Pownall, Thomas.
A treatise on government: being a review of the doctrine of an original contract. More particularly as it respects the rights of government, and the duty of allegiance.
London : printed for G. Hawkins: and sold by M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCL. [1750].
ESTC No. T117823.Grub Street ID 169406.
Pownall, Thomas.
Principles of polity, being the grounds and reasons of civil empire. In three parts. By Thomas Pownall, Esq;.
London : printed by Edward Owen in Warwick-Lane, MDCCLII. [1752].
ESTC No. T90747.Grub Street ID 310586.
Pownall, Thomas.
Considerations towards a general plan of measures for the English provinces.
[New York]: Printed and sold by Parker and Weyman in Beaver-Street, New-York, MDCCLVI. [1756].
ESTC No. W30651.Grub Street ID 341004.
Pownall, Thomas.
Proposals for securing the friendship of the Five Nations.
New-York: Printed and sold, by J. Parker and W. Weyman, at the new printing-office in Beaver-Street, 1756.
ESTC No. W30653.Grub Street ID 341006.
Pownall, Thomas.
Considerations towards a general plan of measures for the English provinces. Laid before the Board of Commissioners at Albany, by Mr. Pownall.
[Edinburgh]: New-York printed, Edinburgh reprinted, and sold by Mess. Hamilton & Balfour, 1756.
ESTC No. N27946.Grub Street ID 17166.
Pownall, Thomas.
Six remarkable views in the provinces of New-York, New-Jersey, and Pennsylvania, in North America. Sketched on the spot by his Excellency Governor Pownall; painted by Mr. Paul Sandby; and engraved by Mess. Sandby, Elliot, Benazech, &c. .
London : published, according to act of Parliament, by Thomas Jefferys, [1761].
ESTC No. N50235.Grub Street ID 34341.
Pownall, Thomas.
The administration of the colonies.
London : printed for J. Wilkie, 1764.
ESTC No. T20523.Grub Street ID 235298.
Pownall, Thomas.
The administration of the colonies. By Thomas Pownall, Late Governor and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Provinces, Messachusets-Bay and South-Carolina, and Lieutenant-Governor of New-Jersey.
The second edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged..
London : printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, and J. Walter, at Charing-Cross, MDCCLXV. [1765].
ESTC No. T90024.Grub Street ID 309876.
Pownall, Thomas.
The administration of the colonies. By Thomas Pownall, Late Governor and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Provinces, Messachusets-Bay, and South-Carolina, and Lieutenant-Governor of New-Jersey.
The third edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged. To which is added, an appendix, No.III, ...
London : printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, and J. Walter, at Charing Cross, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. T90025.Grub Street ID 309877.
Pownall, Thomas.
Considerations on the points lately brought into question as to the Parliament's right of taxing the colonies, and of the measures necessary to be taken at this crisis. Being an appendix section III, to the administration of the colonies.
London : Printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, and J. Walter, at Charing-Cross, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. N27313.Grub Street ID 16570.
Pownall, Thomas.
The administration of the colonies. (the fourth edition.) Wherein their rights and constitution are discussed and stated, by Thomas Pownall, Late Governor and Commander in Chief of his his Majesty's Provinces, Massachusetts-Bay and South-Carolina, and Lieutenant-Governor of New-Jersey.
London : printed for J. Walter, at Homer's Head, Charing-Cross, MDCCLXVIII. [1768].
ESTC No. T90026.Grub Street ID 309878.
Pownall, Thomas.
The C- having gone through the examination of the facts contained in the North American papers, .
London : printed by William Strahan, 1769.
ESTC No. T143764.Grub Street ID 190806.
Pownall, Thomas.
The speech of Th-m-s P-wn-ll, Esq; late g-v-rn-r of this province, in the H--se of C-m--ns, in favor of America.
[Boston: s.n, 1769].
ESTC No. W3542.Grub Street ID 346085.
Pownall, Thomas.
March 5th, 1770. Mr. S-----r. I did, last sessions, endeavour to move this house, to come to ... taking off the duties, payable in America ...
