Salmon, William.
Synopsis medicinæ, or A compendium of astrological, Galenical, & chymical physick. Philosophically deduced from the principles of Hermes and Hippocrates. In three books. The first, laying down signs and rules how the disease may be known. The second, how to judge whether it be curable or not, or may end in life or death. The third, shewing the way of curing, according to the precepts of Galen and Paracelsus. All generally and specially performed; first astrally, from the decumbiture and radix: secondly physically, from the body of the sick, and symptoms thence arising. Fitted universally to the whole art of healing. By William Salmon. Philomathès Professor of Physick.
London : printed by W. Godbid, for Richard Jones bookseller at the Golden Lion in Little Britain, near the Lame Hospital Gate, 1671.
ESTC No. R4806.Grub Street ID 125269.
Salmon, William.
Polygraphice; or The art of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, colouring, and dying. In three books. I. Shews the drawing of men, and other animal creatures, landskips, countries, and figures of various forms. II. The way of engraving, etching and limning, with all their requisits and ornaments. III. The way of painting, washing, varnishing, colouring, and dying, according to the method of the best authors now extant. Exemplified in the painting of the antients, washing of maps, globes, or pictures; dying of cloth, silks, bones, wood, glass, stones, and metals: together with the way of varnishing thereof according to any purpose or intent. The like never yet extant. By W.S. a lover of art.
London : printed by E[van]. T[yler]. and R[alph]. H[olt]. for Richard Jones at the Golden Lion in Little-Britain, 1672.
ESTC No. R16619.Grub Street ID 64440.
Salmon, William.
Polygraphice; or the art of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying and perfuming. In four books. Exemplifyed, in the drawing of men, women, landskips, countries, and figures of various forms; the way of engraving, etching and limning, with all their requisites and ornaments; the depicting of the most eminent pieces of antiquities, the paintings of the antients; washing of maps, globes, or pictures; the dying of cloth, silk, horns, bones, wood, glass, stones, and metals; the varnishing, colouring and gilding thereof, according to any purpose or intent; the painting, colouring and beautifying of the face, skin and hair; the whole doctrine of perfumes (never published till now) together with the original, advancement and perfection of the art of painting. The second edition, with many large additions. Adorned with sculptures: the like never yet extant. By William Salmon .
London : printed by E[van]. T[yler]. and R[alph]. H[olt] for John Crumpe, at the sign of the three Bibles in St. Paul's church-yard, 1673.
ESTC No. R183208.Grub Street ID 73066.
Salmon, William.
Polygraphice; or The arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying and perfuming. In four books. Exemplifyed, in the drawing of men, women, landskips, countries, and figures of various forms; the way of engraving, etching and limning, with all their requisites and ornaments; the depicting of the most eminent pieces of antiquities; the paintings of the antients; washing of maps, globes, or pictures; the dying of cloth, silk, horns, bones, wood, glass, stones, and metals; the varnishing, colouring and gilding thereof, according to any purpose or intent; the painting, colouring and beautifying of the face, skin and hair; the whole doctrine of perfumes (never published till now) together with the original, advancement and perfection of the art of painting. The second edition, with many large additions. Adorned with sculptures: the like never yet extant. By William Salmon philal=ethes.
London : printed by E[van]. T[yler]. and R[alph]. H[olt]. for R. Jones, at the sign of the Golden Lyon in Little Brittain, 1673.
ESTC No. R16620.Grub Street ID 64442.
Salmon, William.
Polygraphice: or The arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying and perfuming. In four books. Exemplified, in the drawing of men, women, landskips, countries, and figures of various forms; the way of engraving, etching and limning, with all their requisites and ornaments; the depicting of the most eminent pieces of antiquities; the paintings of the antients; washing of maps, globes or pictures; the dying of cloth, silk, horns, bones, wood, glass stones, and metals; the varnishing, colouring an gilding thereof, according to any purpose or intent; the painting, colouring and beautifying of the face, skin and hair; the whole doctrine of perfumes (never published till now,) together with the original, advancement and perfection of the art of painting. To which is added, a discourse of perspective and chiromancy. The third edition, with many large additions: adorned with sculptures: the like never yet extant. By William Sal.
London : printed by Andr. Clark, for John Crumpe, at the sign of the three Bibles, in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1675.
ESTC No. R30542.Grub Street ID 113380.
Salmon, William.
Polygraphice: or The arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying and perfuming. In four books. Exemplified, in the drawing of men, women, landskips, countreys, and figures of various forms; the way of engraving, etching and limning, with all their requisites and ornaments; the depicting of the most eminent pieces of antiquities; the paintings of the antients; washing of maps, globes or pictures; the dying of cloth, silk, horns, bones, wood, glass, stones and metals; the varnishing, colouring an gilding thereof, according to any purpose or intent: the painting, colouring and beautifying of the face, skin and hair; the whole doctrine of perfumes (never published till now,) together with the original, advancement and perfection of the art of painting. To which is added a discourse of perspective and chiromancy. The fourth edition, with many large additions: adorned with sculptures: the like never yet extant. By William Sal.
London : printed by Robert White, for John Crumpe, at the sign of the Three Bibles in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and are to be sold by Charles Passenger at the Seven Stars on London-Bridge, 1678.
ESTC No. R219883.Grub Street ID 94355.
Salmon, William.
Horæ mathematicæ, seu, Urania· The soul of astrology: containing that art in all its parts. In four books. Illustrated with the names, numbers and natures of the faces of the signs, the planets, nodes, aspects and houses: the setting of a figure: explication of terms of art: refutation of planetary hours, deep pitted, lame and azimene degrees: the doctrine of nativities, shewing all the ways of rectifying, directing and giving judgment thereon, from Regiomonanus, Argol, Kepler, Morinus and otehrs, deduced from a consideration of the signs, aspects, nodes, houses, planets and fixed stars, as they are related by position, direction, transit and revolution: ... and a demonstration of the aspects of the planets; together with ... finding the planets and fixed stars rising, southing and setting, by new tables, never before published. The Via nova Genethliaca, o our new way of managing nativities, ... The whole work a new thing, the like never yet extant. By William Salmon, professor of physick.
London : printed by Tho. Dawks, his Majesties British printer, at the Blew-Anchor, at the west end of St. Pauls, 1679.
ESTC No. R6301.Grub Street ID 126658.
Salmon, William.
Polygraphice: or the arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, guilding, colouring, dying, beautifying, and perfuming. In four books. Exemplified in the drawing of men, women, landskips, countries, and figures of various forms; the way of engraving, etching, and limning, with all their requisites and ornaments; the depicting of the most eminent pieces of antiquities; the paintings of the ancients; washing of maps, globes, or pictures; the dying of cloth, silk, horns, bones, wood, glass, stones, and metals; the varnishing, colouring and guilding thereof, according to any purpose or intent; the painting, colouring, and beautifying of the face, skin, and hair; the whole doctrine of perfumes, together with the original, advancement, and perfection of the art of painting: the like never published till now. To which is added, A discourse of perspective and chiromancy. The fourth edition, with many new and large additions, adorned with twenty sculptures; the like.
London : printed for Charles Passinger, at the sign of the Seven Stars on London-Bridge, 1680.
ESTC No. R188741.Grub Street ID 76587.
Salmon, William.
Synopsis medicinae. A compendium of physick, chirurgery, and anatomy. In IV. books. Shewing the signs, causes, judgments, and various ways of curing all diseases whether external or internal, hapning to the bodies of humane kind. Perform'd astrologically, Galenically, and chymically. Illustrated with celestial observations; the judgments of urines and pulses; the presages of Hippocrates from the body of the sick; the manner of performing of all kinds of chirurgick operations: the art of embalming of dead bodies, both ancient and modern: the chirurgian's chest, fitted both for sea and land: the explication and use of all sorts of chirurgick instruments, with their various figures; the cure of all manner of tumors, wounds, ulcers, fractures & dislocations; with many other things of excellen use; and a compleat anatomical idea, of the whole body of man. Th second edition. Enlarged with above twothousand several additions through the whole work; and adorn'd with 24 copper plates ... By Willia.
