Publications of Increase Mather


  • Mather, Increase. A narrative of the miseries of New-England, by reason of an arbitrary government erected there. Under Sir Edmond Andross. To which is added, some account of the humble application of the pious and noble Prelate, Henry Lord Bishop of London, with the reverend clergy of th city, and some of the dissenting ministers in it, to the illustrious Prince William Henry, Prince of Orange on Fryday [sic], September 21. 1688. Also the address of the noncomformist ministers (in and about the city of London) to His Higness [sic] the Prince of Orange. [Boston] London, printed, for Richard Janeway in Queen's-Head-Court, in Pater Noster-Row. And reprinted at Boston in New-England, by Richard Pierce. 1688 [i.e., 1689, New Style]. ESTC No. W19794. Grub Street ID 329427.
  • Mather, Increase. Some important truths about conversion, delivered in sundry sermons, by Increase Mather, D.D. teacher of a church at Boston, in New-England With a praeface by Dr. Owen. [Boston]: London printed. 1674. Boston, in N.E. re-printed by John Allen, for John Edwards, at his shop at the head of Kingstreet, 1721. ESTC No. W19806. Grub Street ID 329434.
  • Mather, Increase. Some important truths about conversion, delivered in sundry sermons, by Increase Mather, D.D. Teacher of a church at Boston, in New-England. With a praeface by Dr. Owen. [Boston]: London printed. 1674. Boston, in N.E. re-printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1721. ESTC No. W19808. Grub Street ID 329436.
  • Mather, Increase. A call to the tempted. A sermon on the horrid crime of self-murder, preached on a remarkable occasion, by the memorable Dr. Increase Mather. And now published from his notes, for a charitable stop to suicides. [Five lines of quotation in Latin]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, sold by Samuel Gerrish, at his shop near the Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill, March 12th. 1723,4. ESTC No. W2875. Grub Street ID 338939.
  • Mather, Increase. The mystery of Israel's salvation, explained and applyed: or, A discourse concerning the general conversion of the Israelitish nation. Wherein is shewed, 1. That the twelve tribes shall be saved. 2. When this is to be expected. 3. Why this must be. 4. What kind of salvation the tribes of Israel shall partake of (viz.) a glorious, wonderful, spiritual, temporal salvation. Being the substance of several sermons preached By Increase Mather, M.A. Teacher of a Church in Boston in New England. London : printed for John Allen in Wentworth-street, near Bell-Lane, 1669. ESTC No. R3981. Grub Street ID 121675.
  • Mather, Increase. The life and death of that reverend man of God, Mr. Richard Mather, teacher of the church in Dorchester in New-England. Cambridge [Mass.]: printed by S[amuel]. G[reen]. and M[armaduke]. J[ohnson]., 1670. ESTC No. R15047. Grub Street ID 63010.
  • Mather, Increase. Wo to drunkards. Two sermons testifying against the sin of drunkenness: wherein the wofulness of that evil, and the mistery of all that are addicted to it, is discovered from the word of God. Preached by Increase Mather, teacher of a church in Boston in New-England. [Ten lines of Scripture texts]. Cambridge [Mass.]: Printed by Marmaduke Johnson. 1673. And sold by Edmund Ranger bookbinder in Boston. [1673]. ESTC No. W19815. Grub Street ID 329441.
  • Mather, Increase. Wo [sic] to drunkards two sermons testifying against the sin of drunkenness, wherein the wofulness of that evil, and the misery of all that are addicted to it, is discovered from the Word of God / preached by Increase Mather. Cambridge [Mass.]: Printed by Marmaduke Johnson and sold by Edmund Ranger, 1673. ESTC No. R28823. Grub Street ID 111858.
  • Mather, Increase. Some important truths about conversion, delivered in sundry sermons,by Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. London : printed for Richard Chiswell, at Rose and Crown in Pauls Church-yard, anno 1674. ESTC No. R15597. Grub Street ID 63518.
  • Mather, Increase. The day of trouble is near. Two sermons wherein is shewed, what are the signs of a day of trouble being near. And particularly, what reason there is for New-England to expect a day of trouble. Also what is to be done, that we may escape these things which shall come to pass. Preached (the 11th day of the 12th moneth, 1673. being a day of humiliation in one of the churches in Boston. By Increase Mather, teacher of that church. Cambridge [Mass.]: printed by Marmaduke Johnson, 1674. ESTC No. R14785. Grub Street ID 62770.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning the subject of baptisme wherein the present controversies, that are agitated in the New English churches are from Scripture and reason modestly enquired into by Increase Mather, teacher of a church in Boston in New-England. Cambridge [Mass.]: printed by Samuel Green, 1675. ESTC No. W30945. Grub Street ID 341320.
  • Mather, Increase. The wicked mans portion. Or A sermon (preached at the lecture in Boston in New-England the 18th day of the 1 moneth 1674. when two men were executed, who had murthered their master.) Wherein is shewed that excesse in wickedness doth bring untimely death. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church of Christ. Boston: printed by John Foster, 1675. ESTC No. R15178. Grub Street ID 63135.
  • Mather, Increase. The times of men are in the hand of God. Or A sermon occasioned by that awfull providence which hapned in Boston in New-England, the 4th day of the 3d moneth 1675. (when part of a vessel was blown up in the harbour, and nine men hurt, and three mortally wounded) wherein is shewed how we should sanctifie the dreadfull name of God under such awfull dispensations. By Increase Mather, teacher to a church of Christ. Boston: printed by John Foster 1675. ESTC No. W19812. Grub Street ID 329440.
  • Mather, Increase. A brief history of the vvar with the Indians in Nevv-England· From June 24. 1675. (when the first Englishman was murdered by the Indians) to August 12. 1676. when Philip, alias Metacomet, the principal author and beginner of the war, was slain. Wherein the grounds, beginning, and progress of the war, is summarily expressed. Together with a serious exhortation to the inhabitants of that land. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church of Christ, in Boston in New-England. London : printed for Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Pauls Church-Yard, according to the original copy printed in New-England, 1676. ESTC No. R24377. Grub Street ID 108176.
  • Mather, Increase. An earnest exhortation to the inhabitants of New-England, to hearken to the voice of God in his late and present dispensations as ever they desire to escape another judgement, seven times greater than any thing which as yet hath been. By Increase Mather; teacher of a church in Boston in New-England. [Eight lines of Scripture texts]. Boston Printed by John Foster: and are to be sold over against the Dove, 1676. ESTC No. W31777. Grub Street ID 342215.