[Boston?: s.n, 1770?].
ESTC No. W30652.Grub Street ID 341005.
Pownall, Thomas.
Two speeches of an honourable gentleman, on the late negotiation and convention with Spain.
The second edition..
London : printed for J. Almon, opposite Burlington-House, in Piccadilly, 1771.
ESTC No. T52150.Grub Street ID 279313.
Pownall, Thomas.
Two speeches of an honourable gentleman, on the late negotiation and convention with Spain.
London : printed for J. Almon, opposite Burlington-House, in Piccadilly, [1771].
ESTC No. T109136.Grub Street ID 161950.
Pownall, Thomas.
Considerations on the indignity suffered by the crown, and the dishonour brought upon the nation, by the marriage of ... the Duke of Cumberland with an English subject. By a king's friend.
London : printed for J. Almon, 1772.
ESTC No. N27222.Grub Street ID 16475.
Pownall, Thomas.
The right, interest, and duty, of the state, as concerned in the affairs of the East Indies. By Thomas Pownall, Esq; member of Parliament.
London : Printed for S. Bladon, in Pater-noster Row, MDCCLXXIII. [1773].
ESTC No. T11482.Grub Street ID 166604.
Pownall, Thomas.
The administration of the British colonies. Part the second. Wherein A Line of Government between the supreme Jurisdiction of Great Britain, and the Rights of the Colonies is drawn, and A Plan of Pacification is suggested. To which is added, A Postscript, Being Remarks on the Pensylvania Instructions, and The ``new Essay on the Constitutional Power of the Parliament over the Colonies.'' With an Appendix, Containing Papers referred to in both the First and Second Parts. By Thomas Pownall, Late Governor, Captain General, Commander in Chief, and Vice Admiral of His Majesty's Provinces, Massachusetts-Bay and South-Carolina; and Lieutenant-Governor of New-Jersey.
London : printed for J. Walter, at Homer's Head, Charing-Cross, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. T90022.Grub Street ID 309874.
Pownall, Thomas.
The administration of the British colonies. The fifth edition. Wherein their rights and constitution are discussed and stated. By Thomas Pownall, Late Governor, Captain General, Commander in Chief, and Vice Admiral of his majesty's provinces, Massachusetts-Bay and South-Carolina; and Lieutenant-Governor of New-Jersey. In two volumes. .
London : printed for J. Walter, at Homer's Head, Charing-Cross, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. T90023.Grub Street ID 309875.
Pownall, Thomas.
A memoir, entituled drainage and navigation but one united work; and an outfall to deep water the first and necessary step to it. Addressed to the corporations of Lynn-Regis and Bedford Level. By T. Pownall, Esq. M. P.
London : printed for J. Almon, in Piccadilly; and W. Whittingham, at Lynn, MDCCLXXV. [1775].
ESTC No. T90275.Grub Street ID 310131.
Pownall, Thomas.
Speedily will be published, (sold by J. Almon, ... a map of the middle British colonies in North-America. First published by Mr. Lewis Evans, ... in 1755; and since corrected and improved, ... By T. Pownall, ... With a topographical description of such parts of North-America as are contained in the map.
London : J. Almon, 1775?.
ESTC No. N24080.Grub Street ID 13447.
Pownall, Thomas.
A topographical description of such parts of North America as are contained in the (annexed) map of the middle British colonies, &c. in North America. By T. Pownall, .
London : printed for J. Almon, 1776.
ESTC No. T97733.Grub Street ID 317105.
Pownall, Thomas.
A letter from Governor Pownall to Adam Smith, L. L. D. F. R. S. Being an examination of several points of Doctrine, laid down in his ``inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.''.
London : printed for J. Almon, opposite Burlington-House, in Piccadilly, MDCCLXXVI. [1776].
ESTC No. T55254.Grub Street ID 281839.
Pownall, Thomas.
