The rock of ages known, and foundation of many generations discovered, after this long and dark night of apostacy, which shall never cover us again, because of the anointing; and though darkness may cover the nation, and gross darkness the people a little season; yet the Lord shall be unto his people an everlasting light, and their God their glory. Also a prayer that the Lords people may be preserved to the end. Also a few words to the King, and his council, from the everlasting counsellor and prince of peace. Also the Lords testimony against all persecutors of th innocent lambs of Christ, in whose light the nations of them that are saved must walk; and against all forms of worship whatsoever, taught by the precepts and commandments of men, which themselves are not led and guided by the spirit of the Lord. Also a few words in answer to the last Book of Common-Prayer. This is written in the fear of the Lord, and in the counsel of the everlasting counsellor, whose name is the Lord of Hosts,

People / Organizations
London : printed for Robert Wilson in Martins Le Grand, 1661.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
16 p. ; 4°.