  • Mather, Increase. A brief history of the warr with the Indians in Nevv-England, (from June 24, 1675. when the first English-man was murdered by the Indians, to August 12. 1676. when Philip, aliàs Metacomet, the principal author and beginner of the warr, was slain.) Wherein the grounds, beginning, and progress of the warr, is summarily expressed. Together with a serious exhortation to the inhabitants of that land, by Increase Mather, teacher of a church of Christ, in Boston in New-England. Boston: printed and sold by John Foster over against the sign of the Dove, 1676. ESTC No. R15223. Grub Street ID 63179.
  • Mather, Increase. An historical discourse concerning the prevalency of prayer wherein is shewed that New-Englands late deliverance from the rage of the heathen, is an eminent answer of prayer / by Increase Mather ... Boston: Printed by J. Foster, 1677. ESTC No. R23543. Grub Street ID 106537.
  • Mather, Increase. A relation of the troubles which have hapned in New-England, by reason of the Indians there: from the year 1614. to the year 1675. Wherein the frequent conspiracyes of the Indians to cutt off the English, and the wonderfull providence of God, in disappointing their devices is declared. Together with an Historical discourse concerning the prevalency of prayer shewing that New Englands late deliverance from the rage of the heathen is an eminent answer of prayer. By Increase Mather teacher of a church in Boston in New-England. Boston: printed and sold by John Foster, 1677. ESTC No. R30056. Grub Street ID 112961.
  • Mather, Increase. Renewal of covenant the great duty incumbent on decaying or distressed churches. A sermon concerning renewing of covenant with God in Christ, preached at Dorchester in New-England, the 21. day of the 1. moneth 1677. being a day of humiliation there, on that occasion. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church in Boston. Boston: printed by J[ohn]. F[oster]. for Henry Phillips, and are to be sold at his shop in the west end of the Town-house in Boston, 1677. ESTC No. R3616. Grub Street ID 118480.
  • Mather, Increase. Pray for the rising generation, or A sermon wherein godly parents are encouraged, to pray and believe for their children, preached the third day of the fifth month, 1678. which day was set apart by the second church in Boston in New-England, humbly to seek unto God by fasting and prayer, for a spirit of converting grace, to be poured out upon the children and rising generation in New-England. By Increase Mather, teacher of that church. Cambridge [Mass.]: printed by Samuel Green, and sold by Edmund Ranger in Boston, 1678. ESTC No. R5398. Grub Street ID 125845.
  • Mather, Increase. <The necessity> of reformation with the expedients subservient thereunto asserted in answer to two questions, I. What are the evils that have provoked the Lord to bring his judgements on New-England?, II. What is to be done that so those evils may be reformed? / agreed upon by the elders and messengers of the churches assembled in the Synod at Boston in New-England, Sept. 10, 1679. Boston: Printed by John Foster, 1679. ESTC No. R31182. Grub Street ID 113986.
  • Mather, Increase. A call from heaven to the present and succeeding generations or A discourse wherin is shewed, I. That the children of godly parents are under special advantages and encouragements to seek the Lord. II. The exceeding danger of apostasie, especially as to those that are th children and posterity of such as have been eminent for God in their generation. III. That young men ought to remember God their creator. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church in Boston in New-England. Boston: printed by John Foster, 1679. ESTC No. W19665. Grub Street ID 329305.
  • Mather, Increase. A call from heaven to the present and succeeding generations or A discourse wherein is shewed, I. That the children of godly parents are under special advantages and encouragements to seek the Lord. II The exceeding danger of apostasie, especially as to those that are th children and posterity of such as have been eminent for God in their generation. III. That young men ought to remember God their creator. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church in Boston in New-England. Boston: printed by J. Foster, sold by John Ratcliff, 1679. ESTC No. R221560. Grub Street ID 95693.
  • Mather, Increase. The divine right of infant-baptisme asserted and proved from Scripture and antiquity. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church of Christ in Boston in New-England. Boston: printed by John Foster, in the year 1680. ESTC No. R26. Grub Street ID 109357.
  • Mather, Increase. Returning unto God the great concernment of a covenant people. Or A sermon preached to the second church in Boston in New-England, March 17. 1679./80. when that church did solemnly and explicitly renew their covenant with God, and one with another. By Increase Mather teacher of that church. Boston: printed by John Foster, 1680. ESTC No. R6349. Grub Street ID 126701.
  • Mather, Increase. Heavens alarm to the world. Or A sermon wherein is shewed, that fearful sights and signs in heaven are the presages of great calamities at hand. By Increase Mather; teacher of a church in Boston in New-England. Boston: printed by John Foster, 1681. ESTC No. R7564. Grub Street ID 127822.
  • Mather, Increase. Heavens alarm to the world, or, A sermon wherein is shewed that fearful sights and signs in heaven are the presages of great calamities at hand preached at the lecture of Boston in New-England, January 20, 1680 by Increase Mather. Boston in New-England: Printed for Samuel Sewall and are to be sold by Joseph Browning .., 1682. ESTC No. R31180. Grub Street ID 113984.
  • Mather, Increase. A sermon wherein is shewed that the Church of God is sometimes a subject of great persecution; preached on a publick fast at Boston in New England: occasioned by the tidings of a great persecution raised against the Protestants in France. By Increase Mather, teacher to a Church of Christ. Boston in New-England: printed for Samuel Sewall, in the year, 1682. ESTC No. R3671. Grub Street ID 118963.
  • Mather, Increase. Practical truths tending to promote the power of godliness: wherein several important duties, are urged, and the evil of divers common sins, is evinced; delivered in sundry sermons. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. Boston in New-England: printed by Samuel Green upon assignment of Samuel Sewall, 1682. ESTC No. R3615. Grub Street ID 118470.
  • Mather, Increase. Kom?tographia. Or A discourse concerning comets; wherein the nature of blazing stars is enquired into: with an historical account of all the comets which have appeared from the beginning of the world unto this present year, M.DC.LXXXIII. Expressing the place in the heavens, where they were seen, their motion, forms, duration; and the remarkable events which have followed in the world, so far as they have been by learned men observed. As also two sermons occasioned by the late blazing stars. By Mr. Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. Boston in New-England: printed by S[amuel]. G[reen]. for S[amuel]. S[ewall]. And sold by J. Browning at the corner of the Prison Lane next the town-house, 1683. ESTC No. W19542. Grub Street ID 329194.
  • Mather, Increase. An arrow against profane and promiscuous dancing. Drawn out of the quiver of the Scriptures. By the ministers of Christ at Boston in New-England. Boston: printed by Samuel Green, and are to be sold by Joseph Brunning, 1684. ESTC No. R24006. Grub Street ID 107846.
  • Mather, Increase. The doctrine of divine providence, opened and applyed: also sundry sermons on several other subjects, by Increase Mather. Teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. Boston in New-Engiand [sic]: printed by Richard Pierce for Joseph Browning, and are to be sold at his shop at the corner of Prison-Lane next the Exchange, 1684. ESTC No. R14561. Grub Street ID 62577.