London : printed for Th. Dawks, in Thames-street, next Puddle-dock-stairs. Sold by L. Curtiss on Ludgate hill, and by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1681.
ESTC No. R40165.Grub Street ID 121992.
Salmon, William.
Polygraphice: or The arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying and perfuming. In four books. Exemplified, in the drawing of men, women, landskips, countreys, and figures of various forms; the way of engraving, etching and limning, with all their requisites and ornaments; the depicting of the most eminent pieces of antiquities; the paintings of the antients; washing of maps, globes or pictures; the dying of cloth, silk, horns, bones, wood, glass, stones and metals; the varnishing, colouring an gilding thereof, according to any purpose or intent: the painting, colouring and beautifying of the face, skin and hair; the whole doctrine of perfumes (never published till now,) together with the original, advancement and perfection of the art of painting. To which is added a discourse of perspective and chiromancy. The fifth edition, with many large additions: adorned with sculptures: the like never yet extant. By William Salm.
London : printed by M. White, for John Crumpe, at the sign of the Three Bibles in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXXI. [1681].
ESTC No. R16621.Grub Street ID 64443.
Salmon, William.
Iatrica: seu Praxis medendi. The practice of curing: being a medicinal history of above three thousand famous observations in the cure of diseases, performed by the author hereof. Together with several of the choicest observations of other famous men: taken from Crato, Forestus, Hildanus, Skensius, Rulandus, Zacutus, Platerus, Riverius, Willis, and several others which are falln into the author's hands in manuscript: all of them digested under their proper heads. Wherein for the most part, you will find, 1. The constitution of the body of the sick. 2. The symptoms predominant. 3. The cause of the disease, what? 4. The exact method which was taken in the cure. 5. An exact account of the medicines exhibited, with the order of their exhibition, various doses, and success thereupon. A work of singular use to all the practisers of the art of physick, an chirurgery, whether physicians, chyrurgians, apothecaries, or charitable and well disposed gentlemen and ladies, who have espoused the afflictio.
London : printed for Th. Dawks; and Langley Curtiss on Ludgate-Hill, 1681.
ESTC No. R2357.Grub Street ID 106735.
Salmon, William.
Doron medicum: or, A supplement to the new London dispensatory. In III. books. Containing a supplement I. To the materia medica. II. To the internal compound medicaments. III. To the external compound medicaments. Compleated with the art of compounding medicines: observations and exemplifications chymical: an idea of the process of the universal medicine of Paracelsus, taken from an original manuscript: together with many rare secrets of the medical art, not vulgarly known: some of them gathered out of the manuscripts of famous men, not yet printed: some the gleanings out of the vast printed volumns of medical authors; other of them communicated by several worthy and learned men, of profound parts, universal scholars, and professors of this art. By William Salmon, professor of physick.
London : printed for T. Dawks, T. Bassett, J. Wright, and R. Chiswell, MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R6159.Grub Street ID 126523.
Salmon, William.
Doron medicum: or, A supplement to the new London dispensatory. In III. books. Containing a supplement I. To the materia medica. II. To the internal compound medicaments. III. To the external compound medicaments. Compleated with the art of compounding medicines: observations and exemplifications chymical: an idea of the process of the universal medicine of Paracelsus, taken from an original manuscript: together with many rare secrets of the medical art, not vulgarly known: some of them gathered out of the manuscripts of famous men, not yet printed: some the gleanings out of the vast printed volumns of medical authors; others of them communicated by several worthy and learned men, of profound parts, universal scholars, and professors of this art. By William Salmon, professor of physick.
London : printed for T. Dawks, T. Bassett, J. Wright, and R. Chiswell. Sold by T. Passinger, and T. Sawbridge, 1683.
ESTC No. R7423.Grub Street ID 127690.
Salmon, William.
Salmon's almanack for the year of our Lord 1684. Of the worlds creation 5633. And of His Majesties reign 36. Wherein you will find contained, 1. The changes and quarters of the moon. 2. The length of the day and night. 3. The planets places to every fifth day. 4. The suns rising and setting. 5. The moons southing, rising and setting. 6. The time of high-water at London-Bridg. 7. The exact high-water in 106 other ports. 8. The aspects of the planets, with change of weather. 9. The increase and decrease of the days. 10. Physical observations on each month. 11. The eclipses of the luminaries. 12. Astrological judgments on the whole year, after the new method in our Horæ mathematicæ, with other things of material consequence. By William Salmon, professor of physick, living at the Blew Ball in George-yard in Thames-Street, near Broken Wharf.
London : printed by T. Dawks, for the Company of Stationers, 1684.
ESTC No. R15891.Grub Street ID 63788.
Salmon, William.
Iatrica: seu, Praxis medendi. The practice of curing: being a medicinal history of many famous observations in the cure of diseases, performed by the author hereof. Whereunto is added by way of scholia, a complete theory, or method of precepts, wherein the names, definitions, kinds, signs, causes, prognosticks, and various waies of cure are methodically instituted, digested and reduced to vulgar practice. Together with several of the choisest observations of other famous men; as, Forestus, Horstius, Hildanus, Rulandus, Thonerus, Valeriola, Zacutus, Platerus, Riverius, VVillis; and some others, which are fall'n into the author's hand in manuscript. All of them digested under their proper heads. The first volume. ... Performed by William Salmon, Med. Profess. living at the Blue Balcony by Fleet Ditch, nere Holborn-Bridg, London.
London : printed for Th. Dawks, His Majesties British printer: in Thames-street: also are sold by T. Passinger at the three Bibles on London-bridge, 1684.
ESTC No. R204405.Grub Street ID 81366.
Salmon, William.
Iatrica, seu, Praxis medendi. Volume one the practice of curing, being a medicinal history of many famous observations in the cure of diseases performed by the author : whereunto is added by way of scholia, a complete theory, or method of precepts ... together with several of the choisest observations of other famous men ... / performed by William Salmon.
London : Printed for Th. Dawks .., 1684.
ESTC No. R29349.Grub Street ID 112346.
Salmon, William.
Pharmacopæia Londinensis. Or, The new London dispensatory in VI. books. Translated into English for the publick good, and fitted to the whole art of healing. Illustrated with the preparations virtues and uses of all simple medicaments, vegetable, animal and mineral: of all the compounds both internal and external: and of all the chymical preparations now in use. Together with some choice medicines added by the author. As also the praxis of chymistry, as it's now exercised, fitted to the meanest capacity. The third edition corrected amd amended. By William Salmon, professor of physick; at the blue Balcony by the ditch-side nigh Holbourn-bridge.
London : printed for Thomas Dawks, Tho. Bassett, and Richard Chiswell, 1685.
ESTC No. R229754.Grub Street ID 102171.
Salmon, William.
Synopsis medicinæ. A compendium of physick, chirurgery, and anatomy. In IV. books. Shewing the signs, causes, judgments, and various ways of curing all diseases whether external or internal, hapning to the bodies of humane kind. Perform'd astrologically, Galenically, and chymically. Illustrated with celestial observations; the judgments of urines and pulses; the presages of Hippocrates from the body of the sick; the manner of performing of all kinds of chirurgick operations: the art of embalming of dead bodies, both ancient and modern: the chirurgian's chest, fitted both for sea and land: the explication and use of all sorts of chirurgick instruments, with their various figures; the cure of all manner of tumors, wounds, ulcers, fractures & dislocations; with many other things of excellent use; and a compleat anatomical idea, of the whole body of man. The second edition. Enlarged with above two thousand several additions through the whole work; and adorn'd with 24 copper plates or sculptures.
London : printed for Th. Dawks, living on Addle-hill in Career-lane, where they are sold; as also by the book-sellers of London and Westminster, 1685.
ESTC No. R228064.Grub Street ID 100800.
Salmon, William.
