A dissertation on the ancient and noted doctrine of revulsion and derivation: wherein the absurdity of the principles, on which the notion of revulsion was originally founded, is evidently demonstrated, and the immediate consequences of blood-letting plainly prov'd, both from the Laws of the Circulation, and the obvious Effects of this, and several other spontaneous and artificial Evacuations, in the Cure of Diseases, to be the emptying, exhausting those Vessels in particular, that more immediately communicate with the Orifice; and consequently that all Drains, whether by Bleeding, Issues, Setons, &c. should be made near, as they conveniently can, to the Part affected. By Giles Watts, M. D. At Battel in Sussex
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London : printed for George Keith, at the Bible and Crown in Gracechurch-Street, M.DCC.LIV. [1754]
- Publication year
- 1754
- ESTC No.
- N28571
- Grub Street ID
- 17794
- Description
- [2],viii,69,[1]p. ; 8°.
- Note
- With a half-title.