  • Mather, Increase. The doctrine of divine providence, opened and applyed: also sundry sermons on several other subjects, by Increase Mather. Teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. Boston in New-Engiand [sic]: printed by Richard Pierce for Joseph Brunning, and are to be sold at his shop at the corner of Prison-Lane next the Exchange, 1684. ESTC No. R27641. Grub Street ID 110779.
  • Mather, Increase. An essay for the recording of illustrious providences: wherein, an account is given of many remarkable and very memorable events, which have happened in this last age; especially in New-England. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. Printed at Boston in New-England, [and London] : and are to be sold by George Calvert at the Sign of the Half-moon in Pauls Church-yard, London, 1684. ESTC No. R215541. Grub Street ID 90556.
  • Mather, Increase. Some important truths concerning conversion, and the improving seasons of grace; as also about prayer in families, and in secret: delivered in several sermons; by Increase Mather. Printed at Boston in New-England by Samuel Green for John Griffin. 1684. ESTC No. W19807. Grub Street ID 329435.
  • Mather, Increase. An essay for the recording of illustrious providences: wherein an account is given of many remarkable and very memorable events, which have hapned this last age; especially in New-England. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. Boston in New-England: printed by Samuel Green for Joseph Browning, and are to be sold at his shop at the corner of the Prison-Lane next the Town-House, 1684. ESTC No. R35037. Grub Street ID 117502.
  • Mather, Increase. A sermon (preached at the lecture in Boston in New-England the 18th of the I. moneth 1674. when two men were executed who had murthered their master) wherein is shewed that excess in wickedness doth bring untimely death / by Increase Mather ... [Boston]: Printed by R.P. for J. Brunning in Boston, [1685]. ESTC No. R31187. Grub Street ID 113991.
  • Mather, Increase. A call from heaven, to the present and succeeding generations or A discourse wherein is shewed I. That the children of godly parents are under special advantages and encouragements to seek the Lord. II. The exceeding danger of apostasie, especially as to those that are the children and posterity of such as have been eminent for God in their generation. III. That young men ought to remember God their creator. The second impression. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church in Boston in N. England. Boston: printed by R[ichard]. P[ierce]. for I. Brunning [i.e. Joseph Browning], 1685. ESTC No. W19667. Grub Street ID 329306.
  • Mather, Increase. A brief discourse concerning the unlawfulness of the common prayer worship. And of laying the hand on, and kissing the booke in swearing. By a reverend and learned divine. [Cambridge, Mass.]: Printed [by Samuel Green], in the year. &c. [i.e. 1686]. ESTC No. R30055. Grub Street ID 112960.
  • Mather, Increase. The mystery of Christ opened and applyed. In several sermons, concerning the person, office, and glory of Jesus Christ. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in N. England. Printed at Boston in New-England: [by Richard Pierce for Joseph Browning], anno 1686. ESTC No. W19718. Grub Street ID 329351.
  • Mather, Increase. An arrow against profane and promiscuous dancing. Drawn out of the quiver of the Scriptures. By the ministers of Christ at Boston in New-England. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by Samuel Green, and are to be sold by Joseph Brunning. 1684 [i.e., 1686]. ESTC No. W18270. Grub Street ID 327866.
  • Mather, Increase. An essay for the recording of illustrious providences: wherein, an account is given of many remarkable and very memorable events, which have happened in this last age; especially in New-England. By Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. Printed at Boston in New England [and London] : and are to be sold by Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers Chappel [London], 1687. ESTC No. R13088. Grub Street ID 61213.
  • Mather, Increase. A sermon, occasioned by the execution of a man found guilty of murder, preached at Boston in N.E., March 11th, 1685/6 (together with the confession, last expressions, & solemn warning of the murderer to all persons, especially to young men, to beware of those sins which brought him to his miserable end) / by Increase Mather ... Boston: Printed by R.P., sold by J. Brunning .., 1687. ESTC No. R41047. Grub Street ID 122786.
  • Mather, Increase. A narrative of the miseries of New-England, by reason of an arbitrary government erected there. London : printed for Richard Baldwin?, 1688. ESTC No. R2832. Grub Street ID 111401.
  • Mather, Increase. De successu evangelij apud Indos in Novâ-Angliâ epistola· Ad cl. virum D. Johannem Leusdenum, linguæ sanctæ in Ultrajectinâ Academiâ professorem, scripta. A Crescentio Mathero apud Bostonienses V.D.M. nec non Collegij Harvardini quod est Cantabrigiæ Nov-Anglorum, rectore. Londini : typis J.G., 1688. ESTC No. R16853. Grub Street ID 64661.
  • Mather, Increase. A brief relation of the state of New England, from the beginning of that plantation to this present year, 1689. In a letter to a person of quality. Licenced, July 30th. 1689. London : printed for Richard Baldwine, near the Black Bull in the Old-Baily, 1689. ESTC No. R3614. Grub Street ID 118464.
  • Mather, Increase. A brief discourse concerning the unlawfulness of the common-prayer-worship and of laying the hand on and kissing the booke in swearing by a reverend and learned divine. The second impression.. London] : Reprinted at London, in the year 1689. ESTC No. R43432. Grub Street ID 124411.
  • Mather, Increase. The judgment of several eminent divines of the congregational vvay concerning a pastors power occasionally to exert ministerial acts in another church besides that which is his own particular flock. Boston [Mass.]: Printed by Benjamin Harris, and are to be sold by Richard Wilkins, 1692. ESTC No. R41439. Grub Street ID 123070.
  • Mather, Increase. Cases of conscience concerning evil spirits personating men, witchcrafts, infallible proofs of guilt in such as are accused with that crime. All considered according to the Scriptures, history, experience, and the judgment of many learned men. By Increase Mather, president of Harvard Colledge at Cambridge, and teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. Boston: printed, and sold by Benjamin Harris at the London Coffee-House, 1693. ESTC No. W37684. Grub Street ID 348469.
  • Mather, Increase. The great blessing of primitive counsellours discoursed in a sermon preached in the audience of the governour, council, and representatives of the province of the Massachusets-Bay, in New England, May 21st, 1692, being the day for the election of counsellours in that province by Increase Mather ... Boston [Massachusetts]: Printed and sold by Benjamin Harris ..., 1693. ESTC No. R42164. Grub Street ID 123594.
  • Mather, Increase. Solemn advice to young men not to walk in the wayes of their heart, and in the sight of their eyes, but to remember the day of judgment / by Increase Mather ... Boston in New-England: Printed by Bartholomew Green, sold by Samuel Phillips .., 1695. ESTC No. R31198. Grub Street ID 114003.
