Beverley, Thomas.
A discourse of the judgments of God. Composed for the present times, against atheism and prophaneness.
London : printed by J.M. for Henry Herringman at the Sign of the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New Exchange, 1668.
ESTC No. R14172.Grub Street ID 62217.
Beverley, Thomas.
The general inefficacy and insincerity of a late, or death-bed repentanceDT With earnestest disswasives from committing our eternal condition, to that infinite hazard. And a full resolution of the case, how far a death-bed repentance is possible, to be sincere and effectual.
London : printed by J. Redmayne, for W. Grantham at the Sign of the Black Bear, in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1670.
ESTC No. R18995.Grub Street ID 76800.
Beverley, Thomas.
The great soul of man, or, The soul in its likeness to God, its nature, operations, and everlasting state discoursed. By Tho Beverley.
London : printed for William Grantham, at the Black Bear in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1675.
ESTC No. R172737.Grub Street ID 66513.
Beverley, Thomas.
The great soul of man, or, The soul in its likeness to God, its nature, operations, and everlasting state discoursed. By Tho. Beverley.
London : printed for William Grantham, at the Black Bear in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1676.
ESTC No. R34409.Grub Street ID 116934.
Beverley, Thomas.
The great soul of man, or, the soul in its likeness to God, its nature, operations, and everlasting state discoursed. By Tho. Beverley.
London : printed for William Miller, at the Gilded Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard, over against the little North-Door, 1676.
ESTC No. R172738.Grub Street ID 66514.
Beverley, Thomas.
The great soul of man, or, The soul in its likeness to God, its nature, operations, and everlasting state discoursed. By Tho. Beverley.
London : printed for William Miller, at the Gilded Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard, over against the little North-Door, 1677.
ESTC No. R30226.Grub Street ID 113109.
Beverley, Thomas.
The whole duty of nations. Or, National true religion argued and perswaded upon greatest motives of Scripture and reason. Conciliated to all moderate apprehensions, though differing in smaller things. And to the strictest notion of churches. By a minister of the Catholic Church as it is national in England.
London : printed for William Miller at the Gilded-Acorn in St. Pauls Churchyard, over against the little north-door, 1681.
ESTC No. R222303.Grub Street ID 96324.
Beverley, Thomas.
The whole duty of nations. Or, National true religion argued and perswaded upon greatest motives of Scripture and reason. Conciliated to all moderate apprehensions, though differing in smaller things. And to the strictest notion of churches. By a minister of the catholic Church as it is national in England.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, near Mercers-Chappel, 1681.
ESTC No. R1787.Grub Street ID 70335.
Beverley, Thomas.
The woe of scandal: or, Scandal in its general nature and effects; discours'd, as one strongest argument against impositions in religious things acknowledg'd to be indifferent.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside, 1682.
ESTC No. R18139.Grub Street ID 71997.
Beverley, Thomas.
The principles of Protestant truth and peace. In four treatises. Viz. The true state of liberty of conscience, in freedom from penal laws and church-censures. The obligations to national true religion. The nature of scandal, paricularly as it relates to indifferent things. A Catholick catechism, shewing the true grounds upon which the Catholick religion is ascertained. By Tho. Beverley Rector of Lilley in Hertfordshire.
London : Printed for Tho. Parkhurst and Will. Miller at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, and the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683.
ESTC No. R12543.Grub Street ID 60711.
Beverley, Thomas.
A Catholick catechism: shewing the impossibility the Catholick religion should be varied to the degree of a thought, from the measures left sealed by the apostles, without the loss of truth. And therefore the impossibility popery, or whatever else is not found in Scripture, should be Catholick. Composed to the capacity of the meanest, that will but consider; that they may know and be ready, upon unmovable reasons, to give an apologie, or defensive answer, for the Catholick religion, if they are indeed of it; and be secured from temptation in times of danger.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst and Will. Miller at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, and the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1683.
ESTC No. R37094.Grub Street ID 119341.
Beverley, Thomas.
A Scripture-line of time, drawn in brief from the lapsed creation, to the restitution of all things. Discours'd at large, upon the 2300 ev. morn. Dan. 8. 14. And their collateral lines, from Cyrus, to the kingdom of Christ in the New Jerusalem. By T Beverley.
London] : Printed according to a calendar, 1684.
ESTC No. R25251.Grub Street ID 108957.
