Two discourses, lately revievv'd and enrich'd by the author. One, The pre-eminence and pedegree of Parlement. Whereunto is added a vindication of some passages reflecting upon the author, in a book call'd the Popish royall favorit, penn'd and published by Master Prynne; wherein he styles him, no friend to Parlements, and a malignant, pag. 42. With a clearing of some occurrences in Spayne at His Majesties being there, cited by the said Master Prynne out of the Vocall forrest, whereunto the collaterall landskippe refers. The second, Englands teares. By Iames Howell Esqr one of the clerks of His Majesties most Honble Privy-Councell.
- All titles
- Two discourses, lately revievv'd and enrich'd by the author. One, The pre-eminence and pedegree of Parlement. Whereunto is added a vindication of some passages reflecting upon the author, in a book call'd the Popish royall favorit, penn'd and published by Master Prynne; wherein he styles him, no friend to Parlements, and a malignant, pag. 42. With a clearing of some occurrences in Spayne at His Majesties being there, cited by the said Master Prynne out of the Vocall forrest, whereunto the collaterall landskippe refers. The second, Englands teares. By Iames Howell Esqr one of the clerks of His Majesties most Honble Privy-Councell.
- Pre-eminence and pedigree of Parlement
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
Printed at London: according to order, by Richard Heron, 1644
- Added name
Howell, James, 1594?-1666. Englands teares, for the present wars. Mellan, Claude, 1598-1688, engraver.
- Publication year
- 1644
- ESTC No.
- R16765
- Grub Street ID
- 64580
- Description
- [4], 12, [2], 11, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 4⁰
- Note
- With frontis. portrait (plate) of James Howell signed: C. Melan et Bossc sculp.
"Englands teares for the present wars" has separate dated title page, pagination; register is continuous.Citation/references Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), H3124