Publications of Richard Claridge


  • Claridge, Richard. A defence of the present government under King William & Queen Mary. Shewing the miseries of England under the arbitrary reign of the late King James II. the reasonableness of the proceedings against him, and the happiness that will certainly follow a peaceable submissio to, and standing by King William and Q. Mary. By a divine of the Church of England. London : printed for Richard Baldwin in the Old-Bayly, 1689. ESTC No. R35640. Grub Street ID 118020.
  • Claridge, Richard. A second defence of the present government under K. William, and Q. Mary, delivered in a sermon, preached October the 6th 1689. at St. Swithin's in Worcester. Wherein is shewed, what God hath done already for us by their Majesties means, in respect of our civil and religious rights. What present support he affords us under their conduct. The prospect we have of his future care and protection; and the invalidity of the assertions of the refusers of the new oaths. By R. Claridge M.A. Rector of Peopleton, in the county of Worcester. London : printed for John Mountfort, bookseller in Worcester, and sold by Richard Baldwin in the Old-Baily, MDCLXXXIX [1689]. ESTC No. R37670. Grub Street ID 119886.
  • Claridge, Richard. A defence of the present government under King William & Queen Mary. Shewing the miseries of England under the arbitrary reign of the late King James II. the reasonableness of the proceedings against him, and the happiness that will certainly follow a peaceable submissio to, and standing by King William and Q. Mary. By a divine of the Church of England. London : printed for R. Baldwin in the Old-Bayly, 1689. ESTC No. R175813. Grub Street ID 68570.
  • Claridge, Richard. A looking-glass for religious princes: or, The character and work of Josiah, delivered in a sermon upon 2 Kings XXIII.XXV. The substance whereof was preached April 5. 1691. at Pershore in Worcester-shire. Wherein they may see, that those princes are only eminent in the sight of God, who are truly religious, and turn to the Lord with all their heart. That there is more required of such princes, than their own private assent and consent to the true religion. That religious princes cannot be capable of a greater honour in this world, than to be the instruments of a Godly reformation among their subjects. And, that the word of God alone is the rule, to which both they and their people must attend in all matters relating to religion. By Richard Claridge, M.A. and then rector of Peopleton in the County of Worcester. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by William Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-street, 1691. ESTC No. R2252. Grub Street ID 98481.
  • Claridge, Richard. Mercy covering the judgment seat; and life and light triumphing over death and darkness: in the Lord's tender visitation, and wonderful deliverance, of one that sat in darkness, and in the region and shadow of death. Witnessed unto in certain epistles and papers of living experience. By Richard Claridge. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court, in Gracious-Street, 1700. ESTC No. R12232. Grub Street ID 60441.
  • Claridge, Richard. Mercy covering the judgment-seat, and life and light triumphing over death and darkness: in the Lord's tender visitation, and wonderful deliverance, of one that sat in darkness, and in the region and shadow of death. Witnessed unto in certain epistles and papers of living experience. By Richard Claridge. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court, in Gracious-Street, 1700. ESTC No. R229308. Grub Street ID 101823.
  • Claridge, Richard. A letter from a clergy-man in the country, to a clergy-man in the city; containing free thoughts about the controversie, between some ministers of the Church of England, and the Quakers; With Seasonable Advice to his Brethren, To Study Peace and Moderation. London : printed, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1701. ESTC No. N10790. Grub Street ID 792.
  • Claridge, Richard. A letter from a clergy-man in the country, to a clergy-man in the city: containing free thoughts about the controversie, between some ministers of the Church of England, and the Quakers; ... [Dublin]: London: printed and are to be sold by the booksellers thereof: and re-printed in Dublin, anno, 1701. ESTC No. N18875. Grub Street ID 8307.
  • Claridge, Richard. Lux Evangelica Attestata: or, A further testimony to the sufficiency of the light within. Being a reply to George Keith's Censure, in his book, intituled, An account of the quakers politicks, upon certain passages in my book, intituled, Mercy covering the judgment-seat, &c. For the clearing of truth from G.K's misrepresentations, and satisfying of sober enquirers into the true state of the controversie between us. By Richard Claridge. London : Printed and sold by T. Sowle, in Whits-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1701. ESTC No. T144849. Grub Street ID 191665.
  • Claridge, Richard. Christian counsel to youth. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1703. ESTC No. T1627. Grub Street ID 201415.
  • Claridge, Richard. Melius inquirendum: or, an answer to a book of Edward Cockson, M. A. and Rector, as he Stiles himself, of Westcot-Barton in the County of Oxon. mis-intituled, Rigid Quakers cruel persecutors: being a review of the controversie, between Benjamin Loveling Minister of Banbury in the said County, and the Quakers there; in a Letter to Richard Vivers of the said Town. In which Answer, The said Review is Examined, and Refuted, and the Quakers Clear'd of the Charge of Persecution for Religion. By Richard Claridge. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court, in Gracious-Street, 1706. ESTC No. T102450. Grub Street ID 156262.
  • Claridge, Richard. A distinction between the presence of God, As our Maker and Preserver; And His Presence, As our Redeemer and Sanctifier. London : printed and sold by Philip Gwillim in Austin-Fryars, near the Royal Exchange, 1713. ESTC No. T14844. Grub Street ID 194790.