Beverley, Thomas.
A disquisition upon our Saviour's sanction of tithes, Matth. 23. 23. and Luke 11, [sic] 42. Wherein that whole case is most impartially stated and resolved according to express scripture: for the satisfaction of all scruples. Entred according to order.
London : printed by Th[omas]. Dawks, 1685.
ESTC No. R34408.Grub Street ID 116933.
Beverley, Thomas.
A sermon of the true, spiritual, transubstantiation, oppos'd to the gross, carnal, imaginary, transubstantiation. Wherein the true meaning of the Lord's Supper is opened, in order to a constant, habitual, and actual preparation to it. By TBeverley.
London] : Printed for the author, 1687.
ESTC No. R18401.Grub Street ID 73728.
Beverley, Thomas.
The first part of the Scripture line of time. Presenting its several joynts in a clear and brief view from the first to the last sabbatism; whose mutual aspects upon one another, and upon the whole line are diligently observ'd, as a most considerable proof of such a line and from thence a very momentous confirmation of the Christian Sabbath, or Lords Day, is given: together with inferences tending to practise, and particularly moving to a discerning of the signs of the times, and what ought now to be done in regard of the nearness of the blessed sabbatism. A judgment also is drawn from the seituation of the joynts of the last part of time, upon the fall of the antichristian and Mahometan empires in compare. By T. Beverley.
London] : Printed for the author, 1687.
ESTC No. R15148.Grub Street ID 63107.
Beverley, Thomas.
An exposition of the divinely prophetick Song of Songs which is Solomons. Beginning with the reign of David and Solomon, ending in the glorious kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Adjusted to the expositor's line of time, and illustrating it. And composed into verse. By TBeverley.
London : printed for the author, 1687.
ESTC No. R10740.Grub Street ID 59084.
Beverley, Thomas.
The late great revolution in this nation; argued according to Rev. 17. 16. 17. to be duely ascribed to the supreme spirit now about to move in the fulfilling all prophecy; the earnest of which is vouch-saf'd to us in this so wonderful change. In pursuance of a discourse published twelve months past, viz, The command of God to come out of Babylon: wherein is more fully proved the now Roman Communion is intended, and that the words of God will be fulfilled concerning the present state of the papacy in its expiration, and the hatred of the whore, 1697. By TBeverley.
London] : Printed for John Salusbury in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1689.
ESTC No. R14224.Grub Street ID 62269.
Beverley, Thomas.
The voice from heaven, come out of Babylon, my people; demonstrated to mean the coming out of the present papal Rome, and it's communion. And herewith a solemn proof is given that the Papacy can survive, but eight years in the principality it yet retains. Enforced by a preface. Adjusted to the present illustrious appearances of God in the world, and particularly in this nation. By T. Beverley.
London] : Printed and sold, by John Salusbury in Cornhill, 1688/9. [1689.
ESTC No. R232529.Grub Street ID 104299.
Beverley, Thomas.
The grand apocalyptical vision of the witnesses slain, dated to its periods of prophesie and history: .
London] : Printed for John Salusbury at the Rising Sun in Cornhill, [1689?.
ESTC No. R20342.Grub Street ID 80516.
Beverley, Thomas.
The pattern of the divine temple, sanstuary, [sic] and city of the New Jerusalem: measured according to Ezekiels last and greatest vision, chap. 40. to the end. [Whi]ch temple shall be seen open'd in heaven in the days of the seventh trumpet; at the end of the 1260 days of the apostasie 1697. That there may be a daily preparation in conformity to it, until it comes down from heaven at the end of the 2300 evens. morns. Dan. 8. 14. and of the 1335 days, Dan. 12. 12. at 1772. Designed as a preface to two late treatises, viz. The prophetic history of the Reformation till the great re-reformation; and The grand apocalyptick vision of the witnesses, rising and ascending: which shall contemporate with this temple open'd in heaven at the time 1697. By Tho. Beverley, a most humble reader in the prophesies of Jesus Christ.
London] : Printed, and are to be sold by John Salusbury, at the Rising Sun in Cornhill, [1690.
ESTC No. R4196.Grub Street ID 123440.
Beverley, Thomas.
The catechism of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the thousand years. Shewing by scripure, that the great articles of the redemption, the resurrection, the mystery of the saints not dying but chang'd, the judgment, the delivery up of the kingdom to God all in all cannot be explain'd at full dimensions without it.