Pharmacopæia Londinensis. Or, The new London dispensatory in VI books. Translated into English for the publick good, and fitted to the whole art of healing. Illustrated with the preparations virtues and uses of all simple medicaments, vegetable, animal and mineral: of all the compounds both internal and external: and of all the chymical preparations now in use. Together with some choice medicines added by the author. As also the praxis of chymistry, as it's now exercised, fitted to the meanest capacity. The third edition corrected and amended. By William Salmon, Professor of Physick; at the blue Balcony by the ditch-side nigh Holbourn-Bridge.
London : printed for Thomas Dawks, Tho. Passinger, and Thomas Sawbridge, 1685.
ESTC No. R29351.Grub Street ID 112349.
Salmon, William.
Polygraphice: or The arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying and perfuming. In seven books. Exemplified, in the drawing of men, women, landskips, countreys, and figures of various forms; the way of engraving, etching and limning, ... the depicting of the most eminent pieces of antiquities; the paintings of the antients; ... The whole doctrine of perfumes (never published till now,) together with the original, advancement and perfection of the art of painting: and a discourse of perspective, chiromancy and alchymy. To which also is added, I. The one hundred and twelve chymical arcanums of Petrus Johannes Faber, a most learned and eminent physician, translated out of Latin into English. II. An abstract of choice chymical preparations, fitted for vulgar use, for curing most diseases incident to humane bodies. The fifth edition: ... Adorned with XXV. copper sculptures; ... by William Salmon, .
London : printed for Thomas Passinger at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge; and Thomas Sawbridge at the Three Flower de Luces in Little-Brittain, MDCLXXXV. [1685].
ESTC No. R16667.Grub Street ID 64488.
Salmon, William.
Parathrhmata: or Select physical and chyrurgical observations: containing divers remarkable histories of cures, done by several famous physicians. And above seven hundred eminent cures, in the most usual diseases happening to humane bodies: performed by the author hereof William Salmon: professor of physick. With useful tables for the whole vvork, as also large and plain directions for the use of every instrument.
London : printed for Thomas Passinger, at the Three Bibles on London Bridge; and John Richardson, near the Miter Tavern in Fanchurch-Street, 1687.
ESTC No. R183204.Grub Street ID 73065.
Salmon, William.
Parat=er=emata: or Select physical and chyrurgical observations: containing divers remarkable histories of cures, done by several famous physicians. And above seven hundred eminent cures, in the most usual diseases happening to humane bodies: performed by the author hereof William Salmon: professor of physick. With useful tables for the whole vvork, as also large and plain directions for the use of every instrument. Licensed December 8th. 1685. Rob. Midgley.
London : printed for Thomas Passinger, and John Richardson, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor near Stationers Hall, and Josias Mitchel in St. Christophers Alley in Thredneedle-Street, 1687.
ESTC No. R21927.Grub Street ID 93826.
Salmon, William.
Phylaxa medicina: a supplement to the London-dispensatory, and doron: being, a cabinet of choice medicines collected, and fitted for vulgar use. By William Salmon, M.D. The medicines mentioned in this book, are to be had ready prepared at the author's house at the Blew-Balcony by the Ditch-side near Holborn-Bridge, London.
The second edition..
London : printed for Simon Neale, over against the Duke of Grafton's Head in Grafton-Street, near Leycester-Fields, 1688.
ESTC No. R4701.Grub Street ID 125080.
Salmon, William.
Doron medicum: or, A supplement to the new London dispensatory. In three books. Containing a supplement I. To the materia medica. II. To the internal compound medicaments. III. To the external compound medicaments. Compleated with the art of compounding medicines: observations and exemplifications chymical: an idea of the process of the universal medicine of Paracelsus, taken from an original manuscript; together with many rare secrets of the medicial art, not vulgarly known : some of them gather'd out of the manuscripts of famous men, not yet printed: some the gleanings out of the vast printed volumns of medical authors; others of them communicated by several worthy & learned men of profound parts, universal scholars, and professors of this art. The second edition corrected. By William Salmon, professor of physick.
London : printed for, and sold by T. Dawks, T. Basset, R. Chiswell, M. Wotton, and G. Conyers, 1688.
ESTC No. R222132.Grub Street ID 96175.
Salmon, William.
Parat=er=emata: or, Select physical and chyrurgical observations: containing divers remarkable histories of cures, done by several famous physicians. And above seven hundred eminent cures, in the most usual diseases happening to humane bodies: performed by the author hereof William Salmon: professor of physick. With useful tables for the whole work, as also large and plain directions for the use of every instrument. Licensed, December 8th. 1685. Rob. Midgley.
London : printed for George Conyers at the sign of the Ring upon Ludgate-Hill, 1689.
ESTC No. R219881.Grub Street ID 94353.
Salmon, William.
A discourse against transubstantiation. By William Salmon professor of Physick, living at the Blew-balcony by the Ditch-side near Holbourn-Bridge, London.
London : printed for Richard Baldwin, 1690.
ESTC No. R218616.Grub Street ID 93259.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack for the year of our Lord, 1691. for the year of the world, 5641. and of Their Majesties reign, 3. Containing I. The changes and quarters of the moon. II. The moon's place, rising, setting and southing. III. The time of high water at London bridge. IV. The exact high water in 110 other ports. V. The planets places to every fifth day. VI. The mutual aspects of the planets. VII. The sun's rising and setting every day. VIII. The length of the days and nights. IX. The increase and decrease of the days. X. Physical observations in each month. XI. The eclipses of the luminaries. XII. Considerations on the dignities of the planets. With other things of material consequence. Dedicated to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. By William Salmon, professor of physick, living at the Blew Balcony by the Ditch-side, near Holbourn Bridge, London.
London : printed by W[illiam]. H[orton]. for the Company of Stationers, 1691.
ESTC No. R33165.Grub Street ID 115808.
Salmon, William.
Medicina practica: or, Practical physick. Shewing the method of curing the most usual diseases happening to humane bodies. As all sorts of aches and pains, apoplexies, agues, bleeding, fluxes, gripings, wind, shortness of breath, diseases of the brest [sic] and lungs, abortion, want of appetite, loss of the use of limbs, cholick, or belly-ach, apostems, thrushes, quinsies, deafness, bubo's, cachexia, stone in the reins, and stone in the bladder: with the preparation of the Praecipiolum, or the universal medicine of Paracelsus. To which is added, the philosophick works of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid Persicus, Geber Arabs, Artesius Longaevus, Nicholas Flammel, Roger Bachon, and George Ripley. All translated out of the best Latin editions, into English; ... Together with a singular comment upon the first book of Hermes, the most ancient of philosophers. The whole compleated in three books. By William Salmon professor of physickDT Living at the Blue-Ball by the Ditchside, near Holborn-Brid.
London : printed for Tho. Howkins in George-Yard in Lombard-street, and John Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey, MDCXCII. [1692].
ESTC No. R227007.Grub Street ID 99909.
Salmon, William.
Medicina practica: or, Practical physick. Shewing the method of curing the most usual diseases happening to humane bodies. As all sorts of aches and pains, apoplexies, agnes, bleedings, fluxes, gripings, wind, shortnes of breath, diseases of the breast and lungs, abortion, want of appetite, loss of the use of limbs, cholick, or belly-ach, apostems, thrushes, quinsies, deafness, bubo's cachexia, stone in the reins, and stone in the bladder: with the preparation of the Praecipolum, or the universal medicine of Paracelsus. To which is added, the philosophick works of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid Persicus, Geber Arabs, Artesius Longaevus, Nicholas Flammel, Roger Bachon and George Ripley. All translated out of the best Latin editions into English; and carefully claused, or divided into chapters, and sections, for the more pleasant reading, and easier understanding of those authors. Together with a singular comment upon the first book of Hermes, the most ancient of philosophers. The whole compl.
London : printed for T. Howkins in George-Yard in Lombard-Street, J. Taylor at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and J. Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey, 1692.
ESTC No. R2355.Grub Street ID 106591.
Salmon, William.
