The penitent; or, Entertainments for Lent: written in French by the R.F. N. Caussin: and translated into English by Sr. B.B.

All titles
  • The penitent; or, Entertainments for Lent: written in French by the R.F. N. Caussin: and translated into English by Sr. B.B.
  • Sagesse évangélique pour les sacrez entretiens du Caresme. English
People / Organizations
[London?: Roger Daniel?, 1643?]
Added name
Brook, Basil, Sir, 1576-1646?, tr.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[8], 230 p. ; 12⁰
Translation by Sir Basil Brook, of "Sagesse évangélique pour les sacrez entretiens du Caresme."

Imprint from British Library Catalogue; Wing gives no imprint and suggests 1649 as date of publication.

Signatures: A? B-K?? L?(-L8?).
Uncontrolled note
Catalogued from the original at the British Library; verify imprint, L copy mutilated. Verify presence and nature of final leaf, not present in L copy. Is the C copy another edition? COPAC record gives title as slightly different, imprint: [London: printed for I.W., and are t be sold by Philemon Stephens ..., 1643?]