The devout Christian's remembrancer. Being practical discourses upon the four last things: viz. death, judgment, heaven, and hell. Design'd for the use of those who have not the leisure to read, or ability to purchase large volumes. Collected from the works of Bishop Taylor, Bp. Beveridge, Dr. Sherlock, Mr. Kettlewell, &c. By the author of The devout Christian's companion

People / Organizations
London : printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, and sold by J. Harding at the Post-House in St. Martins-Lane, 1713.
Added name
Curll, Edmund, 1675-1747, bookseller.; Harding, John, active 1678-1719, bookseller.; Gribelin, Simon, 1661 or 1662-1733, engraver.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[8], 111, [1] p. : 1 ill. ; 12°.
The author of The devout Christian's companion = Robert Warren

Engraved frontispiece signed: "S. Gribelin in. et sculp"

Reissued in 1736 with a cancel title naming John and Thomas King as booksellers, but retaining advertisements for Curll on [A]4 (ESTC T83881)

Price from imprint: Price 1s

Signatures: [A]]4 B-E]1]2 F]8.