Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
Spicilegium SS. Patrum, ut et hæreticorum, seculi post Christum natum I. II. & III. Quorum vel integra monumenta, vel fragmenta, partim ex aliorum patrum libris jam impressis collegit, & cum codicibus manuscriptis contulit, partim ex MSS. nunc primm edidit, ac singula tam præfatione, quàm notis subjunctis illustravit Joannes Ernestus Grabius. Tomus I. sive seculum I.
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, MDCXCVIII. [1698].
ESTC No. R35472.Grub Street ID 117881.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
Spicilegium SS. Patrum, ut et hæreticorum, seculi post Christum natum I. II. & III. Quorum vel integra monumenta, vel fragmenta, partim ex aliorum patrum libris jam impressis collegit, & cum codicibus manuscriptis contulit, partim ex MSS. nunc primm edidit, ac singula tam præfatione, quàm notis subjunctis illustravit Joannes Ernestus Grabius. Seculi II. Tomus I.
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, M.DC.XCIX. [1699].
ESTC No. R227570.Grub Street ID 100468.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
Spicilegium SS. Patrum, ut et hæreticorum, seculi post Christum natum I. II. & III. Quorum vel integra monumenta, vel fragmenta, partim ex aliorum patrum libris jam impressis collegit, & cum codicibus manuscriptis contulit, partim ex MSS. nunc pr mum edidit, ac singula tam præfatione, quàm notis subjunctis illustravit Joannes Ernestus Grabius. Tomus I. sive seculum I.
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano,, MDCC. [1700] Impensis Joannis Oweni.
ESTC No. R5265.Grub Street ID 125721.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
Joannis Ernesti Grabii Epistola ad clarissimum virum, Dn. Joannem Millium, S. T. P. Aulae S. Edmundi apud Oxonienses principalem, Et Ecclesiae Cantuariensis Canonicum dignissimum: quâ ostenditur, libri judicum genuinam LXX. interpretum versionem eam esse, quam MS. Codex Alexandrinus exhibet; Romanam autem Editionem, quod ad dictum Librum, ab illa prorsus diversam, atque eandem cum Hesychiana esse. Subnexa sunt tria novæ T?n 70 editionis specimina cum variis annotationibus.
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, anno Dom. MDCCV. Impensis T. Bennet ad insigne Lunæ Falcatæ in Coemeterio D. Pauli [London], [1705].
ESTC No. T141043.Grub Street ID 188658.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
Dissertatio de variis vitiis LXX. interpretum versioni ante B. Origenis ævum illatis, et remediis ab ipso in hexaplari ejusdem versionis editione adhibitis, deque Hujus Editionis Reliquiis tam manu scriptis quàm praelo excusis, auctore Joanne Ernesto Grabe, S.T.P.
Oxonii: e Theatro Sheldoniano; sumptibus Henrici Clementis, bibliopolæ ad insigne Lunæ Falcatæ in Coemeterio S. Pauli [London], anno Christi, MDCCX [1710].
ESTC No. T141041.Grub Street ID 188656.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
An essay upon two Arabick manuscripts of the Bodlejan Library, and that ancient book, call'd, The doctrine of the Apostles, which is said to be extant in them; wherein Mr. Whiston's mistakes about both are plainly prov'd, by John Ernest Grabe D.D.
Oxford : printed at the Theater for Henry Clements, bookseller at the Half Moon in St. Paul's Church Yard, London, 1711.
ESTC No. T33482.Grub Street ID 264036.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
An essay upon two Arabick manuscripts of the Bodlejan Library, and that ancient book, call'd, The doctrine of the Apostles, which is said to be extant in them; wherein Mr. Whiston's mistakes about both are plainly prov'd by John Ernest Grabe, D.D.
The second edition..
London : printed for Henry Clements, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1712.
ESTC No. T33483.Grub Street ID 264037.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
Some instances of the defects and omissions in Mr Whiston's collection of testimonies from the Scriptures and the fathers, against the true deity of the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and of mis-applying and mis-interpreting divers of them. By Dr. Grabe. To which is premised a discourse, wherein some account is given of the learned doctor, and of his mss. and of this short tract found among his English mss. By George Hickes, D.D.
London : printed by W. Bowyer, for Henry Clements, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1712.
ESTC No. T128182.Grub Street ID 177816.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
Spicilegium SS. patrum, ut et hæreticorum, seculi post Christum natum I. II. & III. ... Joannes Ernestus Grabius.
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1714.
ESTC No. N46252.Grub Street ID 31124.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
Spicilegium SS. patrum, ut et hæreticorum, seculi post Christum natum I. II. & III. Quorum vel integra monumenta, ... collegit, & cum codicibus manuscriptis contulit, ... edidit, ac ... illustravit Joannes Ernestus Grabius. ...
Oxoniæ: e theatro Sheldoniano, MDCCXIV. Impensis Gulielmi Innys, bibliopolæ Londinensis, [1714].
ESTC No. N24915.Grub Street ID 14260.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
Spicilegium SS. patrum, ut et hæreticorum, seculi post Christum natum I. II. & III. Quorum vel integra monumenta, ... collegit, & cum codicibus manuscriptis contulit, ... edidit, ... illustravit Joannes Ernestus Grabius. ...
Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, MDCCXIV. Impensis J. Bowyer & H. Clements, bibliopolarum Londinensium, [1714].
ESTC No. T117051.Grub Street ID 168677.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
De forma consecrationis eucharistiæ, &c. Or, a defence of the Greek church, against the Roman, in the article of the consecration of the eucharistical elements, written in Latin, by the late learned Dr. I. E. Grabe; And now first published, together with a Translation, for the Benefit of the English Readers. To which are added Some Papers concerning the Oblation of the Body and Blood of Christ, the Form and Effect of the Eucharistical Consecration, and two Fragments of a designed Preface to a new Edition of K. Edward the Vith's first Liturgy: All written by the same Author. With a Preface by the Editor, shewing the Opinion of the Church of England concerning the Use of the Fathers, and the Sense of many of her greatest Members concerning the Points contended for by the Author of this Treatise.
London : printed for Richard King, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXXI. [1721].
ESTC No. T92506.Grub Street ID 312294.
Grabe, Joannes Ernestus.
Collatio codicis Cottoniani Geneseos cum editione Romana, a viro clarissimo Joanne Ernesto Grabe jam olim facta; nunc demum summa cura edita ab Henrico Owen, M. D. S. R. S. Ecclesiae Sancti Olai Rectore, &c.
Londini : excudebat Joannes Nichols: prostat venalis ibidem, apud J. F. & C. Rivington, T. Payne, B. White, & H. Payne, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778].
ESTC No. T83538.Grub Street ID 303951.