A visitation to the captive-seed of Israel, and a door opened to the prisoner in the pit, that the band of darknesse may be broken, and the cloud of errour scattered, by the brightness of his rising who is the resurrection, and whose life is the light of men. Given forth in bowels of compassion, to the scattered sheep that are yet of another fold, but must be gathered into the fold of Christ, where he causes his flock to rest in the heat of the day that is coming to try them that dwell upon the Earth, where peace and rest is enjoyed, that no man can take away. Humphrey Wollrich
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London : printed for Thomas Simmons, 1661.
- Publication year
- 1661
- ESTC No.
- R15126
- Grub Street ID
- 63087
- Description
- 15, [1] p. ; 4°.