The administration of the British colonies. The sixth edition. Wherein their constitutional rights and establishments as also those disputed points in the constitutions and administration of the government of the colonies, from whence the present American war sprung, and on which the final settlement of a peace must turn are discussed and stated. By Thomas Pownall, Member of Parliament, late Governor, Captain General, Commander in Chief, and Vice Admiral of His Majesty's Provinces, Massachusetts-Bay and South-Carolina; and Lieutenant-Governor of New-Jersey. In two volumes.
London : printed for J. Walter, at Homer's Head, Charing-Cross, M.DCC.LXXVII. [1777].
ESTC No. N2729.Grub Street ID 16543.
Pownall, Thomas.
A memorial, most humbly addressed to the sovereigns of Europe, on the present state of affairs, between the old and new world.
The second edition..
London : printed for J. Almon, opposite Burlington-House, in Piccadilly, [1780].
ESTC No. T56094.Grub Street ID 282643.
Pownall, Thomas.
A memorial, most humbly addressed to the sovereigns of Europe, on the present state of affairs, between the old and new world.
London : printed for J. Almon, 1780.
ESTC No. N4078.Grub Street ID 27639.
Pownall, Thomas.
The right, interest, and duty, of government, as concerned in the affairs of the East Indies. The case as stated and argument upon it as first written, by Governor Pownall, M.P. in 1773, now revised.
London : Printed for J. Almon, opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly, MDCCLXXXI. [1781].
ESTC No. T90463.Grub Street ID 310320.
Pownall, Thomas.
A memorial, most humbly addressed to the sovereigns of Europe, on the present state of affairs, between the old and new world. By T. Pownall, .
A new edition..
London : printed for J. Debrett, (successor to Mr. Almon,), [1781?].
ESTC No. N34641.Grub Street ID 22973.
Pownall, Thomas.
A translation of the Memorial to the sovereigns of Europe upon the present state of affairs, between the Old and the New World, into common sense and intelligible English.
London : printed for J. Stockdale, No. 181, in Piccadilly, opposite Burlington-House, M.DCC.LXXXI. [1781].
ESTC No. T90880.Grub Street ID 310724.
Pownall, Thomas.
Mémoire adressé aux souverains de l'Europe, sur l'état présent des affaires de l'ancien & du nouveau monde, par Mr. Pownall, ... Traduit de l'anglois par M*****.
Londres [i.e. Brussels?]: et se trouve à Bruxelles, chez E. Flon, 1781.
ESTC No. T153529.Grub Street ID 197847.
Pownall, Thomas.
A treatise on the study of antiquities as the commentary to historical learning, sketching out a general line of research: Also Marking and Explaining some of the desiderata. With an appendix. No I. On the Elements of Speach. No. II. On the Origin of Written Language, Picture, Hieroglyphic, and Elementary-Writing. No. III. On the Ships of the Ancients. No IV. On the Chariots of the Ancients. By T. Pownall.
London : printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, M.DCC.LXXXII. [1782].
ESTC No. T51656.Grub Street ID 278880.
Pownall, Thomas.
Two memorials, not originally intended for publication, now published; with an explanatory preface; by Governor Pownall.
London : printed for J. Dodsley, Pall Mall, M.DCC.LXXXII. [1782].
ESTC No. T97737.Grub Street ID 317109.
Pownall, Thomas.
Mémoire adressé aux souverains de l'Europe, sur l'état présent des affaires de l'ancien & du nouveau monde, par Mr. Pownall, ... Traduit de l'anglois par M*****.
Londres : chez Thompson, 1782.
ESTC No. N22106.Grub Street ID 11471.
Pownall, Thomas.
A memorial addressed to the sovereigns of America, by T. Pownall, Late Governor, Captain-General, Vice-Admiral, &c. of the Provinces, now States, Massachusetts-Bay and South-Carolina; and Lieutenant-Governor of New-Jersey.
London : printed for J. Debrett, (successor to Mr. Almon,) Opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly, MDCCLXXXIII. [1783].
ESTC No. T90278.Grub Street ID 310134.
Pownall, Thomas.
