65433.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A sermon preach'd in St. Martins Church in the suburbs of Canterbury, Sept. 14. 1669. At the funeral of the Right Honourable Mabella Lady Fordwitch. The relict of Sir John Finch, Kt. Baron of Fordwitch, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. By Peter Du Moulin, D.D. Canon of Christs-Church Canterbury, one of his Majesties chaplains.
London : printed for J. Morgan in Well-Yard, near St Bartholomews-Hospital, 1669.
ESTC No. R41939.Grub Street ID 123423.
Du Moulin, Peter.
Petri Molinæi P. F. Parergon incrementum.
Cantabrigiæ: excudebat Joann. Hayes, celeberrimæ academiæ typographus. M.DC.LXX. Impenisi Joannis Creed, Bibliopolæ Cant., [1670].
ESTC No. R176024.Grub Street ID 68698.
Du Moulin, Peter.
Petri Molinæi P.F. Parerga. Poematum libelli tres. I. Hymni in symbolum apostolorum. II. Ecclesiæ gemitus. III. Sylva variorum. Me verò primum divinæ ante omnia musæ, quarum sacra fero ingenti perculsus amore, accipiant, c?ique vias & sidera monstrent.
Cantabrigiæ: excudebat Joann. Hayes, celeberrimæ Academiæ typographus. M.DC.LXX. Impensis Joannis Creed, bibliopolæ Cant., [1670].
ESTC No. R17102.Grub Street ID 65430.
Du Moulin, Peter.
Petri Molinæi P.F. Parerga. Poematum libelli tres. I. Hymni in symbolum apostolorum. II. Ecclesiæ gemitus. III. Sylva variorum. Huic editioni accessit mantissa aliquot poematum. Me verò primum divinæ ante omnia musæ, quarum sacra fero ingenti perculsus amore, accipiant, c?ique vias & sidera monstrent.
Cantabrigiæ: excudebat Joann. Hayes, celeberrimæ Academiæ typographus. M.DC.LXXI. Impensis Joannis Creed, bibliopolæ Cantab, [1671].
ESTC No. R231450.Grub Street ID 103511.
Du Moulin, Peter.
Petri Molinæi P.F. Parerg?n incrementum.
Cantabrigiæ: excudebat Joann. Hayes, celeberrimæ Academiæ typographus. M.DC.LXXI. Impensis Joannis Creed, bibliopolæ Cant., [1671].
ESTC No. R17103.Grub Street ID 65431.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A treatise of peace & contentment of mind. By Peter Du Moulin D.D. Canon of Christs Church Canterbury: one of His Majesties chaplains.
Second edition revised and amended by the author..
London : printed by A[ndrew]. Clark for John Sims at Sweetings Alley end in Cornhil near the Royal-Exchange, M DC LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R18392.Grub Street ID 73652.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A sermon preached in the metropolitical church of Canterbury, October 17. MDCLXXII. At the funeral of the very Reverend Thomas Turner, D.D. dean of the same church. By Peter du Moulin, DD. canon there, and one of His Majesties chaplains.
London : printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in S. Paul's Church-Yard near the west end, 1672.
ESTC No. R10909.Grub Street ID 59245.
Du Moulin, Peter.
Directions for the education of a young prince. Till seven years of age. Which will serve for the governing of children of all conditions. Translated out of French.
London : printed for H. Brome at the Gun in St. Paul's Church-yard, atthe [sic] West End, 1673.
ESTC No. R31384.Grub Street ID 114181.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A replie to a person of honour his pretended answer to the vindication of the Protestant religion in the point of obedience to soveraigns, and to the book of papal tyranny. By Peter Du Moulin, D.D.
London : Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun at the West end of St. Pauls, 1675.
ESTC No. R22659.Grub Street ID 99579.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A calm answer to a violent discourse of N.N. a seminary priest, for the invocation of saints: with a reflection upon the covetousness and impostures of the popish clergy.
London : printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in St. Pauls Church-yard, the west end, 1677.
ESTC No. R9766.Grub Street ID 129812.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A week of soliloquies and prayers with a preparation to the Holy Communion : and other devotions added to this edition : in two parts / by Peter Du-Moulin.
London : Printed for H. Brome, 1677.
ESTC No. R28596.Grub Street ID 111650.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A treatise of peace & contentment of mind. By Peter Du Moulin D.D. Canon of Christs Church Canterbury: one of His Majesties Chaplains.
The third edition, revised and much amended by the author..
London : printed by R. White for John Sims at Sweetings Alley end in Cornhil near the Royal-Exchange, MDCLXXVIII. [1678].
ESTC No. R6386.Grub Street ID 126733.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A treatise of peace and contentment of mind. By Peter du Moulin, D.D. Canon of Christs-Cuhrch [sic] Canterbury: one of His Majesties chaplains.
The third edition, revised and much amended; with the addition of one whole chapter: by the authour..