  • Mather, Increase. Angelographia, or A discourse concerning the nature and power of the holy angels, and the great benefit which the true fearers of God receive by their ministry: delivered in several sermons: to which is added, a sermon concerning the sin and misery of the fallen angels: also a disquisition concerning angelical-apparitions. By Increase Mather, praesident of Harvard Colledge, in Cambridge, and preacher of the Gospel at Boston, in New-England. Boston in N.E.: printed by B. Green & J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips at the Brick Shop, 1696. ESTC No. R38030. Grub Street ID 120166.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning the uncertainty of the times of men and the necessity of being prepared for sudden changes & death / delivered in a sermon preached at Cambridge in New England, Dec. 6, 1696, on occasion of the sudden death of two scholars belonging to Harvard Colledge, by Increase Mather ... Boston in New England: Printed by B. Green & J. Allen, for Samuel Phillips .., 1697. ESTC No. R38032. Grub Street ID 120168.
  • Mather, Increase. David serving his generation. Or, A sermon shewing what is to be done in order to our so serving our generation, as that when we dy, we shall enter into a blessed rest. (Wherein some account is given concerning many eminent ministers of Christ at London, as well as in N.E. lately gone to their rest.) Occasioned by the death, of the Reverend Mr. John Baily, who deceased at Boston in New-England December 12th. 1697. By Increase Mather, President of Harvard Colledge. Boston: printed by B. Green, & J. Allen. 1698. ESTC No. W19668. Grub Street ID 329307.
  • Mather, Increase. Masukkenukeeg matcheseaenvog wequetoog kah wuttooanatoog uppevaonont Christoh kah ne yeuyeu teanuk wonk, ahche nunnukquodt missinninnuh ukquohquenaount wutaiuskoianatamooonganoo. Kah keketookaonk papaume wussittumwae kesukodtum: kah papaume nawhutch onkatogeh wunnomwayeuongash. Nashpe Increase Mather. Kukkootomwehteaenuh ut oomoeuwehkomonganit ut Bostonut, ut New England. Yeuth kukkookootomwehteaongash qushkinnumunash en Indiane unnontoowaonganit nashpe S.D. Bostonut: printuoop nashpe Bartholomew Green, kah John Allen, 1698. ESTC No. W19678. Grub Street ID 329314.
  • Mather, Increase. The folly of sinning, opened and applyed in two sermons occasioned by the [condemnation] of one that was [executed at] Boston in New-England, [on] November 17th, 1698 / by Increase Mather... Boston: Printed by B. Green and J. Allen for Michael Perry .. and Nicholas Buttolph .., 1699. ESTC No. R31175. Grub Street ID 113978.
  • Mather, Increase. To His Excellency, Richard, Earl of Bellomont, Baron of Coloony, in the kingdom of Ireland, Governour and Commander in Chief of the provinces of the Massachusetts-Bay, New-York and New Hampshire. The address of the ministers met at Boston in New England, May 31st. 1699. Boston: printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, printers to His Excellency the Governour and council, 1699. ESTC No. R180444. Grub Street ID 71484.
  • Mather, Increase. Two plain and practical discourses concerning I. Hardness of heart. Shewing, that some, who live under the Gospel, are by a judicial dispensation, given up to that judgment, and the signs thereof. II. The sin and danger of disobedience to the Gospel. By Increase Mather, president of Harvard-College in Cambridge, and preacher of the Gospel at Boston in New-England. London : printed for J. Robinson, and are to be sold by Samuel Phillips, bookseller in Boston, in New-England, 1699. ESTC No. R19702. Grub Street ID 77274.
  • Mather, Increase. The order of the Gospel professed and practised by the churches of Christ in New-England, justified by the Scripture, and by writings of many learned men, both ancient and modern divines : in answer to several questions relating to church discipline / by Increase Mather ... Boston: Printed by B. Green & J. Allen, for Nicholas Buttolph.., 1700. ESTC No. R31185. Grub Street ID 113989.
  • Mather, Increase. The order of the Gospel, professed and practised by the churches of Christ in New-England, justified, by the Scripture, and by the writings of many learned men, both ancient and modern divines; in answer to several questions relating to church discipline by Increase Mather, president of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge, and teacher of a church at Boston in New England. Boston: printed by B. Green & J. Allen, for Benjamin Eliot, at his shop under the west end of the Town-House, 1700. ESTC No. R27553. Grub Street ID 110706.
  • Mather, Increase. The order of the Gospel, professed and practised by the churches of Christ in New-England, justified by the Scripture, and by the writings of many learned men, both ancient and modern divines. In answer to several questions relating to church discipline. By Increase Mather, President of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge, and teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. London] : Printed at Boston in New-England, and reprinted at London and sold by A[bigail]. Baldwin, 1700. ESTC No. R14944. Grub Street ID 62918.
  • Mather, Increase. The blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the Great God our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Opened & applied, in several sermons. By Increase Mather, praesident of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge, and preacher of the Gospel, at Boston, in N.E. [Nine lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed by Timothy Green, for Nicholas Boone, at his shop over against the Old-Meeting-House, 1701. ESTC No. W23114. Grub Street ID 332998.
  • Mather, Increase. Ichabod. Or, A discourse, shewing what cause there is to fear that the glory of the Lord, is departing from New-England. Delivered in two sermons, by Increase Mather [Eight lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed by Timothy Green, sold by the book-sellers, 1702. ESTC No. W13237. Grub Street ID 322564.
  • Mather, Increase. Some remarks on a late sermon, preached at Boston in New England, by George Keith M.A. Shewing that his pretended good rules in divinity, are not built on the foundation of the apostles & prophets. By Increase Mather. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed for Nicholas Boone near the old meeting house, 1702. ESTC No. W22318. Grub Street ID 332138.
  • Mather, Increase. The excellency of a publick spirit discoursed: in a sermon, preached in the audience of the General Assembly of the province of the Masachusetts Bay in New England, May 27. 1702. Being the day for election of counsellors in that province. By Increase Mather. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green, & J Allen, for Nicholas Boone, near the Old Meeting House, 1702. ESTC No. W32188. Grub Street ID 342661.
  • Mather, Increase. Soul-saving Gospel truths. Delivered in several sermons, wherein is shewed: I. The unreasonableness of those excuses which men make for their delaying to come to the Lord Jesus for salvation. II. That for men to despair of the forgiveness of their sins because they have been great, is a great evil. III. That every man in the world is going into eternity. By Increase Mather. [Eight lines of Scripture texts]. [Boston]: Sold by Eleazer Phillips, 1703. ESTC No. W22326. Grub Street ID 332147.
  • Mather, Increase. The duty of parents to pray for their children, opened & applyed in a sermon, preached May 19. 1703. Which day was set apart by one of the churches in Boston, New-England, humbly to seek unto God by prayer and fasting for the rising generation. By Increase Mather. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen. Sold at the booksellers shops, 1703. ESTC No. W38267. Grub Street ID 349086.
