Publications of Laurence Howel


  • Howel, Laurence. Constitutiones provinciales a Stephano Langton ad Henric. Chichleium, Arch. Cant. una cum Constitutionibus legatinis, sc. Othonis & Otthobonis, in compendium redactis. A Laur. Howel, A.M. Londini : typis Sayanis, 1708. ESTC No. N51881. Grub Street ID 35873.
  • Howel, Laurence. Synopsis canonum S.S. Apostolorum, et conciliorum oecumenicorum & provincialium, ab ecclesia Græca receptorum: ... Opus fideliter collectum, & cum selectis annotationibus illustratum. A Laurentio Howel, A.M. Londini : typis Gulielmi Sayes; & prostant venales apud R. Clavel, R. Knaplock, J. Wyat, R. Wilkin, R.& J. Bonwicke, H. Clements, G. Strahan, 1708. ESTC No. T86091. Grub Street ID 306352.
  • Howel, Laurence. Synopsis canonum ecclesiæ Latinæ: qua canones spurii, epistolæ adulterinæ, et decreta supposititia istius ecclesiæ conciliorum in lucem proferuntur, Et à Veris ac Genuinis dignoscuntur. Quibus accesserunt Annotationes quaedam Suppletoriae in Synopsin Canonum Ecclesiae Graecae Conciliorum Nuper editam. Opus fideliter collectum, & cum Annotationibus optimorum in Antiquitate Sacra Criticorum illustratum, a Laurentio Howel, M.A. Londini : typis Gul. Bowyer, & prostant venales, apud R. Sare, M. Wotton, B. Tooke, B. Lintott, R. Knaplock, J. Wyat, R. Wilkin, R. & J. Bonwicke, H. Clements, J. Nicholson, G. Sawbridge, R. Parker, & G. Strahan, Bibliopolas, M.DCC.X. [1710]. ESTC No. T114814. Grub Street ID 166598.
  • Howel, Laurence. A view of the pontificate: from its supposed beginning, to the end of the Council of Trent, A.D. 1563. In which, The Corruptions of the Scriptures and Sacred Antiquity, Forgeries in the Councils, and Incroachments of the Court of Rome on the Church and State, to support their Infallibility, Supremacy, and other Modern Doctrines, are set in a true Light. By Laurence Howel, A. M. London : printed by John Nutt, and sold by John Pemberton at the Golden Buck against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, MDCCXII. [1712]. ESTC No. T114480. Grub Street ID 166288.
  • Howel, Laurence. The orthodox communicant: by way of meditation on the order for the administration of the Lord's-Supper, or Holy Communion; according to the liturgy of the Church of England. London] : In the Savoy, printed by John Nutt; and sold by John Morphew near Stationers-Hall, 1712. ESTC No. T115971. Grub Street ID 167655.
  • Howel, Laurence. The orthodox communicant: by way of meditation on the order for the administration of the Lord's-Supper, or Holy Communion; according to the liturgy of the Church of England. London] : In the Savoy, printed by John Nutt; and sold by John Morphew, 1714. ESTC No. N24483. Grub Street ID 13843.
  • Howel, Laurence. The orthodox communicant: by way of meditation on the order for the administration of the Lord's-Supper, or Holy Communion; according to the liturgy of the Church of England. London] : In the Savoy, printed by John Nutt; and sold by John Morphew, 1714. ESTC No. T103962. Grub Street ID 157566.
  • Howel, Laurence. A compleat history] of the Holy Bible, Contain'd in the Old and New Testaments in which are inserted the occurences that happen'd during the space of about five hundred years from the days of the Prophet Malachi to the birth of our blessed savior and that have been omitted in all or most of the former works of this nature. ... and with notes, explaining several difficult texts, and reconciling maning seeming contradictions in the translations, as well English as others, of the Sacred Scriptures. Adorn'd with above 150 cuts, engraved by J. Stuart. The second edition.. London] : In the Savoy, printed by Eliz. Nutt, and sold by E, Nutt at the Middle-temple Gate in Fleet-street. J. Stuart in Golden Lion Court in Aldergate-street and J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall, 1716. ESTC No. T186438. Grub Street ID 222585.
  • Howel, Laurence. The history of the pontificate: from its supposed beginning, to the end of the Council of Trent, Anno Domini 1563. In which The Corruptions of the Scriptures and Sacred Antiquity, Forgeries in the Councils, and Incroachments of the Court of Rome on the Church and State, to support their Infallibility, Supremacy, and other Modern Doctrines, are set in a true Light. By Laurence Howel, A. M. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Pemberton, at the Golden Buck against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, MDCCXVI. [1716]. ESTC No. T114478. Grub Street ID 166286.
  • Howel, Laurence. A view of the pontificate: from its supposed beginning, to the end of the Council of Trent, A.D. 1563. In which The Corruptions of the Scriptures and Sacred Antiquity, Forgeries in the Councils, and Incroachments of the Court of Rome on the Church and State, to support their Infallibility, Supremacy, and other Modern Doctrines, are set in a true Light. By Laurence Howel, A. M. The second edition.. London : printed for Edward Nutt, at the Middle-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, MDCCXVI. [1716]. ESTC No. T114479. Grub Street ID 166287.