London : printed for the author, 1690.
ESTC No. R23687.Grub Street ID 107506.
Beverley, Thomas.
A conciliatoy [sic] judgment concerning Dr. Crisps's sermons, and Mr. Baxter's dissatisfactions in them. By T. Beverley,.
London : printed, and sold by William Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-street, where you may be supplied with the Scripture line of time, and the other pieces of the same authors, 1690.
ESTC No. R23688.Grub Street ID 107512.
Beverley, Thomas.
An appeal most humble, yet most earnestly by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto him, even adjuring the consideration of the most contrary minded, who love his appearing: concerning the Scripture on due compare, speaking expresly, or word for word. Of the thousand years state of the saints; the dead raised first, and of the living, the remaining chang'd in it. And of the wicked-dead-raised, the Gog Magog under it. By T.B.
London] : Printed for John Salusbury, at the Rising Sun in Cornhill, 1691.
ESTC No. R31270.Grub Street ID 114074.
Beverley, Thomas.
An exposition of the divine standard of prayer, styl'd the Lord's Prayer. Of the preface, conclnsion [sic], and of every petition of it; as of the prayer of the kingdom of Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. By T. Beverley.
London : Printed for John Salusbury, at the Rising-Sun in Cornhil, 1692.
ESTC No. R37096.Grub Street ID 119343.
Beverley, Thomas.
The general inefficacy and insincerity of a late, or death-bed repentance with earnestest dissuasives from committing our eternal condition to that unspeakable hazard : and, a full resolution of the case, how far a death-bed repentance is possible to be sincere and effectual / by T. Beverley.
London : Printed by R. Smith for William Miller .., MDCXCII [1692].
ESTC No. R37105.Grub Street ID 119353.
Beverley, Thomas.
A sermon upon Revel. 11, 11, &c. summoning the expectation of the witnesses rising: and of the great concurrent works daily shewing forth themselves, and to be compleat by 1697. Together with the surprizing confirmations of the line of time, and the 1260 days of years ending 1697. Design'd as an encouragement of earnest prayer, with assured faith and hope of the blessing of God on the arms of Protestant princes; and particularly, of our King, and the change of the state of the suffering witnesses in France. By T. Beverley.
London : printed for John Salisbury, at the Rising Sun in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1692.
ESTC No. R5617.Grub Street ID 126045.
Beverley, Thomas.
A conciliatory discourse upon Dr. Crisp's sermons, on the observation of Mr. Williams's dissatisfactions in them: in which the unsearcheable riches of Christ in the covenant of grace, passing knowledge, is yet aspired to, to be made known. Humbly presented to the preachers of the merchants lecture at Pinners-Hall; to the sustainers of it, and the congregation usually assembled there. By T. Beverley.
London : printed for William Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate-street, 1692.
ESTC No. R34407.Grub Street ID 116932.
Beverley, Thomas.
The true state of Gospel truth, established upon the free election of God in Christ: the agreement, and yet difference between law and Gospel; so, that the Gospel cannot be stiled law. The inconditionateness of the Gospel salvation. The procedure of the Day of Judgment. In the way of a conciliatory discourse upon Mr. Williams his concessions. By T. Beverley.
London : printed for William Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate street, where you may be supplied with most of Mr. Beverley's works, and Dr. Owen's late pieces, .., 1693.
ESTC No. R19088.Grub Street ID 76887.
Beverley, Thomas.
Evangelical repentance unto salvation not to be repented of, upon 2 Cor. 7. 10. And as most seasonable; short considerations on that great context Hebr. 12. 26. Yet once more I shake not only Earth, &c. Upon the solemn occasion of the late dreadful earthquake in Jamaica; and the later monitory motion of the earth in London, and other parts of the nation, and beyond the sea. Whereunto is adjoined a discourse on death-bed repentance, on Luc. 22. 39. By T. Beverley.
London : printed by R. Smith for W. Miller at the Gilded Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard, where gentlemen and others may be furnished with bound books of most sorts, Acts of Parliament, speeches, and other sorts of discourses, and state matter; as also books of divinity, church-government, humanity, sermons on most occasions, &c., MDCXCIII. [1693].
ESTC No. R17858.Grub Street ID 70260.
Beverley, Thomas.