Medicina practica: or, Practical physick. Shewing the method of curing the most usual diseases happening to humane bodies. As all sorts of aches and pains, apoplexies, agues, bleeding, fluxes, gripings, wind, shortness of breath, diseases of the brest [sic] and lungs, abortion, want of appetite, loss of the use of limbs, cholick, or belly-ach, apostems, thrushes, quinsies, deafness, bubo's, cachexia, stone in the reins, and stone in the bladder: with the preparation of the Praecipiolum, or the universal medicine of Paracelsus. To which is added, the philosophick works of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid Persicus, Geber Arabs, Artesius Longaevus, Nicholas Flammel, Roger Bachon, and George Ripley. All translated out of the best Latin editions, into English; ... Together with a singular comment upon the first book of Hermes, the most ancient of philosophers. The whole compleated in three books. By William Salmon professor of physick. Living at the Blue-Ball by the Ditchside, near Holborn-Bridge.
London : printed by W. Bonny, for Tho. Howkins in George-Yard in Lombard-street, and John Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey, 1692.
ESTC No. R183203.Grub Street ID 73064.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack for the year of our Lord, 1692. For the year of the world, 5642. And of Their Majesties reign, 4. Containing I. The changes and quarters of the moon. II. The moon's place, rising, setting and southing. III. The time of high water at London bridge. IV. The exact high water in 110 other ports. V. The Roman account. VI. The mutual aspects of the planets. VII. The sun's rising and setting every day. VIII. The length of the days and nights. IX. The increase and decrease of the days. X. Physical observations in each month. XI. The eclipses of the luminaries. XII. Genethliacal considerations. XIII. Hieroglyphicks of the future state of England. With many other things of material consequence. Dedicated to the Queen's most excellent Majesty. By William Salmon professor of physick, living at the Blew Ball by the ditch-side, near Holbourn Bridge, London.
London : printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1692.
ESTC No. R29583.Grub Street ID 112545.
Salmon, William.
Seplasium. The compleat English physician: or, the druggist's shop opened. Explicating all the particulars of which medicines at this day are composed and made. Shewing their various names and natures, their several preparations, virtues, uses, and doses, as they are applicable to the whole art of physick, and containing above 600 chymical processes. A work of exceeding use to all sorts of men, of what quality or profession soever. The like not hitherto extant. In X. books. By William Salmon, professor of physick, near Holbourn-Bridge, London.
London : printed for Matthew Gilliflower at the Black spread Eagle in Westminster-Hall, and George Sawbridge, at the Three Flower-de-luces in Little Britain, 1693.
ESTC No. R37144.Grub Street ID 119389.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack for the year of our Lord, 1693. For the year of the world, 5643. And of Their Majesties reign, 5. Containing I. The changes and quarters of the moon. II. The moon's place, rising, setting and southing. III. The time of high water at London-Bridge. IV. The exact high water in 110 other ports. V. The Roman account. VI. The mutual aspects of the planets. VII. The sun's rising and setting every day. VIII. The length of the days and nights. IX. The increase and decrease of the days. X. Physical observations in each month. XI. The eclipses of the luminaries. XII. Medicinal considerations. XIII. An explanation of some of the hieroglyphicks of the future state of England. With many other things of material consequence. Dedicated to the King's and Queen's most excellent Majesties. By William Salmon professor of physick, living at the Blew Bal by the ditch-side, near Holbourn Bridge, London.
London : printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1693.
ESTC No. R39897.Grub Street ID 121747.
Salmon, William.
Iatrica: seu praxis medendi. The practice of curing diseases. Being a medicinal history of near two hundred famous observations in the cure of diseases, performed by the author hereof. Whereunto is added, by way of scholia, a compleat theory, or method of precepts, wherein the names, definitions, kinds, signs, causes, prognosticks, and various ways of cure are methodically instituted, digested and reduced to vulgar practice. To which is newly added, as an appendix, observations upon the lethargy, carus, frenzy, madness, defects of the internal senses, and hurts of the external senses; ... And a catalogue of the authors works. A work of singular use to all the practicers of the arts of physick and chyrurgery, whether physicians, chyrurgions, apothecaries, or charitable and well-disposed gentlemen and ladies who have espoused the afflictions of the poor and needy. Performed by William Salmon, Med. Profes. living at the Blue Ball by Fleet-Ditch, near Holburn-Bridge, London.
London : printed for Nath. Rolls, at his Auction-house in Petty Cannon-Hall, on the North side of St. Paul's Church, 1694.
ESTC No. R32081.Grub Street ID 114822.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack for the year of our Lord 1694 for the year of the world 5644 and of Their Majesties reign, 6 ... / by William Salmon.
London : Printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1694.
ESTC No. R25881.Grub Street ID 109265.
Salmon, William.
The family-dictionary; or, Houshold companion: wherein are alphabetically laid down exact rules and choice physical receipts for the preservation of health, prevention of sickness, and curing the several diseases, distempers, and grievances, incident to men, women, and children. Also, directions for making oils, ointments, salves, cordial-waters, powders, pills, bolus's, lozenges, chymical preparations, physical-wines, ales, and other liquors, &c. and descriptions of the virtues of herbs, fruits, flowers, seeds, roots, barks, minerals, and parts of living creatures, used in medicinal potions, &c. Likewise, directions for cookery, ... Also, the way of making all sorts of perfumes, ... Together, vvith the art of making all sorts of English vvines, ... The mystery of pickling, and keeping all sorts of pickles throughout the year. To which is added, as an appendix, the explanation of physical terms, bills of fare in all seasons of the year. With the art of carving. And many other useful matte.
London : printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-lane, in Fleetstreet, 1695.
ESTC No. R30331.Grub Street ID 113206.
Salmon, William.
Synopsis medicinae: or, A compendium of the theory and practice of physick. In seven books. Containing, I. The elements or principles of the art. II. The cure of ifants diseases. III. The cure of deseases of the head. IV. The cure of deseases of the brest. V. The cure of deseases of the belly. VI. The cure of diseases universal. VII. The cure of all sorts of fevers. Shewing the names, signs, causes, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of diseases from head to foot, happening to humane bodies. Galenically and chimically performed. The like never published before in any language whatsoever. The third edition. Wherein, besides the addition of nearly the whole first book, there are several hundreds of other additions, alterations and amendments, throughout the whole work. By William Salmon, professor of physick.
London : printed by J. Dawks, in Great Carter Lane: and are to be sold by most booksellers, 1695.
ESTC No. R34579.Grub Street ID 117098.
Salmon, William.
Synopsis medicinæ: or, A compendium of the theory and practice of physick. In seven books. Containing, I. The elements or principles of the art. II. The cure of ifants diseases. III. The cure of deseases of the head. IV. The cure of deseases of the brest. V. The cure of deseases of teh belly. VI. The cure of diseases universal. VII. The cure of all sorts of fevers. Shewing the names, signs, causes, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of diseases from head to foot, happening to humane bodies. Galenically and chimically performed. The like never published before in any language whatsoever. The third edition. Wherein, besides the addition of nearly the whole first book, there are several hundreds of other additions, alterations and amendments, throughout the whole work. By William Salmon, professor of physick.
London : printed by, and for J. Dawks, in Great Carter-Lane: and are to be sold by most booksellers, 1695.
ESTC No. R231972.Grub Street ID 103875.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1695. For the year of the world, 5645. And of Their Majesties reign, 7. Containing I. The change and quarters of the moon. II. The moon's rising, setting and southing. III. The time of high water at London-Bridge. IV. The exact high water in 110 other ports. V. The regulation of pendulum clocks & watches. VI. The mutual aspects of the planets. VII. The Roman account fitted to our months. VIII. The sun's rising and setting every day. IX. The length of the day and night. X. The increase and decrease of the days. XI. Physical observations in each month. XII. THe eclipses of the luminaries. XIII. Description and use of several famous medicines. XIV. Choice remedies against the plague. XV. Astrological observations with other things of material consequence. Dedicated to the Queen's most excellent Majesty. By William Salmon, professor of physick, living at the Blew Ball by the ditch-side, near Holborn-Bridge, London.
London : printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1695.
