William Marshall (fl. 16691725)


  • Grubstreet: 9702


  • Bookseller
  • Book Binder
  • Stationer

William Marshall, bookseller, bookbinder, and stationer; in Butcher's Hall Lane (1676); at the Bible in Newgate Street (1676–1725); at the Bible in Gracechurch Street (1685).

Notes & Queries "London Booksellers Series" (1931–2)

MARSHALL, WILLIAM. (See under JOHN MARSHALL and JOSEPH MARSHALL, ante p. 204). Plomer gives him in (1) Butcher's Hall Lane (1676); (2) Bible in Newgate Street (1679–1725); (3) Bible in Gracechurch Street, 1685. He took his son Joseph into partnership about the year 1700. I have a trade book-label of William and Joseph Marshall at the Bible in Newgate Street over against the Blue-Coat Hospital Gate, and I have seen one of Joseph Marshall at the same address.

—Ambrose Heal, 14 November 1931