The blessing of Moses on the tribe of Asher, opened and applyed: in the mystical and spiritual sense, to every saint and servant of Christ. In a sermon on Deut. 33.25. Thy shooes shall be iron and brass, and as thy days, so shall thy strength be. By T. Beverley.
London : printed by J.A. for John Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey, 1693.
ESTC No. R20407.Grub Street ID 81096.
Beverley, Thomas.
An exposition of the divine standard of prayer, styl'd the Lord's Prayer. Of the preface, conclusion, and of every petition of it; as of the prayer of the kingdom of Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. By T. Beverley.
The second edition..
London : printed for William Marshal at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and John Salusbury, at the Rising Sun in Corn-hil, 1693.
ESTC No. R14396.Grub Street ID 62422.
Beverley, Thomas.
A fresh memorial of the kingdom of Christ: demonstrating from that solemn oath of Christ, Rev. X. by express letter of Scripture, and most historical matter of fact; it must needs enter its succession 1697. and begin so great and happy an era of time, that in regard to it, it might well be sworn, there shall be time (viz. such as had been) no more, or no farther, for ever. By T. Beverley.
London : printed for William Marshal at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and John Salusbury, at the Rising Sun in Corn-hill, 1693.
ESTC No. R35308.Grub Street ID 117726.
Beverley, Thomas.
A compendious assertion and vindication of the eternal Godhead of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the blssed [sic] spirit; on occasion of that paper cast into both Houses of Parliament at the begining of this session, in denial thereof: by T. Beverley.
London : printed for William Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-street, 1694.
ESTC No. R37095.Grub Street ID 119342.
Beverley, Thomas.
The great charter for the interpretation of all prophecy of Scripture, and of the times defined by it: pleaded, in justification of what hath been written thereupon, against the several imputations of curiosity, groundless presumption, phantastry, or enthusiasm.
[S.l.: For the author, 1694].
ESTC No. R170522.Grub Street ID 65152.
Beverley, Thomas.
The loss of the soul, the irreparable loss, opened and demonstrated, I. By the excellency of the soul. II. The utter incompetency of the world to answer it. III. The misery of a soul lost. IV. The eternal sting of that question, What shall a man give in exchange for a lost soul? In a sermon, on Matt. XVI.26. What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul; or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? By T. Beverley.
London : printed for W. Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate-street, 1694. Where you may be supplied with most of Mr. Beverley's, and Dr. Owen's works, [1694].
ESTC No. R20343.Grub Street ID 80526.
Beverley, Thomas.
A discourse upon the powers of the world to come: or, The miraculous powers of the Gospel, and kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. And their certain return at the kingdom of Christ in its succession. To which is adjoyn'd the great charter for the interpretation of the prophecy of Scripture, and more particularly, of the prophetick numbers of time; evincing the kingdom of Christ in succession at 1697. And consequently miracles shall then return. By T. Beverley.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by W. Marshal, at the Bible in Newgate-street, 1694.
ESTC No. R205346.Grub Street ID 82123.
Beverley, Thomas.
A discourse upon the powers of the world to come: or, The miraculous powers of the Gospel, and kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. And their certain return at the kingdom of Christ in its succession. By T. Beverley.
London : printed for William Marshall at the in Newgate-street, MDCXCIV. [1694] Where you may be furnish'd with Mr. Beverley's Vindication of the Eternal Godhead, lately written on occasion of a paper cast into both Houses of Parliament, at the beginning of the last sessions; and most of his other books; with Dr. Owen's, Carryl on Job, Pool's Synopsis Criticorum, in faive volumes; or the New Testament single, in two volumes, or the 3d, 4th or 5th volumes singly, to supply other sets. And those that have the 1st or 2nd volumes of the syopsis, may recieve money for them.
ESTC No. R9966.Grub Street ID 129999.
Beverley, Thomas.
A solemn perswasion to most earnest prayer for the revival of God, bringing forth the kingdom of Christ, whenever it appears declining under his indignation. Whether in our own souls. in the nation to which we belong. In the churches of Christ throughout. Upon occasion o the late stroke of divine displeasure in the death of the queen of so blessed remembrance. Bby T. Beverley.
London : printed for and sold by W. Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and J. Marshall jun. at the Bible in Gracious-Street near Cornhil, MDCXCV. [1695].
ESTC No. R23691.Grub Street ID 107533.
Beverley, Thomas.