  • Claridge, Richard. The novelty and nullity of dissatisfaction: Or, The Solemn Affirmation Defended, Against the Unwarrantable Attempts of a Nameless Author, In a Late Essay upon Mat. 5. 33,--37. Wherein His Erroneous Exposition of the Text, Confused Notion of an Oath, many Precarious Assertions, Repeated Contradictions, False or Fallacious Reasonings, and Palpable Misrepresentations of our Ancient Friends, &c. are Manifested. By Richard Claridge. London : printed and sold by Philip Gwillim in Austin-Fryars, near the Royal Exchange, 1714. ESTC No. T14843. Grub Street ID 194786.
  • Claridge, Richard. Tractatus hierographicus: or, a treatise of the Holy Scriptures; Containing, I. An Exhortation to the diligent Reading of the Holy Scriptures. II. A Declaration of the true Way, whereby we may come to know a Profiting in the Reading of them. III. That it is by the Testimony of the Holy Spirit of God in the Hearts of the Faithful, that they do certainly and savingly know that the Holy Scriptures are given by Inspiration of God. IV. That the Holy Spirit of God is the principal and only certain and infallible Expositor or Interpreter of them. V. That we may certainly know, whether we have the Holy Spirit of God, and that our Doctrine is of him. By Richard Claridge. London : printed and sold by W. Ellis at the Queen's Head in Grace-Church-Street, 1724. ESTC No. T102507. Grub Street ID 156317.
  • Claridge, Richard. A plea for mechanick preachers, shewing, first, that the following a secular trade, or employment, is consistent with the office of a gospel minister. Secondly, that human learning is no essential qualification for that service. With a necessary distinction between the art, and the gift, of preaching. By Richard Claridge. London : printed and sold by the assigns of J. Sowle, at the Bible in George-Yard, in Lombard-Street, 1727. ESTC No. T106887. Grub Street ID 159969.
  • Claridge, Richard. Carmen spirituale: monita christiana in usum juventutis continens. Olim à Richardo Claridge anglicè compositum & editum. Nunc latinè versum ab J. B. Londini : imprimuntur, prostantque venalia, ab Assignatis J. Sowle, 1728. ESTC No. T125236. Grub Street ID 175385.
  • Claridge, Richard. Tractatus hierographicus: or, a treatise of the Holy Scriptures; ... By Richard Claridge. London : printed for W. Ellis, 1751. ESTC No. T218942. Grub Street ID 243288.
  • Claridge, Richard. Tractatus hierographicus: Or. A treatise of the Holy scriptures; Containing I. An exhortation to the diligent reading of the Holy Scriptures. II. A declaration of the true way, whereby we may come to know a profiting in the reading of them. III. That it is by the testimony of the holy spirit of God in the hearts of the faithful, thay they do certainly and favingly know that the Holy Scriptures are given by inspiration of God. IV. Several protestant writers and churches, asserting, that it is only by the testimony of the holy spirit in the hearts of faithful, that they come certainly and favingly to know, that the Holy Scriptures were given by inspriation of God. V. That the holy spirit of god is the principal and only certain and insallible expositor or interpreter of them. VI. That we may certainly know, whether we have the holy spirit of god, and that our doctrine is of him. By Richard Claridge. London : Printed for W. Ellis, bookseller, in St. Alban's-Street, near Pall-Mall; W. Meadows, bookseller, Cornhill; and Paul Stevens, over-against Stationers-Hall, 1751. ESTC No. T232356. Grub Street ID 257479.
  • Claridge, Richard. Tractatus hierographicus: or, a treatise of the Holy Scriptures; Containing I. An Exhortation to the diligent Reading of the Holy Scriptures. II A Declaration of the true Way, whereby we may come to know a Profiting in the Reading of them. III. That it is by the Testimony of the Holy Spirit of God in the Hearts of the Faithful, that they do certainly and savingly know that the Holy Scriptures are given by Inspiration of God. IV. Several Protestant Writers and Churches, asserting, that it is only by the Testimony of the Holy Spirit in the Hearts of the Faithful, that they come certainly and savingly to know, that the Holy Scriptures were given by Inspiration of God. V. That the Holy Spirit of God is the principal and only certain and infallible Expositor Interpreter of them. VI. That we may certainly know, whether we have the Holy Spirit of God, and that our Doctrine is of him. By Richard Claridge. London : printed for W. Ellis, Bookseller, in St. Alban's-Street, near Pall-Mall; John Jefferis, Bookseller, in Ludgate-Street; and Paul Stevens, over-against Stationers-Hall, 1751. ESTC No. T106021. Grub Street ID 159220.
  • Claridge, Richard. Mercy covering the judgment-seat, and life and light triumphing over death and darkness: in the Lord's tender visitation, and wonderful deliverance, of one that sat in darkness, and in the region and shadow of death: witnessed unto in certain epistles and papers of living experience. By Richard Claridge. The second edition.. London : printed and sold by Luke Hinde, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, [1757]. ESTC No. T174696. Grub Street ID 211762.