  • Mather, Increase. The voice of God, in stormy winds. Considered, in two sermons, occasioned by the dreadful and unparallel'd storm, in the European nations. Novemb. 27th. 1703. By Increase Mather. [Five lines of quotations]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by T. Green, for Nicholas Buttolph, 1704. ESTC No. W28547. Grub Street ID 338724.
  • Mather, Increase. The voice of God, in stormy winds. Considered, in two sermons, occasioned by the dreadful and unparallel'd storm, in the European nations. Novemb. 27th. 1703. By Increase Mather. [Five lines of quotations]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by T. Green, for Benjamin Eliot, 1704. ESTC No. W42682. Grub Street ID 352357.
  • Mather, Increase. Practical truth's, tending to promote holiness in the hearts & lives of Christians. Delivered in several sermons. By Increase Mather. [Five lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by Barth. Green, for Benj. Eliot, at his shop, 1704. ESTC No. W27802. Grub Street ID 337919.
  • Mather, Increase. Meditations on the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ: delivered in several sermons. By Increase Mather. [Seven lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in New-England: Printed by Bartholomew Green, for Nicholas Buttolph, at the corner of Gutteridges Coffee-House, 1705. ESTC No. W19716. Grub Street ID 329349.
  • Mather, Increase. Meditations on the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ: delivered in several sermons. By Increase Mather. [Seven lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in New-England: Printed by Bartholomew Green, for Benj. Eliot, at his shop under the west-end of the Town-House, 1705. ESTC No. W26104. Grub Street ID 336127.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning earthquakes. Occasioned by the earthquakes which were in New-England, in the province of Massachusetts-Bay, June 16. and in Conecticot-Colony [sic], June 22. 1705. Also, two sermons, shewing, that sin is the greatest evil; and, that to redeem time is the greatest wisdom. By Increase Mather. Boston: Printed by Timothy Green, for Benjamin Eliot, at his shop under the west end of the Exchange, 1706. ESTC No. W37960. Grub Street ID 348763.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning the maintenance due to those that preach the Gospel: in which, that question whether tithes are by the divine law the ministers due, is considered, and the negative proved. By I. Mather, D.D. [Seven lines of Scripture texts]. Boston; N.E.: Printed by B. Green, 1706. ESTC No. W37971. Grub Street ID 348774.
  • Mather, Increase. A disquisition concerning the state of the souls of men, (especially of good men) when separated from their bodies, in which some late very remarkable providences relating to apparitions, are considered. By I. Mather, D.D. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot and Nich. Boone. Sold at their shops, 1707. ESTC No. W19671. Grub Street ID 329310.
  • Mather, Increase. The doctrine of singular obedience, as the duty and property of the true Christian: opened and applied. In a sermon, preached by I. Mather, D.D. [Three lines of scripture quotations]. Boston in New-England: Printed & sold by Timothy Green, at the north end of the town, 1707. ESTC No. W31460. Grub Street ID 341879.
  • Mather, Increase. Meditations on death. Delivered in several sermons, wherein is shewed; I. That some true believers on Christ are afraid of death, but that they have no just cause to be so. II. That good men as well as others may be taken out of the world by a sudden death. III. That not earth but heaven is the Christians home. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Two lines from Hebrews]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, 1707. ESTC No. W26102. Grub Street ID 336125.
  • Mather, Increase. Four sermons, viz. I. The glorious throne ... II. The excellency of a publick spirit ... III. The righteous man a blessing ... IV. The morning star ... By Increase Mather. D.D. Boston: Printed for, and sold by Nich. Boone at the Sign of the Bible near School-House-Lane, 1708. ESTC No. W11336. Grub Street ID 320525.
  • Mather, Increase. A dissertation, wherein the strange doctrine lately published in a sermon, the tendency of which, is, to encourage unsanctified persons (while such) to approach the holy table of the Lord, is examined and confuted. With an appendix, shewing what Scripture ground there is to hope, that within a very few years there will be a glorious reformation of the church throughout the world. By I. Mather, D.D. [Six lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, at his shop under the Town-House, at the head of King Street, 1708. ESTC No. W38140. Grub Street ID 348954.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning the maintenance, Due to those that Preach the Gospel: In which The Question, Whether tithes Are by the Divine Law, the Ministers Due? Is considered: And the Negative Prov'd. By J. Mather, D. D. London] : Boston, N.E. printed 1706, and reprinted at London, 1709. ESTC No. T56590. Grub Street ID 282998.
  • Mather, Increase. A dissertation concerning the future conversion of the Jewish nation. Answering the objections of the Reverend and learned Mr. Baxter, Dr. Lightfoot, and others. With an enquiry into the first resurrection. By Increase Mather, President of Harvard-Colledge, at Cambridge, in New-England. London : printed by R. Tookey for Nath. Hillier, at the Prince's Arms in Leaden-Hall-Street, MDCCIX. [1709]. ESTC No. N7699. Grub Street ID 52626.
  • Mather, Increase. Solemn advice to young men, not to walk in the wayes of their heart, and in the sight of their eyes; but to remember the Day of Judgment. To which is added, the hateful evil of sin. By Increase Mather. D.D. [Five lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in New-England: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1709. ESTC No. W19804. Grub Street ID 329432.
  • Mather, Increase. Solemn advice to young men, not to walk in the wayes of their heart, and in the sight of their eyes; but to remember the Day of Judgment. To which is added, the hateful evil of sin. By Increase Mather. D.D. [Five lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in New-England: Printed for, and sold by Timothy Green, at his shop in Middle-Street, at the north-end of the town, 1709. ESTC No. W19805. Grub Street ID 329433.
  • Mather, Increase. A sermon shewing that the present dispensations of providence declare that wonderful revolutions in the world are near at hand; with an appendix, shewing some Scripture Ground to hope, that within a few Years, glorious Prophecies and Promises will be fulfilled. By The very Reverend Mr. Increase Mather D. D. Minister of the Gospel at Boston in New-England. Edinburgh: printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1710. ESTC No. N24032. Grub Street ID 13395.
