Publications of C. M.


  • M., C.. A faithful account of a great engagement, which lately happened betwixt Their Majesties ship the Pembrooke, and two French men of war, upon the coast of France. With a particular relation of the famous encounter, that was betwixt our English sea-men, that landed there, and five hundred of the French militia: also, an account of the plunder; &c. and other particulars. Licensed, and entered according to order, 1690. London : printed for R. Hayhurst, 1690. ESTC No. R932. Grub Street ID 129415.
  • M., C.. A true account of the tryals, examinations, confessions, condemnations, and executions of divers witches, at Salem, in New-England, for their bewitching of sundry people and cattel to death, and doing other great mischiefs, to the ruine of many people about them. With th strange circumstances that attended their enchantments: and their conversation with devils, and other infernal spirits. In a letter to a friend in London. Licensed according to order. London : printed for J. Conyers; in Holbourn, 1692. ESTC No. R231912. Grub Street ID 103832.
  • M., C.. King Jesus on his Royal Throne in Zion. Or, Separate Congregational Protestant Christian Churches proved to be the old, Apostolical, and Primitive Christian Churches, come fully out of the papal and antichristian apostacy, and gone back to the rules of the word in their first institution. Wherein is shewed, that they run uniform, and parallel with the first Christian Churches, and have their doctrine, precepts and practice for their patten, and warrant. Herein is also, a full declaration of the way of the Royal and Evangelical Churches of the Son of God, and King of Kings, in all particulars, measur'd by the Royal standard, charter, and rule of the word, and found to be according to the pattern of primitive Christianity, that Christ, and His Apostles gave in the Gospel mount or revelation. By C.M. London : Printed for, and sold by Joseph Marshall at the Bible in Nowgate-street, 1712. Where are sold all sorts of books and stationery wares. Also Dr. Marwood's Britanick Ink powder by wholesale or retale, 1712. ESTC No. T154974. Grub Street ID 198880.
  • M., C.. The laws of sewers, as far as they relate to the commissioner. Extracted from Callis 1685, Laws of sewers 1726, and compared with other books and the statutes, by C. M. 1762. London : printed for the author, [1762]. ESTC No. T66793. Grub Street ID 291452.