  • Howel, Laurence. Abstract of a pamphlet; entitled, The case of schism in the Church of England truly stated; found in the house of Mr. Howell the non-juring clergyman. With his Letters of ordination. And, The form of absolution; and, Reception of converts, used by the nonjurors. London] : Printed in the year, 1716. ESTC No. T152971. Grub Street ID 197521.
  • Howel, Laurence. A compleat history of the Holy Bible, contain'd in the Old and New Testament: In which are inserted the occurrences that happen'd during the space of about four hundred years, from the days of the prophet Malachi to the birth of our blessed saviour, and that have been omitted in all or most of the former works of this nature, digested in a chronological order, and brought down to that time. The whole illustrated with notes, Explaining several difficult texts, and reconciling many seeming contradictions in the translations, as well English as others, of the Sacred Scriptures. Adorn'd with above 150 cuts, engraven by J. Sturt. In three volumes. London] : In the Savoy: printed by J. Nutt, and sold by E. Nutt at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-street, and J. Sturt in Golden-Lion-Court in Aldersgate street, 1716. ESTC No. T118659. Grub Street ID 170143.
  • Howel, Laurence. A compleat history of the Holy Bible, contain'd in the Old and New Testament: ... In three volumes. By Laurence Howel, . The third edition, corrected ... London] : In the Savoy, printed by Eliz. Nutt; and sold by M. Nutt; R. Gosling; J. Sturt; and J. Morphew, 1718. ESTC No. N28133. Grub Street ID 17360.
  • Howel, Laurence. A compleat history of the Holy Bible, contain'd in the Old and New Testament: ... Adorn'd with above 150 cuts, engraven by J. Sturt. In three volumes. By Laurence Howel, ... The third edition, corrected. London] : In the Savoy, printed by Eliz. Nutt; and sold by J Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Sprint, D. Midwinter, [and 4 others in London], 1718. ESTC No. N28171. Grub Street ID 17401.
  • Howel, Laurence. The orthodox communicant, by way of meditation on the order for the administration of the Lord's=Supper, or Holy Communion; according to the liturgy of the Church of England. London : engraven and sold by J. Sturt in Golden Lion Court in Aldersgate Street, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T119687. Grub Street ID 171070.
  • Howel, Laurence. A compleat history of the Holy Bible, contain'd in the Old and New Testament: in which are inserted the occurrences that happen'd during the space of about four hundred years, from the days of the prophet Malachi to the birth of our blessed Saviour, and that have been omitted in all or most of the former works of this naturem the whole illustrated with notes, explaining several difficult texts, and reconciling many seeming contradictions in the translations, as well English as others, of the sacred scriptures. Adorn'd with above 150 cuts, engraven by J. Sturt. In three volumes. By Laurence Howel, A. M. The fourth edition, corrected.. London : printed for E. and R. Nutt, and sold by J. Darby, A. Bettesworth, F. Fayram, J. Pemberton, C. Rivington, J. Hooke, F. Clay, J. Batley, and E. Symon, MDCCXXV [1725]. ESTC No. T114483. Grub Street ID 166291.
  • Howel, Laurence. A compleat history of the Holy Bible, contain'd in the Old and New Testament: In which are inserted the Occurrences that happen'd during the space of about four hundred years, from the days of the prophet Malachi to the birth of our blessed saviour, and that have been omitted in all or most of the former works of this nature. The whole illustrated with notes, explaining several difficult texts, and reconciling many seeming contradictions in the translations, as well English as others, of the Sacred Scriptures. Adorn'd with above 150 cuts, engraven by J. Sturt. In three volumes. By Laurence Howel, A.M. The fifth edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. and J. Knapton, J. Darby, A. Bettesworth, J. Osborn and T. Longman, F. Fayram, J. Pemberton, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley, and A. Ward, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T116070. Grub Street ID 167753.
  • Howel, Laurence. A compleat history of the Holy Bible, contain'd in the Old and New Testament: In which are inserted the Occurrences that happen'd during the Space of about Four Hundred Years, From the Days of the Prophet Malachi, To the Birth of our Blessed Saviour, And that have been omitted in all or most of the former Works of this Nature. The Whole illustrated with larger Notes than were ever before published, explaining several difficult Texts, and reconciling many seeming Contradictions in the Translations, as well English as others, of the Sacred Scriptures. Adorned with cuts and maps. The greater part of which is done by Laurence Howel, A.M. With many additions. extracted from the Works of The Learned Dr. Patrick, Dr. Whitby, Dr. Lowth, the Rev. Mr. Shuckford. Mr. Stackhouse, and other eminent Divines. Manchester: printed by R. Whitworth, Bookseller, at the Three Bibles opposite the Exchange, M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1738]-40. ESTC No. T114398. Grub Street ID 166211.
  • Howel, Laurence. A compleat history of the Holy Bible, ... By Laurence Howel, . The sixth edition, corrected. .... London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges [and 5 others in London], 1752. ESTC No. T167593. Grub Street ID 205661.