  • Mather, Increase. Awakening truth's tending to conversion. Delivered in several sermons wherein is shewed, I. That the greatest sinners may be converted and saved. II. That sinners who cannot convert themselves, ought to pray for converting grace. III. That sinners who neglect spiritual blessings until the day of grace is past, will wish for them but in vain, when it is too late. In which sermons notice is taken of some late remarkable conversions. By Increase Mather, D.D. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, sold at his shop under the west end of the Townhouse in King Street, 1710. ESTC No. W19659. Grub Street ID 329301.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning faith and fervency in prayer, and the glorious kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, on earth, now approaching. Delivered in several sermons, in which the signs of the present times are considered, with a true account of the late wonderful and astonishing success of the Gospel in Ceilon, Amboina, and Malabar. By I. Mather, D.D. [Five lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot at his shop in King Street, 1710. ESTC No. W37961. Grub Street ID 348764.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning faith and fervency in prayer, and the glorious kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, on earth, now approaching. Delivered in several sermons, in which the signs of the present times are considered, with a true account of the late wonderful and astonishing success of the Gospel in Ceilon, Amboina, and Malabar. By I. Mather, D.D. [Five lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Eleazer Phillips at his shop in King Street, 1710. ESTC No. W19670. Grub Street ID 329309.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning faith and fervency in prayer, and the glorious kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, on earth, now approaching. Delivered in several sermons, in which the signs of the present times are considered, with a true account of the late wonderful and astonishing success of the Gospel in Ceilon, Amboina, and Malabar. By I. Mather, D.D. [Five lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, at his shop in Corn Hill, 1710. ESTC No. W37962. Grub Street ID 348765.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning the grace of courage, wherein the nature, beneficialness, and necessity of that vertue for all Christians, is described. Delivered in a sermon preached at Boston in New-England. June 5th. 1710. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Two lines from I Corinthians. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Phillips, at the brick shop in Corn Hill, 1710. ESTC No. W37969. Grub Street ID 348772.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning faith and fervency in prayer, and the glorious kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, on earth, now approaching. Delivered in several sermons, in which the signs of the present times are considered, with a true account of the late wonderful and astonishing success of the Gospel in Ceilon, Amboina, and Malabar. By I. Mather, D.D. [Five lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Nicholas Boone, at his shop in Corn Hill, 1710. ESTC No. W30785. Grub Street ID 341144.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning faith and fervency in prayer, and the glorious kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, on earth, now approaching. Delivered in several sermons, in which the signs of the present times are considered, with a true account of the late wonderful and astonishing success of the Gospel in Ceilon, Amboina, and Malabar. By I. Mather, D.D. [Five lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green for T. Green, at his shop in Middle Street, 1710. ESTC No. W30786. Grub Street ID 341145.
  • Mather, Increase. Awakening truth's tending to conversion. Delivered in several sermons wherein is shewed, I. That the greatest sinners may be converted and saved. II. That sinners who cannot convert themselves, ought to pray for converting grace. III. That sinners who neglect spiritual blessings until the day of grace is past, will wish for them but in vain, when it is too late. In which sermons notice is taken of some late remarkable conversions. By Increase Mather, D.D. Printed at Boston in N.E.: Sold by Timothy Green, 1710. ESTC No. W11731. Grub Street ID 320951.
  • Mather, Increase. The answer of several ministers in and near Boston, to that case of conscience, whether it is lawful for a man to marry his wives own sister?. Boston: Reprinted by B. Green, 1711. ESTC No. W19658. Grub Street ID 329300.
  • Mather, Increase. Burnings bewailed: in a sermon, occasioned by the lamentable fire which was in Boston, Octob. 2. 1711. In which the sins which provoke the Lord to kindle fires, are enquired into. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Eight lines of Scripture texts]. Boston printed: Sold by Timothy Green, 1711. ESTC No. W9569. Grub Street ID 358744.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning the death of the righteous. Occasioned by the deaths of the Honourable, John Foster Esqr. who dyed at Boston in New-England Feb. 9th. 1710,11. And his pious consort, Mrs. Abigail Foster. Who departed soon after him, viz. on the 5th. of March. By I. Mather, D.D. [Four lines from Revelation]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1711. ESTC No. W37967. Grub Street ID 348770.
  • Mather, Increase. Meditations on the glory of the heavenly world. I. On the happiness of the soul of believers, at the instant of their separation from their bodies. II. On the glory of the bodies of God's children, in the resurrection world, when they shall be as the angels of heaven. III. On the glory of both soul and body in the heaven of heavens, after the Day of Judgment, to all eternity. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Six lines of quotations]. Boston in N.E. printed: Sold by Timothy Green in Middle Street, 1711. ESTC No. W19684. Grub Street ID 329316.
  • Mather, Increase. An earnest exhortation to the children of New-England, to exalt the God of their fathers. Delivered in a sermon, by I. Mather, D.D. [Seven lines of Scripture texts]. Boston, in N.E. printed: Sold by [Timothy Green in] Middle-Street, [1711]. ESTC No. W31776. Grub Street ID 342214.
  • Mather, Increase. An earnest exhortation to the children of New-England, to exalt the God of their fathers. Delivered in a sermon, by I. Mather, D.D. [Seven lines of Scripture texts]. Boston, in N.E.: Printed for Benjamin Eliot, under the west end of the Exchange, in King-Street, 1711. ESTC No. W38589. Grub Street ID 349413.
  • Mather, Increase. Meditations on the glory of the heavenly world. I. On the happiness of the soul of believers, at the instant of their separation from their bodies. II. On the glory of the bodies of God's children, in the resurrection world, when they shall be as the angels of heaven. III. On the glory of both soul and body in the heaven of heavens, after the day of judgment, to all eternity. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Six lines of quotations]. Boston in N.E. printed: Sold by Benjamin Eliot, at his shop in King Street, 1711. ESTC No. W26103. Grub Street ID 336126.
  • Mather, Increase. Meditations on the sanctification of the Lord's Day: and on the judgments which attend the profanation of it. To which is added, Seasonable meditations both for winter and summer. By I. Mather, D.D. [Seven lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by T.G. [i.e., Timothy Green] for S. Gerrish, at the Sign of the Buck in Marlborough Street, 1712. ESTC No. W26106. Grub Street ID 336129.
  • Mather, Increase. Meditations on the sanctification of the Lord's Day: and on the judgments which attend the profanation of it. To which is added, Seasonable meditations both for winter and summer. By I. Mather, D.D. [Seven lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, in Middle Street, 1712. ESTC No. W11340. Grub Street ID 320530.
  • Mather, Increase. Meditations on the sanctification of the Lord's Day: and on the judgments which attend the profanation of it. To which is added, Seasonable meditations both for winter and summer. By I. Mather, D.D. [Seven lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by T. Green, for and sold by Daniel Henchman, in King Street, 1712. ESTC No. W11341. Grub Street ID 320531.
  • Mather, Increase. Wo to drunkards. Two sermons testifying against the sin of drunkenness: wherein the wofulness of that evil, and the misery of all that are addicted to it, is discovered from the word of God. By Increase Mather, D.D. Boston: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the lower end of Middle-Street, 1712. ESTC No. W29712. Grub Street ID 339995.
  • Mather, Increase. Burnings bewailed: in a sermon, occasioned by the lamentable fire which was in Boston, October 2d. 1711. In which the sins which provoke the Lord to kindle fires, are enquired into. By Increase Mather, D.D. Boston in N.E.: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, in Middle-Street, 1712. ESTC No. W19664. Grub Street ID 329304.