Three memorials most humbly addressed to the sovereigns of Europe, Great Britain, and North America. By T. Pownall, Late Governor, Captain-General, Commander in Chief, Vice-Admiral, &c. of the Provinces, now States, of Messachusett's-Bay and South-Carolina, and Lieutenant-Governor of New-Jersey.
London : printed for T. Cadell, B. White, T. Payne. P. Elmsley, J. Walter, and J. Debrett, M.DCC.LXXXIV. [1784].
ESTC No. N14295.Grub Street ID 4175.
Pownall, Thomas.
Hydraulic and nautical observations on the currents in the Atlantic Ocean, ... Addressed to navigators by Governor Pownall. ... To which are annexed some notes by Dr. Franklin.
London : printed for Robert Sayer, 1787.
ESTC No. T152046.Grub Street ID 197127.
Pownall, Thomas.
Live and let live: a treatise on the hostile rivalships between the manufacturer and land-worker. With a more especial view to the present contest between the woollen manufacturers and wool-growers.
London : Printed for J. Debrett, In Piccadilly, M,DCC,LXXXVII. [1787].
ESTC No. N19258.Grub Street ID 8684.
Pownall, Thomas.
Hydraulic and nautical observations on the currents in the Atlantic ocean, forming an hypothetical theorem for investigation. With a corresponding chart of that ocean. Addressed to navigators by Governor Pownall, F.R.S. & F.S.A. To which are annexed some notes by Dr. Franklin.
London : printed for Robert Sayer, no. 53, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787].
ESTC No. T36879.Grub Street ID 266739.
Pownall, Thomas.
Live and let live: a treatise on the hostile rivalships between the manufacturer and land-worker. With a more especial view to the present contest between the woollen manufacturers and wool-growers. With a postscript.
London : Printed for J. Debrett, in Piccadilly, [1787].
ESTC No. T41106.Grub Street ID 270071.
Pownall, Thomas.
Notices and descriptions of antiquities of the provincia romana of gaul. Now provence, languedoc, and dauphine; with dissertaions on the subjects of which those are exemplars, and an appendix describing the roman baths and therma discovered in 1784, at Badenweiler. By Governor Pownall, F.R.S. and F.S.A.
London : Printed by and for John Nichols, at cicero's head, red-lion-pasage, Fleet-street: and sold by G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Pater-noster-Row, MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788].
ESTC No. T90290.Grub Street ID 310146.
Pownall, Thomas.
The measure of regulating the assize, and of the due making of bread, explained: with a short commentary on the nature and scope of the provisions of the late Act. By T. Pownall, Esq. M. P.
London : printed by order of the Court of Aldermen, MDCCXCV. [1795].
ESTC No. N10789.Grub Street ID 790.
Pownall, Thomas.
Descriptions and explanations of some remains of Roman antiquities dug up in the city of Bath, in the year MDCCXC. With an engraving from drawings made on the spot. By Governor Pownall.
Bath: printed by and for R. Cruttwell, and sold by C. Dilly, Poultry and Cadell and Davis, strand, London; and by the booksellers of Bath, 1795.
ESTC No. T6294.Grub Street ID 288294.
Pownall, Thomas.
An antiquarian romance, endeavouring to mark a line, by which the most ancient people, and the processions of the earliest inhabitancy of Europe, may be investigated. Some remarks on Mr. Whitaker's criticisms annexed. By Governor Pownall.
London : printed by and for John Nichols, M.DCC.XCV. [1795].
ESTC No. T119548.Grub Street ID 170934.
Pownall, Thomas.
Considerations on the scarcity and high prices of bread-corn and bread at the market; suggesting the remedies in a series of letters; first printed in the Cambridge Chronicle, and supposed to be written by Governor Pownall.
Cambridge: printed by Francis Hodson, sold by Mess. Wilkie, and Mr. Debrett, London, 1795.
ESTC No. T31547.Grub Street ID 262359.
Pownall, Thomas.
Intellectual physicks; an essay concerning the nature of being and the progression of existence.
Bath: printed by R. Cruttwell,. MDCCXCV. (entered at Stationers'-Hall.), [1795].
ESTC No. T114318.Grub Street ID 166136.