ESTC No. R213347.Grub Street ID 88819.
Salmon, William.
Pharmacopæia Londinensis. Or, The new London dispensatory. In VI. books. Translated into English for the publick good, and fitted to the whole art of healing. Illustrated with the preparations virtues and uses of all simple medicaments, vegetable, animal and mineral, of al the compounds both internal and external: and of all the chymical preparations now in use. Together with some choice medicines added by the author. As also the praxis of chymistry, as it's now exercised, fitted to the meanest capacity. The fifth edition, corrected amd amended. By William Salmon, professor of physick: at the Blew Ball by the ditch-side nigh Holbourn-Bridge.
London : printed by T. Dawks, for T. Bassett, R. Chiswell, M. Wotton, G. Conyers, and I. Dawks, 1696.
ESTC No. R232150.Grub Street ID 104009.
Salmon, William.
The family-dictionary; or, Houshold companion: containing, in an alphabetical method, I. Directions for cookery, ... II. Making all sorts of pastry ware, ... III. Making of conserves, candies, preserves, ... IV. The making all kinds of potable liquors, ... V. The making of all sorts of rare perfumes, ... VI. The virtues and uses of the most usual herbs and plants, ... VII. The preparations of several choice medicines, physical, and chirurgical, ... Fitted for a family use, in curing most diseases incident to men, women, and children. The second edition, corrected and much enlarged. By William Salmon, professor of physick.
London : printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-lane, In Fleet-street, 1696.
ESTC No. R34578.Grub Street ID 117097.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1696. For the year of the world, 5696. And of His Majesties reign, 8. Containing I. The change and quarters of the moon. II. The moon's rising, setting and southing. III. The time of high water at London-Bridge. IV. The exac high water in 110 other ports. V. The regulation of pendulum clocks & watches. VI. The mutual aspects of the planets. VII. The Roman account fitted to our months. VIII. The sun's rising and setting every day. IX. The length of the day and night. X. The increase and decrease of the days. XI. Physical observations in each month. XII. The eclipses of the luminaries. XIII. The true dignities and debil. of the planets. XIV. The doctrine of mensurnal directions. XV. Astrological observations with other things of material consequence. Dedicated to the King's most excellent Majesty. By William Salmon, professor of physick, living at the Blew Ball by the ditch-side, near Holborn-Bridge, London.
London : printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1696.
ESTC No. R40733.Grub Street ID 122495.
Salmon, William.
The family-dictionary; or, Household companion: Containing, in an alphabetical method, I. Directions for cookery, in dressing flesh, fowl, fish, herbs, boots, &c. Seasoning, making sauces, bills of fare, art of carving, &c. II. Making all sorts of pastry ware, and things made of meal, flower, whether bak'd, boyled, or fried, &c. III. Making of conserves, candies, preserves, confects, lozenges, gellies, creams, pickles, &c. IV. The making all kinds of potable liquors, ... English wines of cherries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, &c. Cyder, cyder-royal, usquebaugh, cordial waters. V. The making of all sorts of rare perfumes, sweet balls, pouders, admirable washes, beautifying waters, oils, essences, pomatums. VI. The virtues and uses of the most usual herbs and plants, their roots, barks, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, used in physick. VII. The preparations of several choice medicines, ... The second edition, corrected, and much enlarged. By William Salmon, professor of physick.
London : printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-lane, in Fleet-street: and sold by R. Clavel at the Peacock against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1696.
ESTC No. R26997.Grub Street ID 110226.
Salmon, William.
The family dictionary; or, Houshold companion: containing, in an alphabetical method, I. Directions for cookery, in dressing flesh, fowl, fish, herbs, roots, &c. Seasoning, making sauces, bills of fare, art of carving, &c. II. Making all sorts of pastry ware, and things made of meal, flower, whether bak'd, boyled, or fried, &c. III. Making of conserves, candies, preserves, confects, lozenges, gellies, creams, pickles, &c. IV. The making all kinds of potable liquors, as ales, meads, metheglin, English wines of cherries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, &c. Cyder, cyder-royal, usquebaugh, cordial waters. V. The making of all sorts of rare perfumes, sweet balls, pouders, admirable washes, beatifying waters, oils, essences, pomatums. VI. The virtues and uses of the most usual herbs and plants, their roots, barks, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, used in physick. ... The second edition, corrected and much enlarged. By William Salmon, professor of physick.
London : printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-lane, in Fleet-street: and sold by R. Clavel at the Peacock against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1696.
ESTC No. R223738.Grub Street ID 97512.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1697. For the year of the world, 5697. And for the year of His Majesties reign, 9. Containing I. The moon's rising, setting and southing. II. The time of high water at London-Bridge. III. The exact high water in 110 other ports. IV. The Roman account fitted to our months. V. The sun's rising and setting every day. VI. The length of the day and night. VII. The increase and decrease of the days. VIII. The regulation of pendulum clocks. IX. Choice medicinal observations. X. The eclipses of the luminaries. XI. The necessary furniture of an almanack. XII. Metrical observations with other things of material consequence. Dedicated to the King's most excellent Majesty. By William Salmon professor of Physick, living at the Blew Ball, near Holborn-Bridge, London.
London : printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1697.
ESTC No. R214317.Grub Street ID 89617.
Salmon, William.
A rebuke to the authors of a blew-book; call'd, The state of physick in London. Which is indeed the black and blew state of physick. Dated from the college, and signed by Th. G. and R.M. Written in behalf of the apothecaries and chirurgians of the city of London. By William Salmon. Living near Black-Fryers Stairs.
London : Printed, and sold by E. Whitlock, near Stationers-Hall, 1698.
ESTC No. R22575.Grub Street ID 98877.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1698. for the year of the world 5698 and for the year of His Majesties reign, 10. Containing I. The moon's rising, setting and southing. II. The time of high water at London-bridge. III. The exact high water in 110 other ports. IV. The Roman account fitted to our months. V. The sun's rising and setting every day. VI. The length of the day and night. VII. The increase and decrease of the days. VIII. The regulation of pendulum clocks. IX. Choice medicinal observations. X. The eclipses of the luminaries. XI. The necessary furniture of an almanack. XII. Metrical observations with other things of material consequence. Dedicated to the King's most excellent Majesty by William Salmon, M.D. living by Black-Friars Stairs, London.
London : printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1698.
ESTC No. R35717.Grub Street ID 118082.
Salmon, William.
Ars chirurgica. A compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery. In seven books. Containing I. The instruments and operations of the art. II. The removal of defilements. III. The cure of tumors. IV. The cure of wounds. V. The cure of ulcers. VI. The cure of fractures VII. The cure of dislocations. Shewing the names, causes, signs, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of chirurgick diseases, from head to foot, happening to human bodies. To which is added, Pharmacopoeia chirurgica; or, the medical store, Latin and English: which contains an absolute sett of choice preparations or medicaments, fitted for teh compleat and universal practice both of physick and chirurgery. The whole work galenically and chymically performed. The like yet never published in any language whatsoever. By William Salmon, M.D. living at the Great House by Black-Friers-Stairs, London.
London : printed for J. Dawks, in Wardrobe-Court, in Great Carter-lane: and sold by S. Sprint, G. Conyers, in Little Britain; Roger Clavel, in Fleet-street; J. Jones, and R. Knaplock, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; B. Aylmer in Cornhill; and E. Tracy on London-Bridge, M.DC.XCVIII. [1698].
ESTC No. R31802.Grub Street ID 114561.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1699. For the year of the world, 5699. And for the year of His Majesties reign, 11. Containing I. The moon's rising, setting and southing. II. The time of high water at London-Bridge. III. The exact high water in 110 other ports. IV. The Roman account fitted to our months. V. The sun's rising and setting every day. VI. The length of the day and night. VII. The increase and decrease of the days. VIII. The regulation of pendulum clocks. IX. Choice medicinal observations. X. The eclipses of the luminaries. XI. The mutual aspects and lunar appulses. XII. Metrical observations with other things of material consequence. Dedicated to the King's most excellent Majesty· By William Salmon, M.D. living by Black-Friars stairs, London.
London : printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1699.
ESTC No. R40734.Grub Street ID 122496.
Salmon, William.
Ars chirurgica. A compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery. In seven books. Containing I. The instruments and operations of the art. II. The removal of defilements. III. The cure of tumors. IV. The cure of wounds. V. The cure of ulcers. VI. The cure of fractures VII. The cure of dislocations. Shewing the names, causes, signes, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of chirurgick diseases, from head to foot, happening to human bodies. To which is added, Phamacopoeia chirurgica; or, the medical store, Latin and English: which contains an absolute sett of choice preparations or medicaments, fitted for the compleat and universal practice both of physick and chirurgery. The whole work galenically and chymically performed. The like yet never published in any language whatsoever. By William Salmon, M.D. living at the great house by Black-Friers-Stairs, London.
London : printed for J. Dawks, in Wardrobe-Court, in Great Carter-lane: and sold by S. Sprint and G. Conyers, in Little Britain, 1699.
ESTC No. R219042.Grub Street ID 93633.
Salmon, William.
Synopsis medicinæ: or, A compendium of the theory and practice of physick. In seven books. Containing, I. The elements or principles of the art. II. The cure of infants diseases. III. The cure of diseases of the head. IV. The cure of diseases of the brest. V. The cure of diseases of the belly. VI. The cure of diseases universal. VII. The cure of all sorts of fevers. Shewing the names, signs, causes, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of diseases from head to foot, happening to humane bodies. Galenically and chimically performed. The like never published before in any language whatsoever. The fourth edition. Wherein, besides the addition of nearly the whole first book, there are several hundreds of other additions, alterations and amendments, throughout the whole work. By William Salmon, professor of physick.
London : printed by J.D. for S. and J. Sprint, at the Bell; and G. Conyers, at the Ring, in Little Britain, 1699.
ESTC No. R204404.Grub Street ID 81365.
Salmon, William.
A dissertation upon water-baptism. Non in verbis Scripturarum esse evangelium, sed in sensu; non in superficie, sed in medulla; non in sermonum foliis, sed in radice rationis.
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-hart-Court in Gracious-street, and at the Bible in Leaden-hall-street, near the Market, 1700.
ESTC No. R219868.Grub Street ID 94342.
Salmon, William.
Phylaxa medicinæ. The cabinet of physick. Containing, a set of the best medical preparations now used in the art of physick, as they are prepared, and daily prescribed in the continual practise of the author hereof, William Salmon, M.D. Living in the great house, near Black-Fryers Stairs, London.
London : printed by I. Dawks, 1700.
ESTC No. R230185.Grub Street ID 102547.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack· For the year of our Lord, 1700. For the year of the world, 5700. For the year of His Majesties reign, 12. Containing I. The moon's rising, setting and southing. II. The time of high water at London-Bridge. III. The exact high water in 110 other ports IV. The Roman account fitted to our months. V. The sun's rising and setting every day. VI. The length of the day and night. VII. The increase and decrease of the days. VIII. The regulation of pendulum clocks. IX. Choice medicinal observations. X. The eclipses of the luminaries. XI. The mutual aspects and lunar appulses. XII. Metrical observations with other things of material consequence. By William Salmon, M.D. living by Black-Friars Stairs,.
London : printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1700.
ESTC No. R214850.Grub Street ID 90004.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack. For the year of Our Lord, 1701. For the year of the world, 5701. For the year of His Majesties reign. 13. Containing I. The moon's rising, setting and southing. II. The time of high water at London-Bridge. III. The exact high water in 110' other ports. IV. The Roman account fitted to our months. V. The sun's rising and setting every day. VI. The length of the day and night. VII. The increase and decrease of the days. VIII. The regulation of pendulum clocks. IX. Choice medicinal observations. X. The eclipses of the luminaries. XI. The mutual aspects and lunar appulses. XII. The virtues and uses of several choice medicaments with other things of material consequence. By William Salmon, M.D. living by Black-Friars-Stairs, London.
London : Printed by W. Horton for the Company of Stationers, 1701.
ESTC No. T17677.Grub Street ID 213775.
Salmon, William.
The London almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1702. For the year of the world, 5702. For the year of his majesty's reign, 14. Containing. I. The moon's rising, setting and southing. II. The time of high water at London-Bridge. III. The exact high water in 110 other ports. IV. The Roman account fitted to our months. V. The sun's rising and setting every day. VI. The length of the day and night. VII. The increase and decrease of the days. VIII. The regulation of pendulum clocks. IX. Choice medicinal observations. X. The eclipses of the luminaries. XI. The mutual aspects of the planets. XII. The virtues and uses of several choice medicaments, with other things of material consequence. By William Salmon, M. D. living by Black-Friars Stairs, London.
London : printed by R. Janeway for the Company of Stationers, 1702 [i.e. 1701?].
ESTC No. T17678.Grub Street ID 213786.
Salmon, William.
Polygraphice: or, the arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, vernishing, japaning, gilding, &c. In two volumns [sic]. ... The eighth edition. Enlarged, ... By William Salmon, M.D.
London : printed for A. and J. Churchill. And J. Nicholson, 1701.
ESTC No. T149640.Grub Street ID 195629.
Salmon, William.
A dissertation concerning water-baptism. The second part. By the author of the first.
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, 1701.
ESTC No. N2894.Grub Street ID 18136.
Salmon, William.
The london almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1703. For the Year of The World, 5703. Containing. I. The Moon's Rising, Setting and Southing. II. The time of High Water at London-Bridge. III. The exact High Water in 110 other Ports. IV. The Roman Account fitted to our months. V. The Sun's Rising and Setting every Day. VI. The Length of the Day and Night. VII. The Increase and Decrease of the Days. VIII. The Regulation of Pendulum Clocks. IX. Choice Medicinal Observations. X. The Eclipses of the Luminaries. XI. The Mutual Aspects of the Planets. XII. The Virtues and Uses of several Choice Medicaments, with other things of material Consequence. By William Salmon, M. D. Living by Black-Friars Stairs, London.
London : printed by R. Janeway, for the Company of Stationers, 1702.
ESTC No. T17679.Grub Street ID 213796.
Salmon, William.
Collectanea medica, the country physician: or, a choice collection of physick: fitted for vulgar use. Containing, I. A collection of choice medicaments of all kinds, Galenical and Chymical, Excerpted out of the most Approved Authors. II. Historical observations of famous cures, Gathered and Selected out of the Works of several Modern Physicians. III. Phylaxæ medicinæ pars prima: Or, the most part of the Cabinet of Specifick, Select and Practical Chymical Preparations, made use of by the Author. IV. Phylaxæ medicinæ pars secunda: The Second part of the same Cabinet, long since promised to the World, now made Publick, for the General Good of Mankind. By William Salmon, M.D.
London : printed for John Taylor at the Ship in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, 1703.
ESTC No. T114539.Grub Street ID 166336.
Salmon, William.
The london almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1704. For the Year of the World, 5704. For the Year of the Queen's Reign, 2. Containing, I. The Moon's Rising, Setting and Southing. II. The time of High Water at London-Bridge. III. The exact High Water in 110 other Ports. IV. The Roman Account fitted to our months. V. The Sun's Rising and Setting every Day. VI. The Length of the Day and Night. VII. The Increase and Decrease of the Days. VIII. The Regulation of Pendulum Clocks. IX. Choice Medicinal Observations. X. The Eclipses of the Luminaries. XI. The Mutual Aspects of the Planets. XII. The necessary Furniture of an Almanack. By W. S. M.D. Living by Black-Friars Stairs, London.
London : printed by R. Janeway, for the Company of Stationers, 1704.
ESTC No. T17680.Grub Street ID 213808.
Salmon, William.