The great Gospel-grace of faith, its nature opened, illustrated, and argued from Scripture, principally, as so often affirmed in the Word of God, to be faith, by which we are justified. Being the substance of several discourses on John 17. 7, 8. By a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, pretending to no name, but of one desirous; truth may be received on its own evidence with love.
London : printed for W. Marshal, at the Bible in Newgate-street, 1695.
ESTC No. R1850.Grub Street ID 74322.
Beverley, Thomas.
A solemn perswasion to most earnest prayer for the revival of the work of God, bringing forth the kingdom of Christ, whenever it appears declining under his indignation. Whether in our own souls. In the nation to which we belong. In the churches of Christ throughout. Upo occasion of the late stroke of divine displeasure in the death of the Queen of so blessed remembrance. By T. Beverley.
London : printed for W. Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-Street, MDCXCV. [1695].
ESTC No. R18234.Grub Street ID 72551.
Beverley, Thomas.
Jehovah-jireh: or, In the mount will the Lord be seen. Opened and applyed in a practical discourse on a day of seeking God in prayer. Viz. Moneth 10th. day 19th. 1694. By Thomas Beverley.
London : printed for the authour, MDCXCV. [1695].
ESTC No. R23689.Grub Street ID 107519.
Beverley, Thomas.
Christianity, the great mystery. In answer to a late treatise, Christianity not mysterious: that is not above, not contrary to reason. In opposition to which is asserted, Christianity is above created reason, in its pure estate. And contrary to humane reason, as fallen and corrupted: and therefore in proper sense, mystery. Together with a postcript [sic] letter to the author, on his second edition enlarg'd. By T.B.
Dondon [i.e. London] : printed for W. Marshal at the Bible on Newgate-Street: and John Marshall at the Bible in Grace-Church-street, 1696.
ESTC No. R12817.Grub Street ID 60968.
Beverley, Thomas.
The catechism of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the thousand years. Shewing by Scripture 1. That the great articles of the redemption, 2. The resurrection, 3. The mystery of the saints not dying but chang'd, 4. The judgment, 5. The delivery up of the kingdom to God all in all, cannot be explain'd at full dimensions without it. Dedicated to the bishops assembled in Parliament, and to the evangelical episcopacy, throughout the Protestant churches of Christ in these nations, and to all Christians in general.
The second edition with considerable additions, in relation to the kingdom of Christ..
London : printed for and sold by VVilliam Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and also by John Marshal at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street, 1696.
ESTC No. R24853.Grub Street ID 108599.
Beverley, Thomas.
A discourse being the substance of several sermons on the sacrament of the Lords Supper wherein the true spiritual nature thereof is opened, and unfolded, shewing also in what sence it is, that true believers do eat and drink the body and blood of Christ, with exhortations to come to that ordinance, and several directions in order to a constant habitual and actual preparation for it / by T. Beverly.
London : Printed for and sold by William Marshal .. and also by John Marshal .., 1696.
ESTC No. R39542.Grub Street ID 121425.
Beverley, Thomas.
The parable of the ten virgins in its peculiar relation to the coming and glorious kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ opened according to the analogy of the whole parable, and of Scripture in general, and practically applied for exercising all the churches to holy watchfulness ... : with an apology for the hope of the kingdom of Christ appearing within this approaching year 1697 ... presented to the notice and examination of the arch-bishops and bishops now in Parliament assembled / by T. Beverley.
London : Printed for and sold by Will. Marshal, 1697.
ESTC No. R25250.Grub Street ID 108956.
Beverley, Thomas.
An apology for the hope of the kingdom of Christ, appearing within this approaching year, 1697. Wherein some of the principal arguments for such an expectation are briefly couch'd, and the greater objections answered. Presented to the notice and examination of the arch-bishops and bishops now in Parliament assembled. By T. Beverley.
London : printed for, and sold by Will. Marshal at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and John Marshal at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street, 1697.
ESTC No. R12419.Grub Street ID 60602.
Beverley, Thomas.
God all in all: or, The kingdom of the Son deliver'd up to God, even the Father, by the Son himself. Being a sermon on the kingdom of God all in all. Leading into an exacter and clearer discovery of the kingdom of Christ, upon that great context, I Cor. 15. 24, 28. &c. By T. Beverley, a companion in the tribulation, and patience of the kingdom of Christ.
