Debtor and creditor made easy: or, a short instruction, for the attaining the right use of accompts, after the best method used by merchants. Fitted to the trades, or Ways of Dealing, in these several capacities: Viz. The Youth, or Young Scholar, The Husband-Man, or Farmer, The Country-Gentleman, The Retailing Shop-Keeper, The Handicrafts-Man, The Merchant. The fourth edition, corrected and amended. To which is added, instructions for rent-gatherers, &c. By Stephen Monteage

All titles
  • Debtor and creditor made easy: or, a short instruction, for the attaining the right use of accompts, after the best method used by merchants. Fitted to the trades, or Ways of Dealing, in these several capacities: Viz. The Youth, or Young Scholar, The Husband-Man, or Farmer, The Country-Gentleman, The Retailing Shop-Keeper, The Handicrafts-Man, The Merchant. The fourth edition, corrected and amended. To which is added, instructions for rent-gatherers, &c. By Stephen Monteage
  • Advice to the women and maidens of London; Instruction for rent-gatherers
People / Organizations
London : printed by T. W. for Benj. Billingsley at the Printing-Press at the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1708.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[89],41[i.e.82],[1],35,[1],32p.,plate ; 4°.
Facing pages have same page number, 1 through 41

With a half-title

'Advice to the women and maidens of London (Z-2C]4), and 'The instruction for rent-gatherers' each have separate dated title pages and separate pagination

Braces in imprint.
Uncontrolled note
Plate = frontis