  • Mather, Increase. Meditations on the sanctification of the Lord's Day: and on the judgments which attend the profanation of it. To which is added, seasonable meditations both for winter and summer. By I. Mather, D.D. [Seven lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by T.G. for Benjamin Eliot, in King Street, 1712. ESTC No. W19717. Grub Street ID 329350.
  • Mather, Increase. Seasonable meditations both for winter & summer. Being the substance of two sermons. By I. Mather, D.D. [Ten lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed by John Allen, 1712. ESTC No. W22098. Grub Street ID 331910.
  • Mather, Increase. Soul-saving Gospel truths. Deliver'd in several sermons: wherein is shew'd, I. The unreasonableness of those excuses which men make for their delaying to come to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. II. That for men to despair of forgiveness of their sins because they have been great, is a great evil. III. That every man in the world is going into eternity. By I. Mather, D.D. Boston: Printed by T. Green, for B. Eliot, in King-Street, 1712. ESTC No. W19809. Grub Street ID 329437.
  • Mather, Increase. An appendix, containing some remarks, on a book written by the Bishop of Derry. [Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green?] Sold by several of the book-sellers in Boston, MDCCXIII. [1713]. ESTC No. W34041. Grub Street ID 344640.
  • Mather, Increase. Now or never is the time for men to make sure of their eternal salvation. Several sermons, in which is declared; I. That now is the day of salvation. II. That it is wisdom, for men to consider their latter end. III. That impenitent sinners, will be found guilty of their ow destruction. By I. Mather, D.D. [Two lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed and sold by T. Green, 1713. ESTC No. W23231. Grub Street ID 333126.
  • Mather, Increase. A sermon shewing, that the present dispensations of providence declare, that wonderful revolutions in the world are near at hand; with an appendix, ... By ... Increase Mather ... Edinburgh: re-printed by John Reid, 1713. ESTC No. N24034. Grub Street ID 13397.
  • Mather, Increase. The believers gain by death: opened and applyed in a sermon. Wherein is shewed, who are they that live to Christ, and how death will be gainful to all that do so. Upon the death of a valuable relative. By I. Mather, D.D. [Six lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B.G for S. Gerrish, 1713. ESTC No. W19660. Grub Street ID 329303.
  • Mather, Increase. A plain discourse, shewing who shall, & who shall not, enter into the kingdom of heaven, and how far men may go and yet fall short of heaven, after their seeming to be converted and religious. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Six lines of Scripture texts]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, at his shop in King Street, 1713. ESTC No. W27641. Grub Street ID 337757.
  • Mather, Increase. Now or never is the time for men to make sure of their eternal salvation. Several sermons, in which is declared; I. That now is the day of salvation. II. That it is wisdom, for men to consider their latter end. III. That impenitent sinners, will be found guilty of their ow destruction. By I. Mather, D.D. [Two lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed for Benjamin Eliot, 1713. ESTC No. W19719. Grub Street ID 329352.
  • Mather, Increase. Some remarks, on a pretended answer, to a discourse concerning the Common-Prayer worship. With an exhortation to the churches in New-England, to hold fast the profession of their faith without wavering. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Six lines of quotations]. [Boston]: Printed for Nath. Hillier at the Princes Arm's in Leaden-Hall-Street in London: and [by Bartholomew Green?] for the book-sellers in Boston, in New-England, [1713]. ESTC No. W3513. Grub Street ID 345820.
  • Mather, Increase. A sermon concerning obedience & resignation to the will of God in every thing. Occasion'd by the death of that pious gentlewoman, Mrs. Mariah Mather, late consort of Increase Mather, D.D. Who entered into her everlasting rest, on the Lords Day, April.4. 1714. [Seven line of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed and sold by T. Green, at his shop in Middle Street, 1714. ESTC No. W22154. Grub Street ID 331967.
  • Mather, Increase. Several sermons wherein is shewed, I. That Jesus Christ is a mighty Saviour. II. That God converts his elect some at one age, and some at another, commonly before old age. III. That when godly men dye, angels carry their souls to another and a better world. With a preface in which there is a brief and true character of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Bridge a lately deceased pastor in one of the churches in Boston. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Nicholas Buttolph, at his shop, 1715. ESTC No. W22244. Grub Street ID 332063.
  • Mather, Increase. Several sermons wherein is shewed, I. That Jesus Christ is a mighty Saviour. II. That God converts his elect some at one age, and some at another, commonly before old age. III. That when godly men dye, angels carry their souls to another and a better world. With a preface in which there is a brief and true character of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Bridge a lately deceased pastor in one of the churches in Boston. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Benjamin Eliot, at his shop, 1715. ESTC No. W31188. Grub Street ID 341585.
  • Mather, Increase. Several sermons wherein is shewed, I. That Jesus Christ is a mighty Saviour. II. That God converts his elect some at one age, and some at another, commonly before old age. III. That when godly men dye, angels carry their souls to another and a better world. With a preface in which there is a brief and true character of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Bridge a lately deceased Pastor in one of the churches in Boston. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Phillips, at his shop, 1715. ESTC No. W19802. Grub Street ID 329431.
  • Mather, Increase. A disquisition concerning ecclesiastical councils. Proving, that not only pastors, but brethren delegated by the curches [sic], have equally a right to a decisive vote in such assemblies. To which is added, proposals concerning consociation of churches, agreed upon by a synod, which convened at Boston, in New-England. With a preface, containining [sic] a further vindication of the Congregational discipline. By Increase Mather. D.D. [Ten lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed for N. Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1716. ESTC No. W19672. Grub Street ID 329311.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning the existence and omniscience of God. Plainly proving, 1. That there is a God. 2. That the God of heaven knows all things. Being the substance of several sermons. By I. Mather. D.D. [Seven lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by J. Allen, for Daniel Henchman, at his shop over-against the Brick Meeting-House, 1716. ESTC No. W30789. Grub Street ID 341148.
  • Mather, Increase. Two discourses shewing, I. That the Lords ears are open to the prayers of the righteous. II. The dignity & duty of aged servants of the Lord. Also, a preface in which the Congregational discipline of the churches in New-England is vindicated, with the authors dying testimony there-unto. By I. Mather, D.D. [Four lines of quotations]. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Daniel Henchman, and sold at his shop over against the Brick Meeting-House, 1716. ESTC No. W28238. Grub Street ID 338392.
  • Mather, Increase. A discourse concerning the existence and the omniscience of God. Plainly proving, 1. That there is a God. 2. That the God of heaven knows all things. Being the substance of several sermons. By I. Mather, D.D. [Seven lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Samuel Gerrish, at his shop in King-Street, 1716. ESTC No. W12013. Grub Street ID 321251.