London : printed by R[obert]. White, for Samuel Tidmarsh, at Sweeting's Alley-end in Cornhil near the Royal-Exchange, MDCLXXVIII. [1678].
ESTC No. R176429.Grub Street ID 68962.
Du Moulin, Peter.
The ruine of papacy: or, A clear display of the simony of the Romish clergy. With a circulatory letter to the fathers of those virgins that desert their families to turn nuns. By the learned pen of that famous divine, Peter du Moulin. A new piece translated out of the French.
London : printed for Robert Harford, at the Angel in Cornhill near the Royal-Exchange, 1678.
ESTC No. R37779.Grub Street ID 119974.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A treatise of peace and contentment of mind. By Peter Du Moulin, D.D. Canon of Christs-Cuhrch [sic] Canterbury: one of His Majesties Chaplains.
The third edition, revised and much amended; with the addition of one whole chapter: by the author..
London : printed by R[obert]. White, for Samuel Tidmarsh, at Sweeting's Alley-end in Cornhil near the Royal-Exchange, MDCLXXIX.
ESTC No. R174871.Grub Street ID 67924.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A week of soliloquies and prayers: with a preparation to the Holy Communion. And other devotions added to this edition. In two parts. By Peter Du-Moulin, D.D.
London : printed for H. Brome, D. Newman, and T. Cockerill, 1679.
ESTC No. R36126.Grub Street ID 118454.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A vindication of the sincerity of the Protestant religion in the point of obedience to sovereigns. Opposed to the doctrine of rebellion, authorised and practised by the Pope and the Jesuites. In answer to a Jesuitical libel, entituled Philanax Anglicus. By Peter Du Moulin, D.D. Canon of Christs-Church Canterbury, one of His Majesties Chaplains.
The fourth edition: in which more light is given about the horrible popish plot, whereby our late Sacred Sovereign Charles the I. was murdered..
London : printed for B.T. and are to be sold by Henry Bonwick at the Red Lyon in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1679.
ESTC No. R35019.Grub Street ID 117484.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A vindication of the sincerity of the Protestant religion in the point of obedience to sovereigns. Opposed to the doctrine of rebellion, authorised and practised by the Pope and the Jesuites. In answer to a Jesuitical libel, entituled Philanax Anglicus. By Peter Du Moulin, D.D. Canon of Christs-Church Canterbury, one of His Majesties Chaplains.
The fourth edition: in which more light is given about the horrible Popish Plot, whereby our late sacred Sovereign Charles the I. was murdered..
London : printed for Benjamin Took, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1679.
ESTC No. R5513.Grub Street ID 125949.
Du Moulin, Peter.
Ten sermons preached upon several occasions. By Peter du Moulin, D.D. and Prebendary of Christ's Church in Canterbury.
London : printed for Rich. Royston, bookseller to His most sacred Majesty, 1684.
ESTC No. R24918.Grub Street ID 108653.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A week of soliloquies, and prayers. With a preparation to the Holy Communion. And other devotions added to this edition. In two parts. By Peter Du-Moulin, D.D.
London : printed for D. Newman, T. Cockerill, and Ch. Brome, 1692.
ESTC No. R18534.Grub Street ID 74446.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A sermon preach'd in St. Martins Church in the suburbs of Canterbury, Sept. 14. 1669. at the funeral of the Right Honourable Mabella, Lady Fordwitch. The relict of Sir John Finch, Kt. Baron of Fordwitch, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. By Peter Du Moulin, D. D. Canon of Christs-Church, Canterbury, one of His Majesty's Chaplains.
London : printed and sold by Henry Hills in Black-Fryars, near the Water-Side, 1709.
ESTC No. N23667.Grub Street ID 13022.
Du Moulin, Peter.
A treatise on peace of soul, and content of mind. Written originally in French by Mr. Peter Du Moulin, the son. A work consisting of devotion, morality, divinity, and philosophy; adapted to every capacity, and equally proper for all Christians in general. First corrected, improved, and re-published with notes, by Mr. Sartoris. And now translated into English, with additional notes, in two volumes, by John Scrope, D.D. Rector of Castle-Combe, and Vicar of Kington St. Michael's, in the county of Wilts. .
Salisbury : printed by Edward Easton: and sold by Millar, in the Strand, Hawes, Clarke and Collins, and Baldwin, in Pater-noster Row, London; Fletcher and Prince, in Oxford; Leake and Frederick, at Bath; and Burrough, at Devizes, M.DCC.LXV. [1765].
ESTC No. T116731.Grub Street ID 168384.
Du Moulin, Peter.
An abridgment of Mr. Dumoulin's treatise on peace of soul and content of mind. By the translator of the larger work.
Salisbury : printed by Edward Easton: and sold by Hawes, Clarke and Collins, and Baldwin, in Pater-noster Row, Cadel, in the Strand, and Horsfield, in Ludgate-street, London; Fletcher and Prince, in Oxford; Leake and Frederick, at Bath; and Burrough, at Devizes, 1769.
ESTC No. T116730.Grub Street ID 168383.