London : printed for Will. Marshal, at the Bible in Newgate-street, and John Marshal, at the Bible in Grace-Church-street, 1698.
ESTC No. R24854.Grub Street ID 108600.
Beverley, Thomas.
A review of what God hath been pleased to do this year, according to prophecy and particularly near the 23d of the month we stile August : in the general peace, and the Muscovian and imperial victories over the Turks : with a most humble apology and defence concerning th falling short of events, of what was expected according to the interpretation of that sure word of prophecy / by T. Beverley.
London : Printed for William Marshal.. and John M[a]rshal .., MDCXCVIII [1698].
ESTC No. R37111.Grub Street ID 119359.
Beverley, Thomas.
A most humble representation in a further review, erecting a pillar of praise, in acknowledgement of what God hath been pleased to do in this last remarkable year. With reasons from thence of expectation of a happy revolution in the rising of the suffering witnesses of Christ, or Protestants in France, &c. The fall of the Papal and Ottoman state, and the beginning of the Kingdom of Christ in the world, speedily to be brought to pass by the stone cut out of the mountains not in human hands, but to become himself a great mountain, filling the whole Earth.
London : printed for, and sold by William Marshall, at the Bible in Neargate-street. And by John Marshall, at the Bible in Grace-Church street, 1698.
ESTC No. R4113.Grub Street ID 122848.
Beverley, Thomas.
Indiction or, Accounting by fifteens, the great style of prophetic time. Shewn by an hundred eighty two indictions, or fifteens of years given in Scripture. According to which a line of 2730 years is drawn from Solomons kingdon, and temple falling from glory, at his death; to the temple and kingdom of the great Solomon in glory. And the principal indictions of time, viz. indicted time, indicted times, indicted half time, and their curious frame and engravings areset out. And from the whole frame of indictions arises arithmetic demonstration; that the Papal times are at an end, and that the first of the indictions of finishing is entring; so that the present persecution of the witnesses of Christ in France must needs be the last. By T. Beverley, an humble minister of the kingdom of Christ.
London : printed for W. Marshal, at the Bible in Newgate street, and J. Marshal at the Bible in Grace-Church-street, MDCXCIX. [1699].
ESTC No. R38703.Grub Street ID 120766.
Beverley, Thomas.
The good hope through grace. The jubilee of the Kingdom of Christ shall come upon the counterfeit jubilee of Rome; and before the end of the following year 1700, shall begin to bring under desolation that great city and its papacy : therein uniting the year 1697 with 1700. According to prophecy. Humbly presented to the faith and prayers of all sincere Protestants by, T. Beverley.
London : Printed for William Marshall, at the Sign of the Bible in Newgate-Street, and John Marshall, at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street, [1700].
ESTC No. R37108.Grub Street ID 119356.
Beverley, Thomas.
An appendix, to a discourse of indictions: and to a newly publish'd discourse of the jubilee of the kingdom of Christ.
London : printed for W. and J. Marshall, in Newgate and Grace-Church-street, 1700.
ESTC No. R24056.Grub Street ID 107889.
Beverley, Thomas.
The praise of the glory of grace, investing with grace in the beloved, demonstrated to be the supreme end of God in the salvation of man: According to which, The Preaching of the Gospel is to be directed; and the Inward Peace, and Consolation of Believers is to be Settled, and Cutting off all Angry Disputes in these Great Points. By T. Beverley, humbly desirous to be a Preacher of the Grace of the Gospel.
London : printed for Will. Marshal at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and J, Marshal at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street, 1701.
ESTC No. T99363.Grub Street ID 318502.
Beverley, Thomas.
The grand apocalyptic question; when the reign of Antichritianism, or the Papacy began? And consequently, when it shall end? In the assertion of the epoch, or beginning at A.D. 437, and the period or end, at 1697. Humbly debated with Mr. Fleming, In Answer to his Fixation of the Epoch at 606, and the Period at 1800. or After. Both Adjusted to the 1260 Days. By T. Beverley.
London : printed, and sold by William Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate-Street; and by John Marshall, at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street, in the year, 1701.
ESTC No. N2378.Grub Street ID 13140.
Beverley, Thomas.
Reflections upon the theory of the earth. Occasioned by a late examination of it. In a letter to a friend.
London : printed for H. Lintot, 1734.
ESTC No. N50786.Grub Street ID 34808.