  • Mather, Increase. A sermon wherein is shewed, I. That the ministers of the Gospel need, and ought to desire the prayers of the Lord's people for them. II. That the people of God ought to pray for his ministers. Preached at Roxbury, October 29. 1718. When Mr. Thomas Walter was ordained a pastor in that church, by his grand-father, Increase Mather. D.D. [Seven lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards, at his shop next door to the Light-House Tavern, in King-Street, 1718. ESTC No. W2962. Grub Street ID 339895.
  • Mather, Increase. Sermons wherein those eight characters of the blessed commonly called the Beatitudes, are opened & applyed in fifteen discourses. To which is added, a sermon concerning assurance of the love of Christ. By Increase Mather D.D. [Five lines of quotations]. Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Daniel Henchman, and sold at his shop, 1718. ESTC No. W29394. Grub Street ID 339653.
  • Mather, Increase. Practical truths, plainly delivered: wherein is shewed, I. That true believers on Jesus Christ, shall as certainly enjoy everlasting life in heaven, as if they were there already. II. That there is a blessed marriage between Jesus Christ the son of God, & the true believer III. That men are infinitely concerned, not only to hear the voice of Christ, but that they do it, to day. IV. The work of the ministry, described, in an ordination sermon. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Seven lines of Scripture texts]. Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Daniel Henchman, & sold at his shop, 1718. ESTC No. W2581. Grub Street ID 335817.
  • Mather, Increase. Sermons wherein those eight characters of the blessed commonly called the Beatitudes, are opened & applyed in fifteen discourses. To which is added, a sermon concerning assurance of the love of Christ. By Increase Mather D.D. [Five lines of quotations]. Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Daniel Henchman, and sold at his shop, 1719. ESTC No. W15687. Grub Street ID 325163.
  • Mather, Increase. The duty of parents to pray for their children, opened & applyed in a sermon, preached May 19. 1703. Which was set apart by one of the churches in Boston, New-England, humbly to seek unto God by prayer with fasting for the rising generation. By Increase Mather, D.D. Boston: Printed by John Allen, for John Edwards, at his shop in King-Street, 1719. ESTC No. W19675. Grub Street ID 329312.
  • Mather, Increase. The duty of parents to pray for their children, opened & applyed in a sermon, preached May 19. 1703. Which day was set apart by one of the churches in Boston, New-England, humbly to seek unto God by prayer with fasting for the rising generation. By Increase Mather, D.D. Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Benjamin Gray, at his shop in King-Street, 1719. ESTC No. W19676. Grub Street ID 329313.
  • Mather, Increase. Five sermons on several subjects. I. A birth-day sermon, preached on the day when the author attained to the eightieth year of his age. II. A dying testimony to the sovereign grace of God in the salvation of his elect, containing three sermons. III. Believers encouraged to pray from the consideration of Christs interceding for them, and with them. By Increase Mather, D.D [Six lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Daniel Henchman, sold at his shop, 1719. ESTC No. W12230. Grub Street ID 321487.
  • Mather, Increase. A seasonable testimony to good order in the churches of the faithful. Particularly declaring the usefulness & necessity of councils in order to preserving peace and truth in the churches. By Increase Mather, D.D. with the concurrence of other ministers of the Gospel in Boston. [Six lines of Scripture texts]. Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for D. Henchman, and sold at his shop, 1720. ESTC No. W3000. Grub Street ID 340306.
  • Mather, Increase. A further testimony against the scandalous proceedings of the New-North Church in Boston. Boston: Printed for B. Gray, and J. Edwards, at their shops on the north and south side of the Town-House, 1720. ESTC No. W19715. Grub Street ID 329348.
  • Mather, Increase. Awakening soul-saving truths, plainly delivered, in several sermons. In which is shewed, I. That many are called, who are not effectually called. II. That men may be of the visible church, and yet not be of the Lord's chosen. III. That the chosen of God are comparatively but few. By Increase Mather. D.D. [Four lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for B. Gray, and J. Edwards, at their shops on the north and south side of the Town-House, 1720. ESTC No. W23107. Grub Street ID 332990.
  • Mather, Increase. Some further account from London, of the small-pox inoculated. With some remarks on a late scandalous pamphlet entituled, Inoculation of the small pox as practis'd in Boston, &c. By Increase Mather, D.D. Boston: Printed for J. Edwards, at the corner shop on the north-side of the Town-House, 1721. ESTC No. W29452. Grub Street ID 339717.
  • Mather, Increase. Sermons, Wherein Those Eight Characters of the Blessed, Commonly Called the Beatitudes, Are Opened and Applied in Fifteen Discourses. To which is added, a sermon concerning the assurance of the love of Christ. By Increase Mather D.D. Dublin: Boston: printed, and Dublin re-printed for Henry Shaw in St. Warborough's Street, the Corner of Darby's Square, 1721. ESTC No. T56524. Grub Street ID 282969.
  • Mather, Increase. Several reasons proving that inoculating or transplanting the small pox, is a lawful practice, and that it has been blessed by God for the saving of many a life. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Two lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland for J Edwards at his shop in King-Street, 1721. ESTC No. W29398. Grub Street ID 339657.
  • Mather, Increase. A dying legacy of a minister to his dearly beloved people, shewing, I. That true believers on Jesus Christ may be asured, of the salvation of their souls. II. That spiritual wisdom, or grace in the soul, is of all things the most desireable. III. That there is none whose dignity and glory may be compared with that which belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ. Being the three last sermons preached by Increase Mather, D.D. [Five lines from Hebrews]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for J. Edwards, sold at his shop, 1722. ESTC No. W38283. Grub Street ID 349103.
  • Mather, Increase. Ichabod. Or, A discourse, shewing what cause there is to fear that the glory of the Lord, is departing from New-England. Delivered in two sermons, by Increase Mather. [Six lines of Scripture texts]. Boston: Printed for N. Boone, at the Sign of the Bible, 1729. ESTC No. W13241. Grub Street ID 322569.
  • Mather, Increase. Soul-saving Gospel truths; delivered in several sermons, wherein is shewed: I. The unreasonableness of those excuses which men make for their delaying to come to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. II. That for men to despair of the forgiveness of their sins because they have been great is a great evil. III. That every man in the world is going into eternity. By Increase Mather. [Six lines of Scripture texts]. Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin, 1743 [i.e., 1744]. ESTC No. W19810. Grub Street ID 329439.
  • Mather, Increase. A narrative of the miseries of New-England, by reason of an arbitrary government erected there. Printed in the tyranic [sic] reign of Sir Edmund Andross. Boston: Re-printed and sold [by Edes and Gill] opposite the Court-House, in Queen-Street, 1775. ESTC No. W19795. Grub Street ID 329428.