The london almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1705. For the Year of the World 5705. For the Year of the Queen's 3. Containing, I. The Moon's Rising, Setting and Southing. II. The time of High Water at London-Bridge. III. The exact High Water in 100 other Ports. IV. The Roman Account fitted to our Months. V. The Sun's Rising and Setting every Day. VI. The Length of the Day and Night. Vii. The Increase and Decrease of the Days. Viii. The Regulation of Pendulum Clocks. IX. Choice Medicinal Observations. X. The Eclipses of the Luminaries. XI. The Mutual Aspects of the Planets. XII. The necessary Furniture of an Almanack. XIII. The Hieroglyphicks of the Future State of England for an Hundred Years to come. By W. S. M.D.
London : printed by R. Janeway, for the Company of Stationers, 1704.
ESTC No. T17681.Grub Street ID 213817.
Salmon, William.
The family-Dictionary: or, houshold companion. Containing, in an alphabetical method, I. Directions for cookery, in Dressing Flesh, Fowl, Fish, Herbs, Roots, &c. Seasoning, making Sauces, Bills of Fare, Art of Carving, &c. II. Making all sorts of Pastry, and Things made of Meal, Flower, whether bak'd, boil'd, or fried, &c. III. Making of Conserves, Candies, Preserves, Confects, Lozenges, Jellies, Creams, Pickles, &c. IV. The Making all kinds of Potable Liquors, as Ales, Meads, Metheglin, English Wines of Cherries, Currans, Goosberries, Rasberries, &c. Cyder, Cyder-Royal, Usquebaugh. V. The Making of all sorts of Perfumes, Sweet Balls, Ponders, admirable Washes, Beautifying Waters, Essences, Pomatums. VI. The Virtues and Uses of the most usual Herbs and Plants, their Roots, Barks, Leaves, Flowers, Fruits, Seeds, used in Physick. Vii. The preparations of several choice medicines, Physical, and Chirurgical, as Cordial Waters, Spirits, Tinctures, Elixirs, Syrups, Pouders, Electuaries, Pills,.
The third edition, enlarged, with several hundreds of excellent receipts..
London : printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the Corner of Bride-Lane, in Fleet-Street, 1705.
ESTC No. T71373.Grub Street ID 294940.
Salmon, William.
Gazæ medicæ quinque. Authore Guil. Salmone. M.D.
Londini : ex typhis [sic] F. C., 1705.
ESTC No. T125454.Grub Street ID 175587.
Salmon, William.
The london almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1706. For the Year of the World, 5706. For the Year of the Queen's Reign, 4. Containing, I. The Moon's Rising, Setting and Southing. II. The time of High Water at London-Bridge. III. The exact High Water in 110 other Ports. IV. The Roman Account fitted to our Months. V. The Sun's Rising and Setting every Day. VI. The Length of the Day and Night. Vii. The Increase and Decrease of the Days. Viii. The Regulation of Pendulum Clocks. IX. Choice Medicinal Observations. X. The Eclipses of the Luminaries. XI. The Mutual Aspects of the Planets. XII. A Discourse of the beginning of the Christian Year. By W. S. M.D.
London : printed by R. Janeway, for the Company of Stationers, 1706.
ESTC No. T17682.Grub Street ID 213822.
Salmon, William.
Medicina practica: or, The practical physician: shewing the true method of curing the most usual diseases incident to humane bodies, viz. All sorts of aches and pains, gout, agues, apoplexies, feavers, cholick, scurvey, fluxes, shortness of breath, apostems, thrushes, quinseys, deafness, dropsie, stone in the reins or bladder: women's distempers, &c. with the preparation of the præcipiolum: or universal medicine of Paracelsus. To which is added, the chymical works of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid King of Persia, Geber King of Arabia, Artefius Longævus the Jew, , Roger Bacon. Nicholas Flammel's Hieroglyphicks. George Ripley's Marrow of alchymie. And an account of their lives. Collected from the works of the most eminent authors, both ancient and modern; and faithfully translated from their respective originals, by William Salmon, M.P. Adorn'd with variety of curious sculptures.
London : printed and sold by Edmund Curll at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, 1707.
ESTC No. T114252.Grub Street ID 166075.
Salmon, William.
A dissertation concerning the Lord's Supper. By the Author of the Dissertation concerning Water-Baptism.
London : printed and sold by J. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1708.
ESTC No. T64432.Grub Street ID 289467.
Salmon, William.
A dissertation concerning the Lord's Supper. The Second Part. By the Author of the First Part.
London : printed and sold by J. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1709.
ESTC No. T64431.Grub Street ID 289466.
Salmon, William.
A dissertation concerning the being of a god.
London : printed and sold by J. Sowle, 1710.
ESTC No. N55506.Grub Street ID 39005.
Salmon, William.
The family dictionary: or, houshold companion. Containing, I. Cookery in Dressing Flesh, Fowl, Fish, Herbs, Roots, making Sawces, &c. II. Pastry, making Pyes, Pasties, Puddings, Pancakes, Cheesecakes, Custards, Tansies, &c. III. Confects, Candies, Conserves, Preserves, Creams, Gellies, Pickles, &c. IV. Potable Liquors, as Ale, Beer, Mum, Mead, Cider, Perry, Rape, English Wines, Chocolet, Coffee, Tea, &c. V. Perfuming Sweet Balls, Pouders, Pomanders, Essences, Sweet Waters, Beautifying Washes, &c. VI. Husbandry, as it relates to the Improvement of Our Barren and Waste Lands, Manufactures &c. Vii. Preparations galenick and chymick' relating to Physick and Chirurgery, as Cordial Waters, Spirits, Tinctures, Elixirs, Syrups, Pouders, Electuaries, Pills, Oils, Balsams, Cerecloths, and Emplasters, fitted for Curing most Diseases Incident to Men, Women, and Children. The fourth edition, with above eleven hundred additions, intersperst through the Whole Work. By William Salmon. M. D.
London : printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the Corner of Bride Lane, in Fleet-Street, 1710.
ESTC No. T91044.Grub Street ID 310886.
Salmon, William.
Botanologia. The English herbal: or, History of plants. Containing I. Their names, Greek, Latine and English. II. Their species, or various kinds. III. Their descriptions. IV. Their places of growth. V. Their times of flowering and seeding. VI. Their qualities or properties. VII. Their specifications. VIII. Their preparations, galenick and chymick. IX. Their virtues and uses. X. A complete florilegium, of all the choice flowers cultivated by our florists, interspersed through the whole work, in their proper places; where you have their culture, choice, increase, and way of management, as well for profit as delectation. Adorned with exquisite icons or figures, of the most considerable species, representing to the life, the true forms of those several plants. The whole in an alphabetical order. By William Salmon, M.D.
London : Printed by I. Dawks, for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-Lane, in Fleet-Street; and J. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-noster-Row, M.DCC.X. [1710].
ESTC No. T83064.Grub Street ID 303543.
Salmon, William.
Botanologia. The English herbal: or, History of plants. Containing I. Their names, Greek, Latine and English. II. Their species, or various kinds. III. Their descriptions. IV. Their places of growth. V. Their times of flowering and seeding. VI. Their qualities or properties. VII. Their specifications. VIII. Their preparations, galenick and chymick. IX. Their virtues and uses. X. A complete florilegium, of all the choice flowers cultivated by our florists, interspersed through the whole work, in their proper places; where you have their culture, choice, increase, and way of management, as well for profit as delectation. Adorned with exquisite icons or figures, of the most considerable species, representing to the life, the true forms of those several plants. The whole in an alphabetical order. By William Salmon, M.D.
London : Printed by I. Dawks, for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-Lane, in Fleet-Street; and J. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-noster-Row, M.DCC.X. [1710].
ESTC No. T83065.Grub Street ID 303544.
Salmon, William.
A dissertation concerning Water-Baptism. The first part.
The second editon, with additions..
London : Printed and sold by J. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1710.
ESTC No. N7515.Grub Street ID 52453.
Salmon, William.
The country physician or, a choice collection of physick fitted for vulgar use. Containing, I. A collection of choice medicaments ... II. Historical observations of famous cures, ... III. Phylaxæ medicinæ in two parts: ... The second edition. By William Salmon, M.D.
London : printed and sold by W. Taylor, 1714.
ESTC No. N27753.Grub Street ID 16994.
Salmon, William.
Dr. Salmon's last legacy: or, a cabinet of choice medicines, collected and fitted for common use, being a sett of the best medical preparations now used in the art of physick for all distempers incident to human bodies.
London : printed by J. Dawks, and sold by Thomas Ballard, [1714?].
ESTC No. T210710.Grub Street ID 238700.
Salmon, William.
Ars anatomica: or, the anatomy of humane bodies. In seven books. Representing to the mind a true and compleat idea of the whole humane frame. Deliverd in A Compendious Method. Extracted Out of the Works of the most Learned and Accurate Anatomists, both Ancient and Modern, and reformed according to all the later Discoveries. Illustrated with XXIX anatomical sculptures, engrav'd on copper, with their several Explications. The most compleat Work of this Kind yet publish'd in English. By William Salmon, M.D.
London : printed by I. Dawks, for D. Browne, at Exeter-Change in the Strand; W. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater - Noster - Row; and J. Browne, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, MDCCXIV. [1714].
ESTC No. T113419.Grub Street ID 165361.
Salmon, William.
The family dictionary: or, houshold companion. Containing I. Cookery ... VII. Preparations galenick and chymick, ... The fourth edition, with above eleven hundred additions ... By the late William Salmon, M.D.
London : printed and sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, 1734.
ESTC No. N48908.Grub Street ID 33375.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle, in four parts. Containing I. His complete master piece: ... II. His experienced midwife: ... III. His book of problems: ... IV. His last legacy: .
London : printed for T. Walker, and sold by the booksellers, [1772].
ESTC No. T223395.Grub Street ID 246041.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle, in four parts. Containing I. His complete master piece: ... II. His experienced midwife: ... III. His book of problems: ... IV. His last legacy: .
The best edition..
London : printed for, and sold by all the booksellers, 1777.
ESTC No. N35890.Grub Street ID 23951.
Salmon, William.
The works of aristole, in four parts. Containing I. His complete master piece; displaying the secrets of nature in the generation of man. To which is added, the family physician, being approved remedies for the several distempers incident to the human body. II. His experienced midwife; absolutely necessary for surgeons, midwives, nurses, and childbearing women. III. His book of problems; containing various questions and answers, relative to the state of man's body. IV. His last legacy; unfolding the secrets of nature respecting the generation of man.
The best edition..
London : Printed for, and sold by all the booksellers, 1784.
ESTC No. T223434.Grub Street ID 246067.
Salmon, William.
The complete works of Aristotle, the famous philosopher; containing his master piece; displaying the secrets of nature in the generation of man: the family physician; being approved remedies for the several disorders incident to the human body: his experienced midwife; absolutely necessary for surgeons, midwives, nurses, and married women: his book of problems; containing various questions and answers relative to the state of man's body: and his last legacy; unfolding the pleasure and advantage of marriage; and the ruinous effects of unlawful love.
A new edition..
London : printed for E. Wilson, in the Strand; and all other booksellers, 1786.
ESTC No. N70975.Grub Street ID 51399.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle, complete in four parts. Containing I. His complete master piece: Displaying the Secrets of Nature in the Generation of Man, regularly digested into Chapters. To which is added, The Family Physician, or the Treasure of Health; being choice and approved Remedies for all the several Distempers incident to Human Bodies. II. His complete and experienced midwife: Highly necessary for all Surgeons, Midwives, Nurses, and Child Bearing Women. III. His book of problems: Containing various Questions and Answers, touching the State of Man's Body. V. His last legacy: Unfolding the Mystery of Neture in the Generation of Man.
London : printed for L. Hawes and Co. No. 32; and S. Crowder, No. 12, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXXVI. [1776] [1788?].
ESTC No. N37653.Grub Street ID 25612.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle, in four parts. Containing I. His complete master piece; ... To which is added, the family physician, ... II. His experienced midwife; ... III. His book of problems; ... IV. His last legacy: ... The best edition.
London : printed for, and sold by all the booksellers, 1790.
ESTC No. N40884.Grub Street ID 27664.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle, in four parts. Containing I. His complete master-piece; displaying the Secrets of Nature in the Generation of Man. To which is added, the family physician, being approved Remedies for the several Distempers incident to the Human Body. II. His experienced midwife; absolutely necessary for Surgeons, Midwives, Nurses, and Child-Bearing Women. III. His book of problems; containing various Questions and Answers relative to the State of Man's Body. IV. His last legacy; unfolding the Secrets of Nature respecting the Generation of Man. The best edition.
London : printed for, and sold by all the booksellers, 1791.
ESTC No. T174928.Grub Street ID 212004.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle, the famous philosopher. In four parts. Containing I. His Complete Master-Piece; displaying the secrets of Nature in the Generation of Man. To which is added, The Family Physician; being approved remedies for the several distempers incident to the human body. II. His Experienced Midwife; absolutely necessary for Surgeons, Midwives, Nurses, and Child-Bearing Women. III. His Book of Problems, containing various Questions and Answers, relative to the state of Man's body. IV. His Last Legacy; unfolding the Secrets of Nature respecting the Generation of Man.
A new edition..
London : printed for the booksellers, MDCCXI [1792].
ESTC No. N25346.Grub Street ID 14702.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle, in four parts. Containing I. His complete master-piece ; displaying the Secrets of Nature in the Generation of Man. To which is added, the family physician, being approved Remedies for the several Distemper incident to the Human Body. II. His experienced midwife ; absolutely necessary for Surgeons, Midwives, Nurses, and Child bearing Women. III. His book of problems ; containing various Questions and Answers relative to the State Man's Body. IV. His last legacy ; unfolding the Secrets of Nature respecting the Generation of Man.
A new edition..
London : printed for, and sold by all the booksellers, 1792.
ESTC No. T118669.Grub Street ID 170153.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle.
A new edition..
London : printed for J. Urquihart, [1793?].
ESTC No. N37642.Grub Street ID 25603.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle, in four parts. Containing I. His complete master-piece; ... II. His experienced midwife; ... III. His book of problems; ... IV. His last legacy; .
A new edition..
London : printed for, and sold by all the booksellers, 1793.
ESTC No. N25092.Grub Street ID 14444.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle, the famous philosopher. In four parts. Containing I. His complete mrster-piece:[sic] ... II. His experienced midwife; ... III. His book of problems, ... IV. His last legacy; .
A new edition..
London : printed for the booksellers, 1794-1795.
ESTC No. N67253.Grub Street ID 48853.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle, the famous philosopher. In four parts. Containing I. His complete master piece; ... II. His experienced midwife: ... III. His book of problems; ... IV. His last legacy: .
A new and improved edition..
London : printed for Miller, Law, and Cater, and sold by all other booksellers, [1795?].
ESTC No. N37611.Grub Street ID 25574.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle.
A new edition..
London : prin[t]ed for J Urquihart, 1796.
ESTC No. N37644.Grub Street ID 25605.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle. In four parts. Containing I. His complete master-piece; displaying the Secrets of Nature in the Generation of Man. To which is added, the family physician, being approved Remedies for the several Distempers incident to the Human body. II. His experienced midwife; absolutely necessary for Surgeons, Midwives, Nurses, and Child-Bearing Women. III. His book of problems; containing various Questions and Answers relative to the State of Man's Body. IV. His last legacy; unfolding the Secrets of Nature respecting the Generation of Man.
A new edition..
London [i.e. Newcastle?] : printed for, and sold by all the booksellers, 1796.
ESTC No. T142796.Grub Street ID 190000.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle. In four parts. Containing: I. His complete master piece; ... II. His experienced midwife; ... III. His book of problems; ... IV. His last legacy; .
A new edition..
London : printed for the booksellers, 1798.
ESTC No. T152370.Grub Street ID 197357.
Salmon, William.
The works of Aristotle.
A new edition..
London : printed for J. Urquhart [J. Findlay, printer], [1800?].
ESTC No. T84330